Message on the topic "Radiation around us": arguments, facts. The influence and consequences of radiation on humans and animals, an acceptable safe norm, a dangerous and fatal dose of radiation for humans

Message on the topic

From this article you will learn what is radiation, in what cases it is dangerous and how it affects the human body.


Radiation is a rather dangerous radiation that can not only harm the human body, but also destroy all living things. Let's figure out what it is when it is dangerous and in what doses.

What is radiation in simple words, in what units is measured, to what type of pollution does it belong?

The radiation around us is radiation, which is used not only in terms of radioactivity, but also for other phenomena. So, there is solar, thermal radiation. In addition, it is also called ionizing radiation, but at the same time it is given another characteristic.

Radiation pollution is the most dangerous type of physical environmental pollution. It is associated with the effects of a person and other organisms of radiation radiation. In developed countries, it is one of the main sources of pollution, since nuclear energy is actively developing.

The unit of measurement of radiation
The unit of measurement of radiation

Radiation in various units is measured:

  • Curie. It does not belong to the SI system. In Russia, it is used in nuclear physics and medicine. Activity is considered equal to one Curie if 3.7 billion decay occurs in it in it.
  • Beckerel. This unit is included in the SI system. It is considered the simplest, because one Beckerl is equal to only one decay in a second. A unit is named after the French physicist Antoine Henri Beckerel.
  • X -ray. It is also not a system unit, although it is used everywhere. One X-ray is equal to a dose in which one cubic centimeter of the air at standard atmospheric pressure and zero temperature carries a charge equal to 3.3*(10*-10). This is about two million pairs of ions. However, it is forbidden to use non -systemic units according to the law in Russia, so they are used only for dosimeters.
  • Glad. Also a non -systemic unit. It is equal to energy in which one gram of substance receives one millionth Joule of energy. So, 1 Rad \u003d 0.01 J/kg.
  • Gray. Recognized by the international system of SI. It reflects the absorbed dose of radiation. So, the substance receives a dose of 1 Gray if the energy is 1 J/kg. So, 1 Gray \u003d 100 Radam.
  • SIVERT. It is also included in the SI system. One zivert is equal to the energy absorbed in a kilogram of fabric after exposure to 1 Gray Gamma rays.

What is ionizing, absorbing, penetrating radiation?

The radiation around us is a rather complicated process. And there are several more concepts that are important to know.

So, the first is ionizing radiation. It is a flow of particles that can lead to ionization of the substance. During this process, one or more electrons break away from the atom or molecules, and then become positively charged ions. At the same time, electrons can also be connected to others, thereby forming negatively charged ions.

Penetrating radiation
Penetrating radiation

The second concept is absorbed radiation. It is a partial transformation of solar radiation into other types of energy. In the atmosphere, approximately 15% of incoming energy is absorbed and most of them falls on the earth's surface. So, absorbed radiation is part of the total solar radiation absorbed by the earth's surface.

Third - penetrating radiation. It is one of the striking factors of nuclear weapons. This is a gamma radiation and a stream of neutrons. Moreover, there is an ionizing radiation in the form of alpha and beta particles. As a rule, penetrating radiation acts for about 10-15 seconds after the explosion. In addition, there are some elements, for example, plutonium, radium or uranium, which spontaneously turn. They give a flux of radiation. And this phenomenon is called penetrating radiation.

What does a radiation sign look like: photo

Radiation is indicated by a certain sign. So, if there is a radiation around us, which can be a danger to life and health, then the following sign is used to designate:

Radiation sign
Radiation sign

The effect of radiation on the human body, what diseases does it cause, what type of radiation is the most dangerous?

There is a certain permissible level of radiation, which will not be dangerous for the body. In general, it should not be more than 0.3-0.5 μs per hour. However, if you are not in such a zone for long, then the body can take 10 μSv per hour, and this is an extremely permissible norm. When this level is exceeded, the radiation around us begins to influence the body. At the same time, penetrating radiation is considered the most dangerous.

The consequences will not be serious if the radiation is short -lived. You can feel a little malaise, but there is a risk of getting cancer in a few years.

When the radiation is within 2-10 ZV, this can lead to the development of radiation disease. This is not fatal, but the consequences are quite serious. Even death is possible.

Over 10 ZV radiation is considered damaging. For several weeks, as a rule, a disease and death occur.

