Tales in a new way for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina based on the Golden Key - the best selection

Tales in a new way for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina based on the Golden Key - the best selection

Such a work as a fairy tale can be a great way to entertain not only children, but also adults. So that you can verify this, we bring to your attention a selection of fairy tales for a new way for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina.

A fairy tale in a new way for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina based on the "golden key"

Tales in a new way for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina
A fairy tale in a new way for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina based on the "golden key"

A fairy tale in a new way for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina based on the Golden Key:


Dad Carlo became very old,
And the barbound is too heavy.
His gaze is extinct and tired -
Youth has long passed.
How to be, because you need to eat something,
Where can you get money?
Suddenly the son appeared nearby:

The words of Pinocchio
-“You must forget about the work.
I'll take your barbound now
And I will go to the square with her.
And I'll start tomorrow instantly,
I will sing and entertain people. "

Dad Carlo is glad and proud of his son,
He raised his assistant to himself.
Smart and reasonable Pinocchio,
Not a couple of different to the same.
In the morning, early Pinocchio entered the city
And in the square began to twist the barrel organ.
Suddenly he heard at the theater
And I decided to visit the theater immediately.
Everything in the theater is magnificent and beautiful,
Velvet chairs are in a row.
In life I have not seen such a diva,
And from the scene the doll looks at him.
Harlequin with Pierrot not having noticed him,
They could not restrain the amazement,
Suddenly, to meet Buratino so,
They could not even dream in a fairy tale.

The words of the feather and Arlekino
- Pinocchio! That's who we need!
Where so long, brother have you disappeared?
For the theater, you are a find and reward
And all our puppet people were looking for you.
Pinocchio immediately rose to them

The words of Pinocchio
- How could you find out about me?
I accidentally ended up here
After all, I live in the other side.

The words of the feather and Arlekino
- Tortilla talked a lot about you,
That the soul is kind, unpretentious in everyday life.
And how she praised you!
Silent, patient, not lazy.
And our mistress is looking for a husband,
To be kind and worker,
After all, she needs an assistant in the household,
Well, so that he serves her implicitly.

The words of Pinocchio
“So, who will be your mistress?”
After all, I don't know her at all ...
(Of course I will not lose, of course,
I just would not want problems.)

The words of the feather and Arlekino
- And our mistress is a young Malvina,
She is unwritten beauty,
Modest, tender and not talkative,
Agree, maybe your fate.


Pinocchio thought a little ...
Well, a beautiful wife is not averse to having.
Maybe this meeting intended for God?
I would only see Malvin.
I did not have time to think on stage
A girl appeared - beauty.
It was the mistress of Melpomene
He has never seen one yet.
The face is serious, but a little sad,
And the eyes like beads shine.
Protrudes decorously like Pava
And with a huge blue scythe to the heels.
Buratino looked at her and was speechless.
Yes, there are no words, at least where!
He dreamed of this meeting all his life,
Kololitza, young, is not high.
The heart was stupid in the chest,
The eyes sparkled at the same hour,
Time for him stopped ...
Under the crown? Yes, right now!
Malvina looked at him,
Eyes squinting and pursing his mouth
And quietly sang under her nose:

The words of Malvina
-“Not enough, of course, but at least not a freak.
Where to get decent men now,
To be kind and obedient?
And in economic affairs practical
And so that he loved all of mine.
After all, tortilla praised him like that
And to lie to her just do not need to.
Yes, and I see him, I conquered it,
So I’ll go to marry him.

We played a wedding for everyone for a marvel,
Dad Carlo and Tortilla, inviting
Only something is dreary
From such unexpected prospects.
And Pinocchio is quite pleased with everyone,
After all, the wife is like the sun.
Well, the fact that he got into captivity -
You can close your eyes to this.
After all, he is now a miner - not to boredom,
He must take care of the family.
But in the family there are more than a hundred dolls,
So I have to work doubly working.
Our Pinocchio is day and night in worries:
Will come home from work - the theater will take
And even on holiday, Sunday and Saturday
He works like a poor emigrant.
He has enough patience for everything
(Zhenya needs to help a lot).
Cooks dinners, weaves dolls,
Like a housekeeper! Neither give nor take!
But he does not know the words good and affection,
The theater is busy with the wife all days.
And he only dreams of one long ago,
To light up the lights of love in her eyes.
Well, love here did not spend the night
Malvina adored dolls crazy.
She and her husband exchanged for them,
Such a husband has fate!
He endured for a long time and worked a lot,
The theater rebuilt a new one, like a temple.
After all, the former was already almost miserable,
Yes, and there were cramped dolls there.
Everything for Malvina and her doll theater
Buratino put half his life,
And for himself he only earned a corner,
After all, he did not deserve more with his wife.
So life has passed, but there is no happiness,
What did he manage to achieve in life?
And he did not become a nice white light
And so he went to the lake.
On Lake Tortill noted
(She grandmother shouting on water lilies).

The words of Pinocchio
- How good that I met you here,
You have old, all in the wrinkles.

The words of the tortila

- Yes, Pinocchio, a lot of time has passed,
We have not seen for a long time.
Well, you are lucky with marriage?

The words of Pinocchio
- No, we broke up with Malvina.
She see me, and did not love me
And I tried for her, climbed from my skin.
But she forgot all my good,
And the charm and the gloss has long disappeared.
I don’t understand what I did bad
Why could I not please Malvina?
After all, I did not hear the affectionate word,
Not to mention love.

The words of the tortila

-Ah, stupid, unreasonable Pinocchio!
She needed a servant, not a man.
Beauty of a soulless doll, you captivated
And, without thinking about the future, he married.

Women need, of course, affection,
Quiet, magical words
To tell them fairy tales,
And the head was spinning.

But women also have desires,
After all, nature requires its own.
And they come to a date,
Choosing spectacular underwear.

