Fairy tales for a drunk company-the best selection for a large and small company in roles

Fairy tales for a drunk company-the best selection for a large and small company in roles

A large selection of fairy tales for a drunk company at the festive table.

Tales-transfers for the drunk company Funny

Tales-transfers for the drunken company are cheerful
Tales-transfers for the drunken company are cheerful

Tales-transfers for the drunken company are cheerful:


Glorious Dr. Aibolit
He does not sit idle:
He fought with tuberculosis
He is fearlessly and seriously
Not sparing your strength
And, of course, he won.
I visited deputies
There he established everything as it should.
And for us there is a big secret
How I got to our committee.

So, where are the white robes?
Take it so negligent
I won’t give you cleanliness -
I will give all the shoe covers myself!
So, now such a topic:
The scheme is applicable to debtors -
Whoever is wise there,
If you have not paid on time,

On the same day without pluralizma
We will put the debtor Khazma,
Look - he will pay, you want,


This is what he is famous
Glorious Dr. Aibolit -
He will heal everyone, heal
Will not spare anyone!

"Golden Key"

Lisa Alice and the cat Basilio:
(on the motive "what the sky is blue"):
What a blue sky
We are in accounting with you,
We count money all day
And the roof is nabek.
What a blue sky
And we have no rest with TMCs
And the roof is nabek.

I'm not in money yet,
But I want to say: we have
Creative team.
And cheerful positive
So rushing from all the cracks.

Pierrot (sad):
Times in the country are not sugar
And the west puts obstacles.

Life is the theater, but these dramas
Not a gram scare us.

And as long as there are firewood -
We are all the measures of Tryn-grass.

The dollar crawls up again

Yes, we are lucky with the currency!

Our leadership is again
Expanding production

In turn:
Our pallets with hands
Bake with stacks
Europe respects us
And diligently pleases
Grateful Uzbeks
Corephanes are forever for us
The arrivals are growing again.

And the papers grow cars,
Closing the light of the window,
And not visible because of the heaps
Documents of the sun beam.

But without unnecessary conversations
We rake these mountains
So enthusiasm is rushing
Although the numbers are already insanity.

The team was not lazy,
The accounting department worked
After all, we have golden
Key from the dream Any
Performs all the Wishlist -
From large to smallest.

Fairy tale-drive for drunk company cool

Fairy tale-drive for drunk company cool
Fairy tale-drive for drunk company cool

Fairy tale-transmission for the drunk company cool:


Fly - "I love to count money!"
Ladybug - "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm shy!"
Dragonfly - Hey, throw me money! "
Bug - "I dream - about freedom!"
Spider -"Come on, build now!"
Mosquito - "I have a gun"
Mosquito - "Hey, throw me money!"
"I dream - about freedom!"
"Come on, build now!"

This is our fairy tale:
In lace, stockings, garters
Fly glorious vein
The fly was known.
And she loved to repeat ...
Fly - "I love to count money!"
And she lived an orphan in her,
Just a ladybug.
She said, stuttering ...
Ladybug - "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm shy!"

Leading: Cavaliers noted
She modestly lowered her eyes,
Pacifying your feelings.
Here is a great art!
The fly entitled boldly
She is a business in the house.

And the cow performed
And a minute expected
After all, there is a little to wait ...
Ladybug - "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm shy!"

Leading: Once on the name day
The fly is waiting for everyone for the brisons:
Both Zhukov and spiders,
And agile dragonflies,
That both day and night buzz ...
Dragonfly - "Hey, throw me money!"

Leading: I made a bet for now
Only on the May beetle,
He is a rich uncle like ...
Bug - "I dream - about freedom!"

Leading: He made a bet for a rogue
On the orphan - on the cow.
But a little interferes with him ...
Ladybug - "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm shy!"

Leading: The fly began to push ...
Fly - "I love to count money!"
Leading: But the cow was worried.
Ladybug - "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm shy!"

Leading: Dragonflies intervened here,
That they were silent for the time being
And now they scream at all ...
Dragonfly - "Hey, throw us money!"

Leading:May beetle is a rich uncle,
I realized that he came inappropriately
Everyone knows that he
This publicity is nothing!
And threw the phrase like ...
Bug - "I dream - about freedom!"

Leading: What kind of noise, and what kind of beast?
A terrible racketeering climbs on the door!
Not a caterpillar and not a beetle,
This is a cool spider!
I decided to put it on at a time ...
Spider -"Come on, build now!"

Leading: Dragonfly there - screaming ...
Dragonfly - "Hey, throw me money!"

Leading: The May beetle is afraid like ...
Bug - "I dream - about freedom!"

Leading: And the cow here, rushing away ...
Ladybug - "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm shy!"

Leading: The fly immediately realized
What is going on here!
A cool thing will be lost!
But I wanted to cut down the money,
I decided to take them from the beetle ...

Fly - "I love to count money!"
Leading: The beetle leaves from the answer ...

Bug - "I dream - about freedom!"
Leading: With a spider indoes not want to touch at all
It will give a spider right in the eye!
Spider -"Come on, build now!"

Leading: Suddenly, having demolished the window,
A mosquito - riot police flew into the house!
He has all the answer ...
Mosquito - "I have a gun"

Leading: Dragonfly immediately shut up
They got under the crib,
Out of habit, only buzz ...
Dragonfly - "Hey, throw me money!"

Leading: Komar arrested everyone,
I famously stuffed Bobik,
But the cow will not save ...
Mosquito - "I have a gun"

Leading: And I had a poor cow
Komaricha become hereditary,
She only spoke, rushing ...

Ladybug - "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm shy!"

Leading: And at the wedding dashing
Feasted the whole crowd:
Dragonfly that the day screams ...
Dragonfly - "Hey, throw me money!"