Upon receipt of irradiation in the body, certain diseases may develop:

  • Mutations. They appear after a few generations. Sometimes, even more than a hundred years should pass for them to become noticeable. In addition, it is not even clear whether they are caused by radiation or there is another reason. Moreover, most children with abnormalities are not born, because it is mainly spontaneous abortion. Mutations can make themselves felt at once or only when mom and dad have one mutated gene. The study of mutations has begun not so long ago, so so far this phenomenon can not fully explain this phenomenon.
  • Radiation sickness. It occurs with single strong irradiation or constant in small doses. It is life -threatening. By the way, it occurs after exposure to radiation most often.
  • Leukemia. It is also manifested as a result of exposure to radiation. Retgenologists in the 40s often died from this disease, because the body could not withstand radiation. This was later confirmed after observing the inhabitants of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the bombing.
  • Crayfish. The impact of radiation can also cause cancer. However, exactly scientists cannot say this in order to prove the assumption, it would be necessary to conduct experiments on people. At the same time, they can say for sure that the risk of oncology is still increasing.

Which human organs suffer most from radiation?


When the radiation around us affects the body, cells are damaged. It is destructive because it is able to change DNA and damage the cells. Destruction in the body can provoke only one particle of radiation. Let's find out which organs suffer from irradiation most.

In fact, the most difficult thing after radiation becomes such systems of the body where cells are actively divided. These include:

  • Bone marrow
  • Lungs
  • The mucous membrane of the stomach
  • Intestines
  • Genitals

At the same time, if you have been contacting a small radiation for a long time for a long time, the body will be damaged. So, even a favorite pendant or a camera lens can be dangerous.

It is important to understand that radiation may not manifest itself for a long time, and therefore a person may not even suspect it.

The influence and consequences of animal radiation, why are rats and cockroaches not subject to radiation?

In modern science, there is such a discipline as radiobiology. She studies how radiation around us affects animals. First of all, it violates immunity. Biological protection, which does not allow infections to enter the body, is destroyed. From this, the number of leukocytes is reduced, the skin loses bactericidal properties.

Accordingly, the higher the radiation, the worse the consequences. Too high dose can lead to the death of the body within a week. Young animals die the fastest. By the way, even if infected food is eaten, death can also come from it.

However, as you know, rats and cockroaches are able to survive an atomic explosion. The fact is that rats and cockroaches are perfectly adapted to all kinds of poisons. And cockroaches still have a chitin shell. So, if they are affected by a radiation dose several times higher than the deadly, then the cockroach still continues to live. Rats are characterized by strong survivability. Moreover, rabies is not fatal to them. In addition, the rat community is able to determine the danger and at the cost of the life of their scouts to allow the rest to survive.

Natural sources of radiation, what gas is the main natural source of radiation, why granite phonit radiation?

Natural sources of radiation
Natural sources of radiation

The radiation around us can be natural. That is, it is radiated by environmental objects, in which there are natural isotopes. This type of radiation includes cosmic and solar radiation, as well as radiation from radioactive isotopes that are in the earth's crust and in the surrounding objects.

The most important natural source of radiation is the GAZ Radon. He is inert, but not as much as helium, neon or argon. He has certain properties, but he rarely enters into chemical compounds. But it is easily absorbed by fabrics, papers, oils and so on.

It is often noted that there is radiation and in granite, in fact, it is not dangerous. The fact is that granite can distinguish radon in small quantities that is exhausted from the body. Or radiation gives directly a granite surface. In any case, radiation is obtained as a result of the natural decay of one element into others.

Artificial sources of radiation - what are there?

The radiation around us can be artificially created. So, it can come from the following sources:

Artificial radiation
Artificial radiation

Nuclear bomb: is there radiation and what after a nuclear explosion?

When a nuclear explosion occurs, then, of course, radiation around us appears. The most dangerous is the shock wave, light radiation, as well as radiation. All these factors affect varying degrees. It largely depends on the weapon, distance, the height of the explosion and even the weather and condition of the area. The amazing ability of such an explosion is several times higher.

After the atomic explosion passes, the streams of alpha and beta, as well as gamma rays are formed. The level of radiation itself may turn out to be huge.

  • Alpha particles Not very dangerous, only if they do not enter the body. They are not able to penetrate through the skin
  • Beta particles. If you put on dense clothes and shoes, then protection is provided. Burns may appear on bare skin, but if the organs are affected when it gets inside
  • Gamma radiation. Its penetrating ability is the highest. It affects all cells of the body, but spreads much more slowly

Why is radiation cracking?

When the radiation around us is available, it is captured by a special Geiger counter. He, catching impulses, creates a crack. Accordingly, the higher the radiation level, the stronger the device cracks.

The counter itself is a hermetic cylinder with two electrodes inside. Inside is a gas mixture of easily ionized particles of neon and argon. In addition, a high voltage is brought to the electrodes, which will not show itself until an ionization environment appears inside the cylinder.