If the body wanted something
It's better not to joke with this business.
Women's awakened body,
Everything sweeps out in his way

So that there are no brokenness in life,
You need to remember forever:
In the office, on vacation and at home,
Satisfy your ladies ...

Short fairy tales in a new way for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina - to fill a pause for the host

Short fairy tales in a new way for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina - to fill the pause for the host
Short fairy tales in a new way for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina - to fill a pause for the host

Short fairy tales in a new way for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina - to fill the pause for the host:


The drum was impudent small,
He contained art prison.
They fed them with bread and fat,
He himself ate like a baron.
Made the dolls of the poor
Smile and dance,
In general, he was a harmful man.
And he loved to drink
With an idiot Dumerar
(That leeches sold)
We slept with dolls for the dead.
Only in the way they stood ...
A wooden man.
Cut it out at the moment
Nose, curls, shoulders
Old Carlo-impotent.
Pinocchio was called the guy.
He became friends with dolls.
Those called him to the theater.
Even the dog Artemon
And Pierrot made friends with him.
Pierrot was always tearful.
Therefore, I am in disgrace
He, having loved Malvina.
Karabas loved Malvina,
And the doll came out - class!
And Pierrot, who? Not a man
He flooded the basin with tears.
In general, Pinocchio had
The glorious key is gold.
They said: fool,
And now it’s completely holy.
Pionera of Karabas
In the ass with a knee. Good luck!
The plays were changed immediately
I disgraced them with dull.
Became the hero of Pinocchio,
All artists, but with him.
And does not look at Malvina,
And Pierrot is not driven to her.
A fairy tale ... is approaching to an end.
Pinocchio in chocolate.
And Pierrot goes to the crown,
All in Malvinina lipstick.
He became a rich Pinocchio.
Karl suddenly became rich.
Somewhere Karabas-Skotin,
They say that I ran
And he offered a leech ...

Dad Carlo, Pinocchio, he turned it out of plasticine.
That nose grew itself, the very thought, it will be indefatigable.
The boy listens to Malvina, Artemon -
Not authority and sneezed at your clarinet.
There is no hearing, but there is a key, the door will open,
The secret and cricket will soak with a stick to
I didn’t interfere under my feet.
All the same will find wealth
Theater, buy dad on birthday
And he will give in order to annoy the enemies to everyone.
The dolls died on the road
They melted the stove with them. The director ruined
Former, drank everyone in the trash.
And Pierrot, that fool, crazy simpleton.
He is in love, does not even see that the bride is cheating.
And she is a hidden at school, pestering her studies.
Write the letters correctly,
Do not champs at the table, do not visit the Sopi
Farmed to yourself. He takes out with love, sticks
To plasticine that there is no power. Eat yourself
Your jam and smeared with a plate
On the table and hand. The teacher in anger,
Wash quickly march, you are punished until the morning.
Karabas and Voldemar are looking for, together, some kind of treasure.
The turtle-the turtle of the swamp was caught.
The soup was welded from it and dried ups.
And their theater has long been exchanged for wine.
And they thump day and night, wait for money on the field,
Under the moon. The cat with a fox helps them,
A miracle field was plowed and sowed with bones that
They gnawed from ducks. Pinocchio guard,
Gold to select, not to give Karabas.
And Giusepo, that is Smore, blue nose,
In the tavern, he signs and the whole light swings, rinses.
That the wood is tired of, hits him every now and then.
No sweet, here is a log, jumps, yells, yells.
You ruined me all your life, the old Born
And drunk. A friend regretted Palen and repeats
About the key in the swamp, about wealth, about the door and the closet pohny ...

Pierrot, Malvina, Pinocchio
We came to us from the history of ancient!
Them from Italy,countries are native to them,
Brought to us Alexei Tolstoy
And in a fairy tale he placed with a miraculous name!
And now you can do any
Tell you about the golden key!
The heroes are sweet to us and forever Yuna,
But time makes us other strings
Search so that the exploits of the heroes of those to sing!
Want to see your eyes out
What have children in the life of adult?
Look: after all, miracles are enough in the world!
Our Buratino, on history, is a rogue!
The marriage was not too preoccupied!
Although he liked Malvina,
But somehow not quite: half!
He was by nature his adventurer,
He is not a lip to the women, like a bath sheet!
I decided to step around the seas!
He gave his heart to the ships.
On different ones, he wandered a lot of countries!
He returned home a bearded captain.
He is with a feeling called love,
I was not, as if to say, it is accurate!
And here, faced with our new,
He was at a dead end ...
He grabbed his head in repentance!
Though by nature it was wooden,
But I realized that I lost Malvina! -
The other is the ball in this hall!

Fairy tale for a new way funny for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina

Fairy tale for a new way funny for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina
Fairy tale for a new way funny for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina

A fairy tale for a new way is funny for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina:

The wife is Malvina, and her husband is Pinocchio.
The plot, as if, was taken from a fairy tale.
In the eternal dispute of a woman with a man
Do not make out who is right, who is to blame.

Beauty - you will not find in the whole world.
Clean and mistress at least where.
Cosiness and purity reign in the apartment.
What else can you dream of an eccentric.

And so, trying proudly the title of her husband,
He blindly believes - it will always be so.
And nothing else needs to be done.
She is doomed to be doomed.

Why work every day, like a buffalo,
Feed the family and raise children.
After the wedding, he did not even think
How to keep love in the middle of gray days.

They flee the years, and somehow imperceptibly
The family loses the sacrament of love.
And caresses became like a diet, fresh
And the feelings of ardent have long passed.

And he lives like a true man.
Football, fishing, beer and sofa.
Celebrating his death with his freedom
It comes late and sometimes drunk.

Already sex does not seem new.
The wife is Zatyukan and grumbles endlessly.
And an ice floe appeared between them.
He, turning away, snores at night.