Leading: And the spider became humble at once ...
Spider -"Come on, build now!"

Leading: Banker beetle, not poor like ...
Bug - "I dream - about freedom!"

Leading: Fly, mother is planted ...
Fly - "I love to count money!"

Leading: Only the cow was worried ...
Ladybug - "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm shy!"

Leading: They had five
Very strange mosquitoes
What screams in every way ...
Mosquito - "Hey, throw me money!"

Leading:And it seems like
Mosquito - "I dream - about freedom!"

Leading: And such a cool order ...
Mosquito -"Come on, build now!"

Leading: Only such a phrase is not:
"I have a gun!"
That was such a denouement
Our old fairy tale
I tell you, smiling:
Ah, I'm sorry, I'm shy!

Tales-transfers for a drunk company in roles

Tales-transfers for a drunk company in roles
Tales-transfers for a drunk company in roles

Tales-transfers for a drunk company in roles:


Only the sun began to get up
Scheherazada woke up
And, clinging your bed
I took a jug and then washed for a long time,
Having distributed orders to the servants
Scheherazada was surprised
What is in the body soft and elastic
Suddenly something strange happened.

I walked almost the whole day
Scheherazada in the midst of birches
Wandering through the forest, like a shadow
In the charm of sweet dreams.

The sun was sitting down lower than
Scheherazada walked and walked,
She has long been lost
And, she only lived with hope.

And now, as soon as the sun sat down
Scheherazada sees the temple.
She entered him timidly
Not believing his own eyes


Here, Jin grew up before her
Scheherazada - He said, -
You took a golden jug
Then for you he will be small.


- Let it be small, but I would like, -
Scheherazada blushed,
- Forgive me such courage, -
Less words, more things ...


- Well, Jin said, well, well
Scheherazada, I understand
Perhaps your advice is good
Or maybe no - I don't know yet


Said and disappeared smoke
Scheherazada froze
As if it had failed through the ground
Where are the magical affairs?

wave of desire and passion
Shahrezadu burned,
So this is the power of your power
Oh, the lord of good and evil ...

But here, just the night has come
Scheherazada fell apart
And, trying to overcome pride
She, weaker, fell off her feet.

Already by the end of the warm night
Scheherazada flew into paradise
And, not having more urine
Went into her senses, relaxing the body


Oh, patient, sweet gin -
Scheherazada moaned, -
Leave my little jug
I feel good, but I'm tired ...


And, only the morning has come
Scheherazada rose ...
But, again, Gina lost
And, surrendered to sweet passion.

Love, at least how much - will not decline
Scheherazada is good
Both the camp and pink breasts
Fresh both the body and the soul are.

"Gorynych Snake"

The presenter voices the thoughts of the hungry snake of Gorynych:

Once the matins sometimes
Gorynych snakes a little hangover, climbed to check the refrigerator ...
Once his alarm woke up. Look, but on the shelves not a hug ...
Only the mouse, dabble in the corner!

And the belly crashed steeply. It's time to go to the village ...
There are men like evil wolves. But wives!
Fatty chicks. You need to check your engine.
Napalm pour what would be for the future ...
The reserves must be replenished.
Not that mice will have to eat ...


Everything is usually going on in the village ...
Cows get habitually. The pig is digging in the corner,
The rooster is bending in a stack. In short, quietly, grace ...
And the snake is close to see!
Well, on the river, from the Bodun, Ilya Mollyka, the horse ram.
In the morning, one thought worries - who will help a glass?

Ilya: Close the village? Without moonshine, life is shit.
That's the roar of the movements shocked the village. All faces stuck out the window.
The cattle scattered across the field. Gorynych made a turn.
Gorynych: And through the speakers broadcasts. My stomach has been bored for a long time ...
And, so that by noon, a couple of hundreds would be sentgeese ...
Yes, two carts of bread with duck
I will put all of you rako!


Well, Ilya was shaking on a mustache, in the mind he is in interest.
Sivuhi barrel. Box of fat. No, it is necessary more, this is not enough ...
The tank of vodka, pigs to sink two barrels.
The village is taxed. Well, in general, I put up the announcement.
Like, this is like a freebie. And here in the village of Zaparka - the race,
Everywhere a moonshine was cooked.


Well, Ilya - where to go with the villain to deal.
He went out on the field once, instructing his eyes on a snake.
Gorynych threw his fence quietly cleaning the gas.
The manure clinging on the fly, it went to land the strip.
Ilya thought - Here's things! This creature is full of napalm.
And what do we have? One Makar. And the one is already old ...


In short, complete garbage. Probably must be pumped up.
Present the type to plant. And he says Zmeyug in Haru ...
Something crook I am not a ball! You don't pay to the common fund to the zone?
And you roll on suckers like a tank. In short, a million currency.
Not that you will bury the death of the fierce!


Hearing this lawlessness Gorynych sat on treason ...


Looks like the brigade here is cool ...
And he said, removing the guns: yes, what am I, because the hunt is to eat,
And here the weather is ridiculous, you are sitting in the hangar for months ...
Mice of bats is eating bags.


And he mows himself with an wrong eye ...
How to get a copper basin ...
Ilyusha is all clearing, and sends Gorynych a hint ...

Like behind the hill at our guns.
And there are still resources in the forest. So Vali is still intact.
After all, the sight has long been introduced. I’ll sit down on a mug of crowbar now ....
And you will become a scrap metal.


And then Zmeyug penetrated. Probably not my village ...
- the thought flashed - it's time to melt.
And then you can become a hook.
They will be tucked into a domain stove and you will flow to the flow ...
Jumping, he turned to the side. He turned on the fence and shook in the forest ....
No problem! Fate will also bring you.

