What to do if edema appeared during pregnancy? Swelling during pregnancy in the late stages

What to do if edema appeared during pregnancy? Swelling during pregnancy in the late stages

Edema appears in most pregnant women, but is this the norm? The article has more about the problem and ways to solve it.

  • Almost every woman encounters swelling of one degree or another during pregnancy. Some water accumulation in her body is considered physiological and is not a reason for experiences
  • But there are times when the feet and legs of expectant mothers swell so hard that it is impossible to wear shoes, and soon swelling spreads to the stomach, hands and face
  • This is a sign of pathology. In order not to worry about himself and the baby, to identify and solve the problem in time, a woman needs to know why swelling appears, how to prevent them and quickly remove them

Swelling of the legs and feet during pregnancy, what to do?

The swelling of the legs indicates that an excessive amount of fluid accumulates and retains in the body. According to medical data, 80% of expectant mothers faces such a problematic.

Foot swelling is observed in 80% of pregnant women.
Foot swelling is observed in 80% of pregnant women.

4 stages of excessive accumulation by the body of fluid are noted

  1. - The legs swell
  2. - hands swell
  3. - swell the stomach and face
  4. - General dropsy

Important: to determine that the limbs are swollen is very easy. Slightly slightly press your finger at the place increased in volume. If a recess remains on the skin, which will be “delayed” slowly, then there is swelling

The swelling of the legs in a pregnant woman, no matter how strange it sounds, may be a variant of the norm. In order for a new life to form to provide it with all the necessary substances, the mother body needs more fluids - water, as a structural element of cells, as well as blood and lymph.

By the end of pregnancy, the volume of fluid in a woman increases by 5-8 liters. The human body is smart, he needs all this in order to:

  • the woman’s blood has become less viscous and more “fluid” to better provide a child with oxygen and nutrients
  • to recover faster after blood loss during childbirth
A dent after pressing a finger is a sign of edema.
A dent after pressing a finger is a sign of edema.

Swelling of the legs, as a rule, appears after 20 weeks of pregnancy, if it does not indicate pathology, does not have bright severity and does not increase intensively, closer to the afternoon.

The feet and lower legs “swim”, the shoes begin to crush. To remove the discomfort caused by her, the woman is enough:

  • review your menu for the ratio of water and salt
  • walk less
  • rest with raised legs periodically
  • drink a soft diuretic herbal drink

Important: according to the observations of doctors, not related to pathology of edema are most often observed in women of low stature with an inflated body weight

There are also cases when the legs of pregnant women begin to swell rapidly. First, the feet, then the ankles and lower legs increase in volume, then the edema spreads to the stomach, arms and face.

This speaks of pathology. It can be associated with both pregnancy itself and with any unrelated disease.

  1. Edema in 2-3 trimester can occur due to a violation of blood circulation due to squeezing with the growing uterus and the fruit of blood vessels located in the pelvis
  2. Legs swell due to the fact that the growing uterus and fetus are squeezed by the ureters, the process of urinary isolation is disturbed
  3. A woman may have kidney problems associated or not related to an “interesting position”. Before she became pregnant, there could not be a symptom in the form of edema, but due to hormonal restructuring in the body, an increase in fluid volume and increased load on the kidneys, it manifested itself. Such a pathology is easy to identify according to the results of blood and urine tests
  4. The cause of the edges of the legs in a woman in anticipation of the baby can also be diseases of the cardiovascular system. In this case, in addition to an increase in the volume of the legs, it can be disturbed by pain in the heart and shortness of breath
  5. A very dangerous cause of accumulation in the body of a pregnant fluid is gestosis, in which the vessels are spasmodic, blood coagulation and fluidity of blood are disturbed, its circulation in the body is disturbed, as a result of which all organs suffer. Gestosis has the so -called symptomatic triad - swelling, proteinuria, hypertension

Important: an excessive weight gain in weight, more than 300 g per week speaks of excessive fluid in the body of a pregnant woman.

Examine the pregnant woman for edema at each reception in the LCD,
Inspect the pregnant woman for edema at each reception in the LCD.

A pregnant woman should not ignore the problem of swelling of the legs. At each appointment in a female consultation, the doctor should not only weigh the future mother in order to determine how much she added, but also examine her limbs.

