How to plant it and what siderates in the spring, summer, autumn, under the winter under potatoes, strawberries, onions, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, raspberries, weeds, late blight: names, list, sowing and instillation periods. Best Siderats for the garden: Names, List

How to plant it and what siderates in the spring, summer, autumn, under the winter under potatoes, strawberries, onions, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, raspberries, weeds, late blight: names, list, sowing and instillation periods. Best Siderats for the garden: Names, List

Overview of green fertilizers and their use.


What are siderates?

France is the homeland of high fashion and sophisticated wines. But not only. France gave the world the basis of organic farming-sideceration and a list of plant plants.

Siderates in this case are called intermediate agricultural crops that are grown not to collect the crop, but to maintain and restore the agrochemical characteristics of the quality of the soil.

Important: if the soil remains open for more than 7 days (for example, after harvesting), its quality worsens significantly!

The most popular syderat plants:

  • Family of legumes.
Siderates of the Bobov family
Siderates of the Bobov family
  • Amaranth family.
  • The family is complex.
  • Family of hydrophils (dwarming).
  • The family of buckwheat.
Siderates of the family of amaranth, complex, hydrophils, buckwheat.
Siderates of the family of amaranth, complex, hydrophils, buckwheat.
  • The family of cereals.
Siderates of the Zerekov family.
Siderates of the Zerekov family.
  • The Cross -Belief family.
Siderates of the Cross -Tsella family.
Siderates of the Cross -Tsella family.

By and large, any, densely sown culture, from garden greens to carrots and tomatoes, can act as a siderat.

The main rule of sideceration: the culture of the Siderat and the main culture should be from different botanical families. For example, after the cabbage of all types (ss of cruciferous), one cannot sow rapeseed (s-in crucifixes).

How "system plants" work ":

  • They are an organic source of nitrogen - the main nutrient element necessary for the growth of most agricultural crops.
  • Enrich the upper layer of soil calcium, potassium and phosphorus.
  • Loosen, moisturize, saturate with useful substances, lifting them from the deeper layers of the soil.
  • Extract ground erosion.
  • Slow down the growth of weeds.
  • Are natural mulch.
  • Protect from pathogenic bacteria.
  • Create favorable conditions for the settlement of biocenosis with useful bacteria, worms and insects.

How to plant it correctly and what kind of siderates in the spring: names, list, sowing and instillation periods

Sowing the Siderates
Sowing the Siderates

Spring sowing green fertilizers begins immediately after sufficient thawing of the soil.

What to sow When to sow What effect does (important features) Indications and contraindications for basic cultures
Yarovaya rapeseed. In late March.

Satuns phosphorus and gray.

Thanks to essential oils, it cleanses from pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. The leaching of a fertile layer of soil and drying of the soil proceeds. Inhibits weeds.

Good: cucumbers, potatoes, zucchini, peppers, pumpkin, tomatoes.

Bad: clover, plants of the cruciferous family, beets.

Rye is the most frost -resistant siderat. In late March. Satisfies the soil with organicism, nitrogen and potassium. Converts complex phosphorus compounds into easily accessible ones. Strongly dries the soil!

Good: cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, pumpkin, tomatoes.

Bad: corn, potatoes.


It is better to sow in a company with a wika or an oil radish.

In late March or in April, because he is afraid of frost. Oats have practically no illness and pests. Satuns the soil with potassium and phosphorus.

Good: almost all garden crops.

Bad: potatoes.

Mustard. In late March.

Enriches the soil with nitrogen and phosphorus.

Converts complex minerals into easily accessible forms. Disinfects the soil, significantly reducing the number of pathogenic bacteria and organisms, including Fitofors, boys. Expelled the wireworm and slugs. In the garden, frightening the fruit and aphid.

Good: berries and garden greens, vegetable crops.

Bad: cruciferous.

Fatselia. In late March. Medonos - attracts pollinators. Loosening the soil. Enriches with nitrogen and potassium.

Good: root crops and all other fruit crops.

Bad: no contraindications.

Vika Yarovaya In March. Enriches the soil with nitrogen. It is categorically not suitable for dry soil with an acidic reaction.

Well: for tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant, zucchini, strawberries, garden greenery, garden crops.

Bad: beets, legumes, garlic.

