Composition based on Gerasimov’s paintings: “After the rain”, “Gifts of autumn”, “Church of the cover on the Nerl”, portraits of Stalin

Composition based on Gerasimov’s paintings: “After the rain”, “Gifts of autumn”, “Church of the cover on the Nerl”, portraits of Stalin

This article published works based on Gerasimov’s paintings.

Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov - Famous artist and architect. He drew many paintings. Drawing portraits Stalin, Lenin and Voroshilov. Only one of the most outstanding artists could do this. Below you will find the biography of this master, as well as works on the paintings that he painted. Read further.

A. M. Gerasimov: Biography, what paintings did you write?

A. M. Gerasimov
A. M. Gerasimov

During the years of student, the artist was carried away by impressionism, and this could not but affect his work. For A. M. Gerasimova Wide strokes, bright flavor, as well as a craving for a sketch design of work are characteristic. Here is a detailed biography of the artist, as well as information about what paintings he painted:

Was born Alexander Mikhailovich In the Tambov province, in one of the small cities. It happened in 1881. After a happy childhood has passed, the future artist about 10 years He studied in an educational institution called the school of painting, sculpture and architecture in Moscow. Gerasimov Initially showed outstanding abilities. It was taught by such masters of painting as Korovin and Serov.

However, only with painting Gerasimov Not limited. He was also engaged in architecture, studying at the corresponding department. And he was already showing extraordinary talent. AT 1912 Gerasimov wrote a portrait of Nadezhda Gilyarovskaya, who was a translator and theater historian:

  • This canvas seems to exude bright, sunlight, has saturated, bright colors.
  • In the center of the canvas is the figure of a beautiful girl who is dressed in a simple summer dress.
  • In the background is a beautiful, fragrant garden.
  • Not far from the girl is a table with a bouquet of flowers.

According to the paintings, the artist is very gravitated to nature and landscape. Two years later a picture was painted "Bouquet of flowers. Window". The paints are bright and juicy. Gerasimov focuses on imagery, his images are vague and filled with meaning.

  • Gerasimov graduated from the degree of artist and architect.
  • But during the First World War, he had to go to military service. He reappeared in the capital, he only in 1925.
  • Further, the Creator enters the ACHR (society of revolutionary artists). The principles of socialism begin to manifest in his work.
  • AT 20-30 years Socialist realism was very fashionable in painting. Gerasimov professes the simplicity and nationality of the plots.

The artist finds himself in the role of a portraitist. He writes portraits K. Voroshilova, V. Lenin, I. Stalin. As a rule, work Gerasimova They differ in expression and monumentality:

  • For example, "Lenin on the stands" (1930). The artist plays with paints, sometimes finding the charm in contrast. He wants to show all the dynamism of the revolutionary struggle.
  • AT 1922 He draws the second portrait of Lenin, in which he is more focused on the appearance of the leader, and not on character and charisma.
  • Stalinand Voroshilova He drew in 1938 against the background of the Kremlin. The images are quite expressive, strict. It's clear that Gerasimov I tried to convey the cold greatness of strong personalities as much as possible.

Doctor of Art Gerasimov became in 1951. Until now, it is considered one of the outstanding artists of that time and Stalin’s beloved painter. Engaged Gerasimov and illustration of books. The Creator died in 1963He was buried in the Novodevichy cemetery in the capital.

It is worth noting that as an architect this person also remained in history. Suppose, in Kozlov (now Michurinsk) on his project was built Theatre of Drama.

An essay on the Russian language according to the picture of A. M. Gerasimov “After the rain. Wet Terrace ": Plan, Preparation

Picture a. m. Gerasimova
Picture of A. M. Gerasimov “After the rain. Wet terrace "

In schools, they set to write essays on the Russian language based on paintings A. M. Gerasimova. One of these is a canvas called "After the rain. Wet terrace ". But the time of home preparation for the lesson or when working in the classroom to write a creation on the artist’s picture, you must first draw up a plan:

  • The story of the creation of the picture.
  • What is depicted on the canvas?
  • What is the atmosphere of Creation Gerasimov? What feelings the picture causes?
  • What did the artist say "between the lines"? (Reflections)

Now you can start writing the text. If you do not know what, how and what to write about, then read on.

