Comic characteristics - for colleagues, guests, men, women, funny: the best selection

Comic characteristics - for colleagues, guests, men, women, funny: the best selection

A collection of comic characteristics for festive events is for children and adults.

Funny characteristics of people are comic

Funny characteristics of people are comic
Funny characteristics of people are comic

Funny characteristics of people are comic:

Vika Volchenko has a gentle look,
As in portraits of Italian masters,
And dark curls her wave is careless
It falls on the shoulders like silk cover.
Smart Victoria, elegant and beautiful,
Her gait is impeccable and light,
It combines in harmony happy
French charm and a glorious soul.
We wish to be successful in a new life.
Live. Love. Reach the heights!
But looking up from the feast of the noisy,
You are friendship, Vika, never forget!
Mila, graceful, but just beautiful!
Good, modest and fair
And charming everyone in a marvel,
In addition, it is smart and hardworking.
Vlada Gubova Blonde,
With a head on the shoulders -
The men will be more smarter than a man -
How much reason in these marvelous eyes!
Vlada has a solid character,
She is proud of the best, and always
Goes forward decisively and proudly
Having invested a lot in this strength and labor.
The doctor from Vlada should turn out,
She began to move to her goal.
Vlada set such a bar for herself!
It’s good to have a doctor in friends
You can turn to friendship after all,
If with health oh and ah,
Vlady help is very useful!
Ilona is always ready to help, Ilona is ready
And is reflected in the eyes of her soul,
She is gullible, open and humane,
And she is very feminine and good.
There is little shy from delicacy,
He knows how to be friends and forgive for misses.
And in the life of the right one goes expensive,
And we will help her friends in this.
You, Nastya, are smart and good.
Delights everyone for many years
Your powerful intelligence:
He solves all the dilemmas
Eliminates all problems
Will share everything, everything will multiply
And it will be laid out on the shelves.
Always responsible, hardworking
And the help of friends is ready to provide.
At any Olympiad, elegant and beautiful
Anastasia can "break" everyone.
And henceforth we wish to be friends with books!
They are a source of so many knowledge!
And most importantly, Nastena - strive to be happy!
And this is the salt of all our wishes!
Nastya Shershneva is an elegant nature,
She may have been created for the scene,
Everything was given to her: both talents and a figure,
But in life - she is a real worker.
Likes a photo at leisure
I am ready to help everyone, honest friendship is true,
The soul of the company is nice to communicate with it,
We believe that the whole country will be proud of it.
Lisa Sailor, the beauty of the eastern,
Like it, she can.
Lisa strives for knowledge of durable,
The girl is seriously passionate with study.
She was always loudly quiet, modest,
Silent among their friends.
The time has come, and became bright and open,
All blossomed and changed suddenly.
Thin like a string, but the string is steel,
Lisa is used to solving everything herself,
The doctor will come out of the girl perfect
God gave everything to her - both talent and mind.
Doctor - such a profession
Help, treat, save.
There is no region in this matter,
The doctor is an angel, friend and mother!

Why is always quiet
Do you like to sit on the side?
Why don't you want
Be the soul of any society?
After all, your thoughts are clear!
And your words are beautiful!
But for some reason, Nastya got used to silence,
To silence (words so swell!).
The evening is quiet and transparent. In the embodiment
The moon is silent in a mysterious smile ...
Your world is fenced with a crystal line
From the rummage of phrases, verbal coroles.
But everyone will be struck by your mind,
And if you swing, then the interlocutor you are interesting.
And in the lessons it seems to doze Nastya usually,
Leaving, almost without listening, sits,
But, waking up, he answers everything logically,
I am sure of myself, which means - erudite.
Anastasia wants to become a doctor,
In this profession we wish to succeed.
We hope she will be on the shoulder,
And modesty will not be an obstacle.
Very Jeanne Sidorin is modest,
I am restrained with everyone, calm and even,
Not verbose, but her smile - for sure
Suddenly, because of the clouds in the night, the flashing moon.
Although he boils in her soul an excess of emotions,
But modesty is the main thing in everything.
But, his path, Jeanne, having found in life,
We know that you will succeed.
You are purposeful and successful,
You can't occupy energy,
In everything is neat and diligent -
No wonder you call you Tatyana.
Tatyana is a creative person without a doubt:
It is passionate about English,
In school subjects, an indisputable genius
And in the photo she is talented.
The purpose in life Tanya has chosen her
And everything will work out, we believe, of course, with her.
Well, there is no other such! - We want to say
At the same time, chur, not to be conceived!
The second is not so funny to find
On the whole earth, you should not try!
Like the eternal engine of Orlova Lena -
Positable and always full of ideas,
And it cannot be said about her definitely
What talent in it manifests itself stronger.
Fair World, like a peacock tail,
If you look correctly.
Life is a sweet raspberry
That angry bear!
You don't want to live calmly
You have fire in blood:
Then you frolic and laugh -
Then you sob to dawn!
So you stay so
Love life recklessly:
The world without the sun will cost
But he will die without you.
Airyna Yakovleva Anastasia, light, plastic,
The scythe is envious to everyone and a little flirty eyes.
It is so elevated and poetic, it is poetic,
But, that superficial, one cannot say about it.
For this appearance is beautiful
The character is solid hidden, the desire forward,
She is always responsible, hardworking,
And setting the goal, it will definitely reach her!
Let luck be sure with you
A step in all beautiful undertakings.
Be happy, our little man is dear,
And surpass all our expectations!
All Dasha Savelyev is known in the district
For many years - she is the leader is the best
In addition to talent, she has willpower
So, in life, it is always awaiting her success!
Dasha is responsible, hardworking,
Good, modest, beautiful,
Gymnast for all on the marvel,
One of the best, which is very fair!
Katya, Katya, Katyusha
Your character is straight and cool
No, not without reason, our friend is the best
You are called guns in honor of you.
All open spaces are open for you:
You are a thinker and philosopher, and a poet.
For his beliefs to turn off, ready the mountains,
And the impossible for Katya is simply not.
And in the field of any of their skills
She can successfully apply.
With her energy, talent, inspiration
She can change everything in the world!
Our Ksyusha Ershov if you mute it,
There is no strength to stop, I want to giggle.
The house laughs, the yard laughs, the laughter rolled further ...
The laughter will smile - laugh will make everyone!
To manage with children is not to ride a slide,
Although we are all ready to take this work.
Very soon Ksyusha will become a teacher,
We will tell her together: "Come on, with God!"
You will sow the mind in children,
You will cherish them, cherish them.
Let them grow like us like,
And let them run all over the planet.
For Dasha Alekseeva there are no obstacles of complex
And he knows how to win, and hold a blow,
And there is no such thing that it was impossible for Daria
For the result, she is ready to give everything!
We congratulate you on a joyful event:
Dasha we wish life discoveries
Always win, whatever the battle!
Let them surround you in adulthood
Your indispensable friends
Let labor bring only success to the Fatherland,
And the family will be waiting for you at home!
Happiness, Daria to you, laughter,
And, of course, success!


