A list of positive, negative, neutral emotions of a person: what are dangerous to health and harm a person? Emotion scale: a list of emotional tones

A list of positive, negative, neutral emotions of a person: what are dangerous to health and harm a person? Emotion scale: a list of emotional tones

This article explains that such positive, negative, neutral emotions of a person and how they affect our lives.

Psychology calls emotions the subjective experiences of a particular person in relation to objects, phenomena and processes. Often the source of emotionality is events and other people. It is believed that emotions themselves are connected with the needs - because when a person satisfies his needs, he experiences positive experiences, and is tormented by negative if he cannot get what he wants. Read this article about what emotions are and how they are manifested. You will also find out what positive, negative and neutral emotions are. Read further.

Emotions: concept and their manifestation


Emotions are short -term reactions. From their feelings they are distinguished by short -term. There are more than a few dozen different emotions and emotional manifestations of a person, among which they stand out:

  • Positive
  • Negative
  • Neutral

Each of these groups has its own shade, its own manifestations:

  • Positive emotionsthey are called those that a person is pleasant to feel. They are also called desirable in this situation. They appear, as a rule, from pleasant sensations and not differentiated positive affect. These reactions can occur both to the environment, and be a consequence of their own dialogue within themselves.
  • Negative emotions We need to express a negative impact on a different person, or a phenomenon.

Determining a positive emotion takes place or negative, is very easy. The experience that worsens the mood, lowers the emotional state, is negative, and that which gives a spiritual upsurge and a feeling of happiness is positive. Interesting to know:

  • For a long time, scientists contrasted the processes of cognition of the surrounding reality with emotions.
  • That is why they regarded the latter as an inheritance from distant ancestors from the animal world.
  • Modern approaches argue that in the structure of emotions, not only the subjective state of a particular personality is manifested, but also the reflection of phenomena and processes in a cognitive way.
  • The connection with the needs, goals and motives of the person who experiences these states is not denied.

Thus, emotions have double conditioning - they are due to needs and are the ability to understand and reflect certain properties of the object. Emotions differ from each other by regulation methods and external manifestations. That is why a person is the most emotional living being.

  • Lower emotions include those that are associated with natural needs (hunger, sensations of cold and thirst, etc.), and the highest feelings.
  • As for the “statute of limitations”, short -term outbreaks of emotions are called “passions” and “affects”.
  • These bursts are very dependent on the state of stress and mood.


  • The difference between affect is that it covers the psyche completely, occurs in extreme conditions.
  • We can say that in these cases, a person simply does not cope with his emotionality, cannot take control of them.
  • Accordingly, these reactions are situational.
  • The body mobilizes its strength in order to get out of the situation. But this way out is not always logical and correct.


  • Passion is a long feeling that captures a person.
  • During this, he ceases to control himself.
  • Passion is longer than affect. But more restless than the usual feeling.
  • A distinctive feature is spontaneous.

Emotions are also considered as an emotional attitude to the circumstances that take place. They have an objective character. Some people know how to carefully hide emotions, but this does not mean that they do not experience them.

It's important to know: Emotions are expressed in behavior, but generally affect the entire organism - nervous, endocrine and other systems. Mimica, pantomime and human intonation are additional means for expressing emotions.

Manifestations of emotions are the basis of interaction between people. Using them, a person shows his attitude to reality.

Emotions and feelings: what is the difference

Emotions and feelings
Emotions and feelings

Many confuse emotions with feelings. But these concepts have fundamental differences. This is the difference between emotions and feelings:

  • Emotions relate to a specific situation, feelings - to the object.
  • For example, the guy changed the girl. She found out about this and at first experienced irritation, after - anger, and then - sadness and emptiness - these are emotions.
  • If a girl hates her English teacher for the fact that she is constantly finding fault, then feelings already take place here.
  • The peculiarity is also that feelings can be experienced even if the object is far away. That is, this is a stable attitude. After all, the aforementioned “Englishwoman” will not become more humane and loyal because this student is not in the audience, and this guy will not cease to be loved if he leaves for the weekend to another city.

Emotionality is a quality that a person has initially, this is a reaction to the stimulus. Feelings are based on existing life experience:

  • “I was so infuriated that he passed by and did not even pay attention to me” - emotion.
  • “Katya burst into tears, because she hadn’t managed to learn a dance bunch for a week, and now she“ hesitated ”at the same moment again” is emotions.
  • “I hated him after he spoke negatively about my friend” - feelings.
  • “As a child, I did not like rock music, but the last few years are crazy about her”-feelings.
  • “I hate lies” - feelings.
  • “I love to always tell the truth” - feelings.

