Is it possible to smear your face with essential oil? Essential oils for the face: table, reviews. What are the most effective essential facial oils in cosmetology?

Is it possible to smear your face with essential oil? Essential oils for the face: table, reviews. What are the most effective essential facial oils in cosmetology?

From this article you will learn which essential oils are the most effective for the face, as well as which masks of them can be prepared.

If you learn how to use the facial oils correctly, then you can not only improve the skin condition and save it from problems, but also improve well -being in general. Only a few drops of oil are enough to add to the mask and you will immediately notice a good effect. Let's figure out which essential oils and for which skin are best suited.

Is it possible to smear your face with essential oil?

Essential oils for the face
Essential oils for the face

As a rule, the essential oil for the face is used, and it is not prohibited to apply it, but it is only undesirable to use it in its pure form. The fact is that it poorly penetrates deep into the skin and can burn it. So the use in pure form is possible only for drying or removal of acne and no more. Oil is used one drop and not smeared. You just need to touch your finger. If you need a deeper effect, use oil in masks. We will talk about what you can cook later, but first we will analyze the features of application.

How to apply essential oil on the face?

To use the essential oil for the face, it is important to find out how it is correctly applied. First of all, you must remember that it is simply impossible to use it. Be sure to pre -test an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of oil on the bend of the elbow. If you appear some kind of reaction, then it will happen quickly. At the same time, experts advise waiting for a day, because the reaction can begin later.

Facial masks can be used no more than 2-3 times a week, just keep in mind that it is advisable to carry out peeling so as not to score pores. This can lead to other skin problems.

The use of oils is carried out as follows:

  • The use of masks is possible after simple skin cleansing of cosmetics and using special means. They are also allowed to use them after peeling. In this case, they will be even more effective
  • The face should not be dry. If it has already dried up after the procedures, then you can slightly sprinkle with water and not wipe
  • The oil is distributed by light movements along the massage lines. If you use it in its pure form, then a few drops will be enough. You should not feel fat. Otherwise, get your face with a napkin
  • After applying the oil, moisturize your face with cream. To do this, wait a few minutes while the product is absorbed and you can safely use the cream

Essential oils for the face: table

There is a special table in which essential oils for the face are described and for what purposes they are suitable. We suggest you familiarize yourself with her and see what oils and for what purposes can be used.

Essential oil table
Essential oil table

What are the most effective essential facial oils in cosmetology?

In general, of course, it is quite difficult to name the most effective essential oil oils. This is due to the fact that different means are suitable for every woman. It all depends on the type of skin, as well as a specific problem. Therefore, in order to name the best oil, you need to consider these factors.

So, dry skin in youth looks beautiful and fresh and you can even say that it is like a gift from nature. That's just age, and therefore she needs maximum moisture. In this case, essential oils will be very welcome. You just need to know for what purpose and what to use.

Dry skin oils
Dry skin oils

Burnt skin, on the contrary, in his youth can deliver a bunch of problems in the form of constant acne, oily sheen, and so on. Only over the years, cells cease to produce so much moisture and most problems pass on their own. By the way, such skin ages is slower, but only it loses its elasticity. The following oils will help to help cope with problems:


Normal skin is quite rare, but still do not discount it. She also needs good care.

Oil for normal skin
Oil for normal skin

Problem skin often upset the appearance of acne, various irregularities, and so on. It is quite difficult to care for it, especially because of a fat imbalance. Despite this, it is quite possible for her to use oils, but not on the whole face, but pointwise to specific areas.

Problem leather
Problem leather

Failing skin has the biggest problem - this is poor regeneration, wrinkles and pigmentation. For her, care is required to be the most thorough to restore it.

Withering skin
Withering skin

Keep in mind that regardless of the situation, an instant effect cannot be achieved. Each essential oil acts gradually and delicately, and therefore the first results are manifested only after a while regular and proper use.

Essential oil peach for the face: benefits, recipes

Persian essential facial oil is suitable for everyone. It differs in that it is absorbed quickly and there is no feeling of fat content from it. Its greatest advantage is that it is well perceived by problematic and sensitive skin, and therefore it can be used regularly. Persian oil -based products help to cope with itching, peeling and allergic reactions.