You are incredible,
Not fading,
And strong.
Such all affectionate
And air wings,
Beautiful soul,
Always and everyone needs!
You are a proud girl
And fair.
Sometimes cold,
In places - rainy.
Spring more change
And autumn rainbow.
All the essence you are a woman
Venus is more mysterious!

The comic characteristics of men

The comic characteristics of men
The comic characteristics of men

Comic characteristics of mulobu:

A beautiful word is a man!
M - Courage, power, well done, wisdom, dreamer, wrinkle.
U - Udal, success and luck, mind and perseverance in addition.
AND - rigidity, cruelty and pity, pity the smallest.
H -Honor, the rank and a little bit of the devil, there are men like that.
And - A player, an intriguer, a healing, sex, ideal, a tempter.
N - Tenderness, insolent, punishment, hope, support, desire.
BUT - aggressor, athlete and activity.
A man is a necessity! My second half
And all this is together - a man!


A man is an interesting picture.
It is so nice to watch them!
They are from the everyday life of routine
They help us rest.
We would be very sad without men.
I can’t imagine life without men!
They were introduced in our lives so skillfully ....
Their appearance in them is like plasticine!
Fell in love - it means that they certainly will not be far away!
We have to accept their feelings for us.
They are shy, like hedgehogs in a fog,
Live under the wing of their beloved mothers!
We fell in love - how to behave .... Do not know!
They rob immediately, hide in the sand.
A little, this, to be honest, is annoying.
But still worthy of the best lines!


What men are in the world?
Men-Matteners and eternal children,
Men amateur chic and shine,
Gurmans and those who are used to eating appendages,
Glovka men and men with brains,
And there are even men with horns.
Rich men and without coins,
Men that did not hear "no" in life,
Men who are waiting for the ideal
Men who cannot be removed from the pedestal,
Men Colders and scoundrels,
But in general ... everything is men.


There is a dentist with a smile of crooked.

And an academic husband with a large head.

There is an adulter husband in his tongue.

And the Bureau husband is undoubtedly cunning.

Lapshi hangs a cook on your ears.

Buy a deed man for the dollar.

Husband - Gigolo will wrap you like a sticky.

And the musician husband is always the first violin.

A peasant man will make you plow.

It is easy to relax with a mattress man.

Ask your husband-Atlant support.

The gopher has mazh in the pockets of nuts.

A trap husband has a battered look.

The husband-courier has eternal bronchitis.

Always a changeable husband - an oscilloscope

A man is looking for a wonderful man - a photographer ...

You can supplement my list yourself
After all, there are a lot of subspecies - not to mention everything
But in general, men look like dough ...
Cover with a towel - and in a warm place ...


Every man is a knight
And far from the last!
Who wants to be proud of
But not only the front place.
To bring down mammoths, but not fate!
And so only from the slingshot shooting.


A man is somewhere, not nearby,
A man is money by the mind.
A man is certainly what you need
Although it is still unclear - to whom.


A man is sober, not drunk,
A man is a chivalry alive.
A man is fidelity without deception
One and two, and sometimes three.


A man is trousers, not a skirt,
A man is an appearance, not weight,
A man is a soup, a potato with a bow,
Cutlets and salad in one sitting.


A man is Kolya, not Olya,
A man is a baked, not heat,
A man is sitting, not standing
Get home by bus.


A man is lying on the couch
Not in the kitchen standing by the stove,
A man is an evening in a restaurant,
And not in captivity of the bustle.


A man on the shoulder any miracle
One thing will cope with every business.
And in the fact that so many women walk everywhere
The merit is exclusively men!

The comic characteristics of women

The comic characteristics of women
The comic characteristics of women

Comic characteristics of women:

I'm not an angel, not a villain,
Not mediocre, not talent,
Not a princess, not a plebeian,
I am the fate of the comedian ...
I love applause
Ramp lights and glare of the eyes,
I love compliments
And scraps of delicate phrases ...
I'm not afraid of the word fun
Let me like immodest,
And the genius does not doze in me,
What I am not ashamed of ...


Do not judge me strictly
There is no guilt in anything
I do not want to live wretched
And I won’t do it ...
I don't know how to think gray
Give me bright colors,
And sometimes too bold
I throw a cry: “Don't be bored!” ...
Quiet daily dominoes
So it does not attract me
Someone is spinning for a long time
Someone rotates others himself ...
Life - Theater, circus, cinema,
Who burns, who is living,
But without colors, all the same
The life of miracles does not promise ...


I'm tired of gray life with a routine,
We took out quiet and winter longing,
I don't want to be covered with a web
Forgetting, having indulged for centuries ....
I'm tired of hiding my charisma,
I would like to saddle Pegas
And, with humor, surrendering to optimism,
All about yourself to descendants to tell ...
So, I'll start ... I won’t lose from me,
But I can hardly find disadvantages
Who looked in my eyes, he will not forget
How good I am (if I am silent) ...

Smart and charming is not in moderation,
IQ is such that anyone will surprise
Yes, in something ... old-fashioned, probably
But in some ways-a modern individual ...
And how I cook ... it's just a fairy tale:
Dumplings, pilaf, hot and manti,
And even if there is only a sausage in the house,
I will lay it out for beauty for beauty ...
Talented in everything: I sing, I play,
The organizer of all sorts of ideas,
When I straighten my “wings”
Then I conquer friends with the energy of friends ...
Well, what should I add here,
Ah, yes ... I love guests to gather,
I can dilute everyday life,
But most importantly, I can rhyme ...


I didn’t come out much.
And in the question of "beauty",
You do not judge me strictly
All this is the life of vanity ...
I do not strive for the victories of this,
It is important for me to be myself
The main thing for me: family and children,
And be a tiled fate ...
Your compliment “licked” invisibly,
The line is gallantna, as always,
There is no fiery, of course, smoke,
Sorry, I'm not the same "star" ...
Years flew so fast,
Half a life is almost lived,
And there are no concessions in nature
At least cry, at least laugh along the way ...


I'm like a drug like a drug
I'm like hot chocolate
You leave, but it pounds you
Such a breaking that is not happy ...
I'm like champagne, like whiskey,
Or maybe just like cognac
You leave, but wander close
After all, without me, no way ...
I am like a cold, the body breaks,
Like a heat, because everything inside is on,
You leave, but the soul remembers everything
Return again strives ...
The intensity of passions, and thoughts curl,
We are coming at a time and two,
Poems like hard labor are beating
And tender words pour ...