If this was not done, but the woman herself noticed swelling, for example, in the evening, she must tell the doctor about this. To decide what to do with swelling of the legs, it is necessary to find out the reason why they formed.

VIDEO: Leg swelling in pregnant women

Facial and nose edema during pregnancy, reasons

They say that during the expectation of the baby a woman becomes the most beautiful. Those future mothers, who during this period collided with swelling of the face and nose, will only laugh from this statement.

Facial swelling in expectant mothers can be caused by hormonal changes.
Facial swelling in expectant mothers can be caused by hormonal changes.

The face of a pregnant woman can become swollen, rounded, puffy due to:

  • violations of the water-saline balance
  • hormonal changes
  • violations of the outflow of lymph and blood
  • gestosis

Important: the subcutaneous fat layer on the face is quite loose, so swelling on it, usually pronounced

During pregnancy, the nasal mucosa also swells, which gives a woman considerable discomfort. It may develop a "runny nose of pregnant women." The cause of this phenomenon is hormonal changes. This condition is treated symptomatically.

Hands swell during pregnancy, what to do?

  • Hand swelling is the second stage of general swelling. Cloudy fluids are marked on fingers and wrists
  • A woman can notice them only at the moment when the rings begin to crush, it becomes difficult to remove them or it is completely impossible
  • Swelling hands become less sensitive and obedient, which is why the expectant mother can suffer
Due to the edema of the pregnant woman, it can be difficult to remove the ring.
Due to the edema of the pregnant woman, it can be difficult to remove the ring.

Important: it is noted that swelling of the hands more often appears in women to whom they serve as a “working tool” - those who sew, knit, work at the computer, writes a lot, so on.

To get rid of edema on her hands, in addition to general medicinal and folk remedies, a woman is recommended to do special gymnastics for fingers and wrists.

Video: Pain in the hands during pregnancy

Swelling during pregnancy in the late stages

Swelling during pregnancy, as a rule, manifest in the later stages, when:

  • the size and weight of the fetus and uterus are already significant
  • a large amount of fluid accumulated in the woman's body
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems made themselves felt
Strong edges of the legs in the late pregnancy can be a sign of gestosis.
Strong edges of the legs in the late pregnancy can be a sign of gestosis.

Important: from the 6th month of pregnancy, gestosis can appear, which is a dangerous state for both the future mother and her baby

Treatment for edema during pregnancy with drugs and drugs

Whenever swelling appeared, from the very beginning of pregnancy or in the late stages, it is necessary to find out its cause and, if necessary, to be treated.

In addition to an external examination, such diagnostic techniques help the doctor to confirm the swelling:

  1. Use control. If the expectant mother is healthy, her volumes of the released urine should be 75% of the drunk fluid. If the diuresis is less, you can assume a fluid retention in the body
  2. Measurements of the volume of the ankle. Edema becomes more obvious in the late afternoon. If the volume of the ankle in the evening is 1 cm or more than in the morning, this indicates swelling of the legs
  3. Boarder traffic jam. A physiological solution is administered under the skin on her shoulder. If there is no excess fluid in the tissues, the solution should resolve for 60-90 minutes

Further, through tests and examinations, the doctor determines the cause of edema. Medication, first of all, will be aimed at its elimination.

Kanefron is a drug that removes excess fluid from the body of a pregnant woman.
Kanefron is a drug that removes excess fluid from the body of a pregnant woman.

Symptomatically, edema is treated with pharmacy drugs from various groups:

  1. Diuretics. They are used extremely rarely, since, together with the urine, they wash out useful substances from the body, contribute to a significant decrease in pressure, increase blood cholesterol and blood sugar, negatively affect the heart and kidneys, in a word, can lead to a state dangerous for the future mother and her baby. If such drugs are prescribed, then this is furosemide, lasex or hypotiazide. With gestosis, diuretics are completely contraindicated
  2. Light drugs with a diuretic effect, including plant. It is they who are designed to remove excess fluid from the woman's body. This is Kanefron and Fitolizin
  3. Antispasmodics. They are prescribed to optimize blood circulation. This is no-shpa, magnesom in 6
  4. Vessinating drugs. They make the walls of the vessels strong and elastic. This is Hofitol and Kurantil
Hofitol is a drug to strengthen blood vessels during pregnancy.
Hofitol is a drug for strengthening blood vessels during edema.

