A lazy garden that is not digging: 2 proven ways not to dig a garden - creation, watering the planting of seedlings in the beds for the lazy for the lazy

A lazy garden that is not digging: 2 proven ways not to dig a garden - creation, watering the planting of seedlings in the beds for the lazy for the lazy

Do you want to have good shoots in the garden, but do not want to dig a site? Everything is possible, just read the article.

It is common for a person to strive to achieve the maximum result with a minimum cost of energy, energy, time and money. There is absolutely nothing bad in this, on the contrary, it is such an approach that becomes an incentive for all kinds of inventions and useful devices. That is the receipt of a rich crop without falling on the beds from exhaustion is also possible.

A garden for a lazy person - how can you not dig a garden: 2 proven ways

Numbering is one of the most difficult garden works, requiring significant physical efforts, and reminiscent of itself with muscle pain. In order to avoid such consequences, it is worth covering the ground with a layer of mulchwhich will provide the land with constant moisture.

Mulch is not just a useful, but sometimes almost an indispensable thing. Mulch is everything that can become a material in order to cover a fertile soil layer. Moreover, it is useful for any plants. In addition to mulching (this is the name of the process of coating mulch) retains moisture and protects the plants from weeds, also serves as protection against overheating and freezing of the soil, erosion and dense crust are not terrible with it, the root system of plants is strengthened, etc.


Mulch can be organic and inorganic. The first view includes almost any natural materials: slightly dried grass, armfuls of hay or straw, fallen leaves or coniferous needles, compost or sawdust, wood bark, etc. You can use each type of coating separately, and even better to combine several.

Inorganic mulch It is artificial materials in the form of a plastic film, pebbles or gravel, roofing roofing, garden, and others. The advantage of such a coating is that it protects more heat and humidity under it, and it protects better from weed plants, not to mention the pests of crops. For lazy people - the most!

Why not you can dig a site when mulching? The fact is that mulch protects all natural precipitation from drying and evaporation that falls into the ground, and with a sharp change in temperatures, condensate also adds. Such conditions are very favorable for worms, which, justifying in moisturized soil, loosen it with their movements, which not only adds fertility to the earth, but also makes non -absorption.

In addition, the frequency of watering and the amount of weeds are reduced, which also significantly reduces the cost of time and effort. Do not believe that fertile soil is possible without digging? Then take away the land plot and in the fall cover it with a rather thick layer of mulch, at least 10 cm. Forget it until spring, and when the sun looks at, make sure that the soil is completely ready for planting plants in it.

Sowing the Siderates
Sowing the Siderates

Another option to avoid digging the garden - sow Ciderates, beneficially affecting the condition of the soil, which feeds on the beneficial substances contained in them. Siderates include plants from family of legumes (their "contribution" to the soil - nitrogen) and zlokovswhich help improve the structure of the soil. The most popular siderates - wheat and oatsthat is sown after the crop is harvested and left on the beds until spring.

Landyard Garden: Advantages - how to create?

The so -called high beds will help to facilitate the work associated with garden work. They have the following benefits Before the usual ones: they warm up faster, you do not need to bend the back strongly, caring for them, and due to the use of organics to fill plants, plant growth occurs faster, low -cost, not eroded by rain, and most importantly - you do not need to dig, loosen, plow. Yes, and each culture on them can be planted in a separate, most suitable soil in composition.

A garden for the lazy
A garden for the lazy
  • To create a raised bed, take any material from which you want to make a box: wooden or plastic boards, brick, slate, stone.
  • The height of the wall usually does not exceed 80 cm, and the width is based on a maximum of 4 rows.
  • Pour the bottom with newspapers or cardboard so as not to let the weeds germinate.
  • Now lay in layers of organicism: grass, leaves, wood chips, etc. The height of the layer is over 10 cm.

Watering the garden for lazy people: How to spend?

Plants planted in such soil mixture, like planted in open ground, need watering. Choose drip, the advantage of which is minimal water consumption. You will only need to periodically fill the container with water, from which ribbons for watering are leaded to the beds.

Lay them out on the ground and the water itself will “find the road” thanks to the natural pressure. If necessary, you can add fertilizer diluted to the liquid state to the water. Lazy owners will be glad that watering is carried out without their participation, the main thing is to fill the container in time.

How to plant seedlings in a lazy garden?

We take a film, a little earth and “swaddling” seedlings. We put in any container - and let yourself grow in this diaper. Remove the film, fill the ground, and no longer wrap the roots. And now we pour water into the hole (somewhere from half a bucket) and put seedlings in it. Thanks to the "diaper" at an early stage, the roots will grow strictly down.


So they themselves will look for moisture in the depths of the earth and the need for watering, as with the usual method of landing, disappears. It is only necessary to cover seedlings when landing in the ground with a kind of protection made from an ordinary newspaper that will protect it from weeds.

Now the “garden lazy people” know how to save time and effort, while collecting a rich crop.

Video: Garden for the lazy

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  1. My husband and I have long been a summer cottage and all years I put it in order on my own, sat down various flowers, seedlings and trees. But in connection with the deterioration of health last year, I could not do anything, the neighbor advised to call specialists who, in a few hours, brought my garden and garden in order.

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