Really in life - laughter,
I love humor, laughter,
And therefore everywhere and everywhere
I always have success!


Only I am not a poet, I am a woman!
And under the canopy of poems ... picturesquely,
I continue to write mixedly
Sprinking into the poems of Strichnin ...


There are two of me ... One cannot play ...
Everything in it is from the heart or from the heart ...
She, like trembling, goosebumps on the skin
You do not rush to condemn for this ...
Everything is serious in it: thoughts, look and speech,
Eyes in the eyes ... you will get bogged, like in honey ...
How candles crackle in the evening,
They are burning, and you are already delirious ...
The second is light, cheerful, crazy,
Walking in the leg with humor forward,
Rhymeed game amusing
To something will certainly lead ...
There are two of me ... there is sadness and there is fun ...
But there is a choice: Il Il again ...
In one, the witchcraft was welded,
In another, they mixed with air of fire ...


I appeared like a vision
And flashed like a hurricane,
Or maybe I ... only a dream,
And our meeting is just a deception ...
Souls are beautiful impulses
Fluids in the air are circling,
We need motives for poetry,
From them, our hearts tremble ...
I'm talking to you with poems
They have intrigue, there is peace
What happens between us?
Who am I to you? Who are you?
My soul and you are a piece
We were swallowed by the excitement,
But this ... only poems of the page,
Everything else is only a mirage ...
And in a reverent impulse of passion
We write lines and words
Perhaps I will bring happiness
Or maybe - on the floor of the head ...
The intensity of emotions, thoughts curl,
And we are not writing for show -offs
Poems like hard labor are beating
Fixed boldly from languages \u200b\u200b...


Good thoughts, to life, the desire,
Boredom has been declared a cruel boycott,
If an insight comes to me,
I am entertaining myself and the people ...
Many are in consolation, and people are drawn,
To know in communication the joy of know,
Only sometimes they will condemn behind the back
Like, I strive to show myself ...
Life is short to spend on disputes,
Let me refrain from comments,
There will not be conversations.
Instead of an answer, I will only smile ...
Candles, burning, lit up housing,
Give heat to us in the fireplace firewood,
With humor, together from boredom, they save
In rhyme, the words woven with sadness ...
With a brush with color coloring, despondency,
I found a means from longing for myself
I have many friends and from now on I
I fly my soul, composing poetry ...


I am woven from the rules and conditions,
And I can’t break myself anymore
I'm so afraid of beautiful preface
That I immediately turn back ...
Europe and the Caucasus came together in me,
And the Middle Eastern gene gives strength,
Many have been convinced here more than once,
That I am a drink with a tequila taste ...
East and south intertwined
And laid out a strict imprint,
You can’t see the soul of my break,
But the mystery of riddles attracts ...
Thanks to everyone ... for the warm words,
For the lyrics of poems, for the adherence,
From your words ... the head is spinning,
And he wakes up poems to write a desire ...


Do not try to understand the woman
This is not given even to God,
Personally, I am a fan of rhyming,
So I am sophisticated by little ...
Otherwise, the same as everyone
In some ways incomprehensible, of course,
I am on the runway,
Studying your life slowly ...
I have not been given much to know much,
And not everything I have time in my life,
Only so, apparently, it is destined
That I burn myself with poems ...
And it's not in popularity.
No matter how you react to me,
On the asphalt I draw chalk
What I call the word "life" ...

Comic characteristics for colleagues, employees

Comic characteristics for colleagues, employees
Comic characteristics for colleagues, employees

Comic characteristics for colleagues, employees:

-How I will accept a couple of "drops",
Even the table shreds a scalpel.


-I, when it is boring,
I shoot at the target very heap.


-Lok in the blow I am,
I knock down the opponent.


-Pers are funny to sing
"Grandmas" drip regularly.


-If you will pay me personally
The court will end perfectly.


-Dum credit to the percentage,
Here's another to Millen Centic.


Prime Minister:
-It is not difficult to be a president,
You can even move time.


The president:
There is no happiness, damn it, from power.
All misfortunes and misfortune ...


We will remove you
In profile il Anfas,
At least standing, at least lying
Everything will be like.
Just do not blink
Squint and yawn.
You can’t cough and itch,
And only smile at all.
And you will have a portrait
Which is better not.


Dill Nadia
It wears a whip is not a fight for the sake.
Just say: "Alla OP!"
Immediately an elephant on the cabinet!
The trunk is amusing.
Leo is dancing on the hind legs,
She is in his big mouth
It’s not scary to put your head.
Having forgotten about sleep and games
Tigers jump through the rings.
After the representation of Nadia
He will feed and stroke everyone.


All the trees of the gardener
And he will tie, and hesizes.
All in the flowering of the Spring Garden
It will float over the earth.
There will be cherries and jam
There will be jams and compote.


In fire and smoke
He goes in the middle of the heat
Saving people
And at home from the fire!


Letters, telegrams and newspapers
He spreads on time to addresses.
News from all over the planet
The postman will always deliver you.


There is an accountant in a restaurant,
And in the factory and in the bath.
He keeps records with money:
Where is the consumption and where is the parish.
He knows mathematics
The numbers will quickly count
Here is the consumption, and here the parish -
Nothing will disappear!


The company is managed by a large company
And reasonably and skillfully.
It distributes money so,
So that the matter grew and grows stronger.
He gives handrails
All their employees,
So that the company moves forward
Brought profit to them.


Through storms, impenetrable fogs
They drive their commands with the right course
In the navy - everyone knows - captains,
And managers, if at the factory.
Orders are coming. Work is arguing.
Monitor the implementation of all plans -
Serious and important concern
The managers are like captains!

Give the cook products:
Poultry meat, dried fruits,
Rice, potatoes ... and then
A delicious food is waiting for you.


Fries, soars and bakes -
Here is a pie, here is porridge ...
And for that he is honored
Our gratitude!


If the dog has heat
She needs a veterinarian.
It will help to recover
Even a tiger and a she -wolf.


I thought about this:
It would be nice to become a doctor
But not childish, but a cat!
It hurts children - we will pay
We burst out in a burning room
Mom will call the doctor.
And a wandering cat
If suddenly unbearable?
Who calls the doctors to him?
He is a stray - he is nobody!


Animals, birds, everyone who is sick
Who is unhappy with health!
A veterinarian calls you -
Left, give a decoction.



In the depths of salty waters
He did hundreds of works:
He lifted the load from the bottom,
He was looking for a pirate treasure.
Saved the boat from the shark,
He spent a gas along the bottom.
He took pictures for a book,
What all the boys read.
And he is in earnest shore
A moment, a second and a moment,
After all, he was hesitated - and here
At the end of oxygen.
The diver is that - Mishkin grandfather.
On the wall is his portrait.
We are ready hundreds of times
Listen to grandfather's story.