Electrons during the operation of the device charge and ionize neighboring particles. This leads to the formation of a high conductivity cloud. Subsequently, a discharge appears, forming a short impulse. The number of impulses depends directly on the level of radiation. The more of them, the stronger the crack will be.

Why does the face and taste of metal in the mouth turn red from radiation?


It is often noted that when there is a radiation around us, then a taste of metal is felt in the mouth, and also blushes the face. As a rule, all this is accompanied by a strong smell of ozone. This all indicates a high level of radioactive radiation. So, if such symptoms appear, then the radiation around is quite strong.

What was the radiation in Chernobyl and how many years will it decompose there?

Chernobyl always raises many questions. The radiation around us still makes itself felt. When an explosion occurred, the level of radiation in the air was prohibitive. According to some reports, the fragments gave a radiation of more than 1000 x -rays per hour. In this case, the deadly zone is considered 50.

During nuclear release in Chernobyl into the environment, Iod-131, Strontius-90, Plutonium-239, Cesius-137 got into the environment. Each of these substances has a half -life period. From iodine-131, the Earth was cleaned quickly enough. Only eight days were enough for this. At the same time, the radiation level only continued to grow. The element settles mainly in the thyroid gland and this is very dangerous for humans.

As for the other elements, the Cesius-137 decays about two years, the strontium-90 is needed for 28 years, but Plutonium-239 is needed 6537 years. It turns out that the consequences will be in this zone for a long time.

What was the radiation in Japan after the explosion in 2011?

In 2011, on March 11, another terrible accident occurred in Japan at Fukushima NPP 1. As a result of the disaster, a strong earthquake arose and gave rise to the tsunami. It is difficult to say what was the level of radiation at that moment, but the authorities evacuated the area around 20 thousand kilometers around the station, and also limited flights over the zone at an altitude of 30 km.

Due to the explosion, about 47 thousand inhabitants were evacuated. And on April 12, 2011, the severity of the nuclear emergency increased from five to seven. This is the highest score that was assigned.

What objects emit radiation?

Sources of radiation
Sources of radiation

In everyday life, radiation around us is also present. It is radiated by some objects:

  • Tableware. In crystal dishes there is a lead that is fraught with the danger of radiation. It is not only toxic, but can also be radioactive. Therefore, you should not store food in such a bowl. In addition, ceramics and clay can also radiate radiation, for example, covered with yellow or fiery-orange uranium glaze.
  • Old jewelry. This applies to those covered with bright glaze. Try to check them with a dosimeter. They may contain a radioactive uranium oxide, and therefore the background near such a thing can reach up to 7 μSv/h. This is 35 times more than normal.
  • Internal cladding. In the apartment, bathrooms and baths are most often most polluted. The concentration in them is high, because there is little light and windows. Therefore, the dosimeter there is "phonit". It can show near a tile of 1.5 μsv/h, which is seven times more than normal. Tiles are made of clay, and they could take it from contaminated deposits.
  • Toys and objects luminous in the dark. Previously, a special photographer of constant action was used, which covered jewelry, hands and compass arrows, as well as souvenirs and children's toys. The composition of this mass includes Radiy-226. It was he who forced the dosimeter to be alarmed. These items are dangerous now, despite the fact that the composition was used in 40-50.

Is there a radiation on the phone, which phones emit the most radiation?

Today they say a lot about the fact that the radiation around us is created by phones. They are constantly available and many hold them in their hands for days. The danger of radiation is that the phone has to constantly make requests. The antenna is built into the phone and during the conversation it turns out to be only 1 cm from the brain.

In fact, the smartphone does not give radiation radiation. In this case, it is electromagnetic. During the conversation, the fabrics heat up and absorb it - these are eyes, ears, brain. At the same time, radiation affects the entire nervous system.

The most dangerous phones are considered the following:

Danger rating

Is there a radiation in the microwave and what?

Radiation around us is created by microwaves. This was discussed for a long time. That's only in this case, this applies to electromagnetic waves. So, the furnace generator gives out waves with a capacity of 800 watts. It can be compared with energy, which requires 10,000 Wi-Fi routers.

Is there a radiation and which in the subway?

In the subway, there is also not radiation, but a magnetic field. It somewhat reminiscent of the work of a microwave oven. The greatest importance is observed when accelerating the train and moving along the tunnel. The lowest level is observed when planting and planting passengers.

