Emotional burnout - what this is: concept, causes, signs, symptoms. What to do with emotional burnout: prevention, treatment, reviews. Stages of emotional burnout in Maslach, Freudenberg, Cherniss, Burish, Lengle, Boyko, Greenberg: Features

Emotional burnout - what this is: concept, causes, signs, symptoms. What to do with emotional burnout: prevention, treatment, reviews. Stages of emotional burnout in Maslach, Freudenberg, Cherniss, Burish, Lengle, Boyko, Greenberg: Features

From this article you will learn what is emotional burnout and how to fight it correctly.

When a person suddenly takes too many responsibilities, too pedantic in work and life, he lives in a state of constantly stress and quickly loses energy. As a result, he is lost with interest in the world around him and his personal life, he constantly feels fatigue, he does not want to work at all. In other words, it seems that the hands are about to drop off. This condition is called emotional burnout. Let's find out what it is how to identify it and fight it.

What is emotional burnout: concept

Emotional burnout is a special state when emotional and intellectual exhaustion is observed, physical fatigue as a result of constantly stress. As a rule, the syndrome is usually manifested in the professional sphere of various categories of employees, but in other areas of life it can be observed. In each person, he occurs after a different period, but in any case, symptoms are always observed the same.

Why emotional burnout occurs: reasons

When emotional burnout occurs, this does not happen just like that. There are certain reasons for this. Let's figure out which ones.

  • The need for communication. Every day we are faced with different people in an emotional state. If you yourself are modest and closed, then it will be difficult to constantly think about your and other people's problems, and stress will arise.
  • Requirement of increased efficiency. We always need to be collected, polite, organized. In general, control yourself. This can lead to irritation and instability inside.
  • Strengthened atmosphere around. When you have to live in a frantic rhythm, there is constantly not enough time, then this, of course, leads to exhaustion of the body. If you make too high demands on yourself, then you will definitely have stress and simply does not have enough resources to keep up with and stay in a good mood.

Emotional burnout syndrome: symptoms, signs

Emotional burnout is manifested by special signs. At the moment, they are divided into several groups.

First of all, the state is expressed in physical symptoms:

Physical symptoms
Physical symptoms

However, along with this, other symptoms are added, which manifest in emotionally:

Emotional symptoms
Emotional symptoms

The third group of symptoms concerns behavior. So, if there is burnout, then a person begins to behave differently.

Behavioral symptoms
Behavioral symptoms

In social terms, a person also changes. This is because he does not want communication, he wants to hide from the surrounding world.

Social symptoms
Social symptoms

In terms of mental abilities, it also becomes difficult. So, always an intellectual person can sharply give up his position.

Intellectual symptoms
Intellectual symptoms

Stages of emotional burnout in Maslach, Freudenberg, Cherniss, Burish, Lengle, Boyko, Greenberg: Features

It is important to understand that emotional burnout always takes place in several stages. Some psychologists have tried to systematize data. Let's look at what they did.


Each scientist expressed his own theories about the stages of emotional burnout. They have their own opinion and assumptions in this regard.

A checklist of emotional burnout-how to determine it?

If suddenly there are suspicions that emotional burnout takes place, then do not immediately get upset. Now the main task is to make sure that there is a condition and start fighting with it. There is a special checklist for this.

So, the following simple test will help to determine professional burnout:

Professional burnout
Professional burnout

And emotional burnout is determined by such a test as:

Emotional burnout
Emotional burnout

Professional burnout - why it occurs: features

Psychologists believe that emotional burnout is the protective mechanism of the body. It is activated in response to various stress. Usually the nervous system has a certain limit on psychological processes. During the day there is strength to pay attention to several people, to perceive a specific amount of information and solve some problems. If this limit is constantly exceeded, then a nervous exhaustion occurs in the end and, as a result, burnout. Everything becomes indifferent, life seems faded and dull.

