Ways to use glycerol in everyday life. Glycerin for cleaning the house from dust, for removing spots. The use of glycerol in agriculture and in the country

Ways to use glycerol in everyday life. Glycerin for cleaning the house from dust, for removing spots. The use of glycerol in agriculture and in the country

How to use glycerin for home?

Glycerin is a substance without color and smell of organic origin. It is mainly used by cosmetologists and trichologists in the manufacture of shampoo, caring for hair products. In this article we will talk about the use of glycerol in everyday life. 

Glycerin for cleaning the house from dust

The product can be used not only for skin care, but also in domestic conditions. This is an excellent solvent that allows you to cope with a number of spots.

Glycerin for cleaning the house from dust:

  • It is used to wash the floor, because this is the perfect option for gleaming a parquet or laminate. Glycerin is also added to the composition of special floor washing products. This allows you to purchase surfaces of a beautiful polished look and shine.
  • For this, it is necessary to dissolve 20 ml of glycerin in 3 liters of water. It is necessary that the water is hot. Run the floor tissue in this solution, wipe the surface. Before this, it is desirable to clean with a vacuum cleaner or broom so that dust and dirt are not left on the surface. 
  • Glycerin will help to cope with pollution on wooden furniture. To do this, dissolve 5 ml in 200 ml of warm water. Pour the liquid into the spray, spray to the surface of the furniture. Using microfiber or soft flannel, thoroughly grate the surface to shine. 

Glycerin from spots on clothes

Glycerin is often used to remove spots. This is a good solvent of organic origin, which works like gasoline.

Glycerin from spots on clothes:

  • To prepare a product to remove spots, it is necessary to mix 10 ml of glycerin, 10 ml of ammonia and 30 ml of water. The product must be poured onto the spot, leave for 1 hour.
  • After that, wash out household soap in hot water. You can load things into the washing machine and wash at 40 degrees. Do not use the product on silk and woolen fabrics.
  • This is ideal for synthetics and cotton. The product should be used with caution on the fabrics that contain elastan, because this can cause a rupture of elastic fibers. 
  • Glycerin can be removed spots of paint, wine, coffee and grass. However, it is worth remembering that this is a fatty substance that leaves fat spots on the surface. But traces of glycerin are much easier to get out than traces from dyes. Therefore, glycerin can be used to remove stains from the green, focurzin, ballpoint pen, felt -tip pens, oil paint.
  • However, success is possible only if you immediately start removing the spot. Oil paint dries very quickly, especially if it is enamel. Then dissolving a dried pigment is almost impossible. In this case, it is necessary to scream the surface with a sharp knife to remove the solid layer, only then apply glycerin. It is mixed with ammonia or acetone. 

The use of glycerol for leather clothes and furniture

Glycerin is often used not only for facial skin care, but also to soften skin clothing.

The use of glycerol for leather clothes and furniture:

  • It is necessary to warm up a clean product to a temperature of 50 degrees, moisten their cotton pad, wipe leather products. Leave for 15 minutes. During this time, the product should be absorbed. If the surface of the clothing still remains dry, it is visible on it, and the folds are visible, and dryness is felt, the procedure can be carried out several times in a row until the surface is well moistened and soft. 
  • It is worth using glycerin to care for leather furniture. If paint was removed from leather products using organic solvents, acetone or alcohol, and products that dry the skin, it is recommended to use glycerin for final processing. This will help to soften the surface of the product, make it softer and prevent the appearance of cracks and creases. 
Pharmacy drug
Pharmacy drug

Glycerin from fogging glasses

Glycerin can be safely used for glass cleaning. To do this, it is necessary to mix 30 ml of glycerin, 15 ml of ammonia and 70 ml of water. Pour this product into a spray, apply to the surface of the glasses, tiles in the bathroom. Wipe with a dry cloth. This tool will help get rid of serious contaminants, give the surface of the shine.

Glycerin from fogging glasses:

  • The tool can be safely used to prevent the appearance of frosty patterns on glass.
  • It is necessary to mix glycerin with alcohol in a ratio of one to ten. The resulting talker must be moistened with a cotton pad, apply to the surface of the glass.
  • After that, wipe the smooth surface thoroughly using the microfiber until the glass shines.
  • The product prevents dust from the surface on the surface, protect the window from the formation of ice crust. 

How to use glycerin for linen?

The tool is used not only to remove the stains and washing of the floor, but also to give softness to products from knitwear, terry fabric. Lingerie after washing does not need to be placed in a dryer.

How to use glycerin for linen:

  • Run the additional rinse, and pour a solution that contains 15 ml of glycerol into the detachment for a detergent or air conditioner. You can rinse in a basin. To do this, 15 ml of glycerin is dissolved in 3 liters of warm water, weed linen.
  • After this manipulation, it is necessary to place linen in a solution prepared from 5 liters of warm water and 15 drops of ammonia. Do not worry, the smell after rinsing in ammonia is not preserved. The ammonia will give softness. There will be no fat spots from glycerol, if you use hot water for dissolution.
  • To eliminate old spots of tea, coffee and chocolate, it is necessary to mix a fat agent with fine table salt, until the porridge paste is obtained. Apply it to a dry spot, leave it for an hour and a half. During this time, pollution should noticeably brighten. After that, the clothes are rinsed in a soap solution, you can wash in a washing machine. Before washing, it is advisable to shake clothes so that salt and glycerin showered from clothes. 