You are both dissatisfied with each other
And the cold between you is stronger.
And your life, as if running in a circle,
Horses rushing somewhere.

And then another fairy tale.
Her great Pushkin wrote.
For young people, she is a hint,
You can not lose high feelings of intensity.

Believe me - even a goldfish
He will not be able to return high feelings.
Do not make fatal mistakes
And you can happily live life.

Scenario in a new way of fairy tales for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina - a converted "Golden Key"

Scenario in a new way of adult fairy tales for Proitino and Malvina
Scenario in a new way of fairy tales for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina - a converted "Golden Key"

Scenario in a new way of fairy tales for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina - a redone “Golden Key”:

Get to know, this is Carlo,
He is poor and lonely.
All wealth: wretched shelter
Yes, a boiling pot.
The colors have faded, faded, -
There is little benefit from him:
He will not feed anyone,
Will not warm anyone ...
So, hangs on this wall
For many, many years.
Carlo glad to him, because
There is nothing else.

I am once very dexterous
Could strict and craft;
And now I'm old and sick;
There is nothing to buy bread for ...
I will remember the years young,
I will remove the shavings from the tree.
It smells of needles, smells of forest!
Oh, how bad alone ... (log)
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Harvest!
What do I hear? That's bullshit! -
I am alone in the comor,
There is no one with me!

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Harvest!
I don't like tickling!

Talking log?
I pinch myself ..., I don’t sleep ...
Fate sent me happiness.
How to thank her ...
Talking log!
The doll can be made! (working)
There will be a boy, Pinocchio.
I will not let him offend.
Let him rest at home.
I’ll go on business.
I will buy my son a jacket,
Wonderful primer.
Wait for me, I'm soon.
Do not open the door to a stranger.

Am I wooden? Undoubtedly!
After all, made by the pope from the log!
His talent and mind,
With love, tenderness, warmth.
My whole life is
Solid question.
I put my nose into all angles.
I wanted my nose
It was shorter
But, only, the nose does not want that.
I am a boy, a boy from a log,
And, like all children, undoubtedly
I want to fight, shoulder;
I want to laugh and joke!

Here I am. Gifts to you.

Mine? Thank you! Very glad!
Only where did you find the money?
You, I know, are not rich?
Yes, I see you without a jacket?
Sold? (Carlo) sold ...

It's a pity…

Do not regret, do not.
Sorrow is not needed now.
You will study at school:
Draw, write, count;
Need competent and wise,
Be sure to become you!
Go, boy, to school
And do not upset your father.
Here you are, son, coins
On the bagels and for tea.
(on the way to school)
Attention! Attention!
Just one time
He performs with the theater
Famous Karabas!
(Song is heard from the theater)

I am Karabas! I am a drum!
I am the most famous!
I am the most eminent!
I am rich and smart!
I am beautiful and strong!
(from the crowd)
How terrible and evil ...
Who said I was evil?
Bloodthirsty and stingy?
Who said? Who dared?
I will erase the powder like chalk!
I am Karabas! I am a drum!

Hurry! Hurry!
Signor Karabas
A wonderful performance
Cook for you!

O! As I would like
I get to the theater.
Theatre! Theatre! Theatre -
My passion!
Sell \u200b\u200ba ticket!
Sell \u200b\u200ba ticket!
(they answer him)
You have a ticket
Not enough coins.
What to come up with?
What to do?
Idea! I need
Sell \u200b\u200bmy primer ...
I will buy a place for myself
I'm in the front row.
And to school, study,
Then I'll go ...


The night went down from heaven.
There are no stars or moon.
The forest is full of different fears.
Tears of despair are full of eyes.
Malvina! Malvina!
How alone I am!
Let the wolves tear me to pieces;
Let it stick into the heart
Cold blade -
I am dying of love ...

Tired! Tired! Tired!
I can please Karabas;
Do the most nasty thing:
Make the kids sob.
I want to enjoy life
And to sing funny songs.
I will teach Karabas,
Stop getting rich!

Hush, Malvina,
There is a karabas.
If by chance
He will hear us
Brutally punish
The whip is beaten down
From the torture of terrible
No one will leave.

I better die
But I won't play
And after the performance
Wash shirts ...

Down with Karabas!
Down with it forever!
Only dust raises
His beard.

What is the noise here?
Who dared to rebel?
To me, Karabas,
To disrupt the performance?!
(I saw Pinocchio)
You, a broken!
I'll catch you
And throw it into the bonfire
On the eating of fire
I will fry on the oster
To know, a scoundrel,
How to joke at me!

I'm not afraid of you
Karabas Barabas!
And in the fire with your nose
I climbed more than once ...
I made holes in it
I did not find anything;
And I'm not afraid
Your fire!

Laughing, wretch!
We'll see now;
It will only remain
Ashes and smoke!
Are you afraid?

Not at all!

Here something is wrong;
Fire…. Kotelok ...
Uh, what a fool I am! (in a whisper)
This is a secret hearth;
This is it!
I don't feel sorry for the secret
Give a million. (loud)
Tell me, my dear
Where did you see this?
You will be to the theater
Walking without a ticket ...
I'm even for you
I will give the gold,
If you share
Secret with me.
(dolls in chorus)
Do not betray
Karabas secrets;
He is very insidious.
All this is ...

Are you silent? Well, think…
I'll be back soon.
You will say everything, you will give out everything
I will find a way.
(Pinocchio hangs on a nail)

Malvina dolls
We must save
Pinocchio, friends!
Stay here
We can’t do it anymore!
Forward, Artemon!
Pinocchio, soon!
Pierrot, where is the key?
Do not open the doors to us!

We jump out the window ...


Now scatter
All who are where!

This boy is to me
Will lay out everything;
I will multiply
Their wealth.
I know where they hid
Key - now
Need to find out,
Where is the magical door?
But what is it? Empty!
There are no words from anger!
We must catch up
And catch the fugitives!
Me, Karabas,
You can’t spend it!
They are nowhere
Do not leave me!