However, scientists' studies have shown that with a permissible threshold of 0.2 microtesla (MKTL) per person, in the car, the radiation was 150-200 μT, which is 1000 times higher than the norm. On the platform, the indicators are really lower-50-100 μT. And in suburban electric trains, on average, radiation is 20-30 μT.

What is the radiation in the plane at the height, what dose of radiation does a person receives when flying on an airplane?

Radiation on the plane
Radiation on the plane

From the effects of solar and cosmic radiation around us, the planet is protected by an ozone layer, an atmosphere and an electro-magnetic field of the Earth. The magnetosphere of the planet is uneven. It decreases to the poles, and the largest thickness is at the equator.

In general, of course, when a person flies on an airplane, he is protected thanks to the ozone layer. But he is not at the North and South Pole. So all people flying in these places are exposed to radiation. Flights in the equator area are less dangerous.

By the way, the thunderstorm is a source of gamma radiation. That is why the pilots are trying to bypass the thunderstorms, because there is an increased level of radiation.

Is there a radiation and what after CT, MRI, X -ray, fluorography of the lungs?

X -ray diagnostics, such as CT, MRI, X -ray and lung fluorography, differs in that it creates radiation around us. By the way, this is precisely why people are afraid to carry out these procedures and doctors do not allow them to do often. We will give you several radiation tables that the devices give, but keep in mind that, as the technique improves, the dose obtained by the body decreases.


X -ray

As you can see, the highest radiation is given by radioscopy and computed tomography. In the first case, it depends on the duration of the study, and in the second, several pictures are taken. The larger the out of the body will be, the higher the body.

Is it possible to become infected with radiation from an infected person?

The radiation around us is insidious and can cause many diseases. But can she get infected from another person? There are several opinions on this score.

Some scientists believe that a person is really capable of infecting another, because radiation is a directed flow of radiation, which appears from the rapid division of isotopes. They differ in terms of danger. The directed stream of liberated radicals is considered the most dangerous when all neutrons are neutral and penetrate the human body that absorbs them. As a result, an endless reaction begins and it is the emerging nuclei that are radioactive isotopes. So, if the body is irradiated, then it itself begins to radiate neutrons and infect everything around.

The second opinion is that infection is impossible, because radiation cells kill a person faster than he irradiated someone. But, if there is a lot of radiation dust on clothes and hair, then it can affect people nearby.

The generally accepted opinion is that radiation is not infectious. You can get any infection through the air. But in order to get a large dose of radiation, a source is required that a person cannot be.

Is there any radiation in space, what dose of radiation did the astronauts receive?

A very interesting question - how does the radiation around us affect people in space? After all, American astronauts were on the moon and did not receive any health problems in connection with the influence of radiation on them.

In fact, when the Americans were sent, no one was sure that they would not receive fatal radiation. This was understood by the astronauts themselves.

It turned out that after the trip, the astronauts did not receive a large dose of radiation. It amounted to about 1 glad. During flights, astronauts are even less exposed to radiation than atomic workers.

What professions are related to radiation?

Professions related to radiation
Professions related to radiation

There are many professions in which radiation can affect health. Some of them are influenced to a greater extent, some less. In any case, such professions exist and is not always afraid of them.

First of all, these are professions in which people directly work with radioactive substances - this is the entire nuclear industry, laboratory assistants who work with radioactive substances. X -rayers are also to some extent influenced by radiation, because, as we said above, the devices also give radiation. Nuclear equipment and technology equipment in the field of nuclear medicine are also exposed to harmful radiation.

Through what materials, metals does not pass radiation, what layer of the Earth, lead protects against radiation?

The radiation around us is radiation. Recall, there are alpha, beta and gamma rays. They differ in penetration. So, alpha rays, in principle, do not penetrate through materials, but settled on them, but beta are already able to penetrate. However, foil 0.1 mm thick for them is a complex barrier that they cannot overcome.

At the same time, a neutron cure will easily pass through a concrete of 15 cm, and it is not able to overcome a plastic film with 1 mm thick.

As you know, lead is used to protect against x-ray radiation and gamma quanta. Concrete of 10 cm thick can weaken the flow twice. And the lead screen is enough to take 0.5 cm to protect yourself from x -rays. So, if you make a concrete hopper with a thickness of the walls of a meter and facing it with lead and polyethylene, then you will be completely protected from radiation.

What gas mask protects against radiation?

Missile from radiation
Missile from radiation

Many are interested in which gas mask is able to withstand radiation around us. In fact, he can help, but not in every situation. For example, in the case of alpha and beta radiation, there really is a chance to protect yourself. In this case, the gas mask should be of high quality so that harmful substances do not penetrate through it.