In other words, in order to experience any feeling, a person must get a certain basis in order to form it. While the emotion is spontaneous and short -term. Here's another comparison:

  • “He said that I need to lose weight, and I was very upset” - emotion.
  • “I used to love him, but now the only thing I feel in relation to him is neglect” - feelings.

The reason for emotion can be easily recognized and understood, but feelings are sometimes not amenable to logical justification. An example of feelings is the same love:

  • After all, they love “not for something”, but simply because this person exists in this world, and sometimes they cannot even explain to themselves why.
  • Also, a feeling is a lack of love - “I can’t stand classical music” - a persistent feeling without justification, simply because it is unpleasant for a person.

With emotions, everything is easier:

  • "She wrinkled in pain, but did not cried out."
  • “After the little son received the first deuce in life, he melted for an hour.”
  • "The boy was not presented with a puppy, and he was upset."

The emotions are short -term and not stable. Feelings settled in the human soul for many years until they are replaced by a brighter sensation:

  • “After he left me, I cried and realized that I had to live on, and this is not the only man in the world” - emotion.
  • “We have been together for 10 years, but every year I love him even stronger” is a feeling.
  • “Grammar mistakes annoy me” - a feeling (they constantly irritate a person, his opinion may not change throughout life).
  • "I am so angry with him that I am ready to kill!" - Emotion. It is clear that no murder will happen. The person will soon calm down and forget about the annoying personality.

Below in the text you will find a list of positive and negative emotions. Read further.

List of positive human emotions

Positive emotions
Positive emotions

A person has a lot of positive emotions. Here is a list of some of them:

  • Joy
  • Delight
  • Pride
  • Gratitude
  • Bliss
  • Calm
  • Love
  • Sympathy
  • Anticipation
  • Respect
  • Trembling
  • Interest

These emotions are characterized by the fact that in a person they are connected exclusively with “amenities”, and accordingly, they warm the soul and encourage the desire to experience them again.

List of negative human emotions: what emotions are dangerous to health and harm a person?

Negative emotions
Negative emotions

Negative emotions can be harmful to health. Here is a list of negative emotions of a person:

Negative emotions
Negative emotions

These emotions are dangerous to health and harm a person. How does this happen? Here's an explanation:

  • The fact is that there are organs that resonate with them.
  • Accordingly, one or another negative emotion can cause malaise, and even a disease.
  • Suppose tension causes an disorder of the digestive tract, since it affects the intestines.
  • Anxiety affects the cervical nerves.
  • Confusion can cause insomnia.

However, this is not all. The fear and diseases of the kidneys, anxiety and dyspepsia, anger and liver and gall bladder diseases are closely related. Therefore, try not to succumb to negative emotions, let them pass by you.

Why does a person deny negative emotions?

A person denies negative emotions
A person denies negative emotions

The reason for a person denying negative emotions is extremely simple. So why does a person deny negative emotions? Here's an explanation:

  • They bring unpleasant sensations. It can be both physical and mental pain.
  • Often the feedback is instilled by adults. Restrictions like “Do not be afraid”, “don't be angry”, “don't scream”, “don't cry” - All this is the denial of negative emotions.
  • This category also includes tirads like “You are a boy, if you cry, they laugh”, “hit, and you are tolerated - a man should not show his emotions.”, “Don't behave aggressively “Otherwise, it can provoke someone and you will beat you.” Thus, pain and negative emotions are in close interconnection.

However, if prohibitions to express negative emotions come from childhood, then no one teaches the positive emotions of a person. He initially knows how to laugh to the fall of what is funny, rejoice at an unexpected luck, to experience euphoria from love and much more.

But do all negative emotions need to be denied? After all, sometimes a person needs to “release steam”. Otherwise, her emotional and physical condition will become even worse. It is for such moments that psychological discharge methods are practiced.

What needs to be done so as not to succumb to negative emotions?

It is important not to succumb to negative emotions
It is important not to succumb to negative emotions

The fact that stress and irritation negatively act on the whole body is known to everyone. In a person, pressure jumps, the heartbeat becomes more often, problems with digestion and sleep disorders may occur. It turns out that the emotions of the negative plan can violate the adequate perception of reality. That is why they need to be dealt with. And the best way is to prevent their occurrence. This is what needs to be done so as not to succumb to negative emotions:

Inhale - exhale:

  • Annoyed, a person switches to superficial breathing.
  • That is why the lack of oxygen prevents the concentration.
  • You should start breathing measuredly and deeply.
  • Then the feeling of harmony and tranquility will return.
  • Many people help meditation and yoga.

Exercise stress:

  • Anger increases the level of adrenaline in the blood.
  • The body prepares its owner for a possible threat.
  • However, instead of proved your rightness with fists, it is more appropriate to chop firewood, to make 30 push -ups etc.


  • It is best coping with anger.
  • That is why unpleasant conversations can be translated as a joke, or recall something funny so as not to bold in relation to someone.


