How do figures in chess go? How to properly arrange the figures on the chessboard? How to learn how to play chess with living players: non -standard cases, tips, rules of the game for beginners. What is the purpose of the game, how much figures cost, what does “step” and “mat” mean, how to make a castling in chess, is it possible to turn a pawn into other figures?

How do figures in chess go? How to properly arrange the figures on the chessboard? How to learn how to play chess with living players: non -standard cases, tips, rules of the game for beginners. What is the purpose of the game, how much figures cost, what does “step” and “mat” mean, how to make a castling in chess, is it possible to turn a pawn into other figures?

In this article, we will consider how to learn how to play a beginner in chess, having examined all the moves and rounds to achieve victory.

The game is insanely interesting and intellectually developing, but you need to be able to play. Therefore, we want to analyze in detail the main basics, moves and secrets of this amazing game.

  • Chess is designed to play two rivals. By the way, this has always been and remains an elite arcade, in which only educated and intelligent people can play.
  • The game takes place on a square called a chessboard. It is marked with a grid for 64 even and equilateral squares. The method of multiplication/division we understand that the field is 8 by 8 squares. By the way, black and white seams alternate with each other in a checkerboard pattern. That is, the colors are located through one.
  • We will talk about the figures themselves in more detail, but so far we recall that each participant will have 16 figures. That is, there will be 32 figures on the board. It is very important - the game has a separation thanks to black and white color. Yes, now they have already come up with many interpretations of such fun, but we are talking about the classic version.
  • We will also analyze the peculiar course of each figure in detail, but not a single figurine repeats the trajectory of its partner around the field.

How to learn how to play chess with living players: the names of chess figures, we study how figures go

The opening stage in the process of teaching this game is to study the features of the movement of figures along the playing board. Yes, we will talk about the right arrangement later, when you understand the peculiarity of each figurine.

The paws make up the main part of the "troops" in the game

  • There are only eight units. You can move the pawn for two free squares at the first course of the player. At subsequent moves, she moves forward only to one free space.
  • The pawns cannot move forward if they are blocked by another figure. But they are able to capture those figures of the opponent that are located in front diagonally with a scale in one cell.
  • A pawn is a singular figure that cannot move back. But on the other hand, she is a figurine that captures enemy figures in a unique way. After all, her attack differs from her usual way of moving.

Rook is a figure that looks like a castle tower

  • Thanks to this association, it can be easily remembered. It moves on the board only either horizontally, or vertically. But for any number of squares, at least to the very end of the field.
  • Only this is if the road is not blocked by its own figure. But she just knocks enemies, moving stupidly forward. That's why she is similar to the chariot that goes ahead.
Rook is very similar to the tower
Rook is very similar to the tower

A horse is a noticeable figure that has a uniform transfer method

  • It is represented by a horse and acts as a complex unit because of its method of movement. The horse moves in the form of the letter "G". Although, according to statistics, just a more complex and unusual trajectory is remembered faster.
  • It is precisely the transfer is a real jump, because the horse does not slip along the board. And this jump is formed from three cells that are directed forward, and one perpendicular cage in any direction. By the way, the “elephant” can count these cells from its place in any direction, simply “forward” means in the direction of movement of the figurine.
  • Also, this figure is also distinguished by the fact that it has practically no barriers in the form of other players on the field. We repeat, it jumps and moves through the air. But if someone was on the chosen cage, that horse will “crush with its hooves”.
  • Remember the cartoon about Masha and the bear. In such fun, a horse is a real strong player whose course can not always be calculated in time. And he will attack, like a real paratrooper, from the air.
The famous G-shaped horse
The famous G-shaped horse

Elephant is both an Indian cavalryman and a slender officer

  • The names may differ a little more because this figure is not at all like an elephant. By the way, in ancient chess these were cavalrymen. Perhaps that is why some saw in him a beautiful officer.
  • It can only move diagonally, but in any direction. By the way, a certain association of such a road takes place with his hat. It is long and pointed.
  • And this suggests that an officer can move to an unlimited number of cells - at least one, at least five squares. At the same time, with its “sharp weapon” it knocks all those standing in his way.
  • Also a very strong and running figure. But she has one feature - a white cavalryman cannot become on black cells. And, accordingly, on the contrary, the situation with a black officer consists.
Previously, the elephant was called a cavalryman
Previously, the elephant was called a cavalryman

