The ratio of men and women in the world, Russia, different countries in 2022-2023: statistics by age and years. Forecasts of the ratio of men and women

The ratio of men and women in the world, Russia, different countries in 2022-2023: statistics by age and years. Forecasts of the ratio of men and women

The ratio of men and women is different depending on the country, ages and years.

Probably, many people were worried about who more: men or women. In fact, their ratio varies depending on the place selected for the analysis of the population, the age of individuals, the current year and other factors.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Who changes more and more often - men or women?". You will find information on statistics and reasons. You will also learn which zodiac signs change the most among men and women.

This article will give the number of men and women in the world, different countries of the world and some large cities. It is interesting. Read further.

How many men and women in the world in 2022-2023?

Men and women
Men and women

In 2022-2023, approximately 7.995,000 people live in the world, of which about 4.034,000 are men, and approximately 3.961,000 are women. Thus, 50.5% of men and 49.5% of women live in the world, that is, their ratio is close to 1: 1.

In fact, such a ratio of both sexes is not observed everywhere. In most countries of the world, the percentages of men and women are very different: in some, representatives of the stronger sex prevail, and in some, on the contrary, women make up the greatest percentage. These countries compensate each other in the number of men and women, so in the world the number of people of both sexes is approximately the same. Read more:

That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world
That's how many men and women in the world

The percentage of the population of men and women in Russia: by age, years

The population of Russia is a little more than 146.05 million people. The percentage of the population is this:

  • Women have to 53,5% (78.4 million people)
  • On men - 46,3% (67.65 million people)
  • Thus, the number of women is one of men as 1.16: 1, that is, on average, 116 women account for 100 men.

Such a deviation from world statistics is associated with the Great Patriotic War. Basically, only men were previously called to fight, so most of the 27 million people who died in this war fall on them. Now the percentages of people of both sexes are nearing 50%, but the echoes of the war will be in statistics until all veterans pass away.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Signs of a real man". You will find out what they are doing and what will not allow themselves to do truly loving men in relation to a woman.

The strong influence of veterans on the ratio of men and women is reflected in this schedule of the number of people by age and different years:

The number of men and women
The number of men and women

On the schedule of the number of men and women by age, it is shown that the ratio of the sexes of children, adolescents and adults is almost the same, and the ratio of older people of different sexes is very different. This once again proves the influence of the Great Patriotic War on the demography of Russia.

On the schedule of a percentage of men and women in different years (1991, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020 and 2022) it also proves the reason for the prevalence of women in Russia:

The percentage of men and women
The percentage of men and women

On the schedule of the number of representatives of different sexes, it is clear that in the 90s the birth rate is the lowest, so the prevalence of the female population over the male intensifies. Further, it decreases, because at the moment in connection with the improvement of conditions, the country's population is growing.

The given graphs show that everything is sad, because the process of approaching the equal number of people of both sexes is slow. But in Russia they create programs to support families with children. Therefore, in the future, these numbers may be leveled.

Read more:

The percentage of men and women
The percentage of men and women
The percentage of men and women
The percentage of men and women

The ratio of men and women in Moscow

Moscow - The most populated city of Russia. The number of people is approaching 13 million people. Due to the high population of Moscow, the statistics of men and women living in it practically reflect the country's performance. Here are the numbers of the ratio:

  • At the moment, about 12.64 million people live in Moscow
  • The share of men has to 44,7% (5.665 million people)
  • For women - 55.3%(7.01 million people)
  • About 123 women account for 100 men

There is also a smooth approach to an ideal ratio, but it occurs more slowly than in the country, due to a smaller number of population.

The ratio of men and women in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg - The second largest city in Russia after Moscow, therefore, the statistics of the country's population affects it as much as the capital. The ratio of men and women in St. Petersburg:

  • Now about 2.38 million men (44.1%) and 3.02 million women (55.9%) live in the northern capital of Russia, that is, 126 women account for 100 men.
  • This indicator is practically no different from the same ratio in Moscow.