  • Many are familiar with situations when they were reported to the school at school in childhood, and now the boss at work.
  • In order not to rush to the chef with fists and not lose his position, you can nod, but translate your thoughts into a different, positive direction.
  • Accordingly, wait until the audience ends, thinking about burgers or dragons from the recently watched film, and maybe about the dance movements of the singer Shakira.
  • The main thing is to get out of your “meditative” state in time, and return to the working rhythm.

Chill out:

  • This is very important for those who keep emotions in themselves.
  • Sooner or later, the consequences of the transferred sometimes stress will still break out.
  • Therefore, it is worth finding a tool that will help express emotions - it can be contact sports, creativity, computer games, a blog on the Internet and so on.
  • You can get rid of negative emotions in a humane form with the help of almost any peaceful type of human activity.
  • Suppose, they emotionally unload a person, both boxing and writing poetry. In the first case, emotions come out through physical, and in the second - through mental activity.

Dreams and walks:

  • With the onset of youth, many are forced to say goodbye to this quality.
  • But, in fact, the ability to dream is very useful.
  • It allows you to deal with negative emotions.
  • In the world of illusions, a person calms down and does not harm society.
  • In addition to this plant, which the personality will face on a walk, release oxygen, clarify thoughts.


  • “Encouraging stress” can add a large number of extra pounds.
  • But only to those who do not understand that in order to get rid of anger, the entire refrigerator should not be devastated.
  • The cortisone level will decrease, even if you drink a cup of aromatic tea with 1 cookieor sticking his teeth into a juicy red apple. This is unlikely to get better.


  • The old saying “Morning of the evening is wiser” really works.
  • The body weary during the day does not cope well with stress and its duties.
  • But after a night's rest, you can not only get rid of fatigue and irritability, but also find a solution to the problem as soon as possible.
  • But it is worth remembering that there should be no night snacks and smoke breaks, unexpected jumping for water or glass of cognac.
  • It is only necessary 7-8 hours Healthy sleep without a break.

"The paper will endure everything":

  • To “unload”, you can simply write on paper about everything that worries or irritates.
  • It is for this that in some organizations there is a special board for psychological unloading, where you can write and draw anything.

Cold shower:

  • It helps to eliminate the intensity of passions, cool the receptors.
  • Similarly, a glass of cool water is valid.

As you can see, there are many options. Choose anyone and calm down so as not to spend your health on negative emotions.

List of neutral feelings of a person: what is their essence?

Neutral feelings of a person
Neutral feelings of a person

Feelings called neutral are noteworthy in that they have no color at all. Such can be indifference, indifference, etc. These emotions are ignored by the body, it does not give any reactions - neither positive nor negative.

However, the essence is also that neutral emotions are the usual state of a person. After all, a person cannot be in euphoria or depression constantly. Her usual state of mind is neutral. Neutral feelings are positive - they also do not provide for pain and suffering, but they do not cause any raised state. This is their essence. Here is a list of neutral feelings of a person:

  • Curiosity
  • Astonishment
  • Contemplation
  • Indifference
  • Amazement

The condition between pain and pleasure, the state between love and indifference and so on can be neutral. It can be listed endlessly.

Feelings that are formed under the influence of emotions: List

Feelings that are formed under the influence of emotions
Feelings that are formed under the influence of emotions

Emotions affect not only physical condition. Amazingly, they can form feelings. Accordingly, the phenomenon or process, which generates emotion, can become a catalyst for feelings. As a rule, these are such feelings - a list:

  • Gratitude
  • Love
  • Pride
  • Respect
  • Confidence
  • Safety
  • Attachment

However, under the influence of emotions, not only positive elements are born. Also, a person can begin to suffer from:

  • Anxiety
  • Longing
  • Sadness
  • Despair
  • Resentment
  • Sorrow
  • Discontent
  • Pity
  • Hatred
  • Gloating
  • Regrets
  • Despondency
  • Jealousy
  • Anger
  • Mistrust
  • Contempt
  • Disgust
  • Envy
  • Disappointment

If a short -term, situational emotion is strengthened for a long time in the mind, affecting the worldview, then it is quite, it is possible that this is already the origin of a kind of feeling.

Is it possible to manage emotions, how to do it correctly: psychologists' advice

You can manage emotions
You can manage emotions

The need to manage emotions is important for each person. After all, excessive incontinence can significantly worsen the relationship between people. In fact, the ability to take emotions under control and distinguishes an adult from the child, and brought up from Ham. To begin with, it is worth learning from the first seconds to distinguish emotions raging in the soul and betray them to analyze.

Why start the fight against emotions? How to do it correctly? Here are the advice of psychologists:

Restore breath:

  • You can do exercises or listen to music for relaxation and meditation.

