The best plasters and transdermal therapeutic systems: what is it, the difference from other external funds, instructions for use

The best plasters and transdermal therapeutic systems: what is it, the difference from other external funds, instructions for use

Transdermal plasters are modern treatment products. Read more about them in the article.

Few people know that there are special methods of treating different pathologies - these are plasters and transdermal therapeutic systems. They are based on a special insert that is therapeutic. Using this method, you can simply and imperceptibly recover from various diseases. I just glued the patch on the skin, looked like several days and illness as it was not.

Read in another article on our website on the topic: "How to relieve pain in the spine?". You will find the advice of the best specialists, and also find out what pills, injections help.

What are plasters and transdermal therapeutic systems? What are the species, and which of the manufacturers offers similar treatment methods? Look for answers to these and other questions in this article. Read further.

What are transdermal therapeutic systems, plasters?

Transdermal therapeutic systems, plasters
Transdermal therapeutic systems, plasters

A patch is a sticky piece of special fabric on the basis of which there is a bactericidal insert. Plaster are also warming, thanks to which you can get the desired effect. These are two traditional types of patch that everyone knows, but there are others - transdermal therapeutic systems (TTS).

The essence of the transdermal patch is to use a special drug applied to it. In contact with the skin, the active substance is absorbed into the body non -invasively. Invasive methods can often damage the skin, which in some cases is unacceptable for the patient. TTS is also suitable if medicines cannot be taken orally, that is, through the mouth. Doctors often prescribe such drugs in order to freely carry out the effect of therapeutic substance on the organs. Such organs are called the targets of the disease.

The target organs can be heart, kidneys, pancreas, etc. They often require spot treatment. The active substance when installing the TTS is absorbed much faster than with an oral and other type of administration. This property can be well used in the treatment of almost every disease.

The simplest form of TTS consists of the following components:

  • The main membrane that prevents the release of the medicine outward and moisture from outside.
  • A drug reservoir for dissolution, storage and release of the drug.
  • A membrane that provides the optimal rate of release of the product.
  • The glue that works when pressed on the system. It is used to keep the system in the necessary contact with the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • Protective film for storage of the system.

You can clearly see how the TTS is arranged in the figure above.

The difference between transdermal therapeutic systems and other external means

Transdermal therapeutic systems, plasters
Transdermal therapeutic systems, plasters

The differences of the patch, for example, are several from the cream, gel and other external funds:

  • Transdermal therapeutic systems are on the skin much longer than time, which allows not only to localize the place of anesthesia, but also to conduct an effect on the organs much longer.
  • If the ointment or cream is quickly erased, then the patch remains for a long time until it is removed.
  • Substances that are applied to the patch acts much better than the same amount of medicine, but applied as a cream.
  • Almost all TTS without smell, unlike external funds.

Creams, ointments and gels fade into the background, since their effectiveness does not reach the desired value.

Transdermal plasters quality indicators

Such a system has been used from the nineties to the present time. Most of all with plasters are used in cardiology, since it is in this area that the need for them is very high. For good heart function, special injections are often administered through a patch. Since TTS is removed only after a certain time, the heart manages to get the right amount of active substance. This effect cannot be achieved when using other external means, which very well affects the well -being of a person. This indicates excellent indicators of the quality of transdermal plasters.

  • The effectiveness of TTS is really truly high, since it is based on a high-quality and thoughtful system.
  • The absorption of the active substance occurs much faster than in alternative delivery methods.
  • All this is perfectly used to solve the tasks.
  • To date, transdermal plasters are the best in terms of influence on a particular organ.

It is much easier to stick a patch on the desired part of the body than to spread the cream and apply a special tire. TTS is a universal way to solve problems associated with the localization of treatment.

Voltaren Plaster transdermal anesthetic with diclofenac: Instructions for use

Voltaren Plaster transdermal anesthetic with diclofenac
Voltaren Plaster transdermal anesthetic with diclofenac

Under the brand "Voltaren" The manufacturer produces ointments and gels. But there is also a transdermal anesthetic plaster with that name. The drug is based on Diclofenac sodiumeliminating pain and inflammation. After a day of treatment, you can remove the patch. You will feel how the body received relief and in a sore spot no discomfort. The drug is supplied in the following versions:

  • 15 mg/day for 2 and 5 patchings in packaging
  • 30 mg/day, 2 patch in packaging

Instructions for use:

It should be understood that Diclofenac sodium It is a non -steroidal anti -inflammatory agent, therefore it has contraindications that you need to know about.