A huntsman is a forest guard.
He feeds animals in winter.
Saving forests and rivers
From a dashing person.
For protection will take measures,
The poacher will not let into the forest.


He calculates for sure
So that everything is strong, firm.
Without its calculation
Work will fall apart!


The coach knows the best
How success is born:
Many years of training,
Patience, dexterity.
Only a professional
Conquers the pedestal.


Border guard
Protecting the border is important!
The border guard is called.
With a faithful dog, they are brave
They carry the service to the Motherland.


On the teaching of the company,
As during the war ...
There is such a job -
Be on guard of the country!


I am always in flight
In a snow -white plane.
I help passengers
I propose a press, coffee.
I am an air princess
And I am called the stewardess.


I didn’t think, I didn’t guess,
He took and became a programmer.
He knows the language cunning
He is not used to another.


The pilot knows his job
A plane drives in the sky.
He flies over the ground boldly,
When making a flight.


Welder - you are a wizard, just ass,
The strongest metal is cut in front of us,
Your hands are strong and outlined,
You just do the work of the upper class.


If the dog has heat
She needs a veterinarian.
It will help to recover
Even a tiger and a she -wolf.


There are many different professions,
Someone succeeded somewhere.
But any boy in childhood
He wants to be like an officer.


He is pulled up, he is smart -
It is not deprived of beauty.
For the guys, he is an example of everyone -
Our brave officer.


Red clown, laugh,
Show the focus to the children
The circus came to have fun,
Laugh with the heart!


Hat like a pan,
A nose is like a potato.
Clown adult uncle? Yes!
But, a little child.


Young sailor in a sailor
He went to the river bank.
He took off his sailor in a mattress,
He took off the sea shoes,

Matross was undressed,
He sneezed in mattro
Matross was running away
And the soldier dived.


Who is the most necessary in the dining room?
Who cooks hundreds of dishes?
Everyone will answer immediately together:
His name is the cook.


Plasters are always in work,
And in thought and in care,
It works, tries,
Trying everything.


I want to become a geologist -
I teach different stones.
Here is the ore, there are metals in it.
Here are various crystals.

The stone here is sea coral,
Nearby pearls sparkled.
The strongest, know, diamond,
I will find him more than once.


You treat your teeth from morning to night
Even adults are very afraid of you,
The sound of a drill and sharp needles,
Such a job you have is a dentist!


All equipment to people of the Earth
Designers invented!
First there is a drawing -
It looks like a thin pattern.
It has no benefit and strength,
Take it only to read it!


How to live without carpets?
Without a tree of masters?
Who will make us the doors.
Or will the chair be fixed?
Our steel locomotive,
Progress engine,
For you, for the team,
Let's drink - not for the press!


You will not bend before fate,
You are charming!
We drink today for you
Our Nevalyashka!

The joke characteristics of people are original

The joke characteristics of people are original
The joke characteristics of people are original

The joke characteristics of people are original:

I'm only a teenager, my whole life is ahead
In life with a smile, I want to go.
Let the time run for year to year faster
In vain I do not spend it, believe me.


I love the music very much,
After all, I am a music lover, thought my thought?
I have been friends with sports for a long time
I am standing in a football team for school.


I ride a skate, I was ill with a guitar,
At the same time, I often communicate with friends.
I have many acquaintances everywhere I have
And their circle is more than day by day.


Of course, a friend is the best
With which pood salt is ready to eat.
And close, of course, is a person,
Although I will not say that we are together for a century.


And, in general, the girl is ordinary, in appearance.
I'm even capricious, but I won’t offend friends.
There are many people like me now
We catch the buzz from life, and this is the whole class!


I am so different
Either moody, then beautiful
Then the monster is intended
Then the beauty Miss Universe,
Either a flexor, then with a character,
Then I am silent, then I swear obscene,
Then in burning horses on a horse
Then I desperately demand help
I will slap the door - I will part all the points,
Then I caress the fluffy lump,
I love and immediately hate
Then I'm afraid of heights, but on the roof
I go out for a walk with a dark night,
Either a wife, then an approximate daughter,
Then I laugh, then sob the beluga,
Now I put up, then swear with a friend.
I am not sick, not in the psyche a crack -
I'm just a hundred percent woman!


Eighty -eight meters
I have long centimeters.
When communicating, it is very polite,
If necessary - wink!

And also beautiful, slender,
I can play tennis
The truth is that it is a desktop
It makes no sense to hide.

Therefore, I am so honest
I am smiling not for a lie
And for the good world wonderful.
Be it snow, and be it rain.

And in winter I go to the sea
And I swim oh-hoo ...
In this I only see benefit,
For health, for everything!

I do not judge strictly about people,
I do not look in someone else's pocket.
So that there was a lot of money -
I will clearly fulfill my plan:

I will drop seaweed
And I will send it to the esophagus,
It has hungry Indians
Attack my stomach.

And for boring bliss
Sunny grapes,
After this coquetry
I am glad to everyone and everyone.


Since childhood, I have been known as a simple bully,
We wandered, he was a prankster.
I found flaws in people
They pressed them to sore spots.

I didn't want to be a hoot and a cord,
From an early age, I am used to theft.
My dear Daddy's Darling
I exchanged my home for prison.


Mute peace of mind,
I am Buyan, mischievous and hut.
I was given parting words in life
A knife-hood and sharp cornflower.

All the words that are called magical,
Suddenly disappeared at the age of fourteen.
When I sat behind bars with similar ones,
I destroyed my etiquette.


I am a dudes, a hanger and a drunkard,
I have long been used to the sky in the cage.
My life is a solid absurdity,
I am a prankster, hut, mischievous.

I am simple like a penny, blush, like a donut,
And to protect against hardships
I have a gas can,
But in it, of course, oxygen.


Even if I suddenly lie on the couch,
Then I look and breathe, and I write about it.
And I still keep myself within the framework of decency;
- So when to rest? I'll ask God.

And the mind is half a ruble
I can’t be such a country
Reliably rule from the Kremlin

Not very literate in science,
I suffer from a phobia on birds
On two -headed.
Yes, and hands, consider grow from the buttocks.


I'm not steel, rotten and rusty,
I will not calm down, I will not fall asleep
While the great power,
The supply of diamonds and the treasury ...

Notorious drink
On the part of the women - Big Shalun
The language is very bad,
For performance from the stands.


Tall, thin, slender,
With a shock of curly hair,
The character is peaceful and calm,
Girlish embodiment of dreams,

No roads to the left,
Not drunk and not smoked, not plow,
Any lady queen
Capable of doing in five minutes

Blond, free, like a bird,
Naive, like a child, not a juggle
I am not suitable for no one!
He is my complete antipode!