Well, the villagers are right there. Ilya Todka tank rod.
The barrels are five steep snacks, well, and a woman for load.
And I was there. The picnic was noble.
The people are cheerful and pleasant. And the girls!
Three per one. It was already in the morning of the morning ....

Musical Tales-Transfigurations for a drunk company

Musical Tales-Transfigurations for a drunk company
Musical Tales-Transfigurations for a drunk company

Musical tales-transfers for a drunk company:

"Three sisters"


Marfushenka - elderly,
Nastyushenka is mediocre,
Alyonushka is the youngest.

The text of the musical fairy tale for adults:

So, three sisters under the window
They sang songs in the evening.
Sang, sang, said
How to get married to them
Grooms would find them.

Marfushenka - Serdyuchka's song "If you are a little over 30"
Nastyushenka- Song glory "Loneliness of the bastard"
Alyonushka - Tatyana Ovsienko song "Female Happiness"

And then the sisters decided to scatter and go to the disco,
Three sisters dressed up, flaunted, affected,
In front of their mirror, and spoke to him, 

Marfushenka: Is I in the world of all Mel all is blurry and whiter?
Mirror in response - The song "Well, what are you terrible"
  Nastyushenka:I have no more beautiful?
Mirror in response - The song "Oh how you got me Sobo"
Alyonushka sang to the mirror: the song Meladze "How beautiful you are today"

Only the mirror sang
The door creaked softly,
And the king enters the light
The sides of that sovereign.

(Song Vadim Mulerman-The Merry King of Tyryam-Tyrya -im-Tom-Styr ”),

Three sisters modestly stood up, and they gave the bow to the king.
The sovereign was idle, although no longer young.
The king looked around the girls, but thought.

(Song of plundered scammers, girls are different)

And the girls were shy, but were not at all confused,
And the first decided to say the word Marfushenka: Tina Karol "Pupsik, my sweet nuisik",
Nastyushenka I jumped up the quadar: the song Natalya Vetlitskaya - playboy,
And the younger Alyonushkashe went out and said: "The song is Sam Brow-Stop.

The sovereign was worried, he ate he restrained,
Here and the mirror arrived in time, the king was sang in the ear,
That Alenka is simple (song Tom Jones, sex boat),
The king swam in euphoria, and decided to joy
They do not forget anyone with gifts, do not forget anyone.

Marfushenka I asked the king - the song "Seryoga" "Black Boomer",
Nastyushenka so bluntly told the king - a song, Viagra, diamonds,
Alyonushka I expressed a secret desire - Alla Pugacheva’s song “I want, I want, I want”,

The king was completely confused, he wanted to please everyone,
All the girls are good and he said sincerely - “Song if I were a sultan”,

Well, you know, the mirror was indignant here,
“What are you hinting at the royal face?
Presenter: I absolutely agree with you
Mirror: We are not in the east and we need to choose one wife!

The king thought He said bluntly: the song "I just have no money",
Marfushenka I was indignant and said: Viagra's song, "went out",
Nastyushka She waved and said to the king: the song, Lolita, “I will send him to the sky behind the asterisk”,
Alyonushka affectionately, I sang in a delicate voice: the song factory "I will kiss you"
The king decided not to doubt Alenka to get married - Waltz Mendelssohn.

Fairy tale-transmit for a drunk company for the anniversary

Fairy tale-transmit for a drunk company for the anniversary
Fairy tale-transmit for a drunk company for the anniversary

Fairy tale-transmit for a drunk company for the anniversary:

Phrases for characters:
Bear (anniversary): "Friends, thank you for coming!"
Fox: "Here are those on!"
Hare: "We are so cool, friends!"
Hedgehog: "Well, so -so walk!"
Boar: "Will you treat me with a cigarette?"

Once on a forest edge
The beast gathered in the hut,
To celebrate the day of birth together
And to congratulate the birthday man.
Settled by the animals at the table,
Talk about this.
And in chorus, everything is in a moment
Suddenly shouted - "Happy birthday!"
Fox, already a little drunk,
She said in surprise "Here are those on!"
And Zainka is a gray coward
I looked out of the table timidly
And he spoke openly without melting:
“We sit so cool, friends
Only the hedgehog was not in the mood.
He, seeing a general embarrassment,
Imposingly fell apart on the couch
And he said loudly: "Well, so -so walk."
But the animals did not pay attention to him
And again in chorus "Happy Birthday!" Shouted.
And a bear-jubilee,
Opening his arms,
He whispered embarrassedly:
Fox, pouring the wine to Mishenka,
Suddenly shouted sharply: "Here are those on!"
Here Zainka, noticeably bolder,
I said, as if a chant:
"We are so cool, friends!"
A pig assented him.
And her husband is a forest boar
It was already a fairly drunk.
He approached everyone with the question:
"Will you treat me with a cigarette?"
Only the hedgehog was lying on the couch
And quietly repeated: "Well, so -so walk."
But, being from the holiday under impression,
All guests were buzzing again: "Happy Birthday!"
Suddenly a bear-jubular
Throwing away all his doubts,
Confidently said:
"Friends, thank you for coming."
Here the animals were all amused,
They ate, apparently, already got drunk.
All the ones were set off to dance
And invite the birthday man to the dance.
Fox from fatigue
A little pale
In the process of dance
I repeated often : "Here are those on!"
Well, the wild boar jumped to the ceiling,
He beat off the hooves,
And again he molested everyone with the question:
"Will you treat me with a cigarette?"
And the hedgehog is all
From the smoke of cigarettes in the fog
He muttered under his breath:
"Well, so -so walk."
But all forest residents are satisfied.
Everyone drinks, dance - they are cool.
And endlessly shouting in surprise.

