Composition-reasoning on the topic “take care of nature”: why, why should nature be protected, what does this mean?

Composition-reasoning on the topic “take care of nature”: why, why should nature be protected, what does this mean?

In this article you will find essays on the topic “Take care of nature”, as well as other options for creations on similar topics.

Human and nature are in close relationship. She gives him resources, and the opportunity to survive. But man is consumer to nature. Often he only takes, forgetting that the benefits of the Mother Earth are not limitless. Moreover, any industrial activity, to one degree or another, affects the state of the planet, on the atmosphere. Moreover, it affects negatively.

In this article you will find several works on the topic “Take care and protect your native nature”. The information published here is suitable for presentations, essays and reports. Read further.

Composition-reasoning in the Russian language at the school on the topic “Take care and protect your native nature”: why, why do you need to protect nature, what does this mean?

"Take care and protect your native nature"

All students at the school are taught to protect the environment, to love animals. Some children are trembling about the world around, while others are not. Therefore, in the classroom and at home, schoolchildren write essays on this topic. If you were asked to write a creation about nature, then here is an essay-building in the Russian language at school on the topic "Take care and protect your native nature":

Why, why do you need to protect nature? What does it mean? This must be done at least in order for Planet Earth to exist for more than one millennium. If people continue to destroy the surrounding atmosphere, turn their place of residence into a technogenic or nuclear landfill, then the days of the planet will be numbered.

I believe that every worthy person of those who lives on our planet is simply obliged to take care of the ecology. Since nature, alas, cannot properly transfer all those loads that a person triggering on its “fragile shoulders”. Factories and factories are working, harmful waste is disposed of - and the “light” native lands are required to suffocate, absorbing all this.

In fact, not one of the human actions in relation to nature is without a trace. But how will we continue to live if there are more harmful gases than air? What will we drink if all the ponds turn into swamps filled with nuclear garbage?

Despite the fact that outwardly forests and fields are not much different from those that were 10 years Back, every year of human activity worsens the state of the planet. That is why people should carefully use the benefits of nature and protect it for the next generations.

“I am the shore of nature, native land”: a mini composition of nature in the Russian language at school, at home, 3, 4, 5, 6th grade

"Take care and protect your native nature"

Below are published two mini works on the topic "I am a shore nature, native land". They are about nature in the Russian language. Useful for home and cool work at school and at home, for 3, 4, 5, 6th grade.

Option No. 1:

A year ago, my family lived in a private house, so from early childhood (from 5 years), my dad taught me how to care for plants so that they grow well. He said that the earth needed so that it would be fertile. Therefore, I know firsthand how difficult it is to have a native land.

That is why I still began to think about how difficult it is environmental. Not so long ago I learned about separate garbage. This is done in many European countries. People collect waste from various kinds separately, and then dispose of. For example, metal separately from plastic and food debris.

This is done so that it can be faster, easier, and most importantly, more environmentally friendly to process all this. If you dispose of each type of waste taking into account all the features, then the environment will be less harmful to the environment than from the habit of throwing everything into one pile.

I also do not break the branches of trees, and I never tear flowers from the beds. Since in this case they will not benefit nature. In the courtyard of our school, many beautiful flowers are growing and sometimes I want to tear one and give mom. But it seems to me dishonest, because I did not plant them. It is better to buy a ready -made bouquet.

Option option No. 2:

On subbotniks at school, we remove garbage, and I try the best. Not so long ago, I began to use only those packages that are easily processed. I even had thoughts to become a vegatar. I am very sorry for the killed animals. But parents did not approve of this idea of \u200b\u200bmine. They said that while I am too small for this, and my body should receive a sufficient amount of different substances. This affects growth. But in the future, when I grow up, I will not eat meat.

After all, animals are also part of nature. And a person godlessly exterminates them. Of course, I understand that I am doing very little for planet Earth so far. But if each student of our school will also take care of nature, then we will already be able to achieve a lot. And if every resident of the world will take care of nature, then many environmental problems can be avoided.

Composition to school on the topic “Man, love, take care of nature, forest, native shore”: write a story about nature at home, 7, 8, 9th grade

"Take care and protect your native nature"

If you were asked to write a story about nature at home, and you do not know where to start, then this is the option of writing to school on the topic “Man, love, take care of nature, forest, native shore” for grade 7, 8, 9:

Nature is unique and unique. But, at the same time, from the side it seems that it does not change at all. All the same groves where the pearl tears of dew are silver in the grass. All the same endless fields where rye sprinkles. All the same lonely shore of the lake, where it is so nice to sit and think in the shadow of the crying willow, now and then glancing at local beauty.

What surprises me? Why is this simple splendor not boring to anyone, but remains unique for many centuries in a row? Perhaps in this simplicity there is genius?

I really like to be in nature. And not only on the banks of the river. I am close to groves, and forests, and fields, and mountain slopes, and affectionate waves of the sea. Of course, if a person treated nature less coldly, and it would be better to take care of it, then the space around would be even more magical, enchanting.

Nevertheless, I am very proud of my native land and try to protect it. And I want every person to do everything possible to ensure the planet Earth to delight us with its beauty as long as possible, give life and resources. They are limited. And if you do not take care of the native land, then all this splendor will simply disappear. But all people are interested in the fact that there are not landfills for radioactive waste around, but beautiful forests where birds are singing, blue peaceful sky and clean air, which you want to inhale with full chest.

Nature is not only needed by a person to survive. It is also a means of inspiration and a source of peace. Many great people-writers, poets, musicians, created masterpieces under the impression of any weather, the time of the year or simply seeing in their minds a riot of colors and living splendor.

Accordingly, it is necessary to preserve the native land not only so that a person is where to live, what to eat and what to breathe. But also in order to have something to rejoice and how to admire.

I urge everyone to protect nature. Take care of the atmosphere, animals and plants. Do not stay away from environmental problems. After all, we are the children of the Earth, and everything is in our hands!

Video: Composition-reasoning "Take care of nature!"

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