I love pork chop
I can also a glass to the borscht,
But I am not angry and not jealous,
And I'm not looking for adventures.

I do not respect the swindlers
I don't understand drunk fights
I love poets and artists
(but more cats and dogs).


I am lazy to torment the simulators,
Knock on the ball on the ball,
But I do not envy the major
And the beads are not a sword.

I'm not ready with a flag raised
And with a drum on the chest
Give scammers an oath
And go into battle for stupidity.

I don't want to carry Verigs
Bliss on the porch in the heat,
Spit on gossip and intrigues,
I read my beloved books
I laugh and do not take bribes.

Comic characteristics of guests on the anniversary, birthday

Comic characteristics of guests on the anniversary, birthday
Comic characteristics of guests on the anniversary, birthday

The comic characteristics of guests on the anniversary, birthday:

From all over, from all tables,
I hear a lot of voices!
They came to congratulate you!
It's time to give them a word!


Husband's performance:
No more reliable shoulder
Than my husband is a strong hand.
He is a defender and a family man,
He (the name of the anniversary) he is so alone!
Let's all together with you
Let's listen to my husband's congratulations!


Presentation of the wife:
Husband is in the family of the head,
Well, who is the wife then?
The hearth sheet she is the keeper,
And home comfort, the lord,
For her husband (or the name of the anniversary) - a faithful friend,
In general, the wife takes the word here!


Brother performance:
He will never leave in trouble -
Because this is a brother!
The eldest, the youngest - at least some!
For (the name of the anniversary) he is always a mountain!
And now I am glad to congratulate
Jubilee (senior, medium, cousin, etc.) brother!


Sisters' performance:
How beautiful and fresh
Yubilyarova sister!
We will give her a word
May she congratulate her sister!


Parents' representation:
And now I want to imagine you
Those without whom it is impossible.
They gave life to the hero of the day
And the first word for them we will give them rightfully,
You look at them rather!
After all, these are the best parents!


Mom's performance:
The most important in the life of the anniversary,
Of course, dear, mom!
Her affectionate hands will be raised let the glass
And standing will listen, mother, anniversary!


Father's performance:
He is the best parent
Which we are proud.
An example he was, remains and is.
And let's give the word to say,
The one who wears proud title is father!


Son's performance:
He is your best creation
Your family is a continuation.
You raised him for glory!
And I want everyone here to know
What is the best of men,
Here, of course, this is a son!
We will give him a word
Let him congratulate mom (dad)!


Presentation of the daughter:

Eyes, like a mother.
The character is from dad.
Or maybe everything, on the contrary,
But whoever sees, he will understand
What is the daughter of her parents!
And let's give the floor to tell her!


Representation of friends:
The hero of the day has a family
Colleagues and acquaintances
But there are also friends,
And old and new!
They are already in a hurry to say
For the anniversary congratulations,
It's time to give them a word,
And then they will burn with impatience!


Representation of colleagues:
At work, you are held in high esteem.
Everyone around will say it
And work colleagues,
They will not let us lie.
After all, they came here,
Friendly team
Congratulate you from the heart,
Fun and positive!

Comic characteristics of guests at the wedding

Comic characteristics of guests at the wedding
Comic characteristics of guests at the wedding

Comic characteristics of guests at the wedding:

He is elegant and gallant!
He is respectable! Hero!
He is just a storehouse of all talents!
But ... now he is not idle!
In addition, he is beautiful and built,
Never discourages
And the behavior is worthy -
And this is for you ... not nonsense !!!
And let my verse solemn -
But we have such a groom!


Dazzling and brilliant,
Sunningly charming!
Both elegant and air -
All such ... that there are no words and
There is definitely no room on Earth
Where would such a bride!


He became a witness ... not suddenly -
He is just the closest friend!
The second is not used to being in life,
But now the first is only the groom!


She is beautiful - there is no mistake!
Let the globe of the Earth will go around -
Such a divine smile
You won’t find anymore in the world!
At that, she knows - we all know -
Girlfriend Best Bride!


He has a reason for happiness,
And I know this reason -
After all, he made a man out of his son,
And he was equal in this!
After all, the family is proud of them for no reason -
Because he is a man and a man!


Mother -in -law
Who only has been painted for years?
Who knows in the house with good weather,
Bends faith, hope, love!
Answer in chorus, of course ... mother -in -law!


Father -in -law
He loves life, he loves labor,
He is in respect and held in high esteem!
The company's name is called
And they appreciate at home, at work!
Kohl did such a daughter,
That means he is glorious!
The bride is our parent chief
He conveyed the will to life!


Mother -in -law
Her mind, her talent
The earth must give praise -
Not on whales, not on the Atlantes -
She holds on mother -in -law!
Believe me, everything is very clear!
So I will tell you
What if there is a mother -in -law on Mars -
Then life, of course, is there too!


Grandmothers are grandfathers
Well, is the grandmother an old woman?
She is the older girlfriend!
She always loved you so much
And she fed Mannie!
Well, what kind of handsome grandfather? -
Yes, the grandfather is better - there is no in the world!
And we, using the moment,
Let's give them applause!


Relatives of the groom
The groom has a strong breed!
He is a noble representative of the family!
Let the people admire -
How glorious grooms are!


Relatives of the bride
But we know for certain -
It has loved ones and the bride!
Slava walks around the country
And about the true relatives!


Friends of the bride and groom
If you have friends -
So, you lived not in vain!
You are good for this -
We will be happy to give them a word!
I want to present you soon
Beautiful, devoted friends


Here, flirt without gingerbread
Favorite nephews came!
The Ivanovs dressed up
Combed, inflated,
Maybe even washed ...!
And for the holiday came to us
They came to you with the whole gourmet
Dear relative!


It will play playfully now
Wonderful trio
And now, Chukhlatsev in the next,
Continue a festive dinner
They fly to us at all pairs,
With a cool toast on the lips!
Let's call them sooner -
Alexandra Alekseevna,
Natalia and Sergey!


At our holiday
It is not that simple
Present here
Foreign guests!
He sent a representative
The famous Tatarstan!


Now one will come to us
Very important gentleman
He wants to congratulate him too
Alyosha's cousin!


Hope with Elena suffered for a long time
Very young people wanted to congratulate
Express your love
They are pleased again and again!


And now I will present you
For young people to wave a hundred grams
Kalinin is Nadia
We will listen to her with you!


Today is a holiday in our house!
We walk together, with a whole gourmet
We are so happy for you today,
That for a week we will go into a binge!
But! This is later! And now…
Hurrying to congratulate you!


So as not to miss this thought
To fully develop her
The second tribes are coming to us
What business he is!


