Essay, essay on the topic "My summer holidays": arguments, reasoning, examples

Essay, essay on the topic

In this article, we will talk about how to write an essay on the topic “My Summer Vacation”.

Summer holidays are a very extensive topic and each student has something to tell about his vacation. Often in the exam in the Russian language there is such a topic as “My summer holidays”. What arguments can be given in favor of relaxation? What to write about summer? Let's find out.

Essay, essay on the topic "My summer holidays": Arguments

Summer is a very warm time when each schoolboy is on vacation. Talking on the topic “My Summer Vacation”, an essay can be written very large.

The very first argument in favor of the beauty of summer is nature. Everything blooms, around green trees and warm air around. I just want to just sit in the middle of the field and enjoy nature.

In the summer you do not need to go to school and learn lessons. Many people like it, but often teachers set books to the house, which makes it not quite to go out of school.

Summer holidays always take fun - we go on trips, to the sea, to the forest and go on hikes. Rest is always diverse.

When it rains outside, you can have fun at home for games with your family, read a book or play a computer.

What I remember the summer holidays: reasoning

How I spent summer?
How I spent summer?

Each student, an essay on the topic “My Summer Vacation” raises many questions. Everyone begins to actively recall what happened. And it seems to some that there was nothing interesting. In fact, this is not so, you should look at the situation from the other side.

Remember, have you been to the forest? What do you remember there? Maybe you caught a hedgehog or a bear came to you? Tell us about it. Maybe your parents taught you something interesting, for example, how to make a fire, showed an anthill, and you followed his workers. Even the very little thing can be interesting.

If you spent all summer in the city, then you probably also have something to tell. For example, you could fall under the downpour and escape from it under the roof, and then there was a beautiful rainbow and you remember most of all.

For those who were at sea, you can come up with many facts that you should talk about - this is nature, a beautiful sea, pebbles, evening evenings and entertainment. Write about everything you remember!

Essay, essay on the topic "My summer holidays": Examples

To make it easier for you to understand what it is worth writing in the essay “My Summer Vacation”, or Essays, look at a few examples. They will help you find inspiration and talk about your own summer.

My summer holidays 1
My summer holidays 1
My summer holidays 2
My summer holidays 2
My summer holidays 2
My summer holidays 3
My summer holidays 4
My summer holidays 4

Video: How did I spend the summer? In short, the composition of schoolchildren about summer holidays

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