Fox and cat
We have no roofs above our heads.
We love to wander with you;
And let our appearance be a wretched
He will not hurt us in any way!
Ah, money, money, money.
Store only in banks.
Swiss and English,
And not from - under the bulls.
Interest and loans ...
And you will be full.
And you will be full -
There is no other happiness!

Hey you, tramps,
Come here! Go!
From demand
There will be no harm.
Catch the boy.
I'll pay you.
The money is large, -
I am not kidding…
It is very noticeable:
Small stature,
The ears is stingy
And a huge nose.
He knows the secret
About the magic door.
I want a secret
I will take possession now.
You will find out the address,
Draw a plan.
Then substitute
Torn pocket.

Fox Cat
Get ready, we will rob;
We divide the money in half.
You are blind, and I am a cripple, -
We were lucky with work!
Give the poor altitude;
(A fox)
Is there money? Drive here!

I would give the poor without thinking.
But the tramps are never!

Fox Cat
This is the one they were looking for.
Luck us and rushes to us.
This stupid boy
We will lead us to the goal.
Sorry for us, Pinocchio,
We joked with you.
We do not need money at all.
Let's take you home.

Joked, well, okay,
And I won’t go home.
I have my worries.
And without you I will not be lost.

A fox
Pinocchio! Pinocchio!
Do you want to get rich?
You will buy everything you wish ...

How can you not want?

The fox is quiet
Well, then go through the forest
Among the pines and oaks.
You will cross the road
Right to the kingdom of fools ...
At midnight in the field, a hole,
In the hole, the money is fingered.
The oak will grow high here, -
Each gold leaf.
(Cat and fox echoing from bushes)
Money will not grow right away.
You go home for now.
And you will come here as soon as
The crown will become gold.
You tell us, Pinocchio,
Where to look for you later?
You tell us, Pinocchio,
Where is your house?

Where the shoe cleaner is
Squeezes the rich.
There is a dad Carlo.
You will find me there!

Now we will take money,
Then find the desired house ...
And they are not five, but only three.

A fox
Can not be!


A fox
Nasty Pinocchio
I decided to deceive us.
We will catch up and force
Return all the money ...
Shout that you are dying
And beat your head.

Hey! People! Help!
I beat .... A little alive! ..

Did someone call for help here?

A fox
For help. Exactly!
You, boy, are very quick,
And not a fool at all ...
(Take money)
Now we will cut it.

I can’t stand blood.
Let me, fox, boy
Will I drown the pond?

A fox
Heed him. Witness
You and I do not need.
Otherwise, they will hang us
For theft and robbery ...

The fox is cunning, and the cat is smart.
Dangerous? Undoubtedly!
But not afraid of anyone
The boy is from the log!
In a terrible fire did not burn out,
He did not drown in the pond.
Of course, it’s a pity that
Sly cat
I did not return the money to me.
I will punish all the villains
Then I will return home.
And, dad Carlo, you are still
You will be proud of me!

I am a turtle, my boy,
I have been living in a pond for three hundred years.
Everything in life
You have
It happens in our sight.
You are brave and dare, Pinocchio,
But your enemies are merciless.
Here take this magic key
And in the comor to Carlo run.
There is a magic door ...

I dont know…

The canvas closes her from her eyes.
Remember, I tried to hear a secret
The hated Signor Karabas?
You must remember Pinocchio
If he comes to the door first,
He will be cruel to rule you
And you, not sorry, will kill you ...
You are one in this battle alone;
Only friends will be able to help you.
Go, son, as soon as possible ...
Yes, it will help you this night!
(Pinocchio runs away)

I will dry this pond to a drop;
I take away the stomachs to all the fish;
And I will find this key magical;

Pinocchio from the bushes
Karabas - Barabas, is that you?
Do not work, and do not dare to hooligate!
Here he is a key! Look, gold!
The secret of the magical door I know ...
Now chase me!

Give the key soon ...
He is mine…
(Everyone runs away)

Where are you, dear Pinocchio?
Bo-ra and, respond!
My son is wooden,
I appear in front of dad!

Did you look for Pinocchio?

Yes, I was looking for ... but he disappeared ...
I went through all the quarters;
I screamed a pond and forest ...

Ah, how sad it is!
I cry both day and night ...
And we do not know with friends,
How to help him now?

Pinocchio heard a secret
About fire, which does not burn.
And on it, as it were,
A pot of water is in full swing ...

Karabas should be known for sure
Where he saw it.
He promised a lot of money
A mystery costs a million!

There is such a hearth on the door,
What is in the comor.
He saw him Pinocchio;
He is with fire and without fire ...

We need to hurry to the rescue!

Gav! Gav! I already attacked the trail.

Are you going Pierrot? Me too!

Allow me to give advice:
You need to rush into the comor;
We will meet there, friends;
I will delay Karabas.
You can't go with me!

Pinocchio! Pinocchio!
I will share wealth
We will rule together with the world.
In this I swear to you!

You will not buy me with this;
I am not like a fool;
Know, terrible, bloodthirsty,
That you came to an end!
(The chase ends deplorable:
Karabas is tied to a tree with his beard)

Pinocchio! Pinocchio!
You won't kill me?
(to the side)
Police, boobs ...
In the afternoon with fire you will not find them!
Cat! A fox! To me rather !!!

A fox
What happened, Karabas?

Oh, this Pinocchio!
He deceived, robbed us ...

A fox
Didn't he perish in the pond?

Ha ha ha! He is somewhere here!
Drive the same soon!
Oh, revenge will be terrible !!!

Karabas, but what about the fee
For diligent and labors?

Are you laughing? I'm a beggar!
Away, tramps and liar!
Get out of here ...
And without you I will find him ...
Hey police! Are you afraid?
I will go to fame alone!