Control of your face:

  • This method was practiced by the Indians.
  • As soon as, by changing facial expressions, you will feel that you are starting to be angry-you need to smile, remember, something positive.

A surge of "good" emotions:

  • Anyone who always smiles is very rarely depressed or evil.
  • Accordingly, if there is a chance to express positive emotions, you should never restrain them.
  • To get out of a depressed state with the help of fun is what the doctor prescribed.

Praise and support:

  • Quite often, a person “flareds up” from the lack of understanding, unrealism, lack of recognition of his talents.
  • Therefore, it is worth taking it a rule, praise yourself, if there are no like -minded people on the horizon yet.
  • However, arrogance should be avoided. It is necessary to evaluate and reward with praise only those useful things that were really done for this day.


  • There is a great experiment.
  • Put the timer for a certain time.
  • Tell yourself that it is at this time that you will be angry with everyone or suffer for all your failures.
  • AT 99,9% Cases to the established time, the intensity of emotions subsides, and the need for their splash disappears.


  • The most ancient and effective method.
  • It is enough just to enter the field or to the forest where you can provide yourself with complete loneliness, cry, laugh, scream until you let go.

Responsibility for their emotions:

  • It should be understood that each negative emotion can entail negative consequences.
  • An adult should not allow them.

You should not reproach yourself for disruptions:

  • The Forbidden fruit is sweet.
  • The more people prohibit himself to do, the more often he will do it.
  • It is worth watching your emotions, notice the cons, but not terrorize yourself for incontinence.
  • Over time, the ability to control emotions will appear.

Eliminate the reasons:

  • Often, people step on "the same rake."
  • Therefore, if you minimize irritating factors, anger will arise much less often.
  • Suppose, if you are annoyed by the need to go shopping for a long time, you can entrust this duty to someone from the household.
  • If aggression flows over the edge from the fact that someone constantly writes you on the Internet, it annoys you and burdens you, why this person is still not in your emergency?
  • Often, people who suffer from emotionality forget that it is necessary to eliminate the sources of their anger, aggression, disorders, if there is such an opportunity.

It is worth immediately thinking that the problems that are now is not the worst. What can happen?

  • Samurai in such situations thought about death.
  • Premature departure from this world will fear much more than a constantly dissatisfied boss, which forces to remake a report, the absence of a second half or a problem with a loan repayment.
  • While a person is alive, he is able to solve all his difficulties - even if not on the first day of their occurrence.
  • And when a person is dead, it’s too late to correct anything.
  • Accordingly, everything in this life is fixable, it can always be worse than now.

Visualization of emotions:

  • Turn anger into fire, and fear into garbage.
  • The latter can be shifted, and the first to put out.

More life and positive:

  • Surround yourself only with good people, beautiful things, then negative thoughts will arise much less often.
  • It is better to avoid communication with those who only complain of their problems, as well as with pathological “sufferers” and “losers”.

Time to rest:

  • You should make a schedule and find time for both work and your favorite classes.
  • After all, a tired person poorly controls his emotions.
  • You should not torment yourself only with work, food and sleep.
  • If important things can wait an hour, you should give yourself time for unloading. But then the work will go faster.

Physical and spiritual development:

  • Try to become better not only as a specialist, but also as a person.
  • The more multifaceted you will be, the more “philosophical” approach you will have to have life.
  • You will understand that many manifestations of negative emotions are not needed, that there is more harm to health than they mean.

Quite often, a person is upset or angry with the reasons that they do not stand.

Emotion scale: a list of emotional tones

There is a scale of emotions. We all experience feelings and methods of expression of behavior - these are tones. Concept "Scale of emotions" or tones appeared in 50s last century. Thanks to this scale, people determined the emotional state of a person. These are the emotional tones:

A scale of emotions
A scale of emotions

Each emotion corresponds to its color. This is clearly visible in the picture above. Such a scale of emotions is customary to portray in numbers from 0.1 to 4.0. A person who is able to high in a scale of tones feels good in the environment. A person whose position is low in a scale of emotional tones, incapable of rational actions, feels bad. Someone is not able to be in low colors for a long time, and someone was stuck in destructive emotions, and this became his problem.

Learn to manage emotions so that they do not control your life. It depends on how happy you feel, live a full life or be afraid of something, worry about something. Think about it. Good luck!

Video: Management of human emotions. Positive and negative emotions and feelings of NLP in 10 minutes

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Comments K. article

  1. There are periods when it is difficult to cope with emotions. General fatigue, regular stress, maybe some other factors. But you need to try not to sour. I can advise the Evalarovsky motherwort Forte to drink, he personally helps me to stabilize the emotional state. Then I sleep well, and I feel great during the day, I don’t be nervous.

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