Why women live longer than men: reasons, video

Why women live longer than men: reasons, video

For more than one millennium, the minds of scientists, philosophers and poets will excite the question of how great the differences between women and men are. Why are people of opposite sexes, they perceive information in different ways, respond to stress and weather changes. Well, the main question: why do women live longer than men?

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The life expectancy of different animals: birds, reptiles, rodents, fish and mollusks".

The difference in the life expectancy of men and women, as well as the reasons for this phenomenon, will be discussed in this article. Read further.

Is it true that women live longer than men?

This is why women live longer than men
This is why women live longer than men

Having got acquainted with the statement that life expectancy in women is higher than that of men, many people may not perceive it seriously, and some even count in fiction. So does this thesis have any reason? Is it true that women live longer than men?

  • The average life expectancy in women is really higher than in men. Moreover, this difference existed always and everywhere, regardless of race, region of residence, quality of medicine and other factors.
  • It is also interesting that somewhere the difference can be two or three years, and somewhere to reach a dozen years.
  • No matter how the average life expectancy in regions with a high level of development, such as Japan, the statistical difference between women and men, is still preserved.

Of course, nothing in the world around us happens just like that and everything has a reason. Therefore, the difference in life expectancy between men and women depends on many factors. Read further.

Why in Russia and other countries women live longer than men: reasons, video

Probably few know that the duration of human life is not an unchanged value. From century to century, it changes, becoming longer on average, then shorter. And as it has already been written: a great influence on the life expectancy of a person and therefore, on the difference in this indicator in men and women, it has many factors. So, why do women live longer than men in Russia and other countries?

These are the reasons:

  • Biological factor or genetics
  • Different exposure to hormones
  • Attitude to health
  • Women are more cautious
  • High emotionality
  • Bad habits
  • Shifting responsibility

The listed factors are the main of all reasons that can influence the duration of human life, according to scientists. Of course, all factors are important and require analysis. Watch the video below. It tells what science thinks about it.

Video: Why do women live longer than men? - Scientific

Biological factor in the life expectancy of men and women

The main factor affecting the difference in life expectancy in men and women, which is impossible to control, is a biological reason. We will tell you more about what it is.

  • According to scientists, 100 eggs with the female sex, account for 117-130 with male. At the same time, according to statistics, 100 boys are born for 100 girls.
  • Such indicators follow from the fact that the percentage of the male is higher, in the total number of spontaneous miscarriages, compared with the female.
  • Statistics suggest that an average of 170 male miscarriages falls on 100 female, excluding miscarriages in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 3 months).
  • A large number of miscarriages are recorded in the first and second months of pregnancy, and at the stage until the second month, male embroidery prevail.

As a result, following the given statistics, it can be argued that male germs initially turn out to be less viable than female. In general, statistics indicate that the mortality of girls in the first year of life is as much as 24% less compared to boys.

The effects of hormones in men and women

This is why women live longer than men
This is why women live longer than men

Another factor affecting human life is hormones. Why do they have such an impact on life expectancy?

  • Human hormones are divided into two types: male and female.
  • The male hormone is called testosterone and is responsible for aggressiveness. It is not difficult to guess, the increased content of testosterone can lead to a high level of accidents that make the lives of men shorter.
  • The female hormone, called estrogen, is able to lower the content of poor cholesterol in the blood. This leads to improving blood vessels, as a result of which the female circulatory system is preserved and works better than male. As a result, men are more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases than women.

Surprisingly, as we see, even at the hormonal level, women have more vitality than men.

Attitude to health in men and women

This is why women live longer than men
This is why women live longer than men

Health care is a very important parameter, regardless of gender and age. Therefore, it is not surprising that this factor has a serious impact on human life.

  • A woman is a successor of the family, as a result, she is initially programmed to greater care of her health than a man. For example, according to statistics, women often visit doctors compared to a strong floor.
  • At the same time, men sometimes have to literally push the doctor’s appointment, because they are afraid to look weak and do not accept complaints.
  • Do not forget that there are many men who choose one remedy for the treatment of ailments - alcohol, which as a result only exacerbates diseases.

It is worth adding that women as a whole begin to suffer from any ailments 10-12 years later than men, while having more resistance to disease. One of the main reasons for such an advantage of the weaker sex is precisely the care of health.