By the way, when working with people, burnout occurs much faster. During communication, you always have to spend energy on the interlocutor. At the same time, everyone is waiting for the good in response, but only this does not always happen. With such communication, the active side is exhausted and splashes out energy, which simply comes out to nowhere.

Share several causes of emotional burnout at work:

  • The working day goes monotonously. You have to constantly perform the same tasks
  • Too high load at work or, conversely, too much free time
  • Bad relationships in the team, constant intrigues and disputes
  • When working, you have to constantly communicate with strangers
  • Low salary and lack of prospects
  • Poor self -organization
  • Lack of a system of motivation, work only for salary
  • Constant change of managers, which leads to a change in work duties over and over again

Emotional burnout on maternity leave: symptoms

Burning on maternity leave
Burning on maternity leave

Many women have to deal with a phenomenon such as emotional burnout on maternity leave. When the child is the first, it may not manifest itself so much, but when the next one is already born, it seems that you are in some kind of loop, where the same thing always happens. At the same time, as often happens, the husband constantly works, and relatives cannot constantly help. Hence the burnout is formed.

In fact, every woman experiences problems due to constant tension, lack of sleep, lack of time and reducing the circle of communication. Another situation may worsen if scandals constantly flare up in the family, there is not enough money or the child is constantly sick.

In order not to burn out, it is important to monitor your condition. If it constantly seems to you that life does not bring pleasure, I don’t want to do anything, everyone is irritation and generally wants to hide from the whole world, so you clearly have problems.

In general, in women in maternity, emotional burnout takes place in several stages:

  • Voltage. Despite fatigue, a woman has to get up to the child at any time. In this case, responsibilities are made mechanically. It always seems that something has not been done, there are attempts to organize, but any deviations from the schedule cause severe irritation. Gradually, the little things no longer bring joy and the constant race begins, and even the guilt is driven. In this case, you need to remember yourself and give at least a couple of hours of rest.
  • Apathy. Irceleration is replaced by irritation. If earlier dirt caused irritation, now tears appear. Rest is no longer possible and even a hobby does not bring pleasure. I only want to hide under the blanket, and attempts by others to help, amazed. Here a neuropathologist should intervene and prescribe drugs that restore the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Destruction. Now the brain begins to defend itself. Uncontrolled anger occurs, which spills on all around. In the best case, everything does not reach the scandal, but there is also physical violence.

In this situation, when burnout has reached the last stage, you really can not do without a specialist. At the same time, girls often do not realize the problem, and others begin to consider them tantrums. The most important thing, in this case, is to realize the problem and begin to solve it.

Emotional burnout in women: Features

Emotional burnout in marriage
Emotional burnout in marriage

Even if there are no children in marriage, this does not mean that emotional burnout will not overtake. You can determine it by the following symptoms:

  • Life life seems to be a routine. There are problems in the relationship, but you cannot understand what is wrong with them
  • You try to spend evenings alone at a computer or phone
  • You have fewer positive emotions, everything annoys in a partner - even how he breathes
  • You don't remember the last time you were on a date or even just walked
  • You do not care how his day passed. You don't want to know anything about him
  • You constantly find the reason to spend less time with your husband
  • Any, even the smallest conflict, develops into a large quarrel and you have more and more complaints
  • You constantly feel hopelessness
  • It seems to you that you are not appreciated
  • You notice bad qualities in a partner that you have not seen before

If at least three signs take place, your relationship needs help.

The relationship can still be saved, but for this you will have to try. There are several main techniques:

