Scenarios of New Year's musicals for adults - the best selection for a fun holiday

Scenarios of New Year's musicals for adults - the best selection for a fun holiday

Collection of New Year's musicals for adults.

New Year's musical for adults - a script for a fun holiday

New Year's musical for adults - a script for a fun holiday
New Year's musical for adults - a script for a fun holiday

New Year's musical for adults - a script for a fun holiday:

The lyrical melody sounds, the host reads.

Vedas:Snow is spinning outside the window
And the frost is strong
New Year is knocking into the house,
The holiday comes.

From childhood we remember the Testament,
What is the needles of the Christmas tree
We will find as a gift,
Not cones and needles.

Someone asks Mercedes
Someone increased
Everyone believes that frost
It will help without doubt.

Someone is waiting for a lot of money
Someone is only health
Well, and our heroine
She waits ... I will not run ahead!

Not in the distant kingdom,
And in our Russian state
Once upon a time there was one girl
According to passport data, the young man is still a young man
But in life from the data of the beauty is far away,
So the woman called her - Yaga.
However, what am I saying all?
Yagusya, tell us your story!

Baba Yaga, sings the song on the melody “Fascinated, bewitched”:

Fired, enchanted,
Evil spells are disfigured.
Not lucky in my personal life fatal to me
Apparently, I will be lonely all my life.

Vedas: Do not be sad, do not be sad,
Dear girl
Believe, today on the New Year
A miracle will happen!

B.-Ya.: Miracles will not help
I have not believed in them for a long time!
I decided to go
In the clinic to Kashchei!

I will lie to him under the knife,
Let me cut me:
Under the skin of the body,
And acrylic on the nails.

Vedas: Oh, my poor
The victim of television!
The result of the Kashchask procedures
We have seen everything more than once!

Better my advice:
Do not close in yourself
Believe in a miracle, look for friends,
Enter the fun!

And here the first miracle happened!
Snow Maiden is coming to us! Girls where?
They gathered to deliver greetings
From all over the populated planet.

So who is the first to come here?
We are waiting, meet her, gentlemen!
Here it is, our first guest -
Snegurochka from the country of the rising sun!

(music sounds, exit to the song "Girls from Higher Society")

Japanese: I am sophisticated,
I came from Japan on a holiday.
New Year enthusiastic,
I wish you wisdom and happiness!
In the New Year, let Vasya Society
Minutes sad, Petya, loneliness! - 2 times

Your beautiful, cheeky Christmas tree
Clothes autumn pricky branches in needles.
In Japan, in order to avoid carrying,
A beautiful tree is placed on the Xiasti.
And to succeed in singing like a bird,
Guests are presented with rice dish.

Friends, I sincerely call you Hosu,
STOB you in Kimono sent all the dresses,
The stob of the sun and rice was enough for you,
And the good friends of Esa Bolshn Stob became!
And I will advise you, Oh, Yaga - San:
Mysterious ladies are driving musins \u200b\u200bof all countries!

Forget about Tosih faceless models
And the surgical surgery!
Yourself, Yaga - San, you will like it more likely,
Find the highlight in the image!
I ask you, and leaving,
I want to give you dance, friends!

(Dance with fans, Japanese leaves)

Vedas: Yes, Japanese intrigued us.
The eastern woman knows a lot!
Well, what will you tell us now, yagus?

B. - I.: I need to think
I am mistaken in fighting!

Vedas: Think! Well, for now, like a bird,
The Snow Maiden is rushing to us from America!
In America, everyone says: "Time from Mani."
We paid her for a visit by rubles.
She appreciates money, she appreciates time
Therefore, the briefings of her congratulations.

(music sounds, an American comes out, sings a song)

Hallowe, Hallowe, May Frends!
I am a mexico for you from Mexico Compliments!
You are a strong and brave great people,
Today a whole wave is talking about you.
You often show you on television,
But your face is always offended by something.
So laugh more, joke and sing,
And do not stand in place for more than a second!
Then, maybe all Mexico at once
He will come here to Lissen that one!
Well, now, I will leave you, friends,
After all, the business cannot be left for a long time.
And to increase the emotional background
I give you cowboys for funny

(Cowboys dance with horses)

Vedas: Yes, Americans are always ahead
They firmly believe in themselves.
Do not put your finger in your mouth!
Yaga, dear?
What do you say now?

B. –Ya.: I believe that the door will open in happiness!

Vedas: Well,
If so the plot of the fairy tale decided to spin,
I also want to transform!
New Year's whirlwind, we’ll be more likely!
I want to be a Snowman of gypsy blood!

Sounds music, Vedas. He runs up for the screen, goes out in a gypsy suit, sings on the motive the song "Fashion is changing daily."

Romalah! I ask attention!
I want to give advice to the song.
Yaga, it makes no sense to live on schedule!
Let your life illuminate your freedom, passion light!

And I want to wish you good luck
Let the “handle is golden” daily,
Love to you, health and happiness in addition,
Let that what you wish will come true!

Well, while I predicted fate to you,
From the tundra, the Snow Maiden jumped to us
On the frisky deer. She is an Eskimosk,
He sends warm greetings from the kingdom of frost!

(Music sounds, an Eskimosk comes out, sings on the motive of the song "Eskimo and Papuaus")

Eskimoska: I'm Shamanov wife,
Dedicated to witchcraft
And I want to wish you good!
And let the soul be a whole century
It will be clean like snow
And the blizzard will give a way in life of happiness!

Eskimos, Eskimos! Frosts do not scare us!
Eskimos, Eskimos! They grow in the winter climate!
With Santa Claus in the neighborhood,
I live next to childhood,
He told me secretly
That gifts are waiting for you all!

(Baba Yaga) However, I sympathize with you very much.
I advise you: do not close in yourself.
So that by old age you do not be left alone,
Be tender with people, like spring!

(Dance "I will take you to the tundra")

It's time to return to my tundra, however!
Live, work and be richer!
Catch good luck and happiness in addition!

(Music sounds, Eskimosk, leaves)

New Year and winter songs with notes | Yelkina Angela Valentinovna

(Baba-Yaga) Tell me, finally, what did you decide?
Perhaps we can do without acrylic?

B.-Ya.: And the silicone with the boot is not necessary!
I believe, for suffering, a reward awaits me!

Vedas: Wonderful! But, fortunately, you need to prepare,
After all, it is no coincidence that the proverb says:
They meet us in their lives.
I will invite a stylist to help - the upper class!

(calls on a cell phone)

Hello, good evening! Please come!
Give professional advice urgently!
We are waiting for you! Yes! Yes!
Blonde? Brunette?
Such "beauties" are rare.
See you! We are waiting!

B.-Ya.: Who?

(Sounds the screensaver "Fashionable sentence") I! Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

I will emphasize the nuances, I will place the emphasis,
And dreams will come true, and you will meet the prince!

(takes the hand of a woman-yaga by the hand, leave)

Vedas: It seems that I have no doubt
Our fabulous plot moves to the denouement.
I believe, the master is afraid
Stylist Vyacheslav Zaitsev
It will help Baba Yaga transform!

Music sounds, Snegurochka (former Baba Yaga) and stylist come out

Vedas: But what do I see! Already the same yaga!
Yes, you will fight anyone here for sure!