How to get rid of edema folk remedies? Lingonberries and cranberries from edema during pregnancy: recipes and use

If a woman does not have allergies, with the permission of a doctor, she can begin to take folk remedies from edema - herbal teas, decoctions or infusions. Anti -credit property is possessed and are not prohibited during pregnancy:

  • green tea
  • dried apricots
  • cowberry
  • cranberry
  • pumpkin
  • golden -haired
  • bear ears
  • field horsetail
  • tolknyanka

RECIPE: Decoction of kuragi from edema in pregnant women

A decoction of dried apricots from edema in pregnant women.
A decoction of dried apricots from edema in pregnant women.

Need: 8-10 dried apricots, 0.5 l of boiling water.
Kuraga is poured with boiling water and left overnight. In the morning, the resulting decoction is distributed in three doses and drunk half an hour before meals.

RECIPE: Brusnice sheet is decongestant

Brusnice sheet is decongestant.
Brusnice sheet is decongestant.

The phytopreparation can be bought ready at the pharmacy. It is brewed and drunk according to the instructions or recommendations of the doctor. Usually, this is 1 filter package or 1 teaspoon of grass for 200 ml of boiling water. Take half a glass of lingonberry teas before meals.

RECIPE: Cranberries for pregnant women from edema

Cranberry for pregnant women from edema.
Cranberry for pregnant women from edema.

Need: cranberries - 1 cup, water - 1 l, sugar and honey to taste
Berries are poured with water, brought to a boil and boiled for 1 minute. Insist a drink for 1 hour. Already cooled, they sweet or flavor with honey.

Important: cranberry and lingonberry juices will also help from light edema

How to avoid swelling during pregnancy? Swelling prevention

So that during pregnancy there are no problems with edema, a woman needs:

  1. Exercise control over your own health. It is advisable to undergo a complete medical examination before pregnancy, in extreme cases, at its early stages. Then it will be possible to identify health problems in time, as a result of which swelling may appear, and take appropriate measures
  2. Eat properly. The amount of salt consumed must be reduced. Fatty and fried foods, canned food, smoked meats, pickles also contribute to the delay of fluid in the tissues. Therefore, all these harmfulnesses are better not to eat
  3. Drink water. Then her movement in the fabrics will be optimal
  4. Move. Even small physical activity is the prevention of edema
  5. Strengthen the walls of blood vessels. For preventive purposes, the expectant mother may prescribe vitamin E
So that there are no edema. You need to drink water.
So that there are no edema. You need to drink water.

Doctors also recommend:

  • be in the air
  • alternate physical exertion with a vacation
  • refuse to perform monotonous actions with arms and legs
  • sleep and relax with your feet on a small hill
  • exclude coffee

What to do if you swell during pregnancy: tips and reviews

If a woman has swelling during pregnancy, it is important for her to follow all the recommendations. After all, if there is swelling outside, there are inside. And this means that the blood circulation of organs, including the uterus, suffers.
Judging by the reviews, measures to eliminate edema recommended by the doctor are effective.

VIDEO: Swelling during pregnancy. What to do with swelling during pregnancy

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Comments K. article

  1. During the edema during pregnancy, I drank an elderberry, and tried to follow -with meals, it is also important that you eat, I still rubbed Venolgon’s legs with gel 911 on plant components and also removes swelling

  2. So that my legs do not buzz on the plane, from the fact that I am sitting almost motionless, I use Venolgon Gel 911 before departure. My legs are immediately pleasantly cool, relax and all fatigue leaves. And after the flight, the legs do not swell

  3. The legs sometimes swell, especially in the loaded days, so Venolgon 911 is removed and fatigue, tension, strengthens the vessels.

  4. Until recently, she used troxevazin from edema and heaviness in her legs. Here I stand in a pharmacy, the girl buys Venolgon Gel 911. Honestly and did not know about him. I asked her, she said that very good. I bought it too, it costs many times cheaper. Well, pleasant to apply, in the evening my legs swelled again, applied, absorbed well, for about 30 minutes they began to go. The feeling of heaviness in the legs went away. I liked

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