Composition for OGE, exam: How do you understand the meaning of the word happiness?

Composition for OGE, exam: How do you understand the meaning of the word happiness?

What is happiness and how you understand it: an example of an essay-thinking for the OGE, exam.

In this article, we give several samples of essays-thoughts for the OGE, the exam on the topic “How do you understand the meaning of the word happiness?”.

Composition-thinking "How do you understand the meaning of the word happiness?" According to E.E. Fonyakova, the story "Goodbye ..."

Composition-thinking "How do you understand the meaning of the word happiness?" According to E.E. Fonyakova, the story "Goodbye ...":

  • Happiness is the most valuable and at the same time the most fragile that a person has. This is the highest sense of satisfaction with his life, day, a moment in which a person feels as comfortable as possible. At the same time, happiness is the most shaky and unstable feeling, which can be “lost” in stable everyday life or at the intensive pace of the modern world.
  • How do you understand the meaning of the word happiness? Today, an increasing number of people lose a thin thread of communication with their happiness, spending a lot of time and effort on its search, although this feeling is very close, and everyone has their own. It is also worth noting that during life the reasons for feeling happiness may change.
  • So, for example, a five -year -old girl feels happy when she is taken to the park and buy a cherished doll in a toy store, and only a few years ago she squeaked with happiness when she managed to feed pigeons or chase behind a kitten. She already feels happiness with a schoolgirl when she goes on vacation and goes on vacation with her parents. A teenager girl feels happy while wandering with friends and hobby, and a little older - when the “same” boy invites her to a date.
Happiness is that everyone has its own, but the peaceful sky is united over the head!
Happiness is that everyone has its own, but the peaceful sky is united over the head!
  • Pay attention to how the worldview changes with age, and the concept of happiness directly becomes dependent on strangers. Even parents, grandparents know how to betray and turn away, what can we say about the changeable mood of friends and society as a whole. Therefore, it is very important not to lose this thin line in itself, to hold on to a thin thread tightly, which reaches for a huge feeling of "happiness".
  • A striking example of a feeling of happiness is present in the story of E.E. Fonyakova, where we open the world of a little girl. It would seem ordinary everyday life, but no. For her, every breath of wind, every sunlight is new, interesting, promising happiness. This world will collapse on one day, from one phrase - "Lena, the war began." And a little crumb, who does not really understand what the word “war” means, by the intonation of parents begins to understand that it does not bode well. It was the war that spent a fat line between a happy, well -fed, cheerful childhood and the harsh reality that it will have to survive. It was during the war that Lena will understand how happy she was, although she did not understand this.
  • Helen from the story of E.E. Fonyakova is a collective image of a thousand children of the Second World War. Those grandfathers and grandmothers who raised us, telling that happiness is when there is bread on the table, and a peaceful sky above their heads. When there is no hunger, and parents have work. When the leaves bloom in spring, and the forests are covered with mushrooms in the fall.
  • It is important to remember that we can feel happy in any life circumstances, finding reasons for a smile. After all, it is happiness that makes it possible to actively live, achieve new peaks, make discoveries and find interesting people close in spirit. Pay more attention to the sunny day, a smile of loved ones, a delicious breakfast, a friend’s call-and life will become truly happy. And being happy - it is easier to give happiness to others!

Composition-thinking "How do you understand the meaning of the word happiness?" According to the story of N. Aksenova

Composition-thinking "How do you understand the meaning of the word happiness?" According to the story of N. Aksenova:

  • Happiness is something that cannot be touched, but there is more than all the gold in the world. In childhood, the child is happy when he receives attention and benefits from the outside world. But becoming older, you can only learn to become happy only by learning to give, as well as to realize the boundaries of someone else's happiness, not condemning them, but sincerely rejoicing in someone else's happiness. How do you understand the meaning of the word happiness?
  • For example, we took the story of N. Aksenova, which reveals a complete gamut of feelings of the formation and growing up of Ksenia. The girl recalls with regret that she hated children's matinees exclusively for the reason that her father came to them and played Bayan. The girl, due to her age, did not realize that if her father performs in the matinees, then he succeeds beautifully, and he is invited by educators and other parents. Also, Ksyusha, eaten by the negative emotions, did not notice the eyes of her father, who at that moment radiated delight and happiness.
Childhood is a feeling of serene happiness
Childhood is a feeling of serene happiness

Ksyusha was ashamed of his father, since our society is not aimed at creating happy people and this is a huge social problem of modern society. Despite the fact that the technology went far ahead, society, as in the Middle Ages, is not aimed at happiness, but at the financial component and the prestige of the position held in society. The world is so rotten so that even the children in the kindergarten boast of not pleasant moments with their parents, but their income and positions. It is not surprising that having the father of a “simple” locksmith, Ksenia did not find the component with the average income, thanks to which one could be proud of his father.

Instead of enjoying the attention of parents, the beauty of his father’s game, his shining eyes, the little girl was clamped and complete shame. Father seemed ugly, with ugly button accordion. In the story of N. Aksenova, everything has changed overnight, but in life everything is many times more difficult and the adoption of parents comes already in adulthood. But according to psychology, both parents are an important component of the formation of a child, and a self -love, a sense of happiness and security arises through love and admiration for parents.

Everything changed overnight when his father was not afraid of “a storm, like a huge beast” and went through it, for the sake of saving people who remained in the car. At this moment, the girl discovered a new, but so correct life truth. No matter what your social status is, it is important - what kind of person you are! And this is precisely the highest value and the thread that makes us happy. After all, an ordinary locksmith, the father of Ksyusha was a man with a capital letter. Anyone who is happy to people with a cheerful game of button accordion, the one who, despite the risk, went for help to the village to save people who remained in a non -working car.

Will we experience happiness when we get a new thing? Definitely yes, but for a short moment. But the real, great happiness we experience when we live in a large friendly family, when we help those in need, and also change the lives of others for the better. So what is happiness? Happiness is the highest positive emotion and satisfaction of one’s own life, and its significance in the world around him.

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