Snow Maiden: No, I can't fight any beauty,
Already I met with my fate!
Everything turned out as you predicted to me:
He is beautiful and built!
And I match him!
But what will happen next, how the genus will last
I'll tell you friends,
Next year.

(Everyone who performed is coming out, become a semicircle)

Vedas.: Well, now,
Let's remember childhood -
And we will call Grandfather Frost!

And the words are:
“Santa Claus, come soon!
To become more fun! "

(music sounds, Santa Claus comes out)

DM: Hello, dear guests!
I am very glad to see you!
Well, we will not lose time,
And we will continue our holiday!

Let the new give us
Health, joy and happiness!

To everyone who is single, get married.
To everyone who is in a quarrel - make peace
To forget about resentment.
To everyone who is sick is to become healthy,
Bloom, younger.
To songs to dance
Never silent!
Happy New Year with a new happiness!
May the trouble pass you!
(music sounds, all the heroes come out, they sing New Year's

The script of the New Year's musical for adults at the corporate party

The script of the New Year's musical for adults at the corporate party
The script of the New Year's musical for adults at the corporate party

The script of the New Year's musical for adults at the corporate party:

We have gathered here here
Not only to drink, not only
To summarize the year
A drop of joy to bring to life
Drop from doubts,
My dear guests!
Santa Claus will meet together,
To take what we do not need,
And he took his own to the north
Our troubles are in the cold.
And we don't need gifts,
We are all together - this is the joy
We will celebrate the New Year together -
Happiness will come to the house itself.

(Calls Santa Claus, vocalists sing a song)

Father Frost:
Maybe Happy New Year early
Congratulate you today
But under this cabinet arch
This year for the last time
We are meeting today
So you can congratulate.
For starters, I wish
Strengthen all health
Bluttail Let for a whole year
He will make your health
Let the snow spun spun
So that our faces are bright
And a crafty midnight moon
In the night of love will deprive you of sleep
Let one of the bright stars
Give talents the highest growth
Your thought will raise upward
Let friends decorate life.

(Offers everyone to drink a glass, sits down with everyone at the table)

Vocalists sing a song:

Red Riding Hood:
Winter has come, frost is stronger
The snow falls asleep,
People celebrate holidays,
Christmas trees of marvelous beauty
In every house by the window
Making are standing.
Santa Claus instructed me
Mount the girls slightly
Beautiful, fashionable, young
Everyone is sitting and decorously - together
The glasses are raised
And we are needed in a moment
They are waiting for a visit
And I go, hurry to note
New century, second year
By the way, you might notice
That the team is already waiting for me.

Vocalists sing a song:

Vocalists sing a song:

Wolf: (crawls out from under the Christmas tree)
I was not in vain in ambush
On this night on New Year's Eve
I thought that I was delighted
God will send anyone.
People are pleasant to everyone.
Rest, skis, New Year
For us, wolves, she is terrible
And everything is quite the opposite.
It is known that the wolf is fed legs
So the people say
And all lost from the road
I will not let out the paws.
Such a cool baby!
Where are you going, let me know?
Like your mommy is a fool
Did you let you go for a walk?
She didn't tell you
How dangerous it is to be alone
For that young and sweet?
After all, the wolves are not a day off.
Wow! I am pleased to worry
You are wondrous
Yes, and you are dressed tidy
At ...! My soul will pound.

(rubs his hands, bypasses from all sides)

Red hat (brushes):
Hey wolf you are worthless
There is nothing to knock on your teeth
I'm going on Thursday New Year's
With friends New Year celebrate

You talk to friends, meet?
So there will be a lot there
Maybe ten or ... five
"U"! That's where we will get food
What are you standing by losing your mouth
Come on, show the road soon,
That's just the wolf is lucky
So you say there will be a lot of them?

"U!" And really a lot of you!
There is something to profit from the beast
The table is wonderful, I look, you have
And I suggest you pay off
Let's fantas or get angry
And I’ll bite you all here!
While I am a freebie
I will throw a snack in the mouth

(Drinks, bite, smacks, collects candy, approaches Santa Claus)

"U!" Kaka is a different fur coat
She is beautiful and durable
I won't give oak in it now
The soul will warm up in winter.

(Begins to undress Santa Claus)

Vocalists sing a song:

Red hat - (runs up and obscures the grandfather):
You racketeer! Leave your grandfather alone
He is 2000 one year
He is a favorite of the whole people
And he will disappear without a fur coat

Will not be lost! Your grandfather is rich
There is a non -manager silver
After all, he does not live on a salary
Kohl resting for a whole year

Red Riding Hood:
Save! Help people!
Offend Grandfather Frost
Rather in the Ministry of Emergencies, call
They are always to be helped for us

(calls, EMERCOM is entering)

Oh, how fast you are! I beg
Save the old man soon
The wolf from his grandfather undresses the fur coat
And we all cry from the wolf.

Hey wolf! Stop disassembly
And don't be angry under the New Year
You look at this Christmas tree
And your anger will completely leave.

Answer from the audience:
Well, of course, go through!
Sit down with us at the table
Yes, and plant the wolf
Let the wolf rejoice

Santa Claus:
Sorry brothers, I became old
Or I'm tired of life,
Forgot that I would shake the staff
I will erase anyone in powder.

(in despondency, to tears nearby)

Red Riding Hood:
Friends! We are not good to cry!
After all, today is the New Year!
Let's sing and have fun
And let the wolf now sing to us.

The song of the wolf (on the motive "Blagic eyes are green)
The wolf's eyes are green
Will not forgive, will not spare
I go with my head inclined
And the hungry gaze is
I will go out in the snowfield.
And I will win over myself
Who invented this hunger
And for what I have this howl.

Santa Claus:
Oh wolf, so sad you eat
We will pay with you together
And you will bring us to tears
On the holiday you have to sing otherwise
Look what people
Young girls are sitting
Their blood boils, heart beats
The eyes shine of mischievous
Come on the baby-mischievous
Spray to us or sing
You know how to have fun
Create so attitude to us.

Red hat sings:
I went to visit you
I carried gifts to all
I was struggling, struggled
I was struggling
Pirozhkov baked
I caught up moonshine
I was struggling, struggled
I was struggling
And getting drunk
I went to dance with you
I was struggling, struggled
I was struggling
I sang and dazzed you
And I'm hurt hurt
I was struggling, struggled
I was struggling
The case was struggling
I was struggling

Santa Claus:
Here is my clever dance
Your bright soul
Yes, and the song I will not lie
Yours are wondrous
And you are my beautiful savior
What do you want to tell us?
Or only on a day unobtrus
Fucking in the situation?

If trouble has come to the house
Rescuers are always to you
Sires will fly under the howl
And they will help you instantly.
We, rescuers of the country
Very homeland is needed
We cordially congratulate you
We want to live without problems

Santa Claus:
You are well done, I put you 5,
Take into account
That you saved my girls
From female suffering
Ah, gray! Let's get up
What was settled here
Pass the phants to the girls
And let them sing to us.