Dry skin from the use of the product softens. It becomes much more elastic and activates metabolic processes. Ideally, the product is suitable for combating wrinkles. If the oil is used for a couple of weeks, then the color is leveled, it becomes healthier, and wrinkles are reduced.

Owners of oily skin often behave carefully with this oil, but there really is nothing to be afraid of, because there is no oily sheen left. But the pores are cleaned and the work of the sebaceous glands is improved, respectively, acne appears less often. Just keep in mind that it must be used as part of masks.

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Persian 1
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Persian 2
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Persian 3

Essential oil rosehips for the face: benefits, recipes

Essential oil for the face obtained from rosehips affects the skin comprehensively. On its basis, a huge amount of cosmetics is produced, and in the composition of home masks, his women are actively used. It was loved by women thanks to their useful composition.

Using oil allows the skin to give sufficient nutrition. Due to this, the skin is rejuvenated and begins to regenerate more actively, that is, all frozen cells wake up. Moreover, oil helps to normalize processes in the skin, which is why it also becomes more beautiful and healthy.

Thanks to various acids in the composition, good protection for the skin is formed. So, various external influences are not afraid of her. In addition, acids are delayed in the cells of moisture, and therefore the skin is slower.

Rosehip 1
Rosehip 1
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Rosehip 2
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Rosehip 3

Essential oil juniper for the face: use, benefits, recipes

The juniper is also known for its useful properties and the essential oil for the face from it is quite useful. First of all, it acts as an antiseptic. So in the fight against inflammation, it is most effective. In addition, it does not allow infections to spread and heals various wounds on the skin.

Thanks to the use of oil, the blood rushes to the skin, and this provokes the active production of collagen and elastin. This property is very good to use in the presence of the first age -related changes. The skin will recover quickly enough.

Thanks to Qineol in the composition, the cells are saturated with oxygen. Moreover, the product fights peeling and dryness.


Grapefruit essential oil for the face: benefits, recipes

The natural essential facial oil for grapefruit perfectly affects the pores, narrowing them. Thanks to this, the skin increases tone and elasticity. After using masks with grapefruit oil in the composition, the skin restores its appearance, passes pigmentation, and they also give the effect of rejuvenation. With regular use of oil, aging processes are significantly slowed down.

It is important to take into account that the methods of use must be selected carefully. Then the effectiveness of funds will not disappoint you. Your skin will look healthy and all problems will disappear.

Grapefruit 1
Grapefruit 1


Essential oil roses for the face: benefits, recipes

The pink essential oil for the face is very pleasant to all cosmetologists. They, like no one else, know that it is able to return the skin of youth. It is useful not only for ladies in old age, but also for young girls. Thanks to this clock, the skin becomes more elastic, young. In addition, it promotes smoothing wrinkles and recovery of cells.

Despite this, nevertheless, cosmetologists advise using the products with rose oil to those girls who already have the first signs of aging. If you regularly use the composition, then the oval of the face will gradually tighten and become clearer. In addition, in this way it is easy to get rid of wrinkles and pigmentation. And in general, the face becomes healthier and fresh.

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Rose oil 1
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Rose oil 3
Rose oil 4
Rose oil 4
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Rose oil 5
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Rose oil 6
Rose oil 7
Rose oil 7

Essential oil avocado for the face: benefits, recipes

Avocado essential oil is a very good antibacterial agent that not only cleanses the skin, but also nourishes, moisturizes and restores it. By the way, it is even better than olive oil. It contains much more useful substances.

By the way, avocado oil is actively fighting wrinkles by making up for a lack of collagen and elastin. In addition, the product copes well with pigmentation. The remedy is also useful for merchants. The fact is that oil reduces the manifestations of this disease.

Oil can be used every day in pure form, but in small quantities, and it also shows itself well as part of various kinds of masks.

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Lemongrass essential oil for the face: benefits, recipes

Lemongass is a grassy plant of the cereal family. Essential oil for the face is extracted from its leaf part. In the finished form, the product smells of lemon and has an oily consistency.