SCIDENTS AND FALTHS OF TALES for a drunk company for a corporate party

SCIDENTS AND FALTHS OF TALES for a drunk company for a corporate party
SCIDENTS AND FALTHS OF TALES for a drunk company for a corporate party

Scenes-transfers of fairy tales for a drunk company for a corporate party:

Two men with beer
We sat down somehow under the window.
It was about this ...
We will listen to what ....

If I was the president
I would have adopted a law, probably
So that any holiday is
During the day, of course, a weekend,

To collect a relatives at the table
And call friends to yourself,
Drink in moderation, treat,
Talk about everything.

I would not be greedy
He even accepted a couple of days.
If you start a banquet,
Day - you are walking, day - leave.

Suddenly you will not calculate the strength -
Will you drink more than you contain?
The body will then bury
And the next morning it will bewitch!
Here you need a second day -
The body is reserve.

Are you Russian friends?
You can’t break traditions!
In Russia, everything is triplingly -
Everything is simple and clear here.
Therefore, there is no dispute:
Three days, and hello everyone!

I thought it became clear:
Really, brothers, there are few three days!
I would be for a day for a day for sure
Vacation would give a vacation!
Who does not drink - to that,
And otherwise - whoever wants!

Who does one agree for the day?
Vote by a glass for the holiday!
Two who will arrange days?
I do not see your hands.
Who is ready to walk for three days?
We will raise glasses!
And who will arrange a vacation?
We ask you to raise your glasses!
And now we drink everything
Congratulations on the holiday!

"If I were a sultan"

Women's words:
If you were a sultan
You would have five wives.
And such beauty would be surrounded.
Maybe at least a day in a fairy tale to visit,
We can call us in the harem with our wives.

The male:
It’s very good to have so many wives,
In any sense, I would be pleased.

First wife:
I would have baked pies every day,
On a tray to the bed, to eat them.
If you want here, I'll scream loudly now:
“I want to marry a guard!”

The male:
It’s not bad to eat your pie,
And I would be very pleased, my friend.

Second wife:
I would take you hands in the morning,
Behind me, Manya led into the bath.
I would do the massage of the arms and legs would be him.
Why this is not what I can’t understand at all.

The male:
It’s not bad to have so many wives,
In any sense, I would be pleased.

Third wife:
And at dinner I would bring the cup
And there b -poured better wine.
Until the morning, we drank, sitting on the floor,
Why is he not mine at all.

The male:
Think about or something, maybe take so many wives,
In any sense, I would have been pleased.

Fourth wife:
I can offer dancing until the morning
Your blood will boil, I promise.
Tango, waltz and foxtrot can dance,
I invite you to visit a fairy tale.

The male:
It’s not bad to have so many wives,
In any sense, I would be pleased.

Fifth wife:
On my birthday I will collect guests
Let the toasts from friends sound until morning.
Let there be no sadness and there are no troubles,
We will live a hundred years old with you.

The male:
It’s not bad to have so many wives,
In any sense, I would be pleased.

All wives together:
Oh, girls, we praise ourselves in vain.
He is a serious man faithful for his wife.
And besides (name) let's tell you, friends,
It can do it all, better and impossible.

The male:
It’s not very good to be
Beloved husband not to share with anyone!

Fairy tale-transmission for a small drunk company

Fairy tale-transmission for a small drunk company
Fairy tale-transmission for a small drunk company

Fairy tale-transmission for a small drunk company:


Actors and replicas:
Crow - "Raven - a bird is very difficult!"
Oak - "To be an oak destiny that is very bad"
Fox - “Cedar” or “Zubrovka” is power! ”
Wolf - "I need only a liter for a hangover!"
Bear - "Life without freebies is very difficult"

Heroes pronounce their phrases on the hint of the host, and depict the action.

This story is known to the world:
God threw a piece of cheese to the ground.
He was found by a raven Shebutny.

Crow: Raven - the bird is very difficult!
Leading: The raven instantly flew to the oak, groaning.
Oak: To be an oak destiny, which is very bad.

The hungry bird does not fit in.
For that misfortune, the fox with a bottle ran.
She was lucky: she got alcohol ...

Fox: “Cedar” or “Zubrovka” is power!

She is looking a crow here - a glorious snack!
“Well, share! Here is such a law! "
The reply of the raven into the anger plunges him.

Crow: Raven - the bird is very difficult!

The gray wolf fell on all fours,
“Give me at least a sip.
There is only a pack of cigarettes in the pocket,
And I have no more stash!
And the head is so aching, so hurts! "

Wolf: I only need a liter for a hangover!

Only he said his words,
Suddenly a huge flurry rose,
Cracks, noisy, rumbles in the forest,
Shakes with fear of a wolf and a fox.
Our wolf looked at the bitch with great longing,
Jumped up with a painful head,
Then even a huge oak did not stop, gasped.

Oak: To be an oak destiny, which is very bad.

Leading: Bushes moved apart, and under the bitch
The bear comes out, our old friend.
Hungry, evil, does not even want to live,
He would rather soak the throat,
Smok a little bit and bit slightly.

Bear: Life without freebies is very difficult.

“Fox, crow, wolf, hello, brothers.
What, friends, open their mouths?
I'm not empty - here are my matches,
I share with you, after all, relatives! "
A crow closes the cheese with wings.

Crow: Raven - the bird is very difficult!

Leading: The wolf of cigarettes hides on the bitch in a hurry.

Wolf: I only need a liter for a hangover!

Leading: The fox covered the bottle with a tail.

Fox: “Cedar” or “Zubrovka” is power!

The bear is blind from arrogance!
"I will get vodka, I will not be my own!"
He shook the oak from all bear forces:
Like, I asked you good at first!
There is only one thought in his brain ...

Bear: Life without freebies is very difficult.

Leading: And the booze flew from the oak.

Oak: To be an oak destiny, which is very bad.