Original scenario of the New Year musical for adults in roles

Original scenario of the New Year musical for adults in roles
Original scenario of the New Year musical for adults in roles

Original scenario of the New Year's musical for adults in roles:

Fanfares sound. Leading

To everyone who loves winter holiday,
The smell of a Christmas tree, creak snowball,
And when in the frost is strong
The cheek will be browned
Anyone who loves dancing, singing
And the garland is a cheerful light,
Anyone who was waiting for us with impatience
Hello all my friends!

Good evening to good people!
Let the holiday be a good holiday!
The year has passed, which means
Soon everyone will bring us
Happiness, joy and luck
New, new, New Year!

Presenter: On this winter star evening
The old year goes away.
New Year to meet him
It goes to us with gifts.
On the magical path
You can enter the fairy tale.
But where is the magical path?
How can we look into a fairy tale?
The music will be heard now
We will be able to get into a fairy tale.

(Dance "Fairies" + Song "When the Year is young"))

E. Krylatov, l. Derbenev - a song about a snowflake (from a movie of a sorcerer, with notes)

The world of miracles comes the long -awaited
It’s dark outside the window, a snowstorm and snow,
Crystal chime under toys
A person enters the New Year.

In the meantime, the clock did not ring
Let's make it to the coming year
We brought us everything that we wanted:
Let him bring us good luck.
We will have fun today,
And let your sonorous laughter ring joyfully!
Happy Holidays Wonderful - New Year's ...

TOGETHER: Congratulations to everyone, all, all!

(Dance "New Year's Eide day")

Again, the postman goes to the neighbors,
How rarely the news comes to us.
But they say that on the night under the New Year
The hearts of relatives are always together.

(The song "You and I" sounds)

(a gypsy sounds, a "gypsy" comes out, sits on the floor and scatter cards)

I don't look into my eyes, I don’t stroke the pen,
Trust the cards, they will tell you everything.
I see a long journey to the house of state to visit us,
New Year's anxiety, I see kings and ladies.
For today - interest and unexpected meetings,
Talking about empty, chores for the evening.

GYPSY: Now I’ll scatter the card and tell the whole truth ...

(Approaches teachers and offers to extract the card to everyone)

A few days later you will be waiting for a glass of champagne with the king of the heart.
On New Year's Eve, you will get acquainted with the Chervon Valet.
The aces fall out - you will be rich.
You will be happy and rich.

Here is the winter - winter
I came to us with fun.
Everything around was spinning
Snow carousel.

She shares with us
Fluffy silver.
I embraced everything around
Snow white, clean.

(Dance "hats-earns")

I should walk all-all the roads
And achieve endless heights,
The right ones would know words and syllables,
But so far these are only dreams.

VeD. Office:
But do not furiously get angry,
And to indulge in dull - a sin!
You need to believe, and the dream will happen
And then success will be found!

(Song from the repertoire of the group "Disco accident" - "swing")

We danced, sang, joked
But we completely forgot about one thing
Who will say: what awaits us, friends ahead?
Who should come to the holiday immediately?

(pause, answers)

With the wind, blizzard and snow, Serduchka rushes on the New Year,
It dances, then sings, and now it goes to us.

(Serduchka - "New Year")

The ringing of bells is heard.

Hello, dear guests!
From Lapland distant,
On the way along the wide,
According to snow -covered fields
I was in a hurry, guys to you,
Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness.

The December day is wonderful today,
Frost is only in joy, snowflakes fly.
Today friends can not be without songs,
Without songs, it is impossible without dancing.

(Song from the repertoire of the Project "Very needed")

I am very glad that in this room
Frost still recognized.
They did not forget to call for a holiday
And they dressed up a miracle.

Yes, the Christmas tree was removed by march,
Elegant is very and beautiful.
Oh, friends! And what about the Christmas tree?
Our Christmas tree is beauty?!
Let the lights from our Christmas tree
The sky will instead!

That's a miracle so miracle.
And now - for you all the prize
Stretch your hands to the Christmas tree
Say "Fir -tree light up!
So all together - one, two, three,
Our Christmas tree, Gori!

And once again - once, two, three,
Our Christmas tree, Gori!

Louder! Louder! One two Three,
Our Christmas tree, Gori!

(lights are lit on the Christmas tree)

Now there is everything you need.
Take a round dance
Yes, tighten the song
We celebrate the New Year!

(Dance song song)

Star of scattering is embroidered
The snow is zealous
It is in a hurry to us at all pores
The year of the good news.

You need to meet the guest like this
So that smiles are the sea
So that some eccentric
The nose did not hang in the grief.

To everywhere a round dance
That the house would be cramped
To celebrate the New Year
Whirlwind of the best new songs!

(Song from the repertoire of "Chile" - "without panic")

Onya is cheerful on the branches,
Fields with fluffy snow are covered with ...
New Year is knocking on our door,
He will bring good luck and warmth.
So let him be happy and clear,
And the mood is bright and beautiful!

Yes, today we have as in a fairy tale here,
On the Christmas tree, beads, stars, lanterns.
And we will perform you today
From the fashionable songs "Potyrri".

("Rain of men" - Russian version)

Let your dreams and plans come true!
Let it be generous New Year,
Let him, for fortunately, do not skimp,
Let it light the stars on time,
So that you will come true with all your desires!

We wish you all with the old year
Forget illnesses and adversity,
Anxiety, tears, evil people,
Like a trace of the floating ships.

(Song from the repertoire of A. Lorak "Ships")

We are near the Christmas tree today
We dance and sing together,
We rejoice at life together,
We live cheerfully!

The power of cold and ice,
The authorities of the night, the power of the day
The authorities of the North and the South
Let a miracle come true now.

(Dance "Santa Claus)

We want to have fun under the Christmas tree now.
Well, it's time for us to say goodbye.

Goodbye, in a good hour.

Bon Voyage!

(Santa Claus and Snow Maiden leave)

New Year's musical - a scenario of an entertainment program for adults

New Year's musical - a scenario of an entertainment program for adults
New Year's musical - a scenario of an entertainment program for adults

New Year's musical - a script for an entertainment program for adults:

At the table sits a man in a hat on which it is written: "The old year."

The host comes out: To celebrate the New Year, you must first spend the old one.
Only a year ago they were waiting for a meeting with him,
Looking impatiently at the clock
Toasts sounded, speeches were said,
Films of sausages were eaten.
And he is cheerful, young, careless,
Without thinking about what is waiting for tomorrow.
Was intoxicated by such a welcoming meeting
And he forgot that he was only a year.
No years, no century, no eternity.
And three hundred and sixty -five short days ...
And now he leaves, dangling his shoulders,
Forgotten by everyone, old fools ...

Here by the old year, participants in the holiday run up, stroke it, pity, give gifts, say different good words.
(There may be inserting numbers: songs, dances, poems).

What is this rabble?
There will be a new year soon!
And we have such a mess!
The old one will not leave in any way!
The Snow Maiden has already arrived!
Remove half -breath from here!

At this time, someone removes a cap with a man with the inscription “Old Year” and puts on another with the inscription “New Year”.

Snegurochka sings:

Snegurochka ... I will put on my outfit.
Today there is no more responsible role.
Children laugh, they are having fun,
And adults are preparing for a feast.