And now, my friends
Friends of the family will congratulate you!
Hey! People! Do not regret it!
Pour the glass more completely!
Olga Pavlovna Melkova
You need to meet more fun!


I will tear you away from lunch
Look here
This is Rozova Oksana
And imagine, not alone!
Let's say together
Hello! Oksana is pink!
And her daughter is Nastya!


Well, now ... will fly through the hall
A sigh of admiring and delight is a groan!
And in anticipation the whole country ...
After all, a couple will come out alone:
Not Kirkorov with Pugacheva,
Not Angelina and Brad Pete,
Not Buzova and Tretyakov ...
Well, who is this?
Pompeisen declare
We want them:
Glamorous pair:
Gareevs Lisa and Maxim!


What he knows for sure
And does not throw words into the wind
The bazaar is ready for the bazaar
The man is serious - Gusev V.!


And for sweets with us
There is a couple - the upper class!
Continues the conversation
One, family-cherry choir,
We meet: Olga and Ruslan
So far, Ruslan is not very drunk!


Drink to drink forever
The whole family of the Shavkunovs
Both Svetlana and Kolyan
Respect this dope!


Already breathtaking
From the sisters of these two
What a wonderful picture?
To us, Galina with Katerina!
And with them, (no matter how anyone fired)
The guy was nailed - someone Vitek!


Is of interest to what he will say
Someone Laptev S.!
Very Shas will surprise us
This euro is individual!
Together with her Tatyana,
Meet them while
They are not drunk yet.


Attention! Attention!
Great programs!
Meet the next guest!
Not a guest, but a guest, because she
Favorite aunt is named

Comic characteristics of the zodiac signs

Comic characteristics of the zodiac signs
Comic characteristics of the zodiac signs

The joke characteristics of the zodiac signs:

He is always ready to start
But he will ask others to finish
He seeks to be the first to become
In every life issue.
He is stubborn, desperate, dare,
The battle goes without reflection
So that his fire burned,
Need a stumbling block.


Unflappable, patient,
He would have a house in forest silence,
Where will the willows bend behind the window,
B (river Kamyshi grew up.
He does not express feelings out loud,
He is a difficult interlocutor
But in return, he offers
Cosiness, reliability and peace.


They are here and there flashing
There is no way to keep up with them,
They know about everything in the world
And it’s hard to compete with them.
They are a little superficial,
Do not notice the essence of things
But they should not be judged strictly -
They have thousands of ideas.


His motto is careful,
And keep your inner world,
And it can be difficult for him
Open himself to someone.
He dreams of traveling
On a yacht or on the ship,
Sometimes in the past is,
And very devoted to the whole family.


a lion
He loves luxury and honor
He needs applause,
The soul sings with pride,
When he hears compliments.
And the sun creative charge
In kind brightly gives
And he is glad to share her
With everyone who meets him.


She cannot help but serve
From morning to evening, care
You can’t convince her
When she decided something.
It happens, by his criticism
She is not jokingly annoying
But we are ready to forgive her,
She wishes us good.


They carry harmony
And there are no better diplomats,
They will always come to your aid,
All secrets are able to store.
It is difficult for them to make a decision,
They hesitate for hours
But we will be able to understand them,
After all, they were born with scales.


His road is not easy,
There will be a lot of obstacles,
But in it the force is hidden such,
That he lives in joy and happiness.
He is on the ability of a beautiful
Penetrate into the depths of the subconscious,
He is mysterious and passionate in love,
His personality attracts life with knowledge.


His thoughts fly into the heavenly distance,
He loves to study and teaches everyone -
How can you forget about sadness as soon as possible,
And to see the gifts that life sends us.
He is faithful to himself, he never lies,
And injustice is hateful to him,
And if someone is not lucky,
He will share good luck disinterestedly.


He seems to be usually
Calm, quiet, inconspicuous,
He is slow, but true
Goes to your dreams cherished.
He does not need to stand out
He knows for sure - the day will come,
And all hopes will turn
In a wonderful reality flight.


Their gaze is far away,
Thinking is original
It is easy for me to communicate with them,
And in work they are brilliant.
Freedom is very important to them,
To reign harmony.
For Aquarius, everything is friends,
He is led by Uranus forces.


They are attentive with friends,
Ready to listen, understand,
Live fantasies, dreams,
Their illusions cannot be taken away.
All life for them, as if a fairy tale,
They want to swim calmly
Neptune draws world paints,
Happy helps to be.

Comic characteristics of graduates

Comic characteristics of graduates
Comic characteristics of graduates

Comic characteristics of graduates:

This guy is at least where
It always shines with humor,
And in any Olympiad
Protrudes without difficulty.
He would be a god
He claimed the medal
If only for lessons
In the morning he did not wake up.


And who is always and everywhere polite,
Ready to help at any time?
Everyone will answer that, of course,
This is our school president.
You don't need to guess
Answer together.


And he is a singer and artist,
Journalist and activist,
In a yellow tie beautiful
And in a shirt bright blue
Not familiar him with peace
Guess who is it?


You see him for two miles,
Binoculars are not needed here
He is with the computer "On you",
And with sports is friendly,
He is enthusiastic with a guitar
Guess who is he?


This is a super-student
And the athlete and the singer,
Claims to the medal,
We feel sorry for her to part with her.
And cultural and smart,
Guess who she is.


There are two friends, two artists,
Good in roles of any
And high and shoulders,
Well, guess them.


At school, who always guys,
From dawn to dusk.
Helps everyone with a soul
And he does not know fatigue.
Tell me, this is ours ...
(Politova Natasha)


It is very simple to notice it
It is above all of the class growth
And God did not deprive with the mind!
When he taught the lessons,
Then our school was proud of,
What they have (Maximov Sasha).


Guess again, children
What the sun is shining for us
In the morning, in the evening and day
Red -haired solar fire.
Only goes to lessons
The sun is barely
He is aching all the time
Then the stomach, then the head.

And beautiful and slim
Both teaching and modest,
Miss universe will be soon
Our (Plakhova Elena).


They are intelligent and modest,
Both have huge talents,
One of them is divinely dancing
Another - a wonderful song will bewitched.
But she has no hunting for “five” to study
Due to great public work.


There are two namesakes, two athletes
In class "A" and in class "B",
They are both certainly
They will declare everyone about themselves!


Literature is her hobby,
All school news writes in the newspaper.
Let's tell you more: its composition
Recognized as the best in the Kirov region.


Two athletes, two friends,
Everyone knows this in the district
Apply for a medal,
Sorry to part with them.


Let him rarely go to school,
But it beats aptly into the gate,
In his class, he is higher,
Guessed? (Suslov Misha).


She is noted in Moscow with diplomas,
Able to draw, and read the verse.
She is in the Olympiad of local history
In the capital, school defended the honor.