Ferge went around everyone else in terms of its power

  • Although he does not belong to the female family, he is more often called the queen. Even the figurine itself has a very beautiful and slender outline. Therefore, the association is quite justified.
  • And her move also corresponds to the status - she absorbed the moves of all figures together. Yes, the queen can go in any direction, in any direction and for any number of cells. True, the horse cannot duplicate the horse’s stroke.
  • At the same time, all incorrectly standing figures will be removed from the field. Therefore, such a figurine is the most valuable on the field. Yes, there will be no game without the king, but the main strategy and the attack lies on the Queen's shoulders!

The king is the most important and weak figurine

  • In general, the whole game rotates near the king, who can only go to one cage. The direction, however, can choose anyone than showed that more than the pawns. So, by the way, the king defends himself, killing the approaching opponents.
The king is the most important, but weak figure
The king is the most important, but weak figure

The start of the game of chess: the arrangement of figures

After meeting with the rules and features of moving each figurine, you need to learn how to arrange them on the board.

  • First of all, it must still be put correctly. Pay attention to where the numbers and letters on the extreme edging are located. As a rule, English symbols should be below and at the top, and numbers on the sides.
    • By the way, this will simplify the explanation of the position of each figurine. For example, you looked like a pawn and put it on a cell, which has a description of 4C or C4. Something reminds the game of childhood-naval battle. Therefore, the essence is clear - this simplifies understanding the location of the figures.
    • Also, another feature that is confirmation of the correct position of the field is cells. Each player from the right position will have a white or just a light square.
A light square should be to the right of you
A light square should be to the right of you
  • All pawns need to be placed on the second line from the player so that there is a wall of the "main army". They are closest to the enemy and, in principle, these figurines are not as sorry for the rest of the “main attackers”.
  • Now you can put the towers. They are on both sides on the extreme positions in the front row.
  • Now the turn of the horse has come. It is also located next to each side of the tower, moving to the center along the line.
  • Well, put a slender elephant or officer to the corresponding cells of a light and dark shade. To be more precise, their location is the third position from the edge in the same row.
  • Now the turn of the king and the queen have come. Sets the color of the queen. If you play for the “white team”, then the lady (one of it) should be on a light cell of the two remaining places. The black lady chooses a similar flavor of the square.
  • The king becomes to the right of the white lady or to the left of the Black Queen.

Important: All figures should have mirror positions. That is, stand against each other in line with the type of figurine.

Chess arrangement
Chess arrangement

How to learn how to play chess: the rules of the game for beginners

Now you need to choose the color of each playing person. If you want, you can remember some more games from childhood and choose a flavor by throwing cubes. And by the number of points, find a selecting player. Or use the method of “fist fight” or, more common name, “stone-bumar”. You can, come to a verbal conclusion.

  • A player who got a bright shade of figures begins the course of the first. This rule is valid from the original days of the appearance of this game. He chooses any figure that he would like to transfer.
    • By the way, he can start the first attack or open the way for other figures. The first move is one of the most important parts of the game. There is no strict rule on how to make it right. Here a certain feature acts - its own style of play.
  • Over time, a beginner manages to find her own method, which significantly increases the chances of winning . But you need to keep in mind several facts:
    • at this stage, you should not attack. First you need to place your figures in the most profitable position. It is necessary to provide statuettes safe and effective for attacking positions. This will help in further moves;
    • well, you need to make one or two moves with pawns. They will make it possible to go out to attack other figures. Then the concentration begins on more powerful figurines;
    • in fact, you can only walk as pawns. To release a horse on the field is pointless and dangerous by its loss. But keep in mind that the king cannot be opened right away!
The first move of the pawn can be two cells
The first move of the pawn can be two cells
  • A lot of movements of the player’s figures depends on the actions of the opponent - you just need to feel the game. It is important to observe and watch in order to solve the enemy plan. This game is more related to the expectation of threats and foresight of subsequent actions than with any other brain actions.
  • Never forget that the first move for the pawn makes it possible to move to two cells. In the first course, there is no danger, for any figure. Remember this!
    • The pawns are the most vulnerable figurines, but also their mission to cover the rear of the “main army”. The pawn attacks forward, but diagonally. In any direction. She will not move forward if there is already a figure in front of her. Since it has only a direct movement, but the attack goes in a spit direction.