"Snow Maiden!" - Singing the kids to me.
Everywhere - golden overflows,
Champagne Sparkling game
And fireworks are joyful explosions.

But the children will fall asleep closer to midnight,
And adults - to the table. Such a fashion.
It's time - twelve hours are beating.
For happiness! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

You will call me the Snow Maiden,
And maybe you will give stars from the sky.
I'm afraid I'm afraid of your fire -
After all, not from the flesh is made - from the snow!

I'm cold. I am very cold.
Look - all make fun of us.
Like a Christmas lamp, the moon burns,
The garlands shine with dead lights.

I'll collect a bottle from the table,
Empty glasses, dirty glasses.
Snegurochka ... I will disappear by morning.
I melt. I will become a cloud of fog.

Guests are dancing, joke about love.
I know that you, of course, are sad ...
And you will fall asleep. And in the morning - you will get up again.
On the heart - cold. And under the Christmas tree - empty.

The Snow Maiden looks under the Christmas tree. Baba Yaga flies out from behind a Christmas tree on a rim and rushes to the New Year.

Baba Yaga sings:

I will kiss you, I will kiss!
Sweet, sweet, and very gentle!
I will blow New Year's candles
This evening frosty and snowy!

I’ll scatter, happiness, all the stars!
Substitute your hands soon.
Let our dreams be fulfilled
That night under the firecrackers are sounds!

I open my soul to you
And I am burning in love now.
I will break the silence in the universe!
You are my New Year's happiness!

Baba Yaga rushes to the new year on the neck, he shouts: "Take this stuffed animal from me."

New Year (calls):
Where is this Santa Claus?
When necessary, he never!

At this time, the leading and the Snow Maiden managed to catch the yagu and tie her to the chair.

Santa Claus sings:
From the great Ustyug Russian, glorious
On the hills, in the fields, in frozen swamps,
On the roads of the forest with turns smooth
I was in a hurry, where are on the sledges, and where it is a hitchhiking.

The beard was fighting, there are shots on the bushes,
And at least a fur coat and a torn hat are torn,
They recognize: “Santa Claus! Father Frost!" On the lips,
Pour a hundred grams and rake in an armful.

I am not young already planted liver,
So the nose instead of red it becomes blue,
But when I meet people, I have nothing to fight back,
Well, when will the order in the country are restored?

So as not to scare the people with their appearance, drunk,
You will understand me, and, I hope, sorry-
I am for you, dear, said, as I cut off,
I leave gifts while you are sleeping.

Who needs gifts, stand in line. But first show your number, solve the riddle, participate in the competition.

Father Frost:
Silver ball, rain, flashlight, crackers,
Serpentine, confetti, stars, beads, garlands, toys -
We sent everything in the boxes in the dark to wait,
When the New Year comes again and it's time to dress up.
Ah, as everyone was funny, only not for long:
A poor Christmas tree showered the needle quickly from the twigs.
Santa Claus hid a fur coat in a wall cabinet, bearded,
And then he untied his cotton beard and also hid

Snow Maiden:
And the Snow Maiden brushes my braid on the shoulders dismissed,
I let all the bears and protein go home for the whole year.
The snow city on the old -year square melted,
Sparrows and crows hid what he left them.
And in a bottle - not a drop of champagne for mood.
Goodbye, before the meeting, until the new year of birth!

New Year's musical for adults - cool script

New Year's musical for adults - cool script
New Year's musical for adults - cool script

New Year's musical for adults - cool script:

Vedas. Friends! Again the New Year has collected us,
Smiles and light are full of the hall!
Hurrying cheerful Mickey Mouse to us,
Today, all friends will congratulate himself!

Santa Claus enters.
-Happy new year friends! With a new income!
I want to wish you all my heart
From life never get tired!
Under the Christmas tree to return to childhood again,
Joke, laugh, sing and have fun!
Let your company grow stronger and grow,
Let everyone have an account!
Let the house be full of love!
Good luck in 2022!

Sings on the motive of the song "Who told you":

I want to look into my familiar eyes
And all the congratulations, I will repeat the wishes!
Someone in vain said
In vain told you
As if I do not like the sun and warmth!

And I am warm in my heart,
All your songs live in your soul, ringing!
I can't live without your friendship, love,
And you love a Christmas tree and me!
After all, we have been "happy together" for so many years!

Vedas. Grandpa, where is your Snow Maiden?

D.M. Sings, dancing, in the style of rap:
Listen to the chilling story!
Santa Claus really suffers!
Looked out of sight of the figured
I lost my Snow Maiden!
Naive and romantic,
She is excellent production!
One hope is on television!
They say they saw her in Ostankino!
She liked the "factory" before!
No matter how I went there!
All, of course, are guessed
How the jury will be delighted!
Squeeze the juices from the girl
And they will take it to the plate!
Or maybe the body is white
Will her make a chanting?
But Yana Churikova shouted to me:
“I haven’t met such a singer here!”
And the brothers Meladze admitted:
- We would not have parted with this!

D.M. What will you advice me? In what program to look for it?

Vedas. Probably in the most popular!
The host unfolds the television program.

Vedas. Well, here, for example, “thank God, you have come”!
Maybe the Snow Maiden went there?

Music sounds. Two presenters come out. Further trip to different television programs ...

Snow Maiden.
(sings for adults)

I'm woven from music of magic children's dreams,
In a fluffy fur coat of a light of snow -white mosses,
A frosty early morning came to you from heaven.
The possession of it went to inspect - the dense snow forest.

Here is a fluffy Christmas tree wrapped in a snowball.
Bunny is seeding in the snow, oh, God is barefoot!
I want to catch up with it faster, my legs will freeze after all
And put white boots on the knife.

But the stupid hid in the snow, I do not see him,
And the ears, where are he trembling? - Tell me friends.
Here the red tail behind the bush flickered a little, fell silent,
Like stars of fire, two large eyes burn.

And here is the gray wolf ... "Ah, who dared it
It’s so early to wake me up? Ah, hare! Ah, shot!
Now I will catch him and feed him wolf. ”
At the bunny, all the teeth are knocking with fear.

Under the oak, the hill is covered with a snowball, and snoring is heard -
The den is there, and Mishenka is sleeping sweetly there - Potap.
You better not be awake it, let him sleep until spring.
And whoever violates his dream - he will be painfully bit!

And here is Grandfather Frost, I will meet me,
And behind him he carries a bag with gifts
I am very glad to meet him, I am running towards him:
“Ah, it’s hard for you to carry, let's help.”

“Ah, granddaughter! Ah, Zolotko! I'm tired of the road.
In the road, I got a little aware of in the forest!
Let's go to the Christmas tree soon, the kids are very waiting!
Let's go, please the children! Can you hear? - We are called!

Ah, Detonki! Ah, dear! I really became old
Ah, how sparkles and shines how colorful your hall is!
Gifts and toys, we came to give everyone!
And you sing me songs, read me poems!

Contests are held, riddles are solved, toasts are pronounced

New Year's musical "New Year with Baba Yaga" - a script for adults

New Year's musical New Year with Baba Yaga - Script for adults
New Year's musical "New Year with Baba Yaga" - a script for adults

New Year's musical "New Year with Baba Yaga" - a script for adults:

Takes a three -liter jar with a brine.

