Is it useful to eat raw vegetables: which ones? How do you need to eat vegetables correctly to be better absorbed?

Is it useful to eat raw vegetables: which ones? How do you need to eat vegetables correctly to be better absorbed?

Many people do not know whether it is useful to eat raw vegetables. Read the article, it describes in detail what it is possible and which you need to boil.

It is generally accepted that raw vegetables bear more benefits to the body, and undergoing heat treatment, lose their useful qualities. Is it really? Many nutritionists are confident in the opposite.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Grill vegetables - recipes at home for the oven, barbecue, the most delicious recipes". You will also find a grilled marinade recipe.

From the article below, you will find out which vegetables are useful to eat raw and which is not worth it. We will also tell you how to prepare the fruits correctly so that they benefit the body. Read further.

Why should vegetables be in the diet: how are raw vegetables and fruits useful?


Vegetablesand fruit - This is a storehouse of health and beauty for humans. They contain vitamins, fiber, minerals, organic acids and essential oils. This is the benefits of raw vegetables and fruits. Why should vegetables be in the diet? Read more:

  • If you introduce a sufficient amount of vegetables into the diet, you can easily improve metabolism. Due to the high content of fiber, on the processing of which the body spends more efforts than usual, the metabolism accelerates. Also, vegetables have low calorie content. Thanks to these factors, an effective struggle takes place with excess weight.
  • Garlic, onions and citrus fruits contain phytoncides that have antibacterial effects. Their antimicrobial activity remains in the blood, which has a beneficial effect on the fight against infections.
  • Yellow vegetables and fruits strengthen the human cardiovascular system, as they contain carotinoids And abundance vitamin C.. Eating the fruits of the "sun" color contributes to the health of the skin, strengthening tooth and bones.
  • Anti -cancer properties possess orange vegetables and fruitscontaining beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Strengthen the nervous system, improve digestion, raise the level of hemoglobin green fruits. They contain chlorophyll, antioxidants, magnesium, calcium and iron.

The benefits of vegetables are undeniable, but in what form to use them more useful? Read further.

Video: when is it better to eat vegetables?

Is it useful to eat raw vegetables: which ones?

Raw vegetables are useful
Raw vegetables are useful

A number of vegetables are not only useful to eat raw, but also necessary, since during heat treatment they will lose almost all the beneficial properties. The huge advantage of such fruits is the content of fiber. It, like a brush, cleans the gastrointestinal tract from all processed, prevents the development of constipation. It is worth knowing:

  • Vegetables containing vitamin C, when exposed to hot temperatures, they lose it almost in full.
  • B vitamins are water -soluble, you can minimize their loss without using water in preparation.
  • Raw vegetables and fruits give the body an alkaline reaction that neutralizes oxidation and restores balance.

The most useful vegetables for raw consumption:

  • Beet - It is useful in raw form, but not use often, as it can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. But when cooking, 25% of valuable trace elements are lost.
  • Greens - A lot of vitamin C, when cooking is lost.
  • Garlic - The strongest antioxidant, in preparation - the properties are lost.
  • Red sweet pepper - Useful in the form of salads, since 40% of useful substances disappear during boiling.
  • Onion - The champion in the maintenance of vitamin C. If you cook, then most of it will disappear. But there is not this vegetable in raw form. If you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then it is better to boil the vegetable or at least steam (chopped) with boiling water for 15 minutes. During this time, all “burning” substances will come out.
  • Pumpkin - In raw forms, it removes toxins and toxins. In boiled form, part of these properties is lost.
  • Ginger - A lot of vitamin C, which is disappeared when cooking.

However, not all the beneficial properties of vegetables can open in raw form. Some types of fruits are strongly recommended to undergo heat treatment. Read further.

What vegetables can not eat raw?

Brussels cabbage should not be eaten raw
Brussels cabbage should not be eaten raw

Some plant products are undesirable, and sometimes not safe to use raw. Which vegetables are better to boil? Such products include:

  • Potato. It contains many toxins in the composition, without heat treatment is able to harm digestion.
  • Asparagus. It has a mass of trace elements, but in raw form they are poorly processed.
  • Brussels sprouts. To avoid swelling of the abdomen and sensation of sharp pain, it is better to boil this vegetable or steam. Thanks to heat treatment, its enzymes are activated and helped in cleaning the liver.
  • Spinach. It is rich in iron, calcium, zinc. But the oxalates interfere with the assimilation of these nutrients. The heat treatment reduces their concentration.
  • Tomatoes. During heat treatment, vitamin C will almost disappear, but with evaporation of water, the content of lycopene will add (useful for the prevention of cancer).
  • Beans. This product is extremely dangerous in raw form, capable of causing poisoning. When cooking, the toxic substances will dissolve, and the vitamins will remain.

How do you need to eat vegetables correctly to be better absorbed? Read further.

How to eat vegetables correctly to be better absorbed: vegetables are more useful or boiled?

On the question of how to eat vegetables correctly, so that they are better absorbed, it is important to find a compromise. The fact is that many fruits during heat treatment lose some nutrients, but in more quantities they reveal others. For example, a raw tomato is rich vitamin C., when frying, it will be reduced, but the concentration of lycopine will increase. Fresh carrots will lose pectin and polyphenol when cooking, but in boiled beta-carotene will learn 5 times better than in damp. Vegetables are useful in any form - cheese and boiled, you need to build on the taste preferences.

Let's figure out how we will eat vegetables so that all useful trace elements and vitamins learn from them. Read further.

How is it more useful to cook vegetables?

It is more useful to cook vegetables for steam
It is more useful to cook vegetables for steam

The best solution is the preparation of vegetables for steam, less vitamins are lost, since the amount of water is minimal. It is so useful to cook - carrots, Brussels cabbage, asparagus, pumpkin, sweet pepper, etc.

Some vitamins are fat -soluble, they will give their beneficial properties only in contact with fat. You can use various oils when refueling salads. Use better unrefined oil, as it is a plus of additional vitamins and trace elements.

To vegetables containing iron Citrus juice is perfect, it will help the body easily learn this substance, while giving a piquant taste. These types include green vegetables, pumpkin, beans and even onions.

Therefore, eat vegetables in the form of salads with the addition of unrefined vegetable oil. Cook the fruits or make dishes with watering from citrus juice. This use of vegetables is the most useful. Your body will receive many different vitamin and trace elements.

What do raw foodists eat?

This is what raw foodists eat
This is what raw foodists eat

Raw foods adhere to a certain power system, only fresh foods are used in food. Any heat treatment for them is unacceptable.

The diet of raw foodists is great, it includes:

  • Fruits and berries
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Mushrooms
  • Oils

There are also cereals, they are soaked with water until the sprouts appear, then eaten. Unlike vegetarians, raw foodists do not deny themselves the use of meat and fish, pick up or sluggish these products. Milk also has a place to be, but only coconut.

The raw foodists have many supporters, but there are many opponents. The former consider such a power system to be effective, which allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins that charges vigor. Opponents argue that a long stay on such a diet will negatively affect the body, it will weaken without receiving all nutrients. In any case, raw food is not a panacea. Before switching to such food, you need to consult a doctor.

In conclusion, I would like to note, based on all of the above, the use of vegetables and fruits for a person is incredibly useful, and in what form - everyone decides for himself. These gifts of nature provide important functions in the human body.

  • Recommended portion for an adult 400 grams per day.

Adhering to this recommendation, you can protect your body from many diseases - vessels will be cleansed, the heart will heal, the work of the gastrointestinal tract will normalize. Eat vegetables in any form to be healthy and full of strength. Good luck!

And in what form do you like to eat vegetables? Write in the comments below.

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