Pharmacological properties:

  • The patch is based on an active adhesive layer containing Diclofenac.
  • The patch provides an anti -inflammatory effect in the place on which it was glued.
  • At the end of use, pain syndrome is eliminated and inflammation is removed.


  • The drug is great for solving the problem associated with back pain during inflammatory processes.
  • Pain in the muscles caused by sprains can also be removed by this active substance.
  • If the joints hurt, you can also use the patch and glue it on the sore parts of the body.


  • If the patient has increased sensitivity to the active substance, then it is necessary to stop treatment and ask for an alternative option from the attending physician.
  • During asthma, you should also not use non -steroidal agents, as you can cause spasms of the respiratory system.
  • During breastfeeding, diclofenac can directly affect lactation. Milk can even disappear for a while, as Diclofenac blocks the functioning of the mammary glands.
  • Often in patients, when using such TTS, there are problems with skin in the form of red rashes.
  • If the patch is assigned to a person in old age, then there can be even more rashes, which should also be taken into account.

Method of application and dosing:

  • The active substance through the application enters the sore spot.
  • Patients can use such TTS over 15 years old.
  • It is necessary to put a patch on the skin 24 hours. It is forbidden to remove TTS during this time.
  • You need to wear the product no more than 14 days.
  • If you need to treat diseases of muscles and joints, then you can use the patch for the term no more than 21 days.
  • After that, the course of treatment stops and a break is taken - 7 days. Then the course of treatment can be repeated.

Children are strictly forbidden to use Voltaren!

OFS transdermal patch of Evra with estradiol - contraceptive, hormonal, with menopause: Instructions for use

OFS transdermal patch of Evra with estradiol
OFS transdermal patch of Evra with estradiol

OFS transdermal patch Evrawith estradiol is a patch that can be used as a contraceptive. During the action of the patch, the ovarian function decreases and the reproduction system is blocked. Estradiol is an active substance that affects the female reproductive system.

Instructions for use:

  • His  you can remove and glue again at any time of the replacement day.
  • For the 4th week, from the 22nd to the 28th day of the cycle, the transdermal eur is not used.
  • The new contraceptive cycle begins the day after the end 4th week.
  • The next patch should be glued, even if the menstrual -like bleeding of the “cancellation” was not or it did not end.

This TTS should be glued to clean skin of such parts of the body as buttocks, hips, shoulders and stomach. It is important to understand that, unlike Voltaren, this drug does not penetrate into the skin layers well, if it has hair. The upper layer of the epidermis should be clean and not have a hairline. If there is a lot of hair, it is best to choose the place where it is not. In the case of a plentiful hair coating, it is best to remove it so that a powerful active substance can absorb through the skin.

Unlike Voltaren, Evra It has a more powerful effect. Therefore, stick a new patch on another area of \u200b\u200bthe skin to avoid burns. It is forbidden to apply masks, lotions and moisturizing creams to avoid a decrease in adhesion.

This contraceptive, hormonal drug is often used for menopause. It must be used during the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis, as well as on hormone replacement therapy.

How to use?

  • After removing the protective film, it is necessary to immediately fix the patch on the clean skin along the spine or on the buttock.
  • It is strictly forbidden to fix the contraceptive on the mammary glands, as this can cause irreparable harm to the body.
  • Press the patch tight to the skin area.
  • After that, put tight -fitting underwear to strengthen the connection between the active substance and the skin.
  • After use, the residues of the patch are disposed of together with the packaging in accordance with the usual requirements.
  • After a week of admission, change the application place so that there is no addiction.

Side effects:

  • Irritation in places of application.
  • The active substance negatively affects the central nervous system, which is why spontaneous pain and nausea may occur in the head.
  • Depression, anxiety insomnia and drowsiness are the usual side effects of such drugs.
  • If a woman had previously discovered uterine fibroids, then she can increase over time.
  • There may also be problems with the mammary glands, if they were before.
  • The appearance of allergic reactions in places of contact - itching, burning and peeling is not excluded.


  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Uterine or breast cancer
  • Malignant formations depending on estradiol
  • The period of breastfeeding

Below even more useful information about TTS. Read further.

Transdermal analgesic patch Fentanil: with oncology

Transdermal analgesic patch fentanil
Transdermal analgesic patch fentanil

The transdermal analgesic patch fentanil allows you to introduce a certain amount of active substance into the blood. It helps reduce pain during unpleasant symptoms in oncology. Sometimes there are situations when, during serious diseases, pain occurs in the internal organs.

