Are the supplements harmful in food? Table of harmful and dangerous food additives for health in food with decryption

Are the supplements harmful in food? Table of harmful and dangerous food additives for health in food with decryption

After reading this article, you will learn how to recognize useful and harmful EDUCES.

What are food additives? These are different preservatives, baking powers, thickeners that improve the aroma and taste of the finished product.

There are additives:

  • Natural - from plants; Minerals, and animal origin
  • Obtained in the laboratory, but in terms of properties are similar to natural
  • Synthetic, created by man, in nature nothing of the kind exists

At first glance, there is nothing wrong. But the problem is that artificial additives, improving the taste, can be harmful to the body, and how they will behave, for example, when heated, no one knows.

Are the supplements harmful in food?

E additives

To start decrypt all food additives:

  • If after the letter E it costs 1, and then 2 more numbers - this is a dye that gives a beautiful color the finished product.
  • The number 2 is a preservative, protects the product from destruction by bacteria and fungi, and extends the shelf life.
  • 3 - anti -oxidizer, is used to extend the expiration date.
  • 4 - the stabilizer is responsible for the consistency of the product.
  • 5 - Emulgator, helps the stabilizer maintain a beautiful appearance of the product and a homogeneous state.
  • 6 - amplifier of aroma and taste.
  • 9-a repetition substance that prevents the formation of foam.
  • All 4-digit numbers after E-sweeteners.
In order not to harm the body with additives, you need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits

How not to harm the body with products with adds, and they are almost everywhere:

  1. Every day there are raw vegetables and fruits, fiber and pectins in them are able to remove toxins from the body.
  2. Do not eat unnecessary products when you are sick, the body is not able to fight with illness as healthy.
  3. If you know that the product contains not useful additives, do not eat it much.
  4. Do not buy brightly painted food.
  5. If you have noticed late that the product has a harmful additive, then do not heat it, because when heated, some additives become even more dangerous, for example, aspartam (E 951).
Useful e supplements
Useful e supplements

Useful additives:

  • E 100 - curcumin (yellow-orange dye). Especially the supplement is useful for people after illness to restore strength, cleansing the body of harmful cholesterol, helps in the liver, intestines, with weight loss, is a preventive agrite, and tumors.
  • E 101 - riboflavin, vitamin B2 (yellow dye). The additive is needed to break down fat, assimilation of other vitamins and trace elements, helps to cope with stress, depression, is needed for skin elasticity, useful to pregnant women.
  • E 160A - Karotin. Addresses E 160 are close to vitamin A - strong antioxidants. Using additives: vision improves, the growth of cancer tumors is prevented, immunity is strengthened.
  • E 160D - lycopin.
  • E 162 - Betanin (Red dye from beets). It is needed to participate in the breakdown of proteins, improves the functioning of the liver, blood, strengthens blood vessels, reduces pressure, infarction, prevents cancer, and helps with radiation irradiation.
  • E 163 - Anthocyanians,natural dyes from extract and squeezing from the peel of grapes, red cabbage juice, blueberry berries, blackcurrant, elderberry, cherries, raspberries, blackberries. Used to tint cheeses, confectionery, ice cream.
  • E 202 - potassium sorbate (sorbic acid). Antimicrobial agent does not allow the growth of mold mushrooms. The additive-conservation is used in the manufacture of sausages, other smoked meats, cheeses, rye bread.
  • E 260 - acetic acid. Diluted to 6 or 9% acid is useful for splitting fat and carbohydrates. It is used in the manufacture of confectionery, various sauces, mayonnaise. Danger is an acid with a concentration of more than 30%, even on the skin it can cause a burn.
  • E 296 - Apple acid. Helps the liver in the assimilation of drugs, reduces blood pressure, has anti -cancer properties. It is used in winemaking, pharmacy, and the manufacture of confectionery products.
  • E 300 - pectin, ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The supplement strengthens the immune system.
  • E 306th 307-Tocopherol (B vitamins E). The additive removes toxins from the body, increases the vitality of the body, dilutes blood, accelerates the healing of wounds, while leaving scars, slows down the aging process. With an addition, the cardiovascular system works better, the composition of the blood improves.
  • E 322 - lecithin. The additive improves blood, bile, prevents liver cirrhosis, supports immunity, and removes harmful cholesterol. But the supplement is not suitable for everyone, in some people can cause diseases of the stomach and liver. It is used in the production of dairy products, fats, spreads and baking.
  • E 406 - agar. The additive is obtained from red-brown algae, rich in vitamins PP and trace elements, useful for diseases of the thyroid gland, intestines, removes toxins.
  • E 440 - pectin, ascorbic acid. A moderate amount of additive cleanses the intestines of toxins, protects and heals the intestinal mucosa and stomach, reduces cholesterol. In large quantities can cause allergies.