Baba Yaga.
Yes, I had a lot of guests for my life.
But most of all I love the bosses
I drink the first toast with them.

Approaches to the boss.

Baba Yaga.
Who is your boss here?
You, my friend, come from here?
So congratulate everyone on the Happy New Year!
What are you looking into two eyes?
Didn't you find out three times?
I am a folklore element
I have a document.
I can generally from here
Fly away at one moment.
For the heat, for the blizzard
Everyone scolds me, Kargu,
And in me there are no more harm,
Than in chamomile in the meadow.
If I recognized me, dear,
Express your toast, friend.

Toast of the boss. Baba Yaga drinks, choked.

Baba Yaga.
Eh, did it be me,
As long as was it young?
And it became a little older,
The leg is not a leg, a nomad!
No memory ...

Speaking of memory. I have a chest here. And there is a congratulation for all occasions in it.

Baba Yaga. That's for sure, they are the most.

To congratulations A glass is tied on the rope.


I'm cheerful

I'm not afraid to wish you

Zero heavy days

New brand "Lada",

Seryozha - fat piglets,

What is hanging in your ears,

To be your beautiful soup

The rumors caught quickly

To your cute eyes

Were more twice.

To an inquisitive nose

Warts overgrown.

Let the men stop

Let the women have fun

The holiday is now in the clearing,

Probably from cognac of a bottle.

Baba Yaga drinks from a glass. The noise of a moving car is heard.

The song sounds to the motive “Cauces” from the repertoire of I. Allegrova.

If they ask me where I got
I'm such a cool car,
I will answer that I stole
The Boyfriend and Carlson’s darling.

There is a screech of brakes, the noise of a crashing machine.

Baba Yaga.
Guests, what happened?
It was brought to us kaga.

Grunting and groaning, enters the jagonia.

Baba Yaga sings:
Oh, girlfriend came,
Oriflame brought me.
I remember about the lotion -
It is suitable for teeth.
Hair manicure,
Pedicure for all nose.
Well, tell me, Yaga,
How are you, Karga?
He answers, grinding his teeth.

Parts about Mary Kay,
Pour me with drugs.
I will take it inside him
I will return my beauty.

Baba Yaga.
Who has not tried a dosel
My jerk of mold?
It tastes not so good
But it takes off trembling.
You will be healthy for the headmark,
Unless you die.

Your mug of jelly
I will raise for you, friends,
So that health is normal.
Well, the body was in shape.

The song sounds to the motive “Wind from the sea” from the repertoire of Natalie.

I have long ago (2 times)
Do not live in the forest, (2 times)
I bring myself (2 times)
In the city of Krasus. (2 times)
"You are supermodly!" - (2 times)
Goblin repeats me. (2 times)
And from these words (2 times)
The head is circling. (2 times)
I have a company (2 times)
Under the name "demon". (2 times)
Powder, cream, shampoo - (2 times)
All that should be eaten. (2 times)
In Mercedes I (2 times)
I divorce goods. (2 times)
How to apply them, (2 times)
I'll tell you now. (2 times)

He powders, paints his lips, spray himself with a cologne.

Baba Yaga.
Oh, city girlfriend,
How thin you are.
Plaster on the face
I inflicted a ton of ton.
How you look like a black man!
The complexion of the face is painful.

I have been to resorts
I salted on the beach.
But where I went,
Guess your friends.
The music will sound
You need to guess all of you.
Cities and villages,
Where life is funny.

A music competition is held. Spectators are offered songs about cities - they guess their names and performer. ("Sevastopol waltz", "Song about Moscow," Vologda "and others).

You are something wrong with yourself
Over there and a hole on the coat,
Today is New Year's holiday -
Everything should be in fashion.

Baba Yaga.
Eh, I haven't drove it for a long time
Rounders U-gu-g-gu.
Saramfan was sewn,
I'll put it on right now, run!

And I am all the potions and herbs
Sold now, but -
I sew at Zaitsev, with Glory,
Dress, hat and coat!
Suitable for a man.
Well, why are you looking?
Really, bad?
Yes, you yourself do not understand
In beauty, not Shisha.
So that you can shine here
And so that there are no gloomy
We decided to get you
Supermodic costumes.
So as not to lose time,
Come out to try on them!

Invite four men.

Exercise. With your eyes closed, get your own clothes and demonstrate the resulting outfit.

Baba Yaga.
Come on, do not sniff his nose,
And I will sing ditties!

I sang and I will sing
I will have fun
Oh, don't look like that
You can fall in love! Eh!
Let the years fly like birds,
Let the smoke go into the sky.
Who knows how to have fun
It remains young.

To start us a round dance,
We will disperse the whole people.
Come here in costumes,
What was cooked all year.

A competition for the best carnival costume is held. Its results are summed up.

Peasants, everything is in round dances,
Do not forget about friends.
Rounders are now in fashion,
Get more fun in a circle.

Round dance "Sambo".

Baba Yaga.
Dear guests!
Did you stretch the bones?
Maybe stop dancing?
I propose to raise a toast.
At the beginning of the third millennium
I wish you longevity.
This is who with a stack there
Drinks everything for the ladies?

The phonogram of the song "For lovely ladies" sounds.

Baba Yaga.
Everyone knows about that here -
This is Igor Nikolaev.

Sounds the phonogram of the song. " The second participant puts a wig and performs a song.

He shouted here and there:
"I'll give chica today!"

The phonogram of the song “I raise my glass” from the repertoire of F. Kirkorov sounds. The third participant performs a song.

Baba Yaga.
Do you want something there?
Duck tell me, don't sit!

The phonogram of the song “I want the songs to sound” from the repertoire V. Kikabidze sounds. The fourth participant performs a song.

That there is no fault in the glass?
Pour and drink to the bottom!

The phonogram of the song “Let's drink to the bottom” from the repertoire of M. Evdokimov sounds. The fifth participant performs a song.

Baba Yaga.
Since everything drank to the bottom,
It's time to play.
Rise a grandmother, don't yawn -
Answer my question.

1. She has a rope for which it is necessary to pull. (CLAP.)

2. I myself make them a hole punch. (Confetti.)

3. It is made of foil. (Serpentine.)

4. They are in Moscow, and only with arrows. (Chimes.)

5. They burn, and sparks are scattered everywhere. (Bengal lights.)

6. Most importantly, you need to make sure that it does not run away. (Champagne.)

7. This is so prickly, fluffy and all in the rain. (Christmas tree.)

8. And in this on the carnival, even your own boss will not recognize you. (Mask.)

9. This thing is so long and constantly winks. (Garland.)

10. If this falls on the man's head, then he is someone's groom. (Valenok.)

All answers are divided into two teams and put on benches.

Baba Yaga. Now, Yagonia will do urban things with you.

The music will sound.
The long should be the first to get up.
Well, the one who is lower.
The line should close.
As you want, you get up
But do not go to the ground.

Organize the game.

To be like a top model,
Tall (oh), like a hotel,
Take this ointment,
Grind your body.
Shows an advertisement.

Baba Yaga.
You are completely without hair
Stand for this lady.
If your hair is longer,
You get the first.
Organize the game.

If you want to grow
You are the length of the hair ...