A fox
Well, thanks ... Cat, we leave.
We are not on the way further
But he is without us
You can’t find a Pinocchio!
(Everyone leaves)
* * * * * * * * *

Dad Carlo!

Finally, I found you!
Alive, well, how good!
And now we are in a hurry: in Komorka
Your friends are waiting for you.

Do not worry, Karabas
I tied reliably.

My brave Pinocchio,
It can be untied.
He is rich and bribe everyone.
We all are not to do ...
You hurry and the door in the comor
Open your key.
Goodbye, Pinocchio!
Goodbye, my hero!

Goodbye, dad Carlo ...

I will delay Karabas;
I will fight that there is strength.
Well, you hurry, my boy,
The star hour has come!
* * * * * * * * *
(Pinocchio knocks on the door of the comor)
Open! Open!

Get out, Karabas!
We will not let you here ...
You will recognize us now!

Open! Open!
Here he is the key is not simple ...
He, like the sun sparkles,
Because golden!

Carlo and dolls
Goodbye - we leave,
To come to you again;
And help any baby
Find the key to happiness!
Happiness is not wealth;
Happiness is a brotherhood!
Let our fairy tale
Fortunately, leads everyone!

Humorous alteration in a new way of fairy tales for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina

Humorous alteration in a new way of adult fairy tales for Proitino and Malvina
Humorous alteration in a new way of fairy tales for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina

Humorous alteration in a new way of fairy tales for adults about Pinocchio and Malvina:

Says Buratina Malvina: Let's get married.
How much can each other be dreamed of for various reasons,
I have a house, and it has a hearth,
Not some kind of painted-real.
Look at yourself, you are completely lying
You will live on my grunts.
I will fry potatoes, I will be cutlets,
I promise to even wash the dishes myself
And take out a bucket itself.
I don't know which of us is even sorry,
Look at yourself, you are no longer a boy
How much can you sit in a bistro?

Do the friends in the solo shoot beer?
You wanted to live beautifully. And what is beautiful -
In the leaked shoes,
In a torn jacket, in a cap, with a liner,
So that the police from shops drive you
And the gopniks whistled at the corners?

Look at yourself, you are completely dried
I have an embroidered pillow,
The blanket is warm and the bed.
There is a separate kitchen, separately the bedroom,
You will eat normally and sleep normally,
I promise not even to pester.

Buratino answered the best to his friend:
How much am I lucky with us -
I am fine, and everyone is bad.
Over there Pierrot on the wall beats for years,
And for me, women walk herds,
Though run from them, the right word.

My dear, I am flattered and touched.
You, of course, do not have a renovation,
Yes, we live, tea, not in Europe.
You, of course, are no longer Merlin Monroe,
But you look, in general, not old.
(Then he reaches to slap her on the pope).

You are comfortable - you can’t argue here.
But, again, Pierrot is my long -standing Koresh,
I would not want the edges with him.
You have a cornflow, I have nettles,
So the dike is better than the suldo for beer,
And we will remain friends.

The wooden body is not terrible hunger,
Yes, and hardly my wooden bolt ...
In general, the goose pig is not a comrade.
And on the street today is warm, as in summer.
What are you crying, fool? Bring the cutlet.
You fry the cutlets perfectly ...

The fairy tale "Golden Key" in a new way for adults about

Fairy Tale Golden Key in a new way for adults Pinocchio
The fairy tale "Golden Key" in a new way for adults about Pinocchio

The fairy tale "Golden Key" in a new way for adults about Pinocchio:

Somehow, when it got dark
Friend Giuseppe Papa Carlo
Brought a strange log
And it squeaked itself.

Carlo deftly from the log
The little man was arranged.
I was surprised genuinely -
He came to life and began to run.

It turned out very cute
Wooden Blood -
With a long nose and funny,
Father is very glad to him.

The boy appropriated a name
Without hesitation, he
He became a name Buratino,
Very dexter and smart.

Carlo came out of the closet,
To buy a little clothes.
And at the stove there, behind the shelf,
The song began to sing gently.

The boy looked around simply:
The hearth burns on the wall.
He's his nose.
I made a hole quickly like that.

Here the picture turned out to be
And the hearth was on canvas.
And behind her the door was hidden
Secret in the dark.

Carlo melted all his soul -
Cooked a suit, shoes.
I sent to school with alphabet
Baby - study, run.

There was a lot of adventures
On the road of a disorder,
I did not listen to instructions
He is a foster father.

Pinocchio with a mood
I ran easily forward
Sees what is on the performance
The people are gathering.

I decided to part with the alphabet
This little fool,
To be with the ticket,
See everything, finally.

To Karabas - Barabas
I got to the theater.
I met a lot of dolls right away
The performance tore off them.

Frusted with Pinocchio
Harlequin, and with him Pierrot;
Also girl Malvina,
We are glad to see all of him.

There was a terrible owner,
Everyone was very afraid of him.
When he was angry, he was angry
They didn’t catch my eye.

Yes, at that, at Karabas
There was a long beard,
And when he leaned over
I always got confused in it.

Karabas from anger fierce
I decided - burn the boy.
With a whip, scaring the dolls,
He ordered him to guard.

Buratino himself by chance
Told that the canvas and the door
There are dad Carlo in the closet,
Karabas knew everything now.

Gave five gold for this
Charmed Karabas,
And the boy is like a wind
He ran forward now.

On the way, cat Basilio
And the fox went slowly.
Two beggars instantly decided
Flip the baby.

He boasted of the entire
What coins are in the hand,
I got friends with them just
And now he was on the hook.

Sunction began Alice
Pinocchio to teach
So that he hurries
The place should be found.

Told the work with the knowledge
That the field is miracles.
He must himself with a spell,
Bury the coins here.

From buried coins
The tree will grow up in the morning,
Instead of leaves there, on the branches,
There will be a lot of money.