Due to its composition, oil is great for combating skin diseases and other cosmetic defects. Oil extract allows you to eliminate inflammation and normalize the production of sebum. At the same time, a small protective film appears on the skin, which reduces the effect of harmful factors on the skin. Moreover, oil helps heal small wounds and fight acne.

Lemongrass 1
Lemongrass 1
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Lemongrass 3

Essential oil for the skin of the face: benefits, recipes

Essential oil for a cedar -based face has a good useful effect. Due to the useful composition and high content of vitamins and trace elements, the skin is actively restored and normalized by metabolic processes. So, the effect of the product allows you to get good nutrition. The production of sebum is normalized, and the water balance is restored. Cedar oil has antibacterial effects. It is best suited for those who are damaged or problematic. The tool also shows itself in the fight against age -related changes.

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Cedar 1
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Cedar 2
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Cedar 3
Cedar 4
Cedar 4
Cedar 5
Cedar 5

Essential oil for the skin of the face: benefits, recipes

Essential facial oil obtained from mint, in addition to a pleasant smell, has a large amount of useful properties. First of all, it is recommended to use it to those with oily skin. The fact is that the oil normalizes the production of skin fat, which is important with this type of skin. In addition, mint helps to eliminate various inflammations, spots and irritations. Therefore, if there are any problems, then they can be safely solved with the help of this tool. Even with rosacea, the oil will be effective.

Oil shows itself well in the fight against age -related changes. First of all, it warns them by holding moisture inside. The protective reaction of the skin also increases, which is also important. But it is unlikely to help to smooth wrinkles.

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Mint 1
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Mint 4

Lavender essential oil for the face: benefits, recipes

The lavender essential oil for the face has a large content of nutrients that affect the functioning of cells for the better. At the same time, metabolic processes are restored and the work of fabrics as a whole is improved. The most valuable properties of oil are considered - cleansing the skin, deliverance from problems and effective rejuvenation.

At the same time, the tool is effective in combating wrinkles, because it activates the production of collagen and elastin. Moreover, it provides additional protection for the skin. The oil and various skin problems solve well, for example, dries acne and relieves inflammation.

According to cosmetologists, this oil is simply indispensable when leaving the skin.

Lavender 1
Lavender 1
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Lavender 3

Essential oil of pink wood: properties, recipes

Essential oil for the face based on pink wood has a large content of nutrients. In fact, like most broadcasts. First of all, it affects the skin as a nutritious component. So, thanks to the product, moisture in the tissues is very well preserved. Accordingly, this cells work much better. It affects blood circulation well. In fact, only these two properties allow the skin to get the maximum effect, because good blood circulation activates the production of all useful enzymes. From this, it acquires not only a healthy look, but also gets rid of wrinkles. In addition, the skin itself becomes more elastic and elastic.

Pink tree 1
Pink tree 1
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Pink tree 2
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Pink tree 3

Essential oil of the sandal for the face: benefits, recipes

Sandal essential oil for the face also contributes to the healing of the skin. First of all, it stabilizes it and relieves all kinds of inflammation. That is, the product is effective in the fight and preventing acne. Moreover, it is suitable for any type of skin and gives enough nutrition. In general, it has a restorative effect and promotes cell regeneration. So it can be used for rejuvenation. At the same time, thanks to the clock, an additional protective barrier is created on the skin, which does not allow external factors to affect the skin. Very well oil is suitable for dry skin, because it contributes to the flow of blood circulation. Again, do not forget about nutritional properties.

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Essential mandarin oil for the face: benefits, recipes

Mandarin essential oil for the face is obtained by processing the skin of this citrus. The peel is processed and oily liquid with a bright aroma is obtained from it. It contains extremely many useful substances. In particular, there are many hydrocarbons, aldehydes and phytoncides in this oil. All components together have a positive effect on the skin, and therefore the product is actively used for the skin of the face. First of all, cell metabolism improves. The fact is that their ether irritates them and makes the skin circulate. In addition, tangerine is effective in combating edema. It is equally important that oil promotes rejuvenation. It eliminates free radicals in the skin, and also deeply cleanses the skin. That is, he eliminates her from everything superfluous and treats. In addition, cell regeneration is accelerated, which contributes to the rapid healing of acne.

