Why is it better for a girl to be a girl than a man?

Why is it better for a girl to be a girl than a man?

The girl is better to be a girl. If you do not understand why, then read the article.

Often, representatives of the strong and the weaker sex argue who is better to be a boy or a girl. And they cannot come to a consensus.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to invite a guy to a walk?". You will find options, phrases and ready -made sentences.

We suggest that you consider items that prove that a girl is still better for a girl than a man. Read further.

Girls - such girls

Girls - such girls
Girls - such girls

Women have a number of advantages in their body. Just because girls are such girls, and are born by a weak sex not in vain. Consider some examples:

  • They don't have to worry about clothes

You can equally wear oversized in a male style and heels, skirts in a female one. While the guys are deprived of such an opportunity. Men in women's clothing most often look stupid and inappropriate.

  • Women do not like only for their appearance

The phrase popular on social networks: "Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head only from the fact that a man has beautiful legs?" Also personifies why a woman is better. There are probably no such girls who love the guy only for external data and do not pay attention to his character and behavior.

  • Girls can lead themselves in the same situation at different times in different ways

It always says goodbye to them. If a woman sees a cockroach, she can scream with horror, and maybe he must kill an insect. And no one will blame her for, that she is not right. While the society is waiting for decisive actions from a man and often does not forgive weakness.

  • Women can cry and laugh, even if someone looks at them

Men are often forced to restrain emotions and show strength and stamina.

  • The girl acts in the mood

A woman can drag huge packages from grocery, or can ask for help from a man to raise a small box with ordered cosmetics from the online store. And there is also nothing strange in this, just in various situations, girls can behave differently. It all depends on what her mood is now.

  • According to the latest statistics, women live longer than men

It is also an undoubted plus. This also includes the fact that the retirement age for women occurs 5 years earlierthan for men.

  • A girl can give birth to a child - give a new life to the world

Not a single guy is capable of this. And this is a huge plus in the piggy bank of women. They live for the sake of children, and everyone is ready to do for the well -being of their children. These feelings are not fully familiar to any man.

  • The girl is excusable to be a little actress

She can play different roles, because this is the whole female essence.

  • Multitasking

Most of the fairer sex are good housewives, they can simultaneously clean and cook. And at the same time they are engaged in children and work. The multitasking of girls in the blood.

  • They cope with male affairs perfectly

Many male affairs women do no worse than guys. For example, they drive a car, women do not lose to men in sports and business. The hobbies of girls are also diverse, there may be men's hobbies.

  • Love different female "things"

Every woman is greatly pleased with all sorts of female joys, for example, a new manicure with rhinestones or a campaign in a solarium and a store behind a new blouse. Men cannot understand and do not experience such feelings.

  • Girls have higher the pain threshold, this is an unambiguously proven fact

Most likely, few men could withstand the pain that women experience during childbirth.

  • Women can hug friends

Men are limited in freedom of embrace. And most likely they will have to look around, hugging with the guy.

  • Girls have the below the risk of baldness

Because in the genotype of the fairer sex there is a second X chromosome, while many guys lose their hair without even reaching 30 years.

  • Women are noble talkers

This is explained from a scientific point of view by the fact that the girls in the brain responsible for communications are more developed than in men. It is also known that women use various methods of communication, for example, mail, messengers, social networks.

  • Girls distinguish between combinations of different colors

Guys often do not see the difference in shades.

  • Women have a special right to get sick once a month

A woman is a complex and multifaceted creation, she can be bold, strong or weak, capricious and ask for help. It can make up and dress up, or can leave the house without makeup and hairstyles. Girls cry and laugh, they show their emotions always depending on the situation, and all their feelings are excusable to them. Because the girls are such girls, and that says it all.

Why is it better for a girl to be a girl than a man?

It is better for a girl to be a girl than a man
It is better for a girl to be a girl than a man

In addition to purely female advantages, you can distinguish the following points that are important for life, why, after all, a girl is better than a girl than a man. Among them are the following factors:

  • Women and children in emergency are the first to save.
  • There are more places on the woman’s body to hide something compared to the male body.
  • Women are not guarded by employees of the military registration and enlistment office.
  • Many clubs and entertainment centers for women are free input or pleasant bonuses.
  • Girls will never have a doubt that the children are not her, and no one will come to the woman and will not announce the imminent appearance of the baby.
  • A girl can scream while watching horror films.
  • No one will have a scandal for a woman because she did not buy a new phone or a fur coat for her partner. And she didn’t even bring flowers.
  • Returning to flowers, women often present similar presentations. The girl can get bouquets of flowers for the holiday and just like that, for no reason.
  • Women sweat less, therefore, if the girl forgot the clothes from the sports club in the bag and did not wash, the next day she will not have to be taken out in a protective mask.
  • Girls do not have to pay for dinner for two, sometimes they don’t even have to pay for themselves.
  • It is also not necessary to come up with witty texts to get acquainted with the guy, most often the guys are in a hurry to get acquainted with the young ladies.
  • Women skillfully use accessories, for example, handbags, this is a spacious storage for the necessary things, and a stylish accessory. At the same time, men do not at all see the point in additional objects in their hands.
  • A girl can be a housewife and not combine her career and domestic troubles. If a man wants to sit at home, then perhaps he will face some pressure from society.
  • If the lady wants to build a career and she succeeds in it, then she will admire her more than a man with an impressive salary.
  • Women never have to prove their case or mental abilities with the help of strength.
  • Ladies are more careful, that is why it is easier to sell an old phone or car for a woman, a loan of trust in buying, much higher than in men.
  • The ladies are better dancing and flirting.
  • If the girl is stupid, then someone will find this not with an omission, but just a cute highlight.
  • If a woman and men have the same amount of alcohol in the blood, then representatives of the stronger sex lose orientation faster.
  • The usual cold will not force her to write a will and inform all relatives that she was on death.
  • Girls do not need to shave every day, and even if they do not do it at all, perhaps no one will know about this secret. Also, many ways have been invented for them to get rid of excess hair on the body for a long time.
  • Many cosmetological procedures can help the lady always look good and remain outwardly young. At the same time, there are much less male procedures.
  • Probably everyone heard about female intuition, and very often everything turns out to be exactly as the lady predicts.
  • A woman looks more organic if she has small stature.
  • Dams are dedicated to poems, songs and paintings much more often than men.
  • A female body without clothes looks more pleasant than male.
  • Women are more likely to give way to transport.
  • The taste and aesthetic qualities are more developed in women.
  • Girls are more likely to speak compliments than guys.
  • The beauties have much more topics for conversations, communication does not end only with football topics. Yes, and about football, the ladies may not love sports, and it will not look strange.

Summing up, everything written can be said that women and men are different and this is wonderful. The opposite people of different sexes attract and love each other. And, despite all the listed facts, undoubtedly, both a woman and a man is good, and it was not for nothing that nature created us different. Advantages have both men and women. Therefore, it is worth leaving disputes in the past, and simply thanking nature for happiness to be born in your body, and live this beautiful life by a man or woman. Good luck!

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