The fox fell, the wolf behind her at once,
Having knocked down the bear’s impudent right eye.
You have not seen such miracles spawn:
The three of them are not moving!
Raven, flying with a bitch,
I wrapped my friends slightly.
Here are matches, cigarettes, here is a bottle ...
And on a snack cheese in huge holes!
And she retired away with all her good,
Leaving the others to lie in a row,
At the same time, crooked, sorry, singing ...

Crow: Raven - the bird is very difficult!

Tales-transfers for a large drunk company

Tales-transfers for a large drunk company
Tales-transfers for a large drunk company

Tales-transfers for a large drunk company:

"Cabbage soup"

Pot - grimaces
Meat - Smile enough
Potatoes - Holds his fingers by fan, moves them and laughs,
Cabbage - Melancholy looks at others, without sharing the general revival,
Carrot - jumps with figures in his arms,
Onion - looks angrily, smugly and is pinching everyone,
Skoroda with fat - hisses when they turn to her,
Fridge -warmly and generously reveals the hands-hands,
Water from the crane - depicts something malicious and vile,
Mistress - The woman is scattered, but charming.

When all the players accepted their poses and facial expressions, the host begins to read the text:
Once a mistress pan Found
She decided to cook cabbage soup in her.
Water from the crane I poured it into it
Meat I let it down, the fire divorced.
She wanted a grater carrot Grate,
That figure turned - look disgusting.
Mistress I decided to clean it,
Carrot Grounded: "Again, E Mine!"
Carrots in refrigerator Need to keep
She will not decide to offend you.
Mistress She took up potatoes then.
After all, cabbage soup does not matter at all.
Potatoes I lived in a basket in the oven.
The sprouts were covered potatoes, and all
She was bored, as if she were fifty years old.
Mistress She looked, she became sad,
She did not hear about scs without potatoes.
Mistress I took out a cabbage fork.
From sight cabbage She became sad.
Cabbage, potatoes, carrots - trouble.
The hostess could not dream of right.
But onionthat she has forgotten about
(I kept it on the balcony in the box),
Lay and shone with an orange side,
He was proud that one was preserved.
And now he is sparkled, unleashed, salted,
They will throw it into the pan, satisfied with it.
And let the dinner fall with the cabbage soup,
But delicious onion soup turned out!

Tale about "Turnip" in a new way for adults at the table

Tale about a turnip for a new way for adults at the table
Tale about "Turnip" in a new way for adults at the table

Tale about "Turnip" in a new way for adults at the table:

Where the mountains are high, in the house near the river
There was a grandfather Tolik, he was an alcoholic with the soul.
Although in the advanced year, he stood firmly on his feet.
Kohl in the morning did not pour it, gloriously lived, did not know worries.
Drink and let's scream ...

Grandfather: We will live a nuclear Mother!


Grandma Anna lived with him, oh and was harmful
The growth of the giantess, the temper of the chieftain
She had no life from her grandfather either
Therefore, she missed and welcomed the neighbor.
Grandfather - in binge, she - to a neighbor for an intimate conversation
Although she kept repeating ...

Grandma: For another you need power!


The granddaughter of yas there, this granddaughter is just power!
Mini-skirt, and a cut! It seems in a skirt like without.
Breast-yields are bulk, lips poured juice
And of course a miracle of the legs, like with the Playboevsky cover
Like a rose blossomed ...

Granddaughter: Well, think about things!


A on the farm Y the grandfather was besides trifle
Two goats and garden and dog Y Gate
Nimble nice male and nicknamed - tail
It was not at all from boasting he was just without a tail.
Either God did not give him, or where he himself tore
But the lack of a wave, nobody annoyed anyone
The dog barked rather sluggishly ...

Dog: Give me to eat, I have little bones!


The cat Murka lived there, was clean
Viskas ate, drank juice, but slept on the chair.
And in the dreams of her girlish prince, she was waiting for a young prince.
In the soul y her bad weather ...

Cat: Where are you wandering my happiness?


There lived a mouse in a way, he was more strongly and higher
The whole village of the mouse knew, he was the first to get out
B village tavern called "Sake"
And in the village the whole people called the muzzle muzzle
It's just a class to communicate with him ...

Mouse: Elya-Palah Sha Atas!


Well, now you all know the inhabitants of their home.
So the second is further: once in the beginning of May
Alcoholic - Grandfather thought came in trouble
He decided to plant him with a turnip he went out into the field from dawn
In the ground, I buried the grains, buried it, poured water ...
And the glass went to hand over ...

Grandfather: We will live, Mother is poison!


And then he went into a binge and forgot about his root.
Well, a summer at that time, it was generous in the heat
Turnip matured, poured and washed with rains
So by the fall it became large and strong.
Everyone admired ...

Turnip: I am now my first friend!

Grandfather: We will live, a nuclear on a mother!

Grandfather was tired, but only one belt
Burst frail from motion, because such a tension
Turnip there, if only that, my grandfather tried again
But there is no progress ...

Grandfather: We will live, a nuclear on a mother!


And he went from the field, to finish his moonshine.
And at that time from the neighbor, the grandmother was after the conversation
He sees the grandmother of the turnip in the field, and twice the fields are more.
The Syak pulls and pulls, but the stock is exhausted.
I was in vain to my neighbor went ...

Grandma: For another you need power!


Stretching on the porch, she crawled to the stove
Sends the granddaughter of the light, turn the turnip to dinner
Granddaughter led the eyebrow ...

Granddaughter: Well, think about things!


I went out in the field to tear and does not know how to get up to it.
And it will puff and press it sideways on the contrary.
Stockings, the girl tore, the turnips where she was.
The girl spat with annoyance, and went to change outfits
At the fence, the tails tease its strap.
I would eat from the beginning ...

Dog: Let eat, I have little bones!