And they said with the cat together
That there are fools.
Everyone lives so wonderful in it
Who is ready to listen to them.

The boy was very trusting,
He set off again.
He rushed through the forest at night
To look into this country.

Two robbers attacked
And they twisted him at once,
They tied up upside down
They could not take anything.

On a walk, Malvina
I found a poor man.
I got to visit Pinocchio
In the house, which is near the forest.

With blue hair
The doll lived in it,
Poodle is always there with her
He was, nicknamed - Artemon.

The girl really wanted
Buratino to educate
And even besides, however,
Teach him to write.

Buratino became boring
Display the letters with a pen.
All stained in ink
And he was punished later.

I didn't want to listen to the girl,
In the Dark, the closet fell.
Barely got out of there
Naughty little boy.

With difficulties, but got
He found the field of miracles
And according to the rules, he tried
He buried the coins here.

The cat with a fox did not stop -
Police officers were set.
They tried to catch him,
They decided to drown in the pond.

Wooden Pinocchio
I could not drown in any way.
He climbed among Lilia
On a green leaf.

And our Pinocchio hit
In all of the pond covered with tina.
Here he met with Tortilla,
She lived here for a long time.

There was a wise turtle
The boy regretted
Gave him a grandeur
Gold key from the door.

And she also said
That they say, golden key
Lost in the pond one day
Uncle with a long beard.

The key will bring everyone happiness
If he opens the door.
And the boy is the reverse
I went with him now.

On the road to Pinocchio
Met a sad Pierrot,
He took him to Malvina,
The boy was in love with her.

Was Pierrot still a poet
Sads wrote poetry.
He even cried at the same time
So sad from longing.

Meanwhile, at the forest
A terrible battle ensued.
Artemon beat the police,
I did not let it go home.

Karabas tried with might and main
Pinch Pino,
Yes, I pressed one to the pine
He stuck his beard.

Long with a friend of Dumers
They suffered later
And, having spent time for nothing,
We went to the tavern, around the corner.

Pinocchio in that tavern
I heard them said
The address at the magic door -
Their kamok with dad Carlo.

They came running there quickly
Pinocchio and friends.
The door was hastily opened
They could not hesitate.

And behind the door turned out to be
Before them is a secret move.
Friends began to go down
Together all went forward.

They found themselves in a fairy tale
There was a theater in front of them -
All sparkling, beautiful,
Everyone is glad to see him.

There, friends where they were
All were equal, free.
They were not afraid of anyone here
It was also not hungry.

How much joy and happiness
Brought a golden key!
It all ended in misfortunes
Dolls found peace.

Papa Carlo in front of the entrance
I played there on a barbound
And besides, in passing
He called for guests to the theater.

Actors began to live together
And play in the theater.
Karabas remained in a puddle
It is lonely lying here.

Old tales in a new way adults - alterations about Pinocchio and Malvina from the Golden Key: Monologue

Old Tales in a new way adults - alterations about about Pro and Malvina from a golden key
Old tales in a new way adults - alterations about Pinocchio and Malvina from the Golden Key

Old fairy tales in a new way adults - alterations about Pinocchio and Malvina from the Golden Key:

The tale of Pinocchio and Malvina

In history about Pinocchio
The beauty of Malvina lives.
Girl with marvelous eyes
And blue hair.

Around her the landscape is beautiful,
Transparent air, a clear month.
Flowers bloom, birds chirping,
Fluffs of eyelashes flutter.

In the morning does exercises,
She lives on a routine.
In her notebooks - cleanliness,
Order in the house, beauty!

Lives according to the rules of the girl,
Does not play, does not shout loudly,
Know, teaches Pinocchio,
And the Shalunishka is all one.

He is an anarchist and informal,
Where only the guy has not been!
He doesn't like the girl
He is a bait, bright, nimble, sonorous.

She is a pedant, she is a law,
And the standard from all sides.
Pierrot Beauty captivated
After all, beauty is such a power!

No, it is not pretty to me,
Let everything in her cute and excellent.
For some reason I am unreasonably
I love a fool of Pinocchio.

Malvina, I boldly declare
I'm tired too fast.
The girl is too correct,
It was like an ancient old woman.

Misors are pretty to me
Although they are not always decent.
For that and childhood, we are given.
Look, the sun laughs cheerfully!

Grass, like a pure emerald,
The river has a marvelous shore cool.
What a wonderful picture!
Hurry in life, Pinocchio!

Song of Malvina

This is probably very strange, very strange,
But I, Malvina, fell in love with a bully,
And now I wander lonely above the river
And I cry over my fate.
This is probably very strange, very strange,
But now I can’t live without a bully,
Perhaps I don't stand much in his eyes,
After all, I do not compete with Alisa Beauty.

This is probably very strange, very strange,
But how pleasant it is for me to love his flaws,
I'm ready to say goodbye to the blue scythe
And, as a fox, become a red bitch forest.

This is probably very strange, very strange,
But from love for me and he sighs drunk,
Let the puppet legs have not come together today,
We also dance together on the same path.

This is probably very strange, very strange,
But Pinocchio is so similar to d’Artagnan,
And let him be outlawed today,
I am under the supervision of his friend Artemon.

And Karabas tried to deprive me of honor,
But he fell to the floor, drinking a gram of so two hundred.
Punie Pinocchio illuminates my path
For all others, I am a Malvina-Nedotrog.

This is probably very strange, very strange,
Well, how did I manage to fall in love so spontaneously?
My Pinocchio, I'm clean before you,
Ready to become your puppet fate.

Letter Pierrot Malvina
I am fading without you, my Malvina,
Although there are no tears in the eyes for a long time.
I live barely half without you
And a long life is not destined for me ...
You won’t look at me, it was so before
There is no more hope in my soul.
But the memory is tenacious, as in a vice, your image holds,
And your voice ringing in silence ...

