Modern basic rules for playing table tennis: Briefly, video

Modern basic rules for playing table tennis: Briefly, video

This article describes the rules of playing tennis.

Table tennis is a sports discipline practiced as an Olympic competition. The main task of the game is to keep the ball in the process of the draw. In the process of the game, the use of special inventory is required: rockets and a table, divided into two equal zones of a grid stretched over it. In this article you will find the rules for the game in table tennis. Read further.

Modern basic rules of the game in pair table tennis for beginners: feed, briefly

Modern basic rules for the game in pair table tennis for beginners
Modern basic rules for the game in pair table tennis for beginners

The team for victory needs to score exactly 11 points, after which the game will be considered completed. The parties in the game are only an odd number - from 3 to 7, and the victory is awarded on the basis of the successful completion of most of them. Here are the modern basic rules of the game in pair table tennis briefly for beginners:

  • The components of the party’s elements are draws starting with the feed.
  • The first submitter is elected drawing, and then different players take this role in turn through two filings.
  • In a paired game, who accepted the ball takes on the role of the serf, and the partner of the player who made the last submission takes the role of the host.

The feed is carried out according to the rules:

  • The ball is thrown vertically with an open palm on 16 cm in height, and at the same time should not be at the time of a racket abroad of the game field.
  • During the presentation, the ball should move to the side of the opponent first with the rebound at half the feeder, and then on the other side of the grid.
  • With the right feed technique, all its stages are clearly visible.
  • The ball was served at the time of separation from the palm of the feeder.
  • When hook is hook, but compliance with all the other rules is repeated, the presentation is repeated.
  • All the rebounds of the broken ball from the surface of the game field, with the exception of the moment of the supply, are only on the surface of the opponent.


  • It is produced not only in favor of the team that managed to keep the ball in the batch in the batch, but also if the opponent is made errors, such as incorrect submission technique.
  • It includes, for example, a not enough tossed ball or its double rebound on its side, a double blow to the ball.
  • Glasses are awarded to the opponent even if the chopped ball fell into any object except the racket, or repelled to the rebound from the table.
  • It is also forbidden to move or touch the table.

Doubles implies the implementation of some additional rules:

  • The presence of two zones for each of the team members on each side of the grid.
  • The ball is served diagonally: the first rebound, possibly from the right zone of the feeding side, and the second from the left side of the opponent.
  • The ball is beaten off by partners in turn.

Below you will find new international table tennis rules. Read further.

New international, Olympic rules for playing table tennis: Features

New international, Olympic rules for playing table tennis
New international, Olympic rules for playing table tennis

All international, including Olympic competitions, are held in accordance with the requirements for the International Table Tennis Federation. There are its own rules of the game and some features.

The main difference between the Olympic and international table tennis is the amount and material of the manufacture of the ball used:

  • 40 mm In diameter instead 38 mm.
  • Plastic instead of celluloidWhat is due not only to the economic difficulties of the production of an old -style inventory.

The need for greater photogenicity and entertainment of the competition led to simplification of refereeing by reducing the speed of the game.

Important: Decrease in the number of points necessary for winning up to 11, the transition of the supply through two draws, and an increase in the number of parties up to 7, is also due to the need to give the game entertainment through an increase in its intensity.

Rules for the game in table tennis for deaf: Paralympic table tennis

Rules for the game in table tennis for deaf
Rules for the game in table tennis for deaf

Conducting sports tables in table tennis in the framework of the Paralympic Games for disabled people by hearing will not require a special adaptation of the rules of the game or sports equipment.

But the presence for the game for the deaf is a minimum of two gestures, whose duties include duplication with gestures for competing sides of all the judges of the teams and signals are included.

Official rules for playing table tennis: video

To better remember the official rules of the game in table tennis, watch the video. This video tells in detail for beginners how to play correctly.

Video: table tennis rules for beginners. How to play table tennis?

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