Calendula. In April. It has a strong sanitizing effect: it destroys most pathogenic bacteria, viruses and organisms, which allows you to reproduce the appearance of feral fittrosis, most types of mosaics, fusariosis wilted. Expulses the wireworm and slugs, nematodes, caterpillars, ticks, Colorado beetle. Perfect for all basic cultures.

In addition, early and late spring to sow a donnik, buckwheat, alfalfa.

Siderates are sown 40-50 days before the landing of basic crops. The approximate calculation of time looks like this: 30 days on the development of the aboveground mass of the siderates and 2-3 weeks for rotting of greens and roots.

Important: Any Siderat plant must be cut before the start of budding!

In addition, the site with siderates is not dug up! The green mass is cut off with a plane cutter. The cut depth-4-5 cm sometimes up to 10 cm. Greens are left on the surface as mulch, slightly sprinkled with cut soil. To accelerate the decomposition process, you can pour a solution of EM drugs (EM-effective microorganism). The roots remain in the ground. The site is dug up immediately before planting the main culture.

An example of a plane cutter for cleaning the siderates.
Flat cutter for cleaning the siderates.

How to plant it correctly and what kind of siderates in the summer: names, list, sowing and digging time

Any cultures are suitable for summer Seva (see the beginning of the review). You should sow the plants-syderats as thick as possible, because the main goal of side breeding is not harvesting, but improving the quality of the soil. For example, many experienced gardeners use all unnecessary seeds remaining from sowing basic crops as seed material: from carrots to tomatoes. The main rule in this case: sow as thick as possible and alternate the family among themselves.

They are especially appreciated by gardeners as green fertilizers for summer satellite Donnik, Fatselia, mustard, clover, rapeseed, Lucerne, Vika.

Siderates are sown 40-50 days before the landing of basic crops. The approximate calculation of time looks like this: 30 days on the development of the aboveground mass of the siderates and 2-3 weeks for rotting of greens and roots.

Important: Any Siderat plant must be cut before the start of budding!

In the summer, plants may require additional irrigation. In addition, watering may be necessary in the process of rotting green mass.

How to plant it correctly and what kind of siderates to plant in the fall, in the winter: names, list of winter sites, sowing and burying dates

In the winter, winter or frost -resistant crops are most often sowned, allowed to gain green mass. Then the green mass is cut off with a plane cutter. The cut depth is 4-5 cm. Greens are left on the surface as a mulch, slightly sprinkled with cut soil. Roots are left in the ground.

In some cases, plants-syderates with green go under the snow (for example, mustard). They are cut off in the spring when preparing a site for planting basic crops.

Best Sideral Cultures for the Winter

  • winter: oats, vika, oats+vika, rapeseed, rye, marching;
  • frost -resistant: mustard, oil radish, horse beans, punch clover, white Donnik.

They are sown immediately after harvesting basic crops.

Oats, like Siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

Seva time:

  • the end of March is April,
  • summer (after cleaning early vegetables),
  • beginning of autumn.

For what soils are suitable: acidic, peat or clay.

A wonderful predecessor for: zucchini and squash, pepper, eggplant, tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, beans, corn, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, apple trees, plums, pears.

Attracts the wireworm!

When to close in the ground: as soon as the ground part reaches a height of 20 cm.

An important feature: cut greens should not be instilled deep - it can acidify.

Mustard, like a siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

White mustard - seeds, flowers, herbs.
White mustard - seeds, flowers, herbs.

Seva time:

  • the end of March -April (young sprouts withstand frosts up to -5 ° C)
  • in summer and autumn (after harvesting the main vegetable crops).

For what soils are suitable: sandy and clay, affected by pathogens and microorganisms and other pests. He does not like soils with swampy and acidic.

It does not tolerate the neighborhood of cruciferous, respectively, it cannot be a predecessor for all types of cabbage, radish, radishes, salads, etc.

A wonderful companion for legumes, garden root crops (especially potatoes), grapes and fruit trees and bushes.

When to close in the ground: 30-45 days after sowing before the budding of the plant.

An important feature: during the flowering period, the stems are sharply rude.

Rye, like Siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

Seva time:

  • the end of March-April,
  • under the winter - from mid -August to September.

Absolutely not demanding on the quality of the soil, but it can greatly dehydrate the soil!

When to close in the ground: as soon as the ground part reaches a height of 30 cm.

Important: attracts the wireworm!

Detailed information about this sectral culture is presented in the table (see the beginning of the article).