Increased caution of women

This is why women live longer than men
This is why women live longer than men

The next item on the list is the higher caution of women compared to men. At first glance, this factor seems quite lengthy, therefore it requires careful clarification.

  • The fact is that a woman is a carrier of a conservative, hereditary principle, thanks to which she is initially programmed for greater care and caution in her actions.
  • As a result, women are much less susceptible to injuries compared to men. Moreover, this rule applies even to those situations when a woman and a man do the same work.
  • Women are initially more neat and accurate in the implementation of the rules. In addition, they gravitate less than men to a variety of risks.

Also, speaking of caution, do not discount such a factor as education. In the end, we all remember that in girls it is customary to develop such qualities as diligence and accuracy, and boys from childhood are accustomed to courage.

The relationship of the increased emotionality of women and life expectancy

Emotions are an integral part of human life and in any way to protect them from them. At the same time, few people know that emotions are able to influence life expectancy, no weaker than previous factors from our list.

  • Women are famous for their emotionality. It is a fact.
  • And not surprisingly, this feature is beneficial for the weak sex.
  • The fact is that, unlike men prone to accumulating negative emotions, women prefer to splash out.
  • Together with tears, women get rid of harmful substances: prolactin and leucinannanicifalin. They are produced as a result of stress.

From childhood, boys are taught to be ashamed of tears and never complain, which helps to increase stress. The accumulation of negative emotions can over time cause disorders of the nervous system and, as a result, lead to depression.

As you can see, the relationship of the increased emotionality of women and life expectancy still exists. Therefore, there is no wonder the fact that in statistics among men there are more suicides than women. Moreover, this applies to all age categories.

Bad habits in men reduce life expectancy

Speaking about the duration of human life, you should not ignore the phenomenon such ordinary for modern society as bad habits. Men are more influenced by women. This factor greatly reduces life expectancy. By the way, the first lists of lists of shortening the lives of bad habits occupy alcohol and smoking.

It is worth turning to statistics and it will immediately become clear that more than 90% of lungs suffering from cancer are avid smokers. And the vast majority of them are men. In addition, smoking can seriously loosen the nervous system, which directly affects the heart and other vital organs and systems of the body.

Another deadly bad habit is drunkenness. Alcohol is destructive. Firstly, it seriously increases the number of accidents with death, and secondly, it destroys the personality and causes liver diseases, which also leads to a reduction in life.

Shifting responsibility: What is the connection with the life expectancy?

What does the term “shifting responsibility” mean and how is it related to life expectancy?

  • It will not be an exaggeration to say that the most exhausting human psyche is responsible.
  • The proof of this is statistics that says that the life of people holding high positions is on average shorter than the employees who obey them.
  • At the same time, women are much less often than men, find themselves in high and responsible positions. The weak sex gets the role of the performer. The woman is responsible for herself, the boss - for everyone. As a result, a woman is less exposed to stress harmful to life, at work.

In household matters, responsibility also more often falls precisely on male shoulders, and not on female. The woman, as for everyday life, gets the role of a kind of motivator and “pusher” of the stronger sex to manifest the initiative and making responsible decisions. It is not without reason that the highest degree of praise that a man can hear from a woman sounds something like this: “For you, like behind a stone wall.”

What is the life expectancy of people?

This is why women live longer than men
This is why women live longer than men

If you believe the statements of the Goskomstat, then the average longitude of the man’s life by the end of 1994 was 57 years old, in women this indicator reached 71 years. For comparison, in Europe, Canada and the USA, the same indicator was: 73-74 years in men and 79-80 years in women, in Japan: 75 years in men and 81 years in women.

As a result, we can state the fact that modern Russian men live 16 years less compared to the West, and women are 8 years less. But most scientists are worried about the gap between the life expectancy of men and women, which is already 13 years and continues to increase.

In conclusion, let's look into the future for 15 years and try to predict what awaits us. So, according to the most optimistic scenario of many researchers, in the future, the average life expectancy of the male population will decrease to 55 years, while the average life expectancy of women will be about 71 years. It is easy to calculate that the gap in general will reach 17 years. If you add to everything a higher mortality rate of the male population, then the trend will be far from rainbow. It remains only to quote the famous Soviet professor, scientist and demographer Boris Urlanis: "Take care of men."

Video: 50 reasons why women live longer (rzhach) ...

Video: Why do women live longer than men. Medical and scientific facts.

Video: Why do women live longer than men | The secret of longevity

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