  • Analysis of the situation. The woman sees that her family is crumbling, she tries to fix it, but there is no return. Think about whether a man is interested in maintaining a relationship? How often do you sacrifice yourself? Don't you think that the return should be from both?
  • Talk. It will still have to be done, because the problem will not leave. No need to save the negative, because this is what will lead to exhaustion. And keep in mind, no one should blame anyone. It is better to ask a partner if it seems to him that the relationship is at a dead end. Remember that both should be interested. If a man does not allow him to talk with him, for example, he runs away or is silent, then, most likely, there is nothing to save.
  • Team work. She makes people closer. Try just to be together without everyone. Arrange a romantic weekend. Even half an hour to talk together will be enough. Ask how to do it, rejoice in success and think about problems. Look for such contact points that will make you happy.
  • Remove. Even if you arrange a vacation day, then it will be good for you. Your sacrifice will definitely not be in price. So love yourself.
  • Abstract from society. Forget about all stereotypes. Even the happiest people on Instagram may not be like that. At the same time, neither yourself nor your husband compare with others. This will kill self -esteem.
  • Remember your desires. Nobody canceled responsibilities, of course, but just think about your desires, and not about duty. Otherwise, you will never get out of this. A husband can live without a pie, and children can play for a couple of hours themselves. In marriage there should be happiness and drive, and not just a kitchen, work and children.
  • Look for meaning. There should be no goals only for the goal. For example, weight loss, because it is fashionable. And where is your benefit? You should want to see a beautiful slender woman in the mirror. So you came home from work, were very tired and prepared dinner, and then put yourself in order on the machine. And now? You try to look sexually through strength, but in fact you just want to sleep. The marriage will not become stronger from this. If you are ready for exploits then ahead, and if not, then you do not need to force yourself.
  • Get back. When in response a person does not receive anything, he becomes empty. You got married and wanted your husband to love, understand, defend. And now what? Well, I met from work and what is it? This is his duty. In fact, this is not an obligation, you just already perceive everything for granted. Learn to notice these little things and it will become much easier for you. Yes, and a man will feel your emotional recovery.

How to deal with emotional burnout of a teenager?

Fighting a teenager
Fighting a teenager

Even children may face the fact that they have emotional burnout. This usually happens when they have a great responsibility, for example, exams advance. And during the year the child can visit many sections, which also creates an additional load.

  • The most important feature is indifference. The child loses interest in simple classes, communication and entertainment. This can lead to complex consequences, when the child completely loses interest in learning, closes in himself or falls into depression. If you began to notice serious symptoms, then you need to urgently help him.
  • Provide support. First of all, there should not be any discontent on your part, even if the child does not live up to your expectations. So just praise him. In addition, let him relax and do not load work, and also give you the opportunity to do what he likes.
  • "Treatment". Talk frankly with the child to express his feelings. If you can’t get a direct conversation, then take care of creativity. For example, you can make a drawing. In it, he will definitely express his own emotions.
  • Change the situation. During this period, it is useful to communicate with people, to change their usual places in order to get fresh emotions. Even sending to the summer camp will be a great way to cope with emotional burnout.

In general, such a problem occurs in a child due to fatigue. When intensive educational activity passes, this condition often develops in children.

Emotional burnout of the adoptive parent: Psychologist's recommendations

Fighting the adoptive parent
Fighting the adoptive parent

Reception of a child in the family is a very difficult and responsible decision. The main thing is to correctly calculate your own strengths. Deviations in the behavior of children from boarding schools usually occur due to their psychological injury. From here, foster parents have to experience overload, after which emotional burnout may occur. It seems to them that the child does not appreciate them, no efforts give results and adults are annoyed. And accordingly, they have no strength to move on.

Among the symptoms, a feeling of devastation, heartlessness, as well as a loss of meaning and desire to solve problems stand out. It is important to understand that each of the foster parents has to face a sense of helplessness. It seems to many that the child, as soon as he gets into the family, will become soft. In fact, adoptive children do not trust adults and first in all ways they will check them for strength, preventing them from being attached to protect themselves from new betrayal.

In any case, one of the stages of adaptation in the family is a crisis when the child begins to behave poorly. It is then that their parents begin to drop, but this is the opposite a good sign, because the adaptation passes, the child begins to get used to it and therefore allows himself to show some bad features.