Fatselia, like Siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

Fatselia is not only a wonderful honey plant, but also an indispensable siderat for the garden and garden
Fatselia is not only a wonderful honey plant, but also an indispensable siderat for the garden and garden

Universal Siderat and Beautiful Phytosanita. Suitable as a companion and predecessor for all vegetable and fruit and berry crops. It grows perfectly on any soil.

You can sow from early spring to the middle of October (in the winter).

When to close in the ground: 30-45 days after sowing before the budding of the plant.

Lupin, like Siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

Seva time: The first five -day May or the end of July.

For what soils it is suitable: all soils, except for loamy and peat bogs. It works well on acidic soils.

A good companion for all vegetable crops (can be sowed in rows). A wonderful predecessor for nightshade, pepper, cruciferous and pink. Not "friends" with legumes.

When to close in the ground: 45-56 days after sowing at the time of flowering.

RAPS, like Siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

Flowers, fruits and seeds of raps Yarovaya
Flowers, fruits and seeds of raps Yarovaya

Seva time:

  • for Yarovoy - the end of March (when there is no prospect of night frosts),
  • for winter - mid -August (after gathering the main crop).

For what soils it is suitable: chernozems with a slightly acidic reaction, sod-podzolic, sandy loam or loamy.

It attracts nematodes, so it is categorically not suitable as a predecessor for beets. Great green fertilizer for vegetable crops of the pumpkin and nightshade family.

When it is embedded in the ground: as soon as the ground part reaches a height of 20-30 cm. It is desirable to cut the plant during the budding period.

Radish is oily, like a siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

Seva time:

  • since April,
  • after harvesting early vegetable crops, winter crops - to the middle of August.

For what soils it is suitable: loam and sandy loam, peatants are slightly acidic. Poorly tolerates acidic soils.

It is categorically not suitable as a predecessor for the plants of the Cross -Belief family.

When to close in the ground: 40 days after sowing during budding.

Lucerne, like Siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

Alfalfa - indispensable siderat and medicinal grass
Alfalfa - indispensable siderat and medicinal grass

Seva Time: From April to August.

For what soils it is suitable: very exhausted, but not sour.

It is an excellent predecessor or companion for vegetable crops of the nightshade family and for fruit and berry crops. Not suitable for legumes!

Important: confuses the nematod!

When to be closed in the ground: cut down 50-60 days after sowing during budding. The plant is perennial, therefore you can not touch the root system and grow alfalfa for several years in a row.

Donnik, as Siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

Seva Time: After harvesting the main crop in the winter. In general, you can sow from early spring to late autumn.

For what soils it is suitable: he feels well on exhausted poor soils (sandy, salt -free, heavy loamy, rocky).

As the predecessor is suitable for all vegetable and fruit and ceremic crops, except for the plants of the bean family.

Well suppresses nematodes. Can suffer from powdery mildew.

When it is embedded in the ground: as soon as the ground part reaches a height of 40-50 cm. It is desirable to cut the plant before flowering during the budding period.

Buckwheat, like Siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

Buckwheat is an indispensable honey plant and siderat
Buckwheat is an indispensable honey plant and siderat

Seva Time: In the middle of May or after harvesting the main crop six weeks before the first frosts.

For what soils it suits: he feels well on exhausted poor soils, including heavy salt shakers. The main thing is that the soil is well moistened.

A wonderful companion plant for fruit and berry crops.

When to close in the ground: 40 days after sowing during active flowering.

Peas, like a siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

When sowing: in the early spring, focusing on the recommendations of the seed manufacturer.

For what soils it is suitable: medium soils with neutral acidity.

It has a beneficial effect on all plants except legumes.

When to close in the ground: during active flowering.

Legumes, like Siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

See the previous part of the article.

Wheat, like Siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

Most often sown in the winter with the aim of embarrassing in the ground in early spring. Proceeding is possible from April to August.

For what soils it is suitable: heavy clay and loamy soils.

Perfectly tolerates the company of all vegetable crops. Not compatible with the plants of the Cerecom Family.

When to close in the ground: as soon as the ground part reaches a height of 20 cm.

Vika Yarovaya, like Siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

Sealing siderta into the ground
Sealing siderta into the ground

When sowing: in late March or in the second half of August after harvesting from basic crops.

For what soils it is suitable: slightly acidic cultivated. It does not tolerate acidic soils and salt marshes, as well as sandy and swamp soils.

A wonderful predecessor for plants of the family ofies, pumpkin, cruciferous, etc. One of their best companions for fruit and berry crops.