The tail was untied, they ordered a turnip
I ran up my teeth to curse and let's bite it
Both claws and mouth, only turnip everything is in place
Smiles sitting and stinging with a stoop.
Kobelek with this annoyance of this, made psi on this turnip
He blocked down for a moment and wandered tiredly into the booth.
And about these all the affairs of Murka were already in the know
On the porch rested and saw the picture all.

Murka: Where do you wander my happiness?


So terribly she wanted to apply a maturity somewhere
K Repe from behind crept up and claws as it stuck!
She pulled that there was strength, only the claws took off.
Then he recovered with a drinking room, Tolik-day on an old bunk
And he decided to attract the people together to go out into the garden.
Around the turnips, make a circle ...

Turnip: I am now my first friend!


Grandfather's grandfather clamping in two hands
The granddaughter also came running and stood in a pose
The scoundrel of the tail clung to her for the stocking.
Well, and Murka is our light, looking for a tail, but it is not.
Murka was very surprised, grabbed the tail of the tail.
Here they pull that turnips only forces wither, wither
Who swears like tape ...

Grandfather: We will live, a nuclear on the mother!


Who shases sweetly ...
Grandma: For another you need strength!
The granddaughter of everyone has already brought ...

Granddaughter: Well, think about things!

The dog whines again at first ...
Dog: Give me to eat, I have little bones!
Murka boils straight from passion ...
Murka: Where do you wander my happiness?

The heavy Burlatsky howl, ours heard the mouse the hero
The mormorrot hurried to disassembly in the garden
And I decided to help at least once ...

Mouse: Ely- PALAS Sha Atas!


To the Repe, slowly approaches, looks in the impudent glance of everyone
It gently hugs turnip and takes out from the garden.
And everyone gathered around ...

Turnip: I am now my first friend!


Then our people reached out, started up, looked around
And he went to drink moonshine, good that he is always.
Moonshine flows a river in the village ... a feast of a mountain.
And our story is finished ...

Mouse: Elya-Palah Sha Atas!

Fairy Tale “Three Pigs” for a drunk company at the table

Fairy Tale-transmission three pigs for a drunk company at the table
Fairy Tale “Three Pigs” for a drunk company at the table

Fairy Tale-transmission "Three Pigs" for a drunk company at the table:

"Three Pigs"-fairy tale exprom

We will tell a fairy tale, very familiar,
Perhaps her plot is not accurate,
About three piglets this fairy tale was added
And it begins like this: they lived - they were ...
Three pigs, three pink brothers,
Loved and drink and even fight,
They sang songs, feeling a lot about this:
The gray wolf is not terrible to us!

In the fall, the brothers folded the houses,
And until the winter they survived imperceptibly.
NIF-Nif from straw-closer to nature
Naf-Naf from Rotan, following fashion,
And only the nuf-nuf house folded the brick,
Put the speakers, and connected the Internet.
And here is a gray wolf from a neighboring forest,
He followed his brothers with interest
He knew that he would hardly find the prey,
I decided that they walked their fat.
They sang sitting at home, knowing a lot about this:
The gray wolf is not terrible to us!

Meanwhile, the wolf, all thinking about them,
Runes to the house in which the NIF-Nif lived.
The wolf tied a napkin, looked around,
And rubbing his paws, he knocked.
There was a nif-nif from straw, a house scattered,
I applied the pig’s piglet here.
And he shouted after him, knowing a lot about this:
The gray wolf is not terrible to us!

Rubbing his face, suffering fear,
The wolf went to the hut, the fashionista Naf-Nafa.
I straightened the napkin, tuned in again,
And the piglet of the second knocked on the door.
Naf-Naf himself opened and shoots through his eyes,
And the wolf is playing playfully home.
Whispers excitingly, just knowing a lot:
The gray wolf is not terrible to us!

The wolf fled from Nafa and simply brutally,
Well, his stomach sang loudly.
At the door of the third, Nuf-nufa knocked that there was strength,
And DJ pigs, of course, opened the door.
The wolf was stupefied from sound sparkling lights,
And the nuf nufa more has more fun to dance
He shouted, lighting a brand new dance floor,
The gray wolf is not terrible to us!

The moral of this story, of course, is simple
Live together with a pig and will be easy life.
And now we will shout together, knowing a lot about this:
The gray wolf is not terrible to us!

Fairy Tale-transmission "Samobrand tablecloth" for a drunk company at the table

Fairy Tale-transmission tablecloth-samobrand for a drunk company at the table
Fairy Tale-transmission "Samobrand tablecloth" for a drunk company at the table

Fairy Tale-transmission "Samobrand tablecloth" for a drunk company at the table:

"Samobrand tablecloth"

I have not seen my grandfather since childhood.
Suddenly on a telegram he is me
Grandfather: - Get an inheritance.
Not a cow and not a horse,

But this tablecloth linen.
Not simple ... So - take care.
You will not find, granddaughters, this is nowhere:
The cabbage soup itself also gives pies

Coffee, tea, cookies and bagels ...
Take it! There is a moth in the hut!
Grandson: Well it is necessary! The tablecloth is self -blessed!
Well, thank you, grandfather, you!

Leading: Grandfather grinned and jerked his eye ...
He is to play a big mastak.
I could have guessed then immediately:
Something with this tablecloth is wrong.

I brought her to my capital.
All gathered neighbors and friends.
Here the people are on the tablecloth,
Grandson:Well, I order her:

Give us sausages more expensive
Black caviar and ham.
I want to drink something too ...
There is only a bottle of cognac!

Only the best, real!
Ask, why one?
Of course, I would order a box!
I was only afraid of my wife ...

Well, and the tablecloth will begin to scold!
I have never heard such words.
Friends already stretched their faces!
I modestly asked: - And where is the food?