To prevent emotional burnout, you must understand the following:

  • The child is not obliged to live up to your expectations. He will resist care. This is his defense, because suddenly you will betray him. It is important to treat this with respect and not wait for the child to be perfect. Adapting children is always more difficult than adults.
  • You should not devote yourself to the child. Keep in mind that you have other roles. Alternate them, then emotional burnout is unlikely to threaten you. In other words, you should not lose yourself.
  • Do not have too high responsibility. Great demands for themselves cause a constant feeling of guilt and lack of strength. The abilities of the body are far from limitless, and therefore you should react to yourself.

The main thing, do not be afraid to contact specialists if problems arise. Each parent can face difficulties and there is nothing to worry about in professional help. Experts know very well the characteristics of families and understand the specifics of their communication.

Emotional burnout prevention techniques: Features

Prevention of emotional burnout
Prevention of emotional burnout

If you work with people, then you may have emotional burnout even more often than others. To reduce the likelihood of a crisis and affect external factors, adhere to several recommendations below. By the way, they are suitable for other situations:

  • Relaxation. Put the sleep and rest mode. You need to work at work, and at home to rest. Work can accumulate, household chores, but do not rush to do everything. Of course, do it, but only everything is in moderation. At home, get distracted at work, and try to do all things at work.
  • Exercises. An excellent antidepressant is charging. At least three times a week half an hour. This will allow you to get rid of stress. There are no rules here, choose what you like better. You can even take a walk. Just keep in mind that it is better to change sports every week.
  • Dream. Sleep allows you to restore strength, all the bad leaves, and also becomes stronger than nervous processes. Find out how many hours a day you are resting. It should be at least 7-8 hours. If you do not have time to sleep, then add half an hour every night and so until you feel cheerful.
  • Working environment. You must organize your work space and daily routine. The working day should have a couple of breaks for half an hour, and this is besides lunch at 45-60 minutes. This will allow you to avoid strong load and improve the situation. For everyone who works a lot on the computer, it is recommended to do simple exercises. This allows you to reduce muscle tone and stretch the body. Make simple gymnastics, at least circular movements of the neck for a couple of minutes.
  • Delegate. Employees quickly burn out when an additional load is not provided for by duties and skills. Distribute responsibilities and pass everything that can be for other employees.
  • Know how to refuse. If you cannot refuse, then consciously copy many tasks. They are accumulating like a snowball and there is no time left for themselves. You understand that you have more and more things to do, and they don’t pay for them, but you need to do it. Do not try to take additional work or at least ask to pay it.
  • Hobby. Try to shift the emphasis from working affairs. For example, do your hobby. It always brings pleasure and allows you to relax.

Emotional burnout - what to do: treatment

Treatment of emotional burnout
Treatment of emotional burnout

When emotional burnout is not manifested so clearly or is in the initial stage, then you can remove stress with rest and enjoying life, that is, doing what you like.

If the stage is already quite serious and nothing can be fixed independently, then be sure to contact a specialist. It can be a psychologist or psychotherapist.

A specialist in the problems are solved in the following ways:

  • Train communication skills. Therapy helps to improve communications skills and reduce emotional stress, which manifests itself when communicating with colleagues or customers. In addition, it is important to learn how to abstract from negativity and not expect good from people. They are not required to love you.
  • The specialist helps independently and adequately evaluate the possibilitiesas well as notice and implement needs.
  • Debrifing after a working dayWhen you can tell about all your experiences regardless of the reason.

In some cases, medical treatment is required, and doctors prescribe it as the following drugs:

  • Antidepressants
  • Sleeping pills
  • Transquilizers
  • Neurometabolic drugs
  • β-blockers

Such therapy can be taken exclusively when observing a specialist. It can be appropriate only when the syndrome develops rapidly and greatly affects the quality of human life. In most cases, experts try to do without it.

Emotional burnout syndrome: forum, reviews

There are many people who talk about emotional burnout. More precisely, they say that they tested him. For each, it proceeds in its own way, and different methods of struggle are used. As a rule, the majority is not aware of the presence of a problem immediately, but only when she already gains strength. In any case, you do not need to let it go by itself and most importantly, you should always monitor your own condition.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

Video: emotional burnout. Treatment in stages. Sabbatic

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