An example of St. Petersburg once again proves the pattern: the larger the population of the city, the more it reflects the statistics of the population of different sexes of the country.

The ratio of men and women in China: Statistics

China - A country in which the ratio of men and women is approximately equal to the world. Statistics:

  • Previously, in China, the birth of a boy was more desirable than the birth of a girl, since she could not become a heiress according to stereotypes. Because of this, pregnant Chinese women have an abortion when they found out that they would have a girl.
  • At some point, the share of the male population has reached 70%, and female - all 30%.
  • The situation was aggravated by a ban on the birth of more than 1 child in the family, who is now canceled. In general, this phenomenon was deplorable, because it posed a threat to a decrease in the population in China.

According to statistics, the situation has changed for the better: in China, of 1.45 billion of its inhabitants, the percentage of men is 51,9% (755.4 million people), and women - 48,1% (700 million people). Of course, traces of these terrible times remained in statistics, but they are no longer so noticeable.

The ratio of the number of men and women in Japan

Japan - The country of centenarians, so it has many elderly people. According to statistics, there are more women than men to advance than men, so the female population prevails in this country. Here is the ratio of the number of people in this country:

  • Of the 126.3 million people 51.3% (64.8 million people) are women, and 48.7% (61.51 million people) are men.
  • Thus, in Japan there are 105 women per 100 men.

Next, information about India. Read further.

The ratio of men and women in India

India - A developing country, therefore, certain stereotypes about the sexes of people are fixed in it. In this country, the appearance of a boy is more desirable than the birth of a girl, because here men are considered the heirs and breadwinners of the family. This is valued due to widespread poverty in the country. In India, in view of this trend, abortion on the basis of sex was banned, and in remote areas, the murder of newborn girls is still practiced for economic reasons. Here is the ratio of men and women:

  • The financial situation in India was reflected in its demography: 731.35 million men (51.6%) and 685.1 million women (48.4%) live in the country.
  • That is, 106 men account for 100 women.

Now the sexes of the sexes come to equilibrium, which indicates the work of the law introduced in India regarding the ban on abortion.

The ratio of men and women in the USA

USA - A developed country, so here are the fractions of both sexes about the same. Here is the ratio:

  • The share of men is 49.4% (165.98 million people)
  • The share of women is 50.6% (170.23 million people)

The ratio of representatives of different sexes here is also approaching 1: 1.

The ratio of men and women in Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan The situation with the shares of people of different sexes is about the same as in Russia. Here is the information on the ratio in this country:

  • Men here account for 48% of people (9.31 million people), and women - 52% (10.08 million people).
  • Thus, in Kazakhstan there are 108 women per 100 men.

The reason for the statistics lies in the same thing as in Russia, namely in the Great Patriotic War. Kazakhstan is a country that is part of the CIS, which means that it was part of the USSR and took part in hostilities, where the loss of the male population was high.

The ratio of men and women in North and South Korea

Although North Korea - A closed country, demographic statistics are still provided here.

  • 13.27 million women (50.9%) and 12.79 million men (49.1%) live in North Korea.
  • Here, the ratio of representatives of both sexes is close to 1: 1, even though the Korean war had a great influence.

The rapid restoration of the equality of floors is due to a small population: for example, to increase the number of men is easier in North Korea with a population of 26.06 million people than in Russia with a population of 146.05 million people.

In South Korea The population is even closer to the equality of shares of people of different sexes than North Korea. This is due to the rapid population growth associated with more comfortable conditions than in a neighboring country.

  • Of the 51.86 million people, women account for 50.2% (26.01 million people), and 49.8% (25.86 million people) for men.

Thus, after a couple of years in South Korea, most likely, the ratio of representatives of both sexes will be 1: 1.

The ratio of men and women in Turkey

Turkey - One of the few countries with almost equal shares of the floors:

  • There are 43.83 million women (50.1%) and almost 43.6 million men (49.9%).
  • The difference among the two sexes is only 300 thousand people.

Therefore, the ratio of men and women in Turkey throughout the country is 1: 1. Below is still information about other countries. Read further.