Important: The pawn cannot beat back! Recall that this is a singular figurine, which is not able to return. Even if the enemy appeared behind him, or the player remembered the missing figure. Otherwise, the game ends.

The pawn does not walk and does not hit back
The pawn does not walk and does not hit back
  • The game is in a very simple way - in turn. Moreover, after one course of each opponent. At the same time, you need to not only not substitute your figures, but also try to “destroy” as many enemy figurines as possible. And, of course, faster than the enemy to approach the weakest figure, which everyone protects. That is, to the king.
    • This duel excludes the arbitrary and rash movement of figurines across the field. Each move should not just be thought out, but designed for several enemy movements.
  • Never forget that all figures are interconnected. Yes, as in our nature, each element plays its role and bears importance to the whole system. In such intellectual fun, the course of one figurine will open access to another figure.
    • Therefore, always think about the consequences of moving any figure. And never forget that there will also be an enemy’s course. And he can make some amendments to your plans.
  • And one more advice - do not be afraid to sacrifice weak "troops", protecting more powerful figures. No need to rush into the battle as an officer if it is possible to substitute a pawn on the fire. But, if there is a threat to the lady or king, then it is better to lose one valuable figurine.
    • But within reasonable limits. You can lose figures only when it is necessary to save the king. Just trying to reach the edge of the opponent’s line, substituting all his “assistants”.
Do not be afraid to lose the figures, but do not rush blindly into battle
Do not be afraid to lose the figures, but do not rush blindly into battle
  • The protection of the king requires simply acute attention. The player who loses the king is irrevocably losing. To save the figure, it can be moved to a corner by casting, while creating a fortress of figures around it. But we will talk about this in more detail later. Also, do not forget to give him a spare square to run in case of Shah.
  • No need to move your queen simply because he can capture a lot of enemy figurines. Use the entire army is a motto in building victorious tactics.
  • One of the biggest mistakes of beginners is to use only a few figures. When this happens, the rest of the figurines simply do not move and become easy prey for the enemy. That's why it is necessary to hold the "live board", and the enemy is "on socks."
  • Experienced players know that management of the center It is considered more profitable than the control of the sides. If the player dominates the center, his figures have great mobility.
    • As an example: the boat has only two options for moving from the corner, but it has eight options for the transition from the central square. You need to occupy the center faster. It is for this reason that many people have starting pawns start the game.
  • Do not give your figures unnecessarily. This is quite obvious, but many players are scattered by their pawns. Similar mistakes are sometimes made even by grandmasters. If you need to give them out, then first you need to bargain.
Do not scatter the pawns
Do not scatter the pawns

What is the purpose of the game in chess?

Any game has its own mission. If the player understands the supporting concept of such intellectual fun, then this will help him not only learn how to play and walk, but also provide high chances of winning.

  • In chess entertainment, every player is trying capture the king his opponent. If the player succeeds, then the party ends with his victory. While to put the “mat” to the enemy is the main goal of chess, there is also an auxiliary mission.
    • This is the defense of each of the players of his own king from receiving a “mat”. It is possible to implement it in two ways. The first option is to capture the largest number of figures of the opponent. The second method is to avoid the capture of your own figures.
  • It is worth highlighting that it is not for nothing that such a game is called intellectual arcade. After all, it is very important to think through each move in advance, and not only its “army”, but also enemy figures.
    • Yes, it is sometimes difficult for beginners to think through each of their move, and even at the same time foresee the movement of enemy figurines. Moreover, this cannot be done intuitively. Only brain thinking will help to win.
  • In this case, patience is important. Interest in chess, as well as skills for playing them, will grow after each party played.
You need to protect your figures and attack the enemy
You need to protect your figures and attack the enemy

What do the keywords “step” and “mat” mean?

By the way, this expression is often used in everyday life. It refers to defeat in any aspect. But we can also say that this is the most important mission of the whole game.