My heart is again continuous flour,
Insomnia is replaced by dreams where you are.
And in these wonderful dreams, my honor is guaranteed,
You are like a queen of beauty ...

I am dying without you, my Malvina,
I am writing "goodbye", a feather trembles in my hand.
It’s a pity, you will not read this scribble.
And below the signature: yours forever, Pierrot ...

An adult lyrical fairy tale in a new way “Golden Key - recognition of love to Malvina from Pierrot

Adult cool fairy tales in a new way about Pinocchio and Malvina
An adult lyrical fairy tale in a new way “Golden Key - recognition of love to Malvina from Pierrot

An adult lyrical fairy tale in a new way “Golden Key - recognition of love to Malvina from Pierrot:

I will arrange comfortably on the edge of the sky,
Among the thousands of sun roofs,
On a thin ray of openwork light,
You hear my breath ...
I'll pick up a gold notebook in my hands
And the blue pen is a pen,
I will write all my thoughts in order,
Like a sad, in love with Pierrot ...

In the lines I draw that image of Malvina,
What warms my soul for a long time,
Ah, better I died from that scarlet fever
Or fell like a gnome in the window ...

After all, this girl with the eyes from the lani,
I took my heart instantly,
It’s better to get drunk some rubbish
And shoot like a gun ...

I love this doll with eyes like a sky,
With a lovely and wonderful face,
Let me write a verse, don't feed me bread,
I will come to her with a magic ring ...

Pada on knees before this goddess
And I will begin to kiss my hands ...
Pity me like a drop in the desert,
Enough for me to torment my heart ...

It has long since crushed into pieces,
I ask your honest hand
You hear, here it was, loudly clogged,
Burning from mortal longing ...

I beg you, you become mine
Girlfriend, beloved wife,
Not that now I will stole in my eyes
Under the yellow, beautiful moon ...

Not that I will win like a wolf of a wild flock
And everyone will gather around
I'm crazy with crazy sadness
Without your enchanting hands ...

I will download you in the night cradle,
On cotton, large clouds
And you sing songs at a flower bed,
Giving her feelings in verses ...

I will plant you a magical sun
On curls with warm fire
And gently love to dissolve all to the Donets
Under the May, spring rain ...

I will drown troubles all and anxieties
And to send angels to you,
While the lyrical gods are next to me,
So far I can compose with my heart ...

Recognize me, the Golden Poet,
After all, I love you so much
And I will give a whole world to you for this,
The whole soul and in the colors are dawn ...

Please do not torment, I took out enough
Empty punishments and torment,
I surrender to you, for centuries, voluntarily,
The soul does not want separation ...

Malvina, my dear girl,
I am your most faithful Pierrot
You are so close to me and for a long time dear,
I will give like Adam I am a rib ...

All arms and legs and head in a swing
Why do I need those brains now
We will arrange a feast with an awesome scope,
Bring all your pies ...

I want to say a toast for health and happiness,
For our love for centuries,
Let us not touch us anxiety, bad weather,
And life will be like a river ...

We will swim with you in a sunny boat
And catch the shadows of the trees,
Read the lines of a beautiful winch
And passionately to love ...

And you will always shine like the sun
And delight the soul and eye,
I'll pick you a bouquet of bells,
I will draw a palace for us ...

And we will heal so calmly and decorously,
Malvina and light Pierrot,
Sorry, friends, maybe I'm very long
I wrote to you about this movie ...

After all, the main thing in the fairy tale is a happy finale
And spray champagne, "Bitter!",
I invite everyone to our carnival,
We note that wedding with dignity ...

Let the nightingale speech pour the river,
But I love that Malvina ...
I will put the sky out of the stars on her shoulders
I will give her the universe ...

And let me be a naive, lyrical romantic,
What believes in good from miracles,
Believe me, I am a treasure and my soul's soul
Rich as a mysterious forest ...

There are adventures from a thousand fairy tales,
They have a sunny, bright end,
There the lyre is burning from fiery colors
And the good enters the aisle ...

A fairy tale in a new way "Golden Key" about Malvina and Pinocchio - instructive

A fairy tale in a new way about a golden key about Malvina and Pinocchio - instructive
A fairy tale in a new way "Golden Key" about Malvina and Pinocchio - instructive

A fairy tale in a new way "Golden Key" about Malvina and Pinocchio - instructive:

Pinocchio (b):
My love, I came to you!
Although I did not know where I was going -
He ran, without dismantling the ways ...
Forgive me my proud disposition!
There is no place in the world where could
Find a friendly threshold.

Malvina (m):
How can you?
You! Without washing your feet
They came to me shamelessly!
Now go with Artemon,
He will show you the washbasin.

Malvina, Artemon is your chosen one?
After all, he is a male!
Find out about this mournful for me.
Howhand you are not ashamed to think nonsense -
He is not my chosen one, but my husband.
My love! I do not believe you!
Enter the house.
Close the doors.
I was waiting for you, why is it more?
And the rest is in God's will.
I’ll go, I will cut a scoundrel!
Oh my god,
You yourself, without knowing
What you are talking about
Want to bring troubles on us.
Oh my god,
I, not knowing myself
Where I sought,
I strove for you ...
But, apparently, in vain ...
(going to leave)
Do not leave me, my dear!
I just always loved you!
Love does not drink a teaspoon.
Your husband is a male, but not a ram
He will not be in place of horns.
Again you shallow nonsense, boob,
We are all contained only for the role ...
Malvina, I may be sick ...
Mind, mind, head ...
You bring grief -
Pierrot was right;
I can not understand -
How can you connect
The view of the angel
And the thoughts of the girl! ...
My dear,
Someone made casts
Then I hid clothes for us,
And life goes
But not hope
To the fact that everything will be different
Than someone invented for us ...
The viewer laughs, the doll cries ...