Baba Yaga.
Then wash them with shampoo,
Currently called "Domesos".

And now in all its glory
Show the legs everything.
Since the size of the leg is large,
You will be the first. It's clear?
The rest are all behind him.
38, 37, 36 - fine!
Organize the game.

Your shoes are good
But it will be like a picture.
This brush is doubled
Remove all dust particles.
Baba Yaga dances.
Chic, shine, beauty,
Wow-on-on! Eh-Ta-Ta!

Something briskly, you galloped
So they gave a little.
The loser - on the penalty.
The fastest - double!
Participants are returning to their places.

Baba Yaga.
Eh, the fun is just right
We would be music now!

They declare a tour of dancing, during which the grandmas of the hedgehog change into Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Musical pause:

Father Frost. Hello, here I am!

Snow Maiden. I do not hear exclamations, friends!

Father Frost.
I had me a year ago,
I am very happy to see everyone.
Grounded, large steel.
Did you recognize me?
I'm still the same gray -haired
Slightly pressed, not lame,
And ready to dance -
Right now.

Snow Maiden.
I'm calling the Snow Maiden,
Everyone younger than the grandmother,
We were in a hurry, in a hurry,
They almost fell into the snow from the horse,
If all of you are glad to us,
Pour one hundred grams.
Everyone lifts the glasses.

Father Frost.
We wish you to have fun
Drink not alcohol, but cognac,
On the snack - the cute.
On the table - so that the cake is good,
At the table - friends more often!

Snow Maiden.
Happy New Year!
With new happiness!

Father Frost.
I can't count gifts ...
Snow Maiden. Speak what are there?

Father Frost.
To receive a gift,
Everyone should give me
Who is a banana, who is an orange -
There is only one present from the table.
The Snow Maiden explains ...

Father Frost.
I'm taking a gift
From the heart I give you my own.

1st participant.
My favorite perfumes
Called “Hi-hee”.
(Cologne "Triple".)

2nd participant.
He will remind
How much you need to drink. (Thimble.)

3rd participant.
And here you are, Mamzelka,
Only one penny,
So that in abundance, without worries
You lived all year. (Penny.)

4th participant.
We hand you a chumodan,
You need it on the farm. (Paper bag.)

Snow Maiden.
And I have gifts,
"That you can’t take your eyes off."
You show a dexterity -
And get gifts.

Father Frost.
For my gifts
We must drink from the heart.
And then dance to the dance,
Music sounds for you.

Snow Maiden.
We are in a hurry to congratulate others
Let me leave you.

A tour of dancing is organized.

Baba Yaga. I stopped recognizing.

Well, why did you bother me?
Just on New Year's holiday
I became mysterious.

Baba Yaga.
I don’t understand something:
What? What for? And why?

Well, why not understand?
We will put on masks.
Come out as soon as possible.
Surprise all the guests.

Tie a participant in the eye, put on a mask.

You are with your eyes closed
You have a mask.
Who are you really
Here is a hint for you.

Causes an odd number of participants (for example, seven).

Baba Yaga.
And then that there is urine
Roll under the rope,
And take a dancing backwards,
How glad I will be!

Maski participants pass under the rope, which each time sinks lower.

"Masks-shows" go cool
You tried not in vain.
To get along with the heart,
We will bite the apple.

Baba Yaga.
You are here again here
You begin to do
There have been no teeth for a long time,
It does not bite.
Baba Yaga is trying to bite off an apple.

You, granny, sit
Let him bit, who is with his teeth,
Build quickly here in rows!

Baba Yaga.
Something became bad for me
Something is crumbling in the back.
Maybe I will dance with you
Mark your bones?
A tour of dancing is held.

After the dances just right
You need to drink now.

Baba Yaga.
The guest are expensive,
You are sitting at the tables
And look in all eyes
On the yagonins of business.

This bottle of Winets
We pass back and forth.
To whom music is silent,
He raises that glass
Says your toast guests
And wishes you happiness.

Baba Yaga.
Something I began to hops
I propose to sing a song.
After the first verse
You say: "In the pants."
How the second verse is ready,
Say: "Without pants."

Baba Yaga sings a song.

Baba Yaga.
Oh, frost, frost,
Do not freeze me
Do not frost me, my horse.
Do not freeze me
My horse,
My horse, white.
I have a wife
Oh, beauty,
Waiting for me home, waiting - sad.
I will return home
At sunset of the day,
I will hug my wife, I will drink the horse.

Yes, you have a folk choir here.
Well, what is the fashionable dance?

I invite all men in chorus answer this question.

Oh, and bad without girlfriend
Perform us "Bugi-wool"!

The dance of the Bugi-Wui is performed, and the dance tour begins.

Oh, my girlfriend,
You have good here
Everything was great.
Come on to me the other day.

Baba Yaga.
Come on, my friend, to the staff,
For us for all, for all for us!
Let us all feel good,
And at a good hour and in a good hour!

Baba Yaga.
Well, I'm not young
So frolic until the morning.
Toast for a squirrel!

We wish you guests
Drink, dance and have fun,
But do not fall under the Christmas tree,
To Grandfather Frost
He did not take the detachment.

Baba Yaga. Goodbye!

Jagonia. Hood Bai!

New Year's musical for adults based on the fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha"

New Year's musical for adults based on the fairy tale
New Year's musical for adults based on the fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha"

New Year's musical for adults based on the fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha":

Good evening to everyone, friends!
Finally we have a holiday
Finally, the carnival!
And, believe me, not in vain
Everyone expected him!
We hurry to the carnival!
Masks will hide our faces
Costume ball
The night-hazard will give us!
Fun until late at night!
From late at night to morning!
Everyone in life wants
And, of course, magic!


Today everyone is surprisingly
We begin the performance!
Now we will show you a fairy tale
We will sing, dance and tell.
After all, the fairy tale lies, but it has a hint
All good fellows are a lesson!
She will wave her wing
And good will win over evil!

(Muses. Bet. The short beginning of the "Kings of the Night Verona" or Vanessa May "Virtuos")

(The vocalists come to the music to the motive of the song “Orange Dreams” Ani Lorak begin to sing, a fly-chokotuha appears under the song)

Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha
Gilded belly,
The fly went across the field
The fly found a money!

(Fly circle on a scene with a card the size of a sheet of whatman) (card with the inscription Nasekombank)

Her heart suddenly clogged,
The fly in the dance was spinning,
So easily she took off
And with happiness I suddenly sang!

(Stop music. And immediately a song is turned on in the original gr. Girls "I'm so beautiful today")

The second action - the meeting of the guests "came to a fly fleas"

Fly (just text):
My birthday has already come, and here
Gifts from friends,
And how much trouble!
Already twelve, at three o'clock friends will come,
You can’t be late at all!
And I can’t get together
After all, I have a little more left:
It remains to crumble the salad,
Boil hot chocolate,
And a sandwich in the microwave.
Put a festive suit,
When will all have time?
Oh, the punishment burns in the oven! (runs away)


(At this time, a table is taken to the stage, and the fly sets on the table, and vocalists on the motive of Kukarskaya songs “Small” on a small one)

Well, so, for the whole world
The fly starts a feast.
I invited the guests to the bar -
Insects of all stripes.
The table was set. Bring
Czech glass mountains,
Tablespoons, forks and knives.
Belyashi's stack!