Write an essay on the Russian language based on the picture of A. M. Gerasimov “After the rain. Wet terrace ”-6-8 grade: description of summer colors, nature in the village, rain for presentation

Picture a. m. Gerasimova
Picture of A. M. Gerasimov “After the rain. Wet terrace "

Picture "after the rain" It is rightfully considered a masterpiece of domestic painting. It is noteworthy that it contains the lyrical spirit of the early Gerasimova. Natural sketches are especially impressive. According to the memoirs of the artist’s sister, the creation was born because he was amazed at how nature was updated after the rain. That day there was a strong rain that stopped after. However, the master of the brush managed to notice the transformation in appearance of a simple landscape. Write an essay on the Russian language from the picture A. M. Gerasimov “After the rain. Wet terrace "-6-8 grade With  description of summer colors, nature in the village, rain for presentation:

Gerasimov It shows the state of air, sky and grass - now all this seems to exude humidity and freshness. It seems that the coolness spills around with unhurried streams. In the center of the canvas is the porch. We can say that it is in the garden of a country house. A small elegant table, a vase with a bouquet of flowers. As for the background, this is a riot of green branches, which, however, are depicted somewhat blurred in the usual manner of the artist.

The composition is original:

  • Gerasimov filled half the picture with the light of the sun, and half was darkened. This contrast is clearly visible, but pleasant.
  • All this thanks to the azure of the sky, which seems to smooth out the details.
  • The table is washed with rain, the foliage seems to be fresh and still wet. Like a downpour passed a minute ago.
  • Obviously, summer and warm day. Wet wood is very realistic.
  • The legs at the table are carved, aristocratic.
  • Gusts of wind under the shining were so strong that they managed to even overturn the glass.
  • As for the flowers, most likely these are peonies, white, pink, red. Even the smallest details are perfectly drawn.
  • Flowers look attractive and alive.

The petals fall right on the table. This means that the element still managed to bend flowers. But I did not completely break them. Behind the terrace depicts the corner of the house and a wet, slightly inclined tree. Obviously, this is an apple tree.

The Creator is attentive to the details - he portrayed rain drops even on the house. As for the extension on the estate, most likely this is a bathhouse. Drops on the sheets shimmer with a slightly pinkish color. This creates a really magical, pleasant atmosphere. It seems that during a rain, nature died for a moment, so that, after, like a phoenix, to be reborn from the ashes and delight with its splendor.

The lodges and bent to the ground are colorfully depicted. Summer nature after the rain is represented by beautiful and alluring. The picture causes rather warm feelings - it is saturated with light, purity, peace. This is very pleasant, given the fact that many other artists, on the contrary, represent bad weather in a negative way, considering it a destructive force.

Composition in the Russian language according to the reproduction of the picture of Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov “After the rain”: Briefly for grade 3

Picture a. m. Gerasimova
Picture of A. M. Gerasimov “After the rain. Wet terrace "

Works on the Russian language on the reproduction of the picture Alexandra Mikhailovich Gerasimov "after the rain" Children begin to write with 3 classes. Naturally, it is still difficult for them to describe the beauty of nature and elements on their own, and parents do not always have the opportunity to help. Therefore, this is composition briefly for grade 3:

This picture is very beautiful. It depicts a terrace, a garden, bushes and a small extension. Flowers, grass are drawn very well. Drops of rain are everywhere, which means that the rain was strong. The terrace is completely wet. The floor and benches shine from the rain, there are puddles on the floor. Even the bushes leaned from the severity of drops.

Most likely, this is the estate of the artist himself. I really like this picture. It blows from her in the summer, warmth.

Picture of Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov “The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl”: an essay in the Russian language 6-8 grade, description of the temple

Picture of Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov
Picture of Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov "Church of the Intercession on the Nerl"

Another beautiful picture Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov "Church of the Intercession on the Nerl". Here is an essay on the Russian language for 6-8 classes - Description of the temple:

Gerasimov depicts the church. It has white walls and a high dome. It is easy to guess that the temple is large, spacious. The architecture of the building is quite ancient. The structure looks majestic, monumental. So that the viewer can understand how large the scale of the building is, he depicts a woman with a child in the foreground.

Despite the fact that the building is old, it is very well -groomed and neat. It can be seen that outside (and probably inside) they regularly support cleanliness. It is not surprising, because the ministers of the church are very mandatory people. Most likely, the clergy of nearby lives, since the temple is very far from residential areas.

