The healing properties of incense - what are the types of incense? Ladana oil - therapeutic properties. How to use natural incense at home?

The healing properties of incense - what are the types of incense? Ladana oil - therapeutic properties. How to use natural incense at home?

Ladan is the resin of the cedar tree Boswellia. The most useful is Arabian incense. It has a number of healing properties, which will be discussed further in the article.

A pleasant fragrance of incense is the first thing you feel when you come to the temple. Why is this aroma popular in the church? Everyone knows that God's temple is the place where positive energy is concentrated. Despite the fact that people come there, and their thoughts also vary, and in the church there remains a spiritual, calm atmosphere. It is not only about the situation, to cleanse the temple, the healing properties of incense are used. In addition to energy cleaning, incense is also successfully used to destroy all sorts of harmful bacteria, it has healing power and from a medical point of view.

The properties of incense - what are the types of incense?

There are several types of fumigating tar. One of the most famous is considered the product that is produced on Athos, in the current male monastery. The highest quality Vatopedsky. He would also have all the necessary properties - this is the duration of the shelf life, a persistent aroma after fumigating the room, a pleasant, deep smell.

Pictures on request Healing properties of incense
Frankish for fumigation

High -quality aromatic oils are made. The recipe for the production of incense is kept in strict secret. That is why almost no one knows how the Vatopedic incense is being done. There are also other famous types of healing resin, these are such as:

  1. Ladan from Lebanon- It also has excellent quality, differs only in shades of aromas. The healing properties of incense are on top.
  2. Ladan from Athens - Make in private shops, it has a more concentrated smell.
  3. Ladan from Jerusalem - It looks somewhat different, unlike the above varieties of resin. Outwardly, it resembles thin records, their thickness about three millimeters.

In Russia, the production of resin has also been established, there are their secrets of its production, which are known only to masters. The basis for recipes are samples from Afona. Therefore, the aroma and its quality are appreciated by specialists.

Ladan properties and application

In the old days, therapeutic tar was evaluated very highly, like gold. People knew that the healing properties of incense are incomparable. The elders believed that resin is an exotic treasure that has the spirit of education, wisdom, purification. Smole was collected on plants that grew in Somalia, Yemen and in the east of Africa.

The properties are healing the resin does not dissolve either on the air or in water, and even more so in alcohol. The rich aroma of incense wood is used in church services. If you are engaged in meditation, yoga, then the smell of wood resin will help you relax, drive away all thoughts, slow your breath and align it. You will feel calm, plunge into the subconscious.

Resin is also used for traditional medicine. Thanks to various recipes with its use, you can cure pain in the legs, arms, female pathologies, rejuvenate the skin. To do this, use Egypt recipes. Resin mix with the aroma of the brown, then rub the potato into the joints or apply in body masks, face, hands. In China, Ladan was treated with lepra, gold. Nowadays, the resin is added to the perfume to fix the aromas. This is, quite a common element in the production of beauty products.

Ladan action on people
Ladan action on people

It is impossible not to mentionthat the aroma of incense directly affects evil creatures from otherworldly worlds. That is why the resin is used to clean houses from negative energy, evil eye, damage. You can use this aroma to restore positive energy in humans.

As a result, we display and group all the useful and healing properties of incense, consider what it is used:

  1. Thanks to the panacea, you can significantly improve condition skin.
  2. The smoke of a magic product normalizes the state of the nervous system, save from overloads, a dream will improve.
  3. If a person has in the body inflammatory process, then ladan will prevent Its development.
  4. With the help of resin you can disinfect the room, kill harmful bacteria, viral infections, purify the air.
  5. Incense is an excellent regenerative agent, rejuvenates all body systems.
  6. After aromatherapy, you will notice how brain activity will improve.
  7. Thanks to this strong tool, even smokers with experience they quit smoking, besides, in incense you can clear the lungs and treat chronic diseases They, as well as: bronchitis, tonsilitis, tracheitis.
  8. Healing resin helps rid the space of your home from negativity.

As you can see, cedar tree resin Boswellia It has many positive characteristics, the use of incense in medicine is quite effective in our days. Moreover, now, due to the pollution of nature, all new viruses are emerging. And bacteria is difficult to destroy with drugs, because these harmful microorganisms have already developed immunity with many pharmacy products.