Relatively harmless E supplements

Relatively harmless additives:

  • E 160B - Annato Extract (vitamin A), improves vision and immunity, prevents tumors. This additive must be used carefully, since it is a strong allergen.
  • E 170 - calcium carbonate (chalk). The addition improves blood coagulation, restores the lack of calcium, but an overdose threatens a serious disease, which in severe cases ends in death.
  • E 290 - carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). Add to drinks. Such drinks will not hurt healthy people, but with gastritis and ulcer - you need to refuse, since there may be belching, flatulence, and stomach problems. Frequent consumption of carbonated water washes calcium from the body.
  • E 330 - citric acid. How the supplement is harmless, because it add a little it, but in large quantities, it can cause irritation in the stomach and respiratory tract, up to vomiting with blood, in rare cases provokes cancer.
  • E 410 - Rozhkoye gum (natural supplement). The gum is harmless, enhances the peeling of the finished product, retains the taste and does not allow crystalling. They add to desserts, ice cream, melted cheese, bread and rolls, sauces, pastes, vegetable and fruit canned food.
  • E 412 - guari gum.
  • E 415 - xantan gum.
  • E 420 - Sorbit (Natural preservative and sweetener). Using the additive, the body's consumption of vitamins of group B. Do not use sitting on a diet, because it is more calorie than sugar. With excessive use, bloating, disorder, nausea may occur.
  • E 471 - monoglyceride and digital acid diglyceride (natural supplement). This emulsifier and stabilizer are natural, is not harmful, absorbed by our body, like all fats, eating in large quantities can cause obesity. Add in the manufacture of pastes, margarine, mayonnaise, yogurt.
  • E 500 - sodium carbonate (food soda). The additive is safe. It is used as a baking powder in the confectionery industry, and also prevents curtains and the formation of lumps in dry products.
  • E 967 - xylitol (natural sugar substitute). The additive has a choleretic effect, not a carbohydrate sugar substitute, and is prescribed to diabetics. Used in dietary products. With an overdose, diarrhea may occur, flatulence.

Table of harmful and dangerous food additives for health in food with decryption

Additives - strong carcinogens, cause rashes on the skin:

  • E 131 - patented v (blue). Promotes cancer growth, leads to allergies. Can be found in meat products and drinks.
  • E 142 - Green S. Promotes cancer growth, leads to allergies.
  • E 153 - Black coal grows. Promotes a cancer tumor, diseases of the stomach, allergies. Especially dangerous for children. It is found in confectionery, drinks, cheese, chips, smoked sausages and fish.
  • E 210 - benzoic acid. Studies have shown that the addition causes cancer, severe allergies, nervousness, a person becomes hyperactive. It is found in juices, drinks, canned foods or vegetables, chips, ketchup.
  • E 212 - potassium benzoate. Studies have shown that the addition promotes cancer, causes severe allergies, acts poorly on the nervous system, a person becomes hyperactive. It is found in juices, drinks, canned foods and vegetables, chips, ketchup.
  • E 213 - calcium benzoate. After the studies, it became known that the supplement provokes cancer, causes severe allergies, acts poorly on the nervous system, a person becomes hyperactive. It is found in canned foods, vegetables, juice, drinks, chips, ketchup.
  • E 214th 215-Ethyl ether. It does not affect the children, provokes cancer, allergies.
  • E 216 - Propilian ethercontributes to poisoning. Unscrupulous business executives add an additive to chocolate and sweets, canned meat, dry mixtures for soups.
  • E 219 - ether methyl sodium salt. Promotes poisoning, especially in children, allergies, cancer. It is found in ketchup, mayonnaise, fish conservation and caviar.
  • E 230 - Bephenil, Diphenil. Promotes allergies, skin diseases, cancer, poorly affects children.
  • E 240 - formaldehyde. The poison, like arsenic and synical acid, is deadly, toxic. It provokes diseases: cancer, allergies, inflammation of the skin, does not affect the children poorly. It is also found in sausage products, drinks, sweets.
  • E 249 - potassium nitrite. Provokes cancer, does not affect the children. It is found in smoked meats.
  • E 280 - Propionic acid. Provokes cancer, does not affect the children. It is found in dairy products, sauces, bread.
  • E 281th 283-Sodium propionate, calcium, potassium. It provokes the disease of cancer, migraine and vascular cramps, does not affect the children poorly. It is found in dairy and bread products, sauces.
  • E 310 - drank Gallat. Provokes rashes on the skin.
  • E 950 - potassium acesulfam (artificial sugar substitute). Artificial substitutes have great calorie content than sugar, and they cause appetite, so you can’t lose weight on them.
  • E 952 - sodium cyclamate (artificial sugar substitute). Contraindicated to people suffering from kidney diseases.
  • E 954 - Saharyn (artificial sugar substitute). You can not use on an empty stomach. The constant use of sugar can cause gallstone disease, and a large number of cancer.
  • E 957 - Taumatin (artificial sugar substitute).
  • E 965 - Malite (artificial sugar substitute).
  • E 968 - Eritrite (artificial sugar substitute).
There may be an additives here
Some additives cause rashes on the skin