Glycerin - use in everyday life for a car

Motorists have long appreciated the tool, and with pleasure it is used to care for the car. 

Glycerin - use in everyday life for a car:

  • Against the freezing of the wipers. In order for the wipers to work properly, it is necessary to soak their surface with glycerin. To do this, a cotton sponge is moistened in a liquid, wiped the surface of the janitor. In the spring, the liquid must be washed off with warm water. The effectiveness of using the product is due to its low freezing temperature, so even in severe frosts the wipers do not freeze. 
  • For care for the dashboard and body. It is necessary to dial 30 ml of water, 10 ml of glycerin into a spray. Eat until a homogeneous mass is obtained and spray onto the dashboard. Wipe with microfiber to shine. The tool removes even old spots, masks barely noticeable scratches and scuffs. 
  • You can use the tool as the "callizer" of the tires. Dissolve 40 ml in 100 ml of water and spray on rubber, rub to shine. 
  • The tool is often used to care for the body. After the next sink, in order to hide small scratches, to give more shine, it is necessary to mix 10 ml of organic solvent from 70 ml of water, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Spray it to the surface of the paint, thoroughly polish it with microfiber fabric. Carry out procedures no more than once a month. Do not increase the concentration of glycerin, otherwise you risk obtaining a lot of fat spots inside the car and on the surface of the body. 
  • To prevent freezing of glasses in the machine, it is necessary to mix 20 ml of glycerin and 60 ml of water, a few drops of ammonia. Spray the product on the glass, wipe it to shine. You can use a recipe in which glycerin is mixed with ordinary ethyl alcohol in a ratio of one to ten. This product also needs to grate the glass inside and out. 

Glycerin can be successfully used for the manufacture of perfume. To prepare the product, pour several milliliters of glycerol into a small bottle. In order for the product to be better to be filled with the aim of reducing viscosity, it is advisable to warm it in a container with hot water. After that, a few drops of your favorite essential oil are added to glycerin. Citrus and needles work best. Close the container with a lid, make a few holes in it so that the aroma of citruses in the car’s cabin is felt. 

Does glycerol leave the spots on clothes?

Glycerin is a tool that is perfectly dissolved in water, so most often after the spots from the paint, the mass can be easily washed off with warm water.

Does glycerin leave the spots on clothes how to remove them:

  • If fat spots are in no hurry to leave, you can water the fabric with hot water, increasing the temperature to boiling water.
  • If the canvas is natural, use lemon juice. Wipe the pollution from glycerol with citrus juice, wash in the car.
  • Glycerin is well excreted using ordinary alcohol or vodka. It is enough to moisten sponge with vodka, wipe the pollution. 

A big problem is rust spots on clothes. They are very difficult to remove. In order not to throw things away, you can breathe a second life into them. The main problem is that corrosion is formed if the metal with water is in contact for a long period of time. Therefore, do not soak things with metal buttons or buttons for a long time. To remove rusty spots, it is necessary to mix an ammonia with glycerin 1: 1 and leave for an hour and a half. After that, rinse the fabric in hot water thoroughly. 

Disposing stains
Disposing stains

Glycerin to preserve flowers

Glycerin is an excellent tool that is used in the food industry to give the necessary consistency to confectionery, and flour products. On the package you can find the inscription - the E422 stabilizer. In addition, he plays the role of a preservative, extending the shelf life of products. It is often added to alcohol products. 

Glycerin for preserving colors:

  • The tool is used not only for washing glasses and removing stains from the surface of the body, but also to preserve bouquets. To extend the life of flowers, you need to add a few drops of glycerol to the vase of water. In this case, sugar does not need to be added.
  • This is an ideal remedy for roses and lilies. Glycerin is successfully used to preserve the plant. It is necessary to mix the product with water in a ratio of 1: 1, pour it into a jar.
  • Place a flower that you want to preserve in a solution. Be sure to remove the lower leaves. On the stem, it is necessary to make a cut, break it down so that the solution penetrates inside. Thus, flowers persist for several weeks. 

Glycerin in agriculture

This tool is also used in gardening. Plants independently synthesize this substance in the process of photosynthesis. For top dressing, it is necessary to dissolve 1 ml of glycerin in 100 ml of water. It is necessary to get a 1% solution. 

Glycerin in agriculture:

  • Feeding of leaves and stems. The leaves absorb the product very well, splitting it, with the formation of additional energy, which replenishes the feed deficiency. 
  • This is an ideal option for summer with a low air temperature. Also successfully applied top dressing after drought. This remedy fights infections. After using fungicides, you need to pour glycerin soil. 
  • The drug has proven itself well after using nitrogenous compounds. It stimulates the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the soil and plants.
  • In order for compost to form faster, a plant mass is watered with a solution of glycerin. It is believed that it stimulates the growth of beneficial microorganisms that start the process of the redundancy. 

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Despite the low price, this is a magnificent assistant who will replace the stain -coir, air conditioning, and the floor washing tool.

Video: How to use glycerin in everyday life?

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