Well, I ask you to the table soon
After all, better than you are guests
You will not find in the world in the world in the world,
Well, I ask you to the table soon
Everyone knows that without friends
In the white world you will definitely disappear!
(the chorus is repeated twice)
Well, here all the guests are gathered
And the bugs rushed to the dance.

(Dance of all the bees. Very incendiary)

(After the dance, all the guests sit down at the table again)

Fly Tsokotukha:
Eat, eat, do not be shy,
Help yourself, treat yourself!
See which ones
I baked pies!



Grasshopper :

Fly Tsokotukha:
Eat the jam!
Or you don't like
Our treat?

Your treats -
Just a sight for sore eyes!

Taracan (licking).
Just screaming is your treat!
Ah, how the fly was happy,
Our fly is the basement,
I tried to approach everyone, not to go around anyone!

The third “The appearance of a spider. Seduction scene "
(Sounds “Its May Life.” Sounds a spider. Everyone has froze.)

(The vocalists sing for the motive of the song "Iceberg".)

The fly in the dance took a little
The heart shuddered, sang
The heart burned a spark
After all, a fly sees a spider
In black, slender, in business
Immediately visible with money
Merce key on the table
And there is no girlfriend anywhere

She does not get her eyes
The paws are reduced and breds
Not what a cricket
The fly opened the wings
I updated its makeup
Sloven in the bar Paul
The spider calls at the table - 2 times

2 verse
Yes, you dance fine
Who did not see lived in vain
He began to hang his noodles
Ah, I'm not breathing in a trance
You are a star in a sky
A kilogram of caviar in Baton
And buzz like a nightingale
Give her flowers soon!


You are a beautiful fly! - Slender!
Rubens brushes are worthy
We have no place here and
It is clearly crowded for you here
You and I need flights
That missiles, planes
I will show the road to paradise
Ah, I'm not breathing in a trance! 2 times

The spider was in a hurry to meet happiness,
Both gentle affection, and fate
He surrounded his girlfriend
She whispered stupidly in her ear ...

The second scene. Buckets are trying to save the fly.

Evil, insidious that spider,
Paws - as many as eight pieces.

I seduced our fly,
And he lured with deception
He is in his spider networks!

Know, for nothing in the world
We will not give the fly,
Protect from the villain!

Fly Tsokotukha:
Dear guests, help!
Wake the spider-eyelet!
And I fed you
And I gave you
Do not leave me
In my last hour!

All the boys are crowbar
So rushed into battle.

(Immediately dance-promotion of the midges “Dance with sabers”)

Change of actions of muses

Vocalists on the motive "poplar fluff" sing

But look - who is there?
Little Komarik!
And in his hand he holds -
Little flashlight!
Our brave man flew up,
To the spider-eye
And waved bravely
Sable of it!

A mosquito rushed into the battle!
Nothing is important!
After all, for the lady of his heart
He fought bravely!
Spider rushed in fear,
And the mosquito darted to the fly!
That was such a wonderful final,
In that wonderful fairy tale about the fly in the basement!

(Several dance movements of the fly and mosquito in the loss of the song "Topropolitan Pooh")

Mosquito: Did I destroy the villain?

Fly: destroyed.

Mosquito: I freed you?
Fly: Free.

And now, the soul-girl,
We will all have fun together!

Fourth action "will be, Moshkara will have fun until the morning"

Vocalists for the motive of Chile Summer Sing:

There are bugs and boats
Sleak out from under the bench:
“Glory, Glory to Komaru -
Winner! ”
The firefly came running
Lighted lights -
Will be, Moshkara
Have fun until the morning:
Hop, Naray-on

(The words)

Today, the fly-yoke

Kan-kan dance or "nose"

Fat of evil scattered
There is no more spider!
Away, treachery!
Let love burn the heart again!

If you believe in miracles,
Open your eyes soon.
You see, you see a bright light-
Then winter carries hello!

New Year is knocking on the door!
He stands at the gate!
Well, a snowy time,
Many gives happiness forever!

Fifth "New Year" (music sounds Santa Claus and Snow Maiden)

Father Frost.
Hello my friends!
I came to you for a holiday!
Happy New Year, congratulations!
We wish you happiness, joy!

Snow Maiden:
And snowflakes at this hour
Let them kiss you and us!

Father Frost:
Let sadness and sadness leave,
Magic will happen!
Everyone will see will be happy
Christmas trees festive outfit.
And when a new one comes,
The best New Year,
Be sure to with him together
Happiness new will come.

Snow Maiden:
- It will do inaudibly
And in your ear it whispers:
"The best and happy
New Year comes! "

Father Frost:
I wish everyone in the New Year:
Let the miracle happen!
The fairy tale in the door is tapping -
Only you need to believe in it!

All: Happy New Year!

Song-drive to the motive "New Year's toys"

1 verse
Joy and happiness, we wish in the New Year!
So that you are not waiting for you at the gate,
So that the sun would shine affectionately,
And everything that was waiting for the heart came true!
And what would be all for people in the New Year!

Happy New Year, congratulations
And we want Santa Claus,
All anxieties and sorrows
Snow took to the kingdom,
As a gift, I only left joy
Only happiness and cheerful laughter!
The white, white, pure snow swirled over the world!

2 verse
Life is beautiful
It is time for us all to understand
We wish the world to each other and good!
Windows wide open for happiness,
And open love to meet the door,
Everything will be in the New Year, since in a fairy tale,
Just believe!

Happy New Year, congratulations
And we want Santa Claus,
All anxieties and sorrows
Snow took to the kingdom,
As a gift, I only left joy
Only happiness and cheerful laughter!
The white, white, pure snow swirled over the world!


New Year's musical for adults - "Merry Santa Claus"

New Year's musical for adults - cheerful Santa Claus
New Year's musical for adults - "Merry Santa Claus"

New Year's musical for adults - "Merry Santa Claus":

Ladies and Gentlemen!
Ladies and gentlemen!
Mamzeli and Monsieur. And all!
Citizens and citizens!
Comrades and goods!
Children and adults!
Small and tall!
Complete and thin!
Married and idle!
And different and others!
The spectacles are hunting!
Welcome to the hall
On the New Year's show program!

On a sensitive hearing and a sharp eye.
On your skill and dexterity,
Taste and your preparation.
Let there be many songs today,
Enthusiasm, dancing, jokes, laughter.
Good luck, luck and success!

The light in the hall goes out. Multi -colored lights flicker, music sounds. Against her background:

A bright light went out,
It went beyond the mountains, for the forests,
And the night opened the night
The last December day ...
Everything breathes in peace and peace.
Frosty air is fresh and clean ...
And in the starry sky
The silver disk laughs.
Among the plains fluffy -white
Darkens the roof at home ...
The people are not sleeping, the people do not doze off,
And the rooster is waiting for the signal.
For a long time once our ancestors
A move was checked on him.
And they met a solemn hour,
On the coming New Year!
A noticeable revival is observed in the hall.