Such a remedy such as a pelvis is a pelvis is very often used in stopping oncological pains. In order to remove discomfort, the product is glued to the open area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Then it is fixed using adjacent clothing elements. About once every 14 days You need to interrupt the course. Once every 7 days The patch is glued to the other part of the body so that the active substance does not cause addiction.

Chinese transdermal plasters from Net Gemoroy hemorrhoids: Instructions for use

Chinese transdermal plasters from Net Gemoroy hemorrhoids
Chinese transdermal plasters from Net Gemoroy hemorrhoids

Traditional Chinese medicine considers the spleen as the main organ that affects the gastrointestinal tract. This body bears direct responsibility for the hematopoiesis and processing of food into energy. The Chinese are sure that the effect on the spleen will help to directly get rid of such a common disease as hemorrhoids. Net Gemoroy - This is a patch that allows you to stop inflammatory processes in the rectum, saving different pathologies of this organ.

Instructions for use:

The patch contains such healing components:

  • Papaverine hydrochloride is an analgesic substance, eliminates burning and spasms.
  • Galla Chinese - restores damaged tissues, relieves swelling and prevents inflammation.
  • Borneol. Restores the mucous membrane of the rectum, fights with inflammatory processes.
  • Close -making medicinal. Prevents blood release, cracks and wounds heal.
  • Berberin Extract of Hydrochloride - helps to cope with the development of various complications, inflammations and tumors.

Therapeutic properties The funds are as follows:

Therapeutic properties of Chinese transdermal plasters from Net Gemoroy hemorrhoids
Therapeutic properties of Chinese transdermal plasters from Net Gemoroy hemorrhoids
  • Indications for use:
Indications for the use of Chinese transdermal plasters from Net Gemoroy hemorrhoids
Indications for the use of Chinese transdermal plasters from Net Gemoroy hemorrhoids

How to use a patch? Here are the tips:

  • It is necessary to attach the patch on the skin area near the navel.
  • If there is a hairline on the skin, it should be removed so that it does not interfere with the action of the substance.
  • The patch is required to stick on one day.
  • After the expiration 24 hours Tax TTS, clean the site.
  • Repeat the procedure after expiration 4 hours.
  • The minimum passage of one treatment course - 8-10 patcharies.
  • For patients suffering Stage 4 The disease, 3 courses of such therapy should be passed.
  • Store the product in a dry and cool place.
Stick a transdermal patch near the navel
Stick a transdermal patch near the navel

One packaging of Chinese transdermal plasters from hemorrhoids net Gemoroy contains 6 full -fledged systems. Not a drug. But such a biologically active substance that is part of the TTS will save a person from problems in the rectum.

Transdermal patch Exelon: Instructions for use

Transdermal patch Exelon
Transdermal patch Exelon

The active substance of the transdermal patch Exelon It is a powerful inhibitor of acetylcholinersterase of the brain. Compound:

  • Active substance - rivastigmin 9.00 mg
  • Excipients: d, l-α-tocopherol 0.03 mg, methyl methacrylate and butyl methacrylate copolymer 6.00 mg, acrylic acid of copolymer 14.97 mg.

This tool is prescribed to people who are sick with dementia, Alzheimer's disease. The doctor can also prescribe such a TTS when the patient has the first signs of Parkinson's disease. In most cases, the active substance that is part of the exelon is taken inside, but there are also options for treatment with a patch.


  • Increased sensitivity to the active substance, other derivatives or other ingredients that are part of the drug.
  • Contact allergic dermatitis in a history that has arisen against the background of the use of a patch.
  • Age up to 18 years old.

In one package 30 pieces. This is enough for 1 course. The first stage of treatment takes 4 weeks, after which a drug is prescribed in which the amount of active substance is increased one and a half times. It should be understood that the course can be repeated if there is a positive effect of treatment on the patient’s body and side effects do not occur.

Remember: Each subsequent system should be glued after removing the previous one!

Transdermal patch for weight loss

Transdermal patch for weight loss
Transdermal patch for weight loss

The modern pace of life does not always allow people to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, and also lack time for physical exercises. Various dietary supplements, tablets and other means are excellent assistants in this case, if a person wants to lose weight without making great efforts.

  • Transdermal plasters for weight loss are an excellent assistant in the fight against excess weight.
  • Manufacturers produce several types of similar tools with different active substances.
  • But mostly it is squeezes of herbs, seeds of plants, roots, wood resins, L-carnitine, lecithin, caffeine and etc.