  • It is also necessary to remember what is meant by the concept "step". If the king is declared a “step”, then he is attacked by one of the enemy figures. In this case, you need to get out of the blow. There are 3 ways to do this:
    • move the king to a safe square. A safe square is a cell where the king will not be under a blow;
    • capture an enemy figure that threatens the king;
    • block the threat with one of the figures. But this method will not work against pawns and horses.
  • If it is impossible to save the king, this "mat". The party ends with the player's loss.
The main thing is the protection of the king
The main thing is the protection of the king

How to find out the winner or score calculation system?

If a person wants to learn more about the game of chess, you need to familiarize yourself with the score. Each figure is valuable to the player, whether it be a pawn or queen.

  • The more valuable the figures, the more points they cost:
    • the pawns are equivalent to 1 point;
    • horses are valued in 3 points;
    • elephants also cost 3 points;
    • the boats grew to 5 points;
    • but the queen is equated with 9 points;
    • kings, of course, are priceless. After all, if you lose your king, then the game ends with a loss.

How to make a scream while playing chess?

A beginner needs to know how to make a castling. There is a special move with the participation of a rook and the king. This is the only time you can move two figures in the same move.

  • When the rook and the king change places, this move covers the king and opens your boat. Now she is ready to join the attack. As a rule, this is useful for the king to fall under protection.
  • It will be used only under the following conditions:
    • neither the king nor the boat were moved until this moment;
    • the king was not declared a “step”;
    • there are no other figures between the necessary figurines;
    • also, the auxiliary condition is the pawns standing ahead. After all, without them there will be no proper protection.
  • In one move, you need to move your king and the tower. Do not be alarmed, it is easy to do. First of all, move the king to two cells to the extreme figure.
  • For black figurines, this position will be on the left, and for light figures - on the right. Then throw the boat square next to the king, but already on the other side. it option of simple castling. In this case, the tower also moves to two cells.
  • But there is also "Long castling". It makes it possible to move the king also only two cells. But the tower goes from the side of the queen, so it can jump to 3 positions. It is logical that the king’s movement is directed to the opposite direction to the first method.
If you remove the horse, you can make a scream
If you remove the horse, you can make a scream

Is it possible to turn a pawn into another figure while playing chess?

The chess players, if not strong, are also versed in pawns. In principle, they have one similar moment. By the way, pawns are considered an easier type of fun. But now this is not about that.

  • We will just draw an analogy with them. When the enemy reaches the first line of his opponent, the pawn turns over and becomes a lady. Most likely, this has gone distortion.
  • The fact is that there is an opinion that a pawn can become any chosen figure. This is not true! It can turn only to the queen!
  • Although the meaning remained unchanged, the pawn needs to be brought to the other side of the field, to the very first line.
The pawn can only turn into a queen
The pawn can only turn into a queen

How to learn how to play chess for a beginner: tips and non -standard cases

  • You always need to remember the strengths and weaknesses of each figure.
  • The king is very valuable and must be protected in any way.
  • Ferge is the most universal and useful figure to maintain an effective game strategy. It is often used to reduce the number of enemy figures on a playing board.
  • The lady also combines the power of an elephant and a rook. In its value, for the player, he gives way to the king only.
  • The horse is great for unexpected attacks. Beginning players are often missed and confused by its nature of the movement. This problem of beginners can be easily used in their favor.
  • Elephants are usually suitable for an open attack. However, many novice players often underestimate these figures and do not fully use them.
  • The boats are strong and have a large range of movement. They work best with open flanks.
  • The pawns may seem insignificant, but they can be useful to capture the enemy. If it is sacrificed, you can capture a more valuable figure. If you play correctly, the pawn can even become a threat to the king.
Queen is the strongest figure
Queen is the strongest figure

What to do during non -standard cases or when is there a draw?

Sometimes dead ends happen - these are situations when a player whose move must move the figure is not able to act. Then the game ends with a draw.

  • There are several more options when the game can end in a draw. The first is by agreement. If both players agree that they will not be able to win or see a way to win. Then they can agree to a draw.
    • The second is a repetition. For example, if both players simply continue to move their horses back and forth to the same squares, a draw will be announced.
  • If none of the players performs a move with a pawn or captures the figure for 50 consecutive moves, a draw will be announced. This does not allow the player to play endlessly or tire his opponent.
  • Insufficient number of figures. If one of the players does not have enough figures to capture the king, a draw is announced.

Video: How to learn to play chess for a beginner?

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