On the way with bells
Troika frisky fly.
In painted sleighs with carpets
The girls are red.
To us for the holiday New Year
At this hour they are in a hurry ...
In the silence of frosty night
Callon songs sound.
So the frisks of the horses rushed,
The girls are red, they get up
In the hall with a cheerful crowd
With songs, dancing.

A crowd of guests bursts into the hall, mummers with songs, dancing, jokes-jokes ...

Is it a distant side
The girls' swans arrived,
Dancing -doni.
Mockery and laughter?
Where, beauties, will you be?
Who are you to be friends with?
Which merchant was visiting
Where did you buy outfits?
Kuny fur coats, Sofyanov shoes,
Satin sundresses,
Siluted with silver,
Chisemin shirts,
Stocks of paper,
Amber bracelets,
Wooden beads?
Tell me, show
Do not conceal from us!

We are from a forest fairy tale,
Where the ermines live, yes affection,
Outlandish birds,
Sparrows and bits ...
And the gifts are a whole
Santa Claus gave us!

Santa Claus appears surrounded by forest animals and birds.

Dear grandfather Frost,
The cheeks are crushed, the nose is freezing,
Not frost, frost, people,
Come here soon!

Hello, beautiful girls,
Workers and craftswomen!
And you, my dear fellows,
Home every business hunter!
Hello to your families and details,
Long years to grandparents, grandfathers
Health to the native father-mother!
Happiness to the grooms and brides!
And all together- to live two hundred years!
I wish you, people,
Be happy all year round!

Dear frost!
I have this question…
You are not afraid of your granddaughter
Get thrashing today?
It's time to start a holiday,
We need to light a Christmas tree!
What is it offended by everyone
That the Snow Maiden is not visible?!

So for the holiday was in a hurry,
When I sat down in the sled,
Everything was afraid to be late ...
And I forgot to call her!
And now you'll have to together
We are a mistake to fix
And at the expense: Two ...
All loudly
The choir is friendly to say:
Cute Snow Maiden, come in, respond,
Good Snegurochka, rather appear!

everyone chants the last two phrases ...

No, she does not hear us
Let's say loudly again!

How many years I have been living in the world,
And I did not see this.
Who will tell me who will answer
Who came to our ball?

Snow Maiden:
This is me, your granddaughter,
Sweet, kind Snegurochka ....

There are so many Snow Maiden
My granddaughter is one!
Let them prove if they can,
Which of them is she!
My granddaughter has gold pens,
She is a craftswoman.
Both needlewoman and singer.
Bright head,
Walks like a swan
Speech speaks beautifully
As if it gives a ruble.
And the face is useful and the figure is also!
In all outfits, it is good
In a word, a soul is a soul
Now, let's
We will light a Christmas tree,
Yes, as soon as possible, fun
Let's start the New Year.
Let's get together in a round dance
Sing a song about the New Year!

And now I offer a competition,
A peculiar game is an opus.
Homework conditions
Were known to you in advance ...
Let me remind you to get
Our main prize
And perform with me
Festive cruise
In different cities of the country and the towns,
To see a lot of interesting things
So that we all have fun,
To remember our holiday
Not for a year and not for two ...
We should try with you
Play, joke, laugh,
Sing songs, dance,
And play different games ...
And a little work hard,
To distinguish between others.
The conditions are ordinary, familiar methods,
Earn glasses
If you are not a simpleton
Well, I consider it my duty
Wait - play, with God!

The presenter announces game competition programs ....

And now - attention!
Second competitive task:
How, you are ready, girls,
Songs to sing and have fun?
The conditions are ordinary,
The methods are familiar,
Earn glasses
If you are not a simpleton.
I think my duty
I wish - bolder, with God!

Competitions, dances are held .......

Well, you are red girls,
They turned your faces.
There is no blush on the cheeks
Did the fire faded in the eyes?
Not suitable for girls, girls
We must continue to have fun.
To raise your tone,
We continue the competition.
Dance program
I want to offer you
Dancing is what you need
However, what to say!
Love dancing in Russia
Russian national…
Well, and our youth
Loves fashionable dances.
For starters, for order
We offer a dance frame.
Then we dance rock and roll,
For whom it is not composed.
And the white dance for two
We offer after them.

The conditions are ordinary,
The methods are familiar,
Earn glasses
If you are not a simpleton.
Well, I consider it my duty
Wish- dance, with God!

everyone is dancing….

So that time goes faster,
To make it more fun
And to rest a little to us,
Friends, I offer you
Have fun with a lottery.
Lottery without deception
And the prices are affordable.
Come, buy,
Test your luck!
Use the services of gypsies
Skillful forty of fortune -tellers ...
Almost free, almost so,
For a copper penny, for a nickname.
Fun revitalization in the hall.

Buffoons, gypsies, seller of joke lotteries entertain those present.

Wait, do not rush
Attention! Event for everyone
Very extraordinary!
For the first time for the holiday
Passing to Berlin
We are performing
One gentleman.
World Borch
Fakir, sorcerer,
Abdul al-Bakr
By nickname Bab-Bey.
As well as a well -known disco -star
How it fell from the sky
For a holiday here.

Well, and which of you is ready
To sing, like Yura Shatunov?
Or, for example, like this lady,
We can sing under the phonogram?
The conditions are ordinary,
The methods are familiar,
Earn glasses
If you are not a simpleton.
Well, I consider it my duty
Wish you- sing with God!
The song competition is held.

Songs to sing you craftswomen,
For that, beautiful dancers and talkers.
But the holiday does not end
And the competition continues.
Culinary competition,
It is by no means ordinary.
Let our viewers
That themselves will be convinced
What are our girls
They are suitable for the role of hostesses!
The conditions are ordinary,
The methods are familiar,
Earn glasses
If you are not a simpleton.
I think my duty
Wait - cook, with God!

The culinary competition is held ....

While the hostesses are set up with us,
Let the others play games.
Come out, well done and fellow
Play, have fun ...
Playing speed, excellent dexterity,
The most dexterous will be able to win it.
The conditions are ordinary,
The methods are familiar,
Earn glasses
If you are not a simpleton.
I think my duty
Wish, play, with God!
A game competition is held.

The hostess was covered,
The guests sat, bit.
Salads, vinaigrettes,
Sandwiches and pastes,
Cakes and cake
And creamy ice cream ...
Tea, sweets for dessert
That's a nice lunch!

At this time, a real Snow Maiden appears.

I have frost on my skin
I ran through the joints ...
This is who came to us!
At this late hour to the ball?

This is me - your kind granddaughter
Girl Snow Maiden!
Didn't you call me?

We have been called you for a long time
We all played the games
We sang and danced,
And, of course, tired ...
And now the time has come
Summing up the day!
Everything is pretty pounded
And in many ways they succeeded ...
The applicants proved
That they are not a simpleton,
They got what they got
Your points and glasses!

Santa Claus and Snegurochka give out prizes and gifts ....

Although it’s sad to part with you,
But I must hurry further.
And in goodbye I wish everything
I have long to live!

Take a bow from me
In the world, live in joy,
To every day and hour
Would be happy for you!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden leave ...

But the holiday does not end
The fun continues!
We give our microphone
Under the musical marathon ...
And to the club for dancing the eyelids
A disco invites you!

Video: Favorite New Year's songs. Tested by time

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