Subject to diets and physical exertion, the patch additionally affects the body, interact with the subcutaneous tissue and burning fat. But even without this, this tool will work, removing extra pounds. This tool also activates the endocrine system and removes excess moisture from the body. The recommended course lasts About 3 months. This will be needed up to 45 plasters.

Cosmetic transdermal patch: Instructions for use

Cosmetic transdermal plasters help get rid of scars and fight swelling. They must be glued to the body and pressed with dense clothes - a turtleneck or another narrow sweater. It is important that the patch does not fly mechanically with the skin, with the help of accidental effects on it. If the patch does not work well well, then you must definitely repeat the procedure, but with a new patch.

Important: Be sure to consult a doctor, as such patchings can have side effects.

Instructions for use Simple:

  • Fasten the patch on your skin, after cleaning it with liquid soap.
  • If this is not done, the patch will fly off.

Once every 2 weeks, the course is worth stopping the wearing procedure for a couple of days, and then renew.

Transdermal plasters: advantages, disadvantages, contraindications

Transdermal plasters
Transdermal plasters

Although transdermal plasters differ in the method of use from tablets, other drugs, and they do not need to be used inward, they have contraindications and disadvantages. But first, let's look at the advantages. Of course, all such means are different, but they have the same virtues:

  • Ease of use. A person simply sticks a patch on the body and walks with him for a certain time indicated in the instructions. It is enough to change the product once at the indicated time.
  • High suction rate of active substance. It was said above that the medicine quickly reaches the goal when it is delivered in this way.
  • A great alternative to tablets and other similar drugs. If a person has certain problems associated with the oral method of taking drugs, then transdermal plasters can be an excellent alternative. For example, if a person cannot independently accept the product, as he is in a coma.
  • The active substance enters the bloodstream for several minutes after applyingWhat will not work out using creams and ointments.

It is worth noting that it is better than TTS only the administration of the drug through Vienna. Scientists calculated that transdermal plasters occupy the second place in terms of efficiency in terms of delivering the active substance to the blood.

Contraindications, restrictions on the method -despite the large number of advantages, transdermal plasters also have their drawbacks related to contraindications:

  • Most of these "patches" are prohibited from putting during pregnancy. Headaches, weakness and other ailments may occur, as well as health problems in the unborn child.
  • Increased sensitivity to the active substance It can also harm the body. For example, if a patch is based on a diclofenac, and a person is allergic to it, then it is forbidden to start such a treatment.
  • Use such treatment with caution if you have exacerbations of the digestive tract pathologies. Features of exposure to internal organs often cause even the opening of an ulcer.
  • It is forbidden to use in chronic liver diseases. The active substance contained in a patch can cause serious harm to this organ if the patient has chronic diseases associated with his functioning.
  • Age up to 15 years. Children to this age are strictly forbidden to put plasters, as this can affect their central nervous system.
  • Chronic neurosis and other disorders of the central nervous system - Contraindications in which it is strictly forbidden to use such treatment.
  • Breast-feeding - The active substance can affect the processes of milk production. The mammary glands will begin to become inflamed, the woman will experience pain within a few days.

Before using such treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Only your doctor knows what medicines will help you, and which will harm the body.

TTS: reviews


If the doctor appointed you the installation of TTS, and you doubt whether to use it or not, then read the reviews of other people. One of them was successfully cured with the help of such funds, while others-they canceled treatment due to side effects.

Anastasia, 27 years old

On a trip abroad, I experienced serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Frankly speaking, hemorrhoids suddenly opened with me. There were no problems in our country, but the flight played an angry joke on my nervous system, which caused this problem. I took advantage of the Chinese remedy, and the situation improved in a day. I was able to speak at the conference and return home without problems. A week later, hemorrhoids were not.

Sergey, 46 years old

I work in a taxi. This imposes certain obligations on me. If I do not go to work on time for some reason, they will simply be fired. Once I turned my leg, which led to restriction of movements, but I went to work. In order not to endanger my client, I took advantage of the plastic of Voltaren. Within a few hours after applying to the knee cup, well -being improved. I began to feel much better, as if there was no problem. A headache at the end of the day was a side effect, but I did not understand why it arose-due to nervous tension or using such treatment.

Olga, 19 years old

Recently I got married and my husband and I began to have an active sex life. This forced me to use contraceptives. I did not want to drink pills, since they have many side effects and have contraindications. Therefore, there were a great option for the plasters of the corresponding purpose. There were no problems, since I did everything according to the instructions. Side effect was chest pain after 4 days of using the patch, but then everything returned to normal.

Video: Transdermal plates. Life without pain

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