At the same time, in the case of gamma and neutron radiation, the gas mask will already be powerless. In this case, other, stronger protection methods are already used.

Modern costumes from radiation: Description

Special costumes that are able to protect against radiation around us belong to the “shielding” method. It is to create a barrier for a specific type of radiation. Accordingly, the material is selected by type.

So, to protect against alpha particles, rubber, polymers and paper respirators are used. The costumes themselves are very light, it is convenient to wear them and they are inexpensive. But it must be borne in mind that they can withstand only simple radiation.

In the case of beta-part, gas masks, plexiglass and aluminum are used. The costume at the same time retains lightness, but it is hard to wear. In this case, tightness is most important.

When gamma radiation prevails, lead, steel, tungsten and other heavy metals are used to protect against it. Such uniforms are difficult and bulky, it is difficult to move and work in it. But the payment is worth it, because health is put on the card. When exposed to neutron particles, polymer and water -containing materials, as well as graphite are used.

Many modern costumes are able to protect against all types of radiation, but only from gamma waves to a lesser extent. The products themselves represent hermetic spacesuits, consisting of gloves, boots and the main part combined together. In addition, there is a hood and a helminer helmet. The air supply compartment is very important.

Costume from radiation
Costume from radiation

What mushrooms accumulate and what trees absorb radiation?

Mushrooms are actively absorbed by many trace elements, but radiation around us, for example, cesium-137, penetrates in them, because it accumulates in the upper layer of the soil. One mushroom can absorb it on an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 1 sq.m. And contain 20 times more cesium than the soil itself. However, not all mushrooms absorb radiation so well.

This is done by the following:


Moreover, trees can also absorb radiation. Particularly done this poplar. They are always planted in the appropriate areas. At the same time, they grow very quickly and do not require careful care.

What is the permissible safe radiation rate for humans?

The radiation around us is safe in most cases. But there are certain norms that must be taken into account.

Natural, that is, the average level, as a rule, is located in the range of 0.10-0.16 μSv per hour. At the same time, the value of not more than 0.20 μSv per hour is considered the norm. But that's not all. If an irradiation of 0.30 μSv per hour is carried out within an hour, then this will be safe. If it is in the zone longer, then of course, the effect on the body will begin.

Is it possible to die from radiation: what dose of radiation is dangerous and fatal to a person?

When a person receives a large dose of radiation, it can really be fatal. So, the radiation around us is not always safe. So, for example, with mild irradiation of negative consequences, it can still be avoided, but with an average or severe radiation disease, the risk of death grows significantly.

In fact, with an average severity of the disease, restoration of the body is still possible if there are no complications. Otherwise, a person may die. Even with severe course, there are a chance of recovery after 5-10 months. However, if certain complications arise, then after 10-35 days a person may die.

Moreover, there is an extremely severe degree. It differs from the rest in that a person, unfortunately, does not recover. Literally during the day he dies.

At what level of radiation is mandatory resettlement of citizens?

Resettlement of citizens
Resettlement of citizens

According to Russian law, there is a certain article providing for the resettlement of citizens if the radiation around them poses a threat. This happens when the soil is polluted by Cesium-137 over 15 kuri/sq. km, or strncium-90-over 3 kuri/sq. km, or plutonium-239, 240-over 0.1 curi/sq. km.

In addition, if the density of soil pollution is more than 40 curi/sq. km, as well as an irradiation dose during the year may exceed 5.0 mZv, the population will be resettled. In the rest of the zone, citizens who have made a decision on departure are provided with compensation and benefits.

Even in the resettlement zone, mandatory monitoring of doctors for the health of citizens is ensured, as well as protective measures to reduce irradiation.

Social protection of citizens undergoing radiation: Law

There is a special law that implies social protection if citizens are radiation. It concerns the protection of those who fell under the influence of disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

So, various benefits and preferences are provided for citizens. In addition, many of those who participated in the elimination of the consequences of the disaster or lived in the zone of exposure to radiation, today received disability. So, according to the law, they have the right to process disability and a special surcharge.

What device is measured by radiation, which household dosimeter is better to buy?

The radiation around us is measured using a dosimeter. Measurements can be carried out both in closed rooms and in the air. You can purchase this device in various stores. Moreover, now household dosimeters are in greatest demand, which are convenient to use ordinary people. But still there is always the question of choosing a device.

To purchase a suitable device, pay attention to such moments as:

  • Convenience and ease of use
  • The effectiveness of the sensors used
  • Data accuracy
  • Functional

This should be enough to purchase a simple household device.

Video: Scientific Films: Andrey Semenenko about radiation around us

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