However, the artist shows exactly where the priests are erased. On the right is a small house for ministers and caretakers. A lot of trees grow. Probably, they were planted simultaneously with the construction of the temple. In height, some of them reached the dome.

The colors of the sky are original and fabulous. From him blows warm shades. The pinkish color suggests that the sun is about to go beyond the horizon and the evening will come. The river, which is located nearby, is as humble as pious people. You can notice the boat that is attached to the shore to the left of the church. Despite the fact that there are only two heroes in the picture, it is filled with life.

Composition based on the paintings of Gerasimov and Baulin: description, characteristics

Pictures of Gerasimov and Baulin
Pictures of Gerasimov and Baulin

Two artists, the same image in the picture, but as people see the world in different ways. Here's an essay on the paintings Gerasimovaand Baulina - Description, characteristic:

Both artists depicted the same temple. But it is noteworthy that each of them sees the world and this landscape in different ways. What are the differences?

  • Baulin He sees the temple on the Nerli by the central object of its canvas.
  • Gerasimov It places the church in the center of the canvas, but focuses on the general landscape. Accordingly, in his case, the temple, although it exists separately, complements the existing nature.

The sky is like a Baulina, so at Gerasimova, occupies a huge layer of picture. Perhaps this is a hint of a spiritual component. Baulin shows the greatness and size of the church through what makes the sky very dark and even slightly gloomy. Gerasimov adds a woman with a child in the foreground. Of course, these are parishioners.

U Baulina In the picture, the day is bad, dull. U Gerasimova The sun plays bright colors and gives a good mood. We can say that both paintings are equally beautiful. After all, artists depicted the same object on different days, under different circumstances. Each of them opened his soul on canvas and showed the church as he sees it.

Composition based on Gerasimov’s picture “Gifts of Autumn”: Description

Gerasimov's picture
Gerasimov's picture "Gifts of Autumn"

Picture "Gifts of Autumn" Positive, warming the soul and makes you think about the good. Here is an essay on this picture Gerasimova - description:

The first thing a person can see when looking at the picture "Gifts of autumn", these are green apples that lie in a plate. It is noteworthy that a red barrel of six only one - the one that is turned to the viewer. A different option is possible - this is how the bouquet of mountain ash is reflected on the surface.

Most likely, the apple saved has already passed. The sunflower disc is located nearby, which is half eaten. And one more that just started. Black and large seeds look very appetizing.

There is in the picture and oily. It is noteworthy that there is no tablecloth on the table. It is possible that the owners of the house are ordinary people, peasants who are not accustomed to the sentiments. This is also evidenced by the windowsill, on which there is no paint at all. Autumn is in the yard, which means the owners of the house are harvesting.

Another object in the picture is a jug. There is a bouquet of mountain ash, quite large. Obviously, the water in the container is well, so clean and fresh. Against the backdrop of a unpainted window opening, fruits burn with small sparkles. The picture warms the soul and evokes pleasant thoughts.

Gerasimov - Portraits of Stalin: Composition, Description

Gerasimov - Portrait of Stalin
Gerasimov - Portrait of Stalin

Drawing the leader in different years and periods of his life, Gerasimov sought to show the personality of Stalin as multifaceted as possible. On some canvases, the artist is more focused on external data, and on some tries to portray the soul. Here equipment in portraits Stalin Gerasimova with characteristics:

Stalin The paintings are different - either majestic, then thoughtful, then gloomy. It is noteworthy that Gerasimov It is even possible to imagine the dictator good -natured. This delights, for as history shows, Joseph Vissarionovich was a rather tough, despotic person.

In the paintings Gerasimova The image of the leader is alive and disposed. I can’t even believe that this person could make bloodshed. The artist manages to so masterfully depict the inner world of the described personality that for a moment it seems that the viewer is not drawings, but the real photographs of the leader.

However, in the photographs Stalin It looks more angry and arrogant. It is noteworthy that the image of the leader is monumental. This is a "business card" Gerasimova. Also, a plus is incredible realism and reflection rather positive qualities.

As in the case of the temple on the ner, the master of the hand is trying not to hide on the negative aspects of life and appearance Stalin, and seeks to show his best qualities. That he, however, succeeds.

Video: Russian artist Gerasimov Alexander Mikhailovich

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