Athlete, clever, while
Recently became president.
The winner of the competitions was;
Easy to good deeds!

He rarely happens in the classroom.
Where is he? The answer is clear to everyone:
“He is on frigate today
Wins on the regatta! "

Everyone knows that she draws wondrous
She is always active in all matters,
She (for those who have not found out yet) -
Leading the last call.

Who is the best expert on geography in the city?
Who will find a difficult task?
We are sure that his photo
The place of honor in the museum will take.

Who is always the initiator of all the glead?
Who is usually a generator of all ideas?
In all matters, it is active and sociable,
Well, he dances - just amazing!

These guys are all for a sight for sore eyes,
Music and sport their hobby,
We will remember in many days,
How they sang to us about horses.

Who is seriously fond of chemistry
The computer is doing well,
But they want her at school, oddly enough,
Being a heroine is not her novel!

Emotions are his enemies,
He is calm like mountains
And he has the size of the leg
Almost like a school number.


Friend Reliable AN Eugene:
He knows everything, knows, maybe.
He is not in doubt
And friends will always help friends.
And he sings, and plays
On the guitar, or in the field,
As an athlete - he understands everything
In basketball and football.


Beselushka - Golubovich Ira.
She likes her humor and satire.
She knows how to cheer everyone
He has a craving for delicious donuts,
Helps loved ones, if necessary,
Hardly believes in Dracula and friendship.


Garcia Gonzalez - Spanish blood
Gave her the lyricism and faith in love
Calm, good, and in communication - sincere,
It’s so good to be silent with her sincerely.


Gorb Julia - Cinderella from a fairy tale:
Smart, correct, loves affection.
Julia has good eyes
And a very long braid.
Well, who would have thought about her,
What is this girl a shooter?


Divulskaya Elena
Will certainly achieve
Everything that he wants.
She is busy for everyone.
Good, Mila, beautiful.
To be happy in her life.


Klimko Sasha is a bright mind.
He is the Lord of his own thoughts.
The character is burning, energetic,
And in general - the guy is pretty.
He is independent in his views
And in life in love is in life.


Kurdyukova Tamara is sometimes impractical,
But always cheerful, artistic, plastic,
More than once, the school and the class, as best she could, helped out,
She played for us, danced, read,
Honest friendship is true, ready to help everyone,
Here she is - our T. Kurdyukova.


Laguna Volodya
In any weather
The guy is non -sounding
Smart and courteous.
Can study
And have fun.


Malyutina Eugene.
She is in the mood
Sings, dances, knows
And shoots well.
Persistent, true,
Sports, fair,
- Soul company,
Soulwear good!


Makarov Alexander - one
In the class, an unpainted blond,
Loving like a macho,
Solves difficult problems
And in the lessons, and outside the school.
He appreciates friendship and jokes,
Among the peers is noticeable,
Social, authoritative.


Merry Movchan Marina,
Like a modern Divchina,
Self -confident, but in moderation,
He and people know the price,
He loves outfits, entertainment,
But she also has a hobby.


Nechakhina Lyudmila
Laughs very cute.
She's a funny
Good girlfriend.
With the help of a comb
Beautiful hairstyles
Knows how to create friends,
Talent has talent in this.


Ovechenko Nina
- Girl - Malvina:
Smart, diligent,
Very obligatory.
Loves understanding
Requires attention
Honest pleasant
In the case is neat.


Rastorguev Venus
In the class - just a queen.
Masterfully draws,
Dance well.
Creatively active
Very promising.


Well done Pechersky Sasha!
In class is our pride.
Inquisitive, active
And slightly demonstrative.
The traveler is excellent
And the swimmer is very decent.
Looks, listens, reads,
He first knows about everything.


Sazonov Kostya is nice.
Both weight and height are very decent.
In addition, Konstantin athlete,
A little more and-Superman.
Laughter, humor to him.
He will study at TNU.


Yashanov has a novel
There is not a single defect:
Modest, kind, smart, brave
And in all matters skillful.
He admitted to you honestly
- I liked the teachers.

Comic characteristics of children at the festival

Comic characteristics of children at the festival
Comic characteristics of children at the festival

The comic characteristics of children at the holiday:

- You wait, listen to me! -
The girl says.
Who is it? Yes, this is Ksyusha
Voice ringing.
Will collect all the girlfriends
The matter is arguing right away,
And faster than everyone ahead
Our Ksyusha is a shy!


We have one Divchina,
She has all the reason:
Arguments are good
And the words are sharp.
But she does not need flowers
And different gifts.
Love reigns in it,
In her eyes are clear.
If a gloomy day in the morning
The sun is worried
Then everyone is not to do,
After all, Christina is sulking.
Only the breeze will blow
Fresh and exciting.
The voice is heard right away
Delicate and bewitching!


Modest, air,
The girl is obedient!
Not simple, not a chatterbox,
Do not grumble, not a laughter!
What is it in her?
And ask anyone!
Knows Marta Friendship the price,
I do not agree to replace.
If a girlfriend did not come
So the cold swept.
In the corner of the toy
Hid in pillows.
And draws Marta,
A whole of gifts,
To delight a girlfriend
Sun and rainbow!


The picture is not drawn,
Not a flower on the street.
Who is it? Why, Polinka!
Beauty, smart!
All the words are secret
Only girlfriends girls.
There is no answer to questions
Educator Bedes.
Then from one side to her,
Then on the other side.
All questions are not true
Stubborn like a burenus.
But how to draw,
Shine with paints.
And in words cannot be described,
Do not measure your eyes.
How beautiful in the picture
Clouds and heaven!
Polina conquer
All earthly miracles!


If the group has a round dance,
If business is arguing
If there are a lot of things
And no one quarrels.
Protect both honor and glory,
Our world, Miroslava!
Everyone will find a word
Very kind heart!


Suma, drow,
Better just Maya
Well, what's the difference
I'm not a prank!
If you need to help you
I'm ready for everything!
All drawings, games away,
Just say the word!
Place, pour flowers,
Take the dishes.
If you need kindness,
I will stay near you!


Here is a detachment of children
Ahead of all Timothy.
He is always on any road
The educators are helped!
Honest and responsive,
It looks decent
In the sense of an adult and cool,
Pravious and beauty!
Kind and decent,
Well, almost fabulous!
And also mysterious
Just cheerful!


Oh, our cheerful Artemka!
He sings the songs loudly!
The verse will read and dashing dashing!
Sometimes he is just quiet
But it happens rarely!
He is like a sweet candy,
Smiles generously
In the sun bathes!


Our Seryozha is just a class
He is an example for all, for us!
No more than Seryozha,
At the table and in the group too!
In the classroom, the hand,
Above all to the ceiling.
He knows more than anyone else
About animals and planet!
About space Dali.
We would not see this,
But Sergey gives a lesson
All the guys will be for the future!