From her answer, his mouth opened:
Tablecloth: From me, darling, you leave me alone!
Where is the food?! In the market, in the store ...
I am self -bored with the word "abuse"!

I have a credo in my life
Collect everyone at the table,
Do not consider it nonsense.
I share my warmth ..

Leading: What a cloth-samobrack!
We see the love of life!
It’s not easy to drink!
Dishes! Binge!

The wife of the grandson: I would have a self-binding tablecloth
And magical words
I would be for a new party
I didn’t cook it myself,
I spread the tablecloth quickly,
Whispered B: "Tra-Ta!"
And the table would be tasty
In seconds, without difficulty. But alas, all this is a fairy tale ...

Fairy Tale-transmission "Ryaba chicken" for a drunk company at the table

Fairy tale-transmission chicken ryab for drunk company at the table
Fairy Tale-transmission "Ryaba chicken" for a drunk company at the table

Fairy Tale-transmission "Ryaba chicken" for a drunk company at the table:

A fairy tale for adults about grandfather, grandmother and chickens of Ryabu:

Once upon a time there was a grandfather, grandfather
Together seventy years.
Grandfather respected the old woman -
Never offended.
Grandma - grandfather read,
What could - the more pleased
Life flowed them well -
From advance to salary.
And they went to retire -
They also did not find a treasure,
And for what has accumulated
Ryaba, chicken, bought.
There will be eggs - we will live,
The crisis will be nothing.
So decided with the grandfather with the grandfather,
Yes, eggs are not there and no.
I got in earnest in earnest
Grandfather, rushed into the chicken coop
Taking an ax with him,
The verdict pronounced Ryaba.

- eat both in the morning and in lunch
Only something is not of use.
With such and and
It will not be income, but collapse.

Kurochka Ryaba:
Don’t you rage, I swear
After three days I will demolish.
And please believe me
There will be an egg in price!
Though the egg will be one -
It is expensive.
Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko,,
You will be easy to live.
Your poverty and need
Disden once and for all.

Here the treasured day has come.
At five in the morning, our old man got up.
Getting up, I woke the old woman
And he hurried into the chicken coop.
They enter the chicken coop
The chicken is found with a look.
See Ryaba sits,
Well, it lies next to her,
Yes, an egg, but not simple
And believe me, gold,
In precious, all the stones ...
Here is an old man with an old woman

Grandfather and grandmother (in one voice):
- Ah, they have not seen such a century,
And they did not expect.

Kurochka Ryaba:
- I kept my word,
She did as she promised.
You can saw the egg,
Chop it with an ax, drill ...
But remember one thing,
If it falls -
Turn in a moment in the sand.

Herself on the rocks of the skok -
And tick that there was strength
(Grandfather did not close the chicken coop).

Here the week runs around
Grandfather does not lose time in vain.
He is to an egg appraiser

- What is the price?

- million in convertible currency
(mortals will not buy people).

Grandfather went home.
Here he enters all the darkness.
He says the old woman:

- Would it go, old, you're out.
I'm divorced with you
I will marry a young one.

- You are already middle -aged!
Yes, the young man is really
It will agree to get married
For such an old man?!
You won’t lie at a fool.

-for such and
And there will be a thousand mistresses
Well, you would have walked away
I can see you with an unbearable.

The grandmother cries and sobs,
Then do what - does not know.
He kicked her grandfather from home.
There are no relatives, friends, acquaintances.
How to be, where to go?
Maybe find his death.
Grandma prayed to God,
Brave ten times ...
God was glad to help the grandmother:
A lawyer came to her,
Yes, one of the best:
Smart, cunning and lucky.

- What gnaws at you for Kruchin?
And what's the reason?
Can I help?
I am not averse to making money.

The grandmother howled and sobbed,
But she clearly told everything.
The lawyer did not believe his ears
Quickly redesigned everything.

- Speak a million?
Well, sue is a reason.
We will sue half
I won't leave you in trouble
Maybe alimony.
So crying, there is no sense.

- How will I live alone?
Nobody needs me

-Five hundred pieces of green
There will be a detachment of lovers.

In general, the grandmother prayed
And she agreed to sue.
A lawyer is scribbling a lawsuit
(in this matter he is talent)

Time flies quickly,
And the trial comes.
The judge is sitting at the table,
On the table, the egg lies.
Brought Ryaba to court,
Chicken is a witness here.

Quietly mouse sneaked in court,
I made it to the meeting
The mouse did not understand the rules
She sat down on the judge.

The bailiff rushed to the mouse
- Why are you puffing in the court?

The mouse rushed aside,
The egg touched the egg,
An instant egg fell to the floor,
The sand became a hill.

Grandfather cries, grandmother cries,
And the chicken clucked:

-kud-where, kud-where,
One trouble from the egg,
You haven't become rich
And they lost each other.
If you were in agreement,
The century would have lived in abundance.

New Year's tales-transfers for a drunk company

New Year's tales-transfers for a drunk company
New Year's tales-transfers for a drunk company

New Year's fairy tales for a drunk company:

New Year's table fairy tale for a cramped company "Well, you give!"

Actors and replicas:
New Year - "Well, you give!"
Father Frost - "Without me, do you drink?"
Snow Maiden - "Both on!"
Old women (women-yaga)- "Well, not a fig, yourself!"
Goblin - "Well, for good luck!"
Waitress - “Who broke all the plates?
Guests (people) - "Happy New Year!"
Leading - Reads the text

The text of the fairy tale
On the eve of the New Year
The people have a tradition
The people to the light bulb are crisis, hardships
Satisfied shout loudly ... ("Happy New Year!")

But the New Year is sitting in front of us,
It was as if he was only born about
Looks at people: at uncle and aunt
And he is surprised out loud: ... ("Well, you give!")