When to close in the ground: as soon as the ground part reaches a height of 15-20 cm or when moving to the budding phase.

Clover is red, like Siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

An ideal long -term culture for the garden.

When sowing: in late March or in the second half of August after harvesting from basic crops.

For what soils it is suitable: quite wet, slightly acidic, humus or loamy.

A good companion for plants of all families except legumes.

When to close in the ground: when moving to the budding phase.

Barley, like Siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

When to sow:

  • winter - mid -August - early September;
  • yarova - the second half of March - early April.

For what soil it is suitable: for any. In addition, it tolerates drought.

A good companion for plants of all families except cereals and root crops (especially potatoes). Attracts the wireworm!

When to close in the ground: as soon as the ground part reaches a height of 40-60 cm.

Esartzet, like a siderat: when and where is it better to sow and when to dig?

Plot with a rising escarce
Plot with a rising escarce

An ideal long -term culture for the garden.

When sow: in the spring, after warming up the soil up to 6-7 ° C.

For what soils it is suitable: humus, quite moist.

A good companion for plants of all families except legumes.

When to close in the ground: when moving to the budding phase.

What siderates to sow under apple trees, pears, currants, gooseberries: names, list, sowing time

Clover, Vika Yarovaya, Esartzet, Len, Fatselia, mustard. For the trunk circle: velvet, calendula, nasturtium. See more detailed information about each of the cultures above in the text.

Siderates for the garden from weeds: name, list

Oil radish, white mustard, lupine, siderates of the grain family, alfalfa, clover.

Siderates for the garden from late blight: name, list

Oily radish, white mustard, calendula, fatselia.

Siderates for potatoes: Names, list

Peas, vika, rapeseed, white mustard, oil radish. Bad predecessors of potato beds are cereals. They attract wireworms and nematodes.

Siderates for strawberries: Names, List

Strawberries planted with Siderat (oats)
Strawberries planted with Siderat (oats)

As a companion plant: calendula, velvet, garlic, oats.

As the Giderates-predecessions: legumes (especially lupine), fatselia, plants of the grain family (especially oats), plants of the cruciferous family (mustard).

Siderates for onions, garlic: names, list

Clover, rapeseed, mustard, lupine, Vika.

Siderates for tomatoes: Names, list

To enrich the soil as the Gidrates-predecessors: plants of the Beaver family.

As a companion and/or sanitation: oil radish, white mustard, calendula, fatselia.

Siderats of cucumbers: Names, list

For enrichment of the soil as the Gidrates-predecessions: grain (especially rye, oats), cruciferous, legumes.

As a companion and/or sanitation: oil radish, white mustard, calendula, fatselia.

Siderates for cabbage: name, list

Capaches beds next to companents: marigolds and calendula
Capaches beds next to companents: marigolds and calendula

To enrich the soil as the Gidrates-predecessor: legumes.

As a companion and/or sanitation: calendula, fatselia.

Siderates for carrots: name, list

To enrich the soil as the Gidrates, as well as as a companion and/or sanitation: calendula, fatselia, plants of the cruciferous family.

Siderates for raspberries: Names, list

As a companion plant: calendula, velvet.

As the Giderates-predecessions: legumes (especially lupine), fatselia, plants of the grain family (especially oats), plants of the cruciferous family (mustard).

What siderates can you not dig?

As a rule, perennials do not dig. As a fertilizer, the aboveground green part of the plant is used, which is regularly cut. In addition, it is not customary to dig winter crops.

Important: Siderates dig only before the landing of the main culture! Not earlier!

What to do with siderates, how to use?

Devorates-predecessors are used as organic fertilizers, leaving them for decay directly on the site. In such cases, you may need a shallow (up to 10 cm) digging the upper layer of soil and the use of EM drugs.

The cut greens of cedorates-many years are used as mulch, laying down under plants of the main culture, for example, under the bushes of raspberries or tomatoes. In addition, such greens are an excellent feed for pets.

Excess greens are laid in a compost pit/pile.

Best Siderats for the garden: Names, List

Many experienced gardeners and gardeners call their favorite Facelia. This plant not only favorably affects the soil, but also decorates the site. The only minus of the fatselia is the height. If the deadlines are incorrectly calculated, the fatselia-companion can drown out young plants of the main culture.

In addition, mustard, oats, lupine, radish use unchanged love.

Video: how to use siderates. The site "Garden World"

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