About the country and about the power,
Our Yaroslav knows!
She has a ward mind,
All the guys know this!
Will support everyone, help everyone,
But a friend is more expensive!
For her into the fire and in the water,
He will run without knowing Broda!
Yarochka is like a sun
Like a flower sunflower!
Can speak for hours
Tales and poems!


Meet Markusha,
He is the best in the clearing!
His thoughts are all simple
From pieces of kindness.
Delicate, affectionate kitten,
Just a miracle is not a child!
Everyone is in a hurry to please
If necessary, it is silent.
He is obedient, but sometimes,
Like all the children of the mischievous.
The souls do not bow in it,
Let it be mischievous!


He is always sad aside,
His voice is not sonorous.
Quiet, quiet brook,
And only a friend saves:
Faithful, devoted and strong,
Stable relationships -
This is a friend, then about him
We will lead the conversation!
And Pavlush, dear boy,
Sometimes naughty like a bunny.
True, he rarely naives,
The upbringing does not tell!


Famously for the nose of the gentlemen,
Lera drives along the site.
Gives the indications to everyone
And he knows everything ahead!
Who will dig, who to build,
Who will cost how much
From the sandy sand
And with the grass of Kalachi!
Consider everyone, builds,
The whole sandbox will wash
And he will have time to quarrel
Yes to fight with girlfriends!
In general, fortified nuts
But laughs the best!
Make her laugh in two accounts,
Maybe everyone without counting!


The Anyutins have eyes
There is a hostess - a diamond!
Tender candy,
The girl is a cake.
Good and glorious,
The games are not title!
All on the shelves of Ani,
To the children with attention
And the artist is good
He performs slowly.
And dance, and sing
And he will tell the poem.
Like the sun will rise
And he will indicate the path!


It will not work quieter
Aisha goes to kindergarten!
So there will be a hide and seek in a group,
Rounders, riots.
She will terminate everyone
Tighten, laugh.
She has a mood
Songs, poems.
Everything goes with a bang,
If you got enough sleep in the morning.
If somewhere suddenly calmed down
Or hid like a mouse
The teacher was famously,
After all, you can’t keep track of her!


He is solid and courageous,
Do not repeat twice.
At a glance will understand everything,
He leaves and leave.
Will go away to hell
There is no falsehood in his feelings.
Only just sometimes
Cities will not converge.
He always knows as it should
Only Dima is boring.
If it does not get it,
That all day will pass differently!


Just give him a chance
He will appoint you a session!
Will test you in person
If necessary, then urgently!
Max from each story,
The right one will find the phrase.
He is probably very smart
But sometimes so noisy.
Hobbies a million
Our Maxim Champion.
Ichtyander is crying aside,
Only so and not otherwise!


The voice is quiet, thin,
All the girls love him!
He will not offend even a fly
But in any mess,
Like everyone is ready to run!
I love to dance very much!
But he will barely take the race
He breaks the membranes to everyone!


All children are sleeping on the planet,
But does not sleep, Fedya dreams,
To a long, quiet hour,
He left us as soon as possible!
With a grandmother of Minecraft,
He enters the shift!
Beware of everyone who is nearby
This is Fedenka with a detachment,
Swinging like fire,
I appointed seven chases to everyone!
And who is he catching up?
Nobody knows that!
It will mention to the decline
And then he will sit next to him.
Will allow itself to hug
Sometimes kiss!
Just Fedya Good very
And gallant by the way!


Modest, sweet and funny,
He is with a mischievous smile!
It can smile forever
But he is not careless at all.
He does not like to do a nobody,
After all, words can be injured!
But sometimes, forgetting about the dream,
Between the cribs by the wheel,
Fyoduna looped by Fedya,
Thinking: - All at dinner!
You can habit
Shout, shout!
And then with a smile sweet
Forget about what happened
Like it was not him!
Here he is a spy!


Not from Moscow and not from Paris,
A manage came to us!
From the crown to the eyebrows,
Southern Blood Girl.
With an attractive smile
And with the figure very flexible.
Entertains everyone sometimes,
Theaterup is upper class!
Maybe the director
Director, Dubler!
If you need to get it,
Then the shirt is it right there,
Well, if you need a barrier,
Then the tanks will not pass!


The drum does not rumble
The violin does not play
Stepan came to the garden,
A smile is on the face!
What is this masquerade
Really a kindergarten?
But with such a growth,
Being in the garden is not easy!
He is the same as everyone
Small child!
This is so, but not quite
He is big from the diapers!
He cannot offend
Those who are smaller!
They love to play with him,
It is easy and simple with him!


You will not find a flaw
The decent Jan,
He is serious and simple
The guy is just gold!
Kohl will run away, then quietly,
And it will hit, then lightly!
He knows exactly what to fight
Nothing, it is better to laugh
Enjoy silence
Than with a sick head,
After a violent fun,
Yes, dangerous idleness!
This is so reasoning so
However, everyone knows about it!


If Dimka is sad,
Then the weather frowns.
The guy will be famous
It will definitely come true!
From his smile bright
Not warm, but just hot!
There is no kinder of the guys
Heat and in the dark!
He loves the world with all his heart,
How good it is!


Very important points
On the planet continents,
Rivers, countries, cities -
To any question always
Zakhar will answer us right away
He has such a base!
You can only envy
It is not difficult for him!
Conscientious and honest,
For girls interesting!
Only modest is he, however,
Well, it happens in life!


Carefree and careless,
With a joyful smile!
There is not enough it forever
He loves the house very!
How he comes to kindergarten,
The sun is played!
Each meeting will be glad
And Adam is trying!
So much needs to be in time
Tell all the news,
Remember the verse, sing songs,
Contact at speed!
So he will get tired in a day
What's in a dream in the crib,
No Adam, just a shadow
And sniffs so sweet!


Our Kiryusha Beautyun,
Cute boy!
But what a talker he is,
Jumping bunny!
Will not be silent for an hour
Not a single minute.
But just draws a class!
And crafts are cool!
Know Kirill Artyurova,
Neat small,
And in the companies he is his own,
Small and Ugly!


In a clearing by the fence,
Welled all Yegor!
He does not cry, does not roar
It gives everyone tasks:
Dima will be the commander
And Seryoga is a foreman!
Only he himself is on the sidelines
Divorces car races with a friend!
The bosom friend alone,
His hearts lord!
He shares his dreams
And communicates for hours.
And he is also very kind,
This is true by the way!


The beautiful Diana has
Dolls and books!
There are no equal ones in drawing,
He sculpts hares, bears.
Quiet, quiet voice
But I will tell you straight
What like a mountain stream
Terrible and stubborn!

Video: A very funny scene for any holiday!

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