And the guests are funny, dressed fashionable
They shout loudly loudly: ... ("Happy New Year!")

Congratulations rushed (everywhere he sticks his nose)
Who is tired of the matinees? Father Frost!
He repeats barely connected: ("Without me, do you drink?")
In response, the New Year: ("Well, you give!")

And what outside the window, there are whims of nature,
But guests anyway - shout: ("Happy New Year!")

Then the Snow Maiden stood theatrically,
And her appearance is very sexy.
She, apparently, will not be left home,
And mysteriously said ... ("Both on!")

Santa Claus sniffed: ("Without me, do you drink?")
In response, the New Year: ("Well, you give!")
And the guests again, immediately and immediately,
They scream louder and louder: ... ("Happy New Year!")

And again the Snow Maiden, the forebodings are full
Smoke, admiring himself: ... ("Both on!")
Frost all grunts: ... ("Without me, do you drink?")
The New Year is behind him: ... ("Well, you give!")

Two frisky grandmothers, two women-yaga,
As if stood up with the right leg
They cooled under a glass of a yagush fate,
And they are outraged out loud: ... ("Well, not a fig, yourself!")

Snegurochka of passion, desire is full,
With a temptation and languidly repeats: ... ("Both on!")
Frost yells: ... ("Without me, do you drink?")
And after the New Year: ... ("Well, you give!")

It goes on everything, goes on its own,
And the guests scream again: ... ("Happy New Year!")

A separate fragment, but bright and brief
The waitress made her contribution.
She threw the arrows on the table
She asked: ... ("Who broke all the plates?")

Yaguski, mastering, as if in a hut,
They shouted to her in chorus: ... ("Well, not a fig, yourself!")
The Snow Maiden rises, intoxicated slightly,
Laughs, whispering with enthusiasm: ... ("Both on!")

And grandfather, already shouts: ... ("Without me, do you drink?")
The New Year is behind him: ... ("Well, you give!")
And guests, feeling, thoughts of freedom
Scandilize together again: ... ("Happy New Year!")

Here the goblin, with joy, almost crying,
It gets up with the words: ... ("Well, for good luck!")
And the waitress, sipping the burners,
She asked: ... ("Who broke all the plates?")

Grandmosyki, one more cluster
They shout for a couple: ... ("Well, not a fig, yourself!")
Snow Maiden also swallowed wine
And again exclaimed aloud: ... ("Both on!")

And Santa Claus drinks, whispering slyly, ("Without me, do you drink?")

And drinks the New Year: ... ("Well, you give!")
And goblin, he has been jumping with a glass for a long time
He called on inspiration: ... ("Well, for good luck!")

And glasses, as if filled with honey,
The guests who drink and shout amicably: ... ... ("Happy New Year!")

Hi New Year! "
Actors, replicas:
Tamada - "There is still an hour before the New Year!"
Loser “So, maybe today I will pour me?”
Father Frost - "And I brought you gifts!"
Guests - "Hello, New Year!"
Neighbours - "Congratulations to all of you!"

Leading: To play the scene,
Roles should be distributed!
You, I see, don't be silent
And speak all the time.
We need an announcer now,
You come just! (PHOVES a sheet with a phrase for the role of the dictator.)
(To another guest) And to you to say to you -
Tamada you, therefore! ( Persons words for the role of toamada)
(Another guests) people for all are not new -
The well -known district police officer! (Presenting words for the role of the district police officer)
(Man - guest) Replace Santa Claus,
He is late for something! (PHOVES WORDS for the role of Santa Claus)
(One group of guests) we will ask neighbors,
We are always very happy with you! (Presenting words for neighbors)
(Another group of guests) Low you guests with us
And play with us! (Presenting words for guests)

Text of the fairy tale:
The people are going to celebrate the holiday
And, as expected, to celebrate a new year.
The glasses are filled to the brim,
And Guests shout ... (Hello, New Year!)
But in Telik Speaker not in a hurry at all,
Papers rustle with various papers
And informs, sort of like, us ...

Stands up Tamada At the full -length table
And pronounces a very fresh toast,
Pretty swinging with a glass in his hand ...
And in Telik music plays loudly
And Baskov is well -known.
And the glasses are poured again to the edges.
All Guests shout ... (Hello, New Year!)

Here Father Frost, The late knocks.
Seeing painfully familiar faces,
Rubs your nose from embarrassment
And whispers ... (and I brought you gifts!)
BUT Guests We decided to raise it Toamada.
He can’t get up already!
And he pronounces a toast, as in a dream ... (So we will drink for those who are now on a horse!)
BUT Speaker Speaks specifically for us ... (until the New Year is still an hour!)
Probably afraid that we will "get"
And the New Year will not wait!
They called the door. Burst Neighbours,
The wine was dragged and all sorts of worships.
They shout from the threshold ... (Congratulations to all of you!)
BUT Speaker ... (until the New Year is still an hour!)
Smooth slightly, sat down at the table.
Neksta completely, Loser I went in
Seeing our company in the window ... (So, maybe today you will also pour me?)
Neighbours shout ... (Congratulations to all of you!)
BUT Speaker ... (until the New Year is still an hour!)
Here Santa Claus takes out his bag
And whispers ... (and I brought you gifts!)
How great it is to celebrate the New Year together!
And, barely breathing Tamada Ours gets up ... (so let's drink for those who are now on a horse!)
He will not wait for gifts already.
Poured glasses for the main toast,
Everyone rose in a single impulse Guests,
Scandil together ... (Hello, New Year!)
And the arrows of the watch are in a hurry all ahead!
Our Tamada sobered up in an instant,
And again, he stubbornly repeats his toast ... (so let's drink for those who are now on a horse!)
Well, well, we pour and for the New Year we raise the glass of everything!

Video: Merry Corporate Fairy Tale

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