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Mandarin 8

Essential oil rosemary for face use: benefits, recipes

Essential facial oil from rosemary acts comprehensively on the skin, that is, it allows you to solve many problems. First of all, it works as an antiseptic, that is, with its help you can get rid of oily shine. In addition, the complexion is restored. The skin receives additional immunity, which increases its resistance to the external environment. Thanks to the product, pores are narrowed, and therefore pollution is least penetrated inside. In general, the skin after rosemary will heal and acquires a flowering look.

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Essential coconut oil for the face: benefits, recipes

Coconut essential oil for the face is mild effect on the skin. It performs several functions - moisturizes, rejuvenates the skin and removes inflammation from it. The product is completely natural and without problems retains its properties for a long time. They get it by squeezing the pulp. The result is unrefined oil. It retains more benefits, but at the same time it costs more. By the way, a refined product is more suitable for the treatment of the skin, because it does not clog pores and leaves no shine.

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Coconut 1
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Coconut 2

Essential oil for the face: application, recipes

Cedar essential oil for the face has a unique effect on the skin. It contains various beneficial acids. Each component of the oil allows the skin to provide proper operation. So, she gets good nutrition. In this case, the production of sebum, moisture level and cells are restored to normalize. Cedar oil has increased antibacterial properties and allows you to fight acne. At the same time, it even prevents their repeated appearance. The product shows excellent results when working with problem skin.

Cedar 1
Cedar 1
Cedar 2
Cedar 2

Essential oil for the face: benefits, recipes

Facial lemon essential oil allows you to maintain skin elasticity and prevent the first signs of aging. If the wrinkles have already appeared, then the product will help to get rid of them. In general, the appearance of the skin also changes - it becomes healthier, and all inflammations and acne also pass. In addition, the work of the skin is normalized, which allows us to prevent the appearance of new formations. By the way, little lemon is very good at whiten the skin, any pigmentation becomes less noticeable, and acne spots also disappear. Plus, lemon is an excellent antiseptic.

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Lemon 4

Essential oil vanilla for the face: benefits, recipes

Cosmetologists recommend the use of vanilla facial essential oil for rejuvenation. This liquid can be used as part of masks or simply added to your product for everyday care. By the way, this is a great solution for problem skin, on which rashes often appear. It is enough to use a few drops of oil and redness and acne are already passing.

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Vanilla 1
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Vanilla 3

What will happen if you burn your face with essential oil?

With improper use, essential facial oil can lead to burns that hurt, itch and redness appear. The fact is that the broadcasts are concentrated drugs. These are potent fluids and there are about 300 volatile elements in them.

If the burn could not be avoided, then act as follows:

  • To get started, cool the damaged area. To do this, rinse it for 15-20 minutes with running water or add ice.
  • Next, dry the burden site with a soft cloth. In no case do not try, because you will only do it worse.
  • Carefully inspect the destruction site. If the bubbles appear, then every day process with the help of special tools. If the blisters are large, then consult a doctor. Before going to the hospital, make a sterile bandage on the skin so that dust does not fall into place of burn.

Essential oils for the face: reviews

Many girls used at least one facial essential oil. In most cases, there is a positive effect from the use of products. It is important to understand that they should be selected correctly, taking into account the characteristics of the skin, then there will be no problems, and the oil will show maximum effectiveness.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

Video: Essential oils for the face: benefits and harm. What essential oils to rejuvenate the face are better to use?

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Comments K. article

  1. I haven’t practiced this for a long time, because I found out that the oils are greatly clogging pores, they can only make it worse. The only useful fat is supplied with the body from the inside. Without fail, I have this omega 3-6-9 from Evalar. I always take it, because I trust them with quality and the price is more profitable. And, of course, I try to eat a lot of red fish. Wrinkles are practical and not, by the way.

  2. I would not risk using essential facial essential oils. The skin requires moisture and nutrition, even at a young age. Therefore, masks with the addition of ointment are very useful.

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