The doll also has a star hour -
Happiness is fleeting
But even the doll does not pass -
Malvina! Do you want to be free?
So be free! That's all here.
Your freedom is a cell
My capacity is a screen.
Five gold ... wealth of the century!
Funny, and only, Pinocchio.
I purchased a magic key
I want to build a new world.
Build a new theater is better:
To the peasants - bread
Raven - cheese,
Freedom - women and children!
And all religions in the world!
All this is boring fun ...
No, no, no
Listen, right!
I penetrate the secrets of life,
To where the light mixed with the darkness,
And I call you with me!
Perhaps you are really Shizik.
Tortilla key gave me;
She is a divine creature.
I will tell you how it was:
Insert the key
And you go to heaven ...
Where are you inserting?
In the door.
In which?
I don't know, it's not at the door ...
I could call another with me,
But I came to call you.
The door is you.
But it went.
Let it
But know what it is.
You preferred an elegant lie
Sleep a pernicious mess
In his soul, in a beautiful body,
In motion ...
At the end of the hair ...
I ask you a question:
Yes? Or not? in fact?
Did you interrogate me?
Ah, how I am all the slate ...
(in desperation)
Leaving. My life is insignificant.
(in desperation)
Gone. So it is not possible furtherbut…

A fairy tale for adults 18+ in a new way "Golden Key" - about selfish Malvina

A fairy tale for adults 18+ in a new way golden key - about barret Malvina
A fairy tale for adults 18+ in a new way "Golden Key" - about selfish Malvina

A fairy tale for adults 18+ in a new way "Golden Key" - about the selfish Malvina:

In this world, there are enough stories
Take place according to God's plan
How many souls, so many destinies - parodies
Read the story about Pierrot
Smart guy, dudes, handsome
From a good family appeared
Only now the bad luck happened
He fell in love with Malvina madly
It seems like a pleasant maiden
Single, chiseled figure
Cummers and eyes are beautiful
But the bore is too scientist.

Once rolled Pinocchio
With its wooden smuggling
Up the tips hung for a long time
And talked with Karabas.

But Pierrot was a stubborn boy
And besides, the roof romantic
The intellect decided to lime
And appointed a date to six.

She came in makeup harsh
Impregnable fortress in appearance
Unreal aid
Pierrot's soul became disgusting.

Nothing, I will suffer
The dude thought smiling
Anyway I love this fifa
We will figure out what and how.

Malvina decided to play
And built Pierrot's eyes
But she did not know the poor fellow
That he will love him so much.

He bent her poetry
Intelligence and rack on aiku
The iron chick has opened
And fell in love with Pierrot in the bud.

Of course you have already guessed
Malvina lived with Karabas
With hairy, shaggy grandfather
She loved the gold.

Pinocchio - a wooden fool
Artemon is just a dog
Duremar - he went crazy on leeches
And here on! The wallet turned up.

And Malvina got used to the dough
Nothing that a bearded fart
But all shines with a diamond
Look ... the inheritance will leave the rich.

Eh, Oakia came out unexpectedly
Malvina Pierrot desired
But Beseroar settled in the soul
I was afraid to lose the loot.

And Pierrot was a poet and artist
A gift from God, a man is promising
Young and cheerful eccentric
And naturally very active.

The unfortunate girl was swept away
On the scales wallet and love
On a date to Pierrot came
Returning to the shaggy again

Thirty -seven pounded Malvina
Neither children nor a family of normal
Even there ... fool Buratino
I applied my pocket pod.

He loved a traffic jam from champagne
They put a box of matches
And also impotent was known ...
The bulls have no such testicles!

Duremar - mucus and slope what
He got a green kid
Bald spindle, oblique and curve
The princess fell in love! Frog.

Artemon is worse than a dog
All thoroughbred "ladies" has long
Lighted up as much as a wolf flock
In a cone! Board brought ...

Papa Carlo - Balm Old Man
Tied with an ax and firewood
He grabbed the young man
And they live, already with three sons!

And while Malvina was thinking
Karabas guessed about everything
Took a chest of gold dough
He leaned to Duremar ...

Something strange girl
Does not give ... and does not cook borscht
Guess Duremar on leeches
And I recognize the lovers of a turnout.

Banks, bottles, leaks fat
Through Tina ... saw the bottom
Duremar hissed secretly
It has Malvina ... Pierrot!

Karabas was a smart personality
Businessman and serious politician
Grounded quietly his beard
Well, Pierrot ... Well, consider the paralytic.

White Lexus all sewn skin
Drived under the house Pierrot
Come out dear Malvina
I have forgiven you for a long time.

Seeing an exclusive gift
Plunged into the sweetest who
And said carelessly Pierrot
I'm leaving forever to another.

Pierro was saddened
Where is your tenderness and love?
Is the wheels more expensive?
It looks like betrayal

Do you understand the dear Pierrot
I have been living with Karabas for a long time
He has money, property
Respect and power.

He is at least old, hairy and angry
But the golden camisole
As a man is weak, hamovat
But rich, like the city of Baghdad.

Stupid, trusting and kind Pierrot
Confused love with prostitution
Passed to the car Malvina
In the end, he summed up the resolution ...

You are a good girl Malvina
But carries the roof in the spring
You will never be happy
Changing Karabas and me ...

Karabas is even deaf, but heard!
Blocked the door button
And Malvina sprinkled with mud
Gazann to the nearest panel

There are a lot of such painters
Only cheap and nice
Gently adjusted the tie
And I forgot Malvina irrevocably ...

And Pierrot gave her a picture
There were wilted flowers
Sorry for the pink Malvina
I said goodbye and disappeared ... alas

Three hundred years have swept since then
Tortila sang with tears
There is no story in the world is more sad
How Pierrot deceived Malvina
Pinocchio! Rumors go
That yesterday you were on the day
Alice has sluts.
And having left the mainland,
In the Crimean spa of her sister
Suddenly arose ...

Video: Years do not regret Malvina. Tales at

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