The ratio of men and women in Germany

Germany - A developed country in which the proportion of men and women is almost the same. Here is the ratio:

  • Representatives of the stronger sex here are 49% (41.09 million people), and the excellent - 51% (42.69 million people).
  • The ratio of representatives of different sexes here is also close to ideal numbers - 1: 1.

Despite this situation, there are traces of the Great Patriotic War. This country suffered losses correlated with the death of people in the USSR, because in Germany the population was smaller than in our country. Here, these losses were compensated as quickly as in North and South Korea, due to fewer people.

The ratio of men and women in Iceland

Iceland - One of the few countries in which the percentage of representatives of different sexes is close to world. Here is the information on the ratio:

  • In total, in the country there are 50.4% of the population (174 thousand people) in the country, and 49.6% (172 thousand people) for women.

Iceland is famous for the fact that in 2016, fake news about payments in the size of $ 5,000 per month migrants for marriage to Icelanders began to spread about it. The manuals were supposedly introduced due to the lack of men in this country. The fake was repeatedly refuted by official sources, but he still continues to walk over the network, and some short -sighted users believe in it.

The ratio of women and men is the same in which country in the world?

Judging by the above information, the belief is that the ratio of men and women can be equal. However, there are a country with a perfectly ideal ratio. This is Mali.

  • Mali -The country that is located in the north-west of Africa.
  • 10.726 million men and 10.731 million women live in this state.

The difference is only 5 thousand people, which is very small for one country.

Causes of equal sex ratio in the world

To answer the question: "Why is the ratio of floors in the world equal?" - It is necessary to establish the life path of a person. These are the reasons:

  • In childhood, more boys are born than girls. This is explained by the tendency to the father to convey the Y-chromosome, thanks to which the embryo will have a male floor.
  • In the world, the mortality of boys is higher than girls, therefore, by adulthood, the ratio of boys and girls is aligned. By old age, the number of men is reduced, so the percentage of women is increasing.
  • There are representatives of all these age categories in the world, so the ratio of representatives of different sexes is almost the same.

But why does the number of men and women change at different ages?

  • Firstly, this is due to the different nature of people of various sexes. Men are more capable of risk, and sometimes their dangerous maneuvers end in deplorable. Women are more cautious, so they are less capable of actions performed by men with risk. The equality of quantities is regulated by representatives of other ages.
  • Secondly, external factors have a great influence. For example, in the world there is almost always any military conflict. More men are involved in them than women, so most of the dead are representatives of the stronger sex, so their losses are large, and the ratio is equalized at the expense of children and the elderly.
  • Thirdly, the policy of different countries also affects demography. For example, in developed countries, an approximately equal ratio of men and women (most often there are a little more women), and in developing and backward countries their inhabitants have sex stereotypes, which are most often associated with the superiority of men. Arab countries also have the influence on statistics, in which there are much more people than the great sex than the excellent.

In general, there are a lot of reasons for the equal ratio of sexes, but the main ones are the nature of people of different sexes, historical circumstances and orders in different countries.

Forecasts of the ratio of men and women

Forecasts on the ratio of the population say that after 8 years the number of people will exceed 8.6 billion people, and by 2050 it will approach 9.8 billion people. This will be due to an increase in life expectancy by almost 20 years by 2050.

  • Due to the increase in the life expectancy of people, the mortality rate of representatives of the stronger sex will decrease, so the ratio of men and women will be aligned.

Of course, the forecast will be fulfilled only if the inhabitants of the countries from rooted stereotypes associated with the child’s sex are fulfilled from the desire to give birth to the baby of the desired gender. Otherwise, it will be difficult for men in such countries to find a partner because of their low quantity, so the population in such states will decrease, which will adversely affect their economy.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the ratio of men and women in the world is gradually approaching the ideal (1: 1). Despite this, it still differs in different countries of the world. The proportions of men and women in states depend on different factors: the degree of development of the country, historical events, the quality of life, the number of abortions, mortality at different ages and so on.

Video: The ratio of men and women (comparison of countries)

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