Ladana oil - therapeutic properties

Ladana oil has an attractive saturated aroma, favorably acts on the human respiration organs. As mentioned above, aromaticoma has medicinal force, helps to get rid of infections and chronic pathologies in bronchi, lungs. If you breathe in the aroma of incense, then you can prevent any cough, even the most obsessive.

Aromamaed incense
Aromamaed incense

Thanks to the aromatic mass, you will get rid of chronic bronchitis, the natural doctor is effective in the fight against asthma, a runny nose. Thanks to aromatherapy, the work of lymph nodes will improve, metabolism is activated. In addition, incense is effective for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and various female diseases.

There are some proportions for the treatment of diseases, in particular:

  • The healing properties of incense will be effective if you use the product correctly. For the aroma lamp, it is enough to drip five drops of aromatic aromas to then inhale incense as a medicine from bronchitis or some kind of viral infection. Six drops of flavored oil are dripping into the bathroom.
  • Asthma, bronchitis, pathology of the respiratory system better treat hot inhalations. To do this, add one drop of aromatic oil to the water and breathe for five minutes.
  • If you do not tolerate hot treatment methods, then make cold inhalations over the oil bottle. Breathe so no more than five minutes.
  • It is allowed by the product gargleBased on the proportion: three drops of aromatic aromas on a cup of warm water or tea.

Aromamaed is also used in the manufacture of sweet desserts, for aromatizing homemade soap, even incense is added to drinks, in small quantities.

The magical properties of incense

You can even chew incense, it will be slightly reminiscent of chewing gum in texture, but the taste is completely different: tart and bitter with a characteristic aroma. The resin suppresses the activities of harmful microorganisms in the air, water and the body. The magical properties of incense are founded on his abilities beneficial to influence the energy of space and man.

Ladana magic
Ladana magic

In the church, to strengthen health, they drink water with incense. Thanks to the miraculous resin, the water quality improves significantly if it insisted in it. Church ministers argue that the fragrance of incense is able to heal sick souls, under its influence, a person will gain a sense of security, peace, and tranquility. Therefore, in the censer, coal is first laid, after ladana resinwhen the resin heats up and burns, comes incense (fragrant smoke).

For cooking bible fumigation The following products are required to use in the same quantities:

  • Staki- Storaxy tree (Mirra), in other words, is humble from this tree.
  • Lebanon is clean - The resin of the tree is Boswellia, which is growing in Arabia, it is also called incense.
  • Oniha - The shells of shells, which lives only in the Red Sea. These sash are abrasion into powder, then added to incense.
  • Halvan - Small granules that freeze from plant juice. These plants belong to the umbrella family, have painkillers, diuretic effects.

This composition was collected by scientists and checked its action. Indeed, after the fumigation rite, the condition of patients improved. As it turned out that healing components have a powerful immune property.

Ancient remedy - incense
Ancient remedy - incense

So it turns out that ministers in temples used this effect of incense on patients. Fimiam personified the forces of good, filled the space, purified the soul, body of the suffering. And by medical standards, incense killed all the ailments. Small particles fell into the respiratory system, and then into all systems of the body, had a healing effect on a person. Thanks to the smoke of therapeutic resin, people can to recover from insomnia, VSD, panic disorders.

It was also noted that along with the soul, the resin of incense, you can cure forgetfulness, strengthen the mind. It is recommended as a drug prolonging.

How to use natural incense at home?

The healing properties of the incense have already talked, but not everyone knows how to apply it correctly in practice. Therapeutic resin can be used at least every day, if the soul requires it. To fumigate the apartment, they use church incense and coal tablets.

Rules for using incense
Rules for using incense

To kindle coal, it is not necessary to have a censer, it is enough to take an iron spoon, and the coal tablet is soldered there. It is better to kindle coal on the street or next to the hood, let harmful chemical components come out of it. When he stops sparking and smoke strongly, then put incense nearby. And begin to fumigate the space with a prayer: "Our Father." You should start from the door, go in a circle, clockwise. When you go around all the rooms, the process can be finished. If you do not put incense directly on the coal, then the aroma of the resin will be more tender, more pleasant, softer and thinner.

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Video: Healing properties of incense

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