Additives leading to stomach disorder:

  • E 338 - orthophosphoric acid and its derivatives provoke diseases of the intestines and stomach.
  • E 339, E 340, E 341 - sodium orthophosphate, potassium, calcium.
  • E 343 - magnesium orthophosphate. Provokes disorders in the intestines and stomach.
  • E 450 - pyrophosphate. Provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is used in the manufacture of melted cheese and other dairy products, canned meat.
  • E 461 - methyl cellulose. It provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines, negatively affects the child's body.
  • E 462 - ethyl cellulose. Provokes stomach diseases.
  • E 463 - hydroxypropyl cellulose. Provokes stomach diseases.
  • E 465 - ethylmethyl cellulose. Provokes stomach diseases.
  • E 466 - carboxymethyl cellulose. Provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is used in the production of cheeses and other dairy products, mayonnaise, ice cream, sweet products.
Addings E, provoking stomach disorder

Additives leading to skin diseases:

  • E 151 - Black brilliant BN (synthetic black dye). Causes diseases of the stomach, skin, allergies. Forbidden in many countries. You can find in dairy products, fruit and vegetable canned foods, pasta, seasonings, sauces, confectionery, ice cream, drinks.
  • E 160D - red lycopine.
  • E 231 - orthophenylphenol. Promotes allergies, skin diseases, cancer growth, does not affect the children.
  • E 232 - orthophenylphenol of calcium. It causes allergies, skin diseases, promotes cancer, and does not affect the children.
  • E 239 - Urotropin. Promotes allergies, skin diseases, cancer, poorly affects children. It is found in cheeses, canned caviar.
  • E 311 - Octilgallate. It provokes allergies, diseases of the stomach, nervousness and skin diseases.
  • E 312 - Dodecillatlate. Provokes allergies, diseases of the stomach, skin, nervousness.
  • E 320 - Butylhydroxianizol. Increases the amount of harmful cholesterol in the body, provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver, kidneys, skin. It is used to slow down oxidative processes in fat mixtures, meat, chewing gum.
  • E 907 - Paul 1 deceased hydrogenated. Promotes skin irritation, the appearance of a rash.
  • E 951 - Aspartam (artificial sugar substitute). Frequent use leads to a deficiency of serotonin in the brain, the development of depression, panic, elements of violence, seizures. They are used in the manufacture of sweet carbonated drinks (especially imported), chewing gum. Contraindicated to patients with phenylketonuria. When heated, unexpected reactions occur, the onset of death is possible.
  • E 1105 - lysozyme.
Additives E, provoking rashes on the skin
There may be harmful additives E

Additives leading to intestinal disorder:

  • E 154 - brown. Promotes cancer tumor, disorders, allergies. Especially dangerous for children. It is found in confectionery, drinks, cheese, chips, smoked sausages and fish.
  • E 626 - Guanilic acid. Promotes disorders in the intestines.
  • E 627 - sodium guanilate. Promotes disorders in the intestines.
  • E 628, E 629 - potassium, calcium guanilate. Promotes diarrhea.
  • E 630 - initial acid. Promotes disorders in the intestines.
  • E 631 - Sodium initial. Promotes disorders in the intestines.
  • E 632, E 633 - potassium, calcium initial. Promotes diarrhea.
  • E 634, E 635 - calcium, sodium ribunucleotides. Promotes disorders in the intestines.
There may be EDDs leading to intestinal disorders

Additives that increase blood pressure:

  • E 154 - brown. Promotes a cancer tumor, diseases of the stomach, allergies. Especially dangerous for children. It is found in confectionery, drinks, cheese, chips, smoked sausages and fish.
  • E 250 - sodium nitrite. Applied as dye, preservative and seasoning. The addition affects irritating the nervous system, especially in children, interferes with the absorption of vitamins, causes oxygen starvation, food poisoning and cancer. Used when smoking bacon, meat and fish, in the manufacture of ham, sausages, sausages.
  • E 252 - potassium nitrate. The additive affects irritating, especially in children, interferes with the absorption of vitamins, causes oxygen starvation, food poisoning and cancer. You can find when smoking meat, sausages, fish, bacon, in the production of ham, sausages.
There are additives E that increase pressure

Additives that harm the children's body:

  • E 270 - lactic acid. The additive is a strong antioxidant contained in sour -milk drinks, sauerkraut, salty cucumbers. Loemic acid improves the flora in the intestines, the absorption of carbohydrates, adds energy in the body. Used in the manufacture of medicines, cheeses, yogurt, mayonnaise. To young children, products with addition to give carefully and gradually, since its intolerance is often found.

Attention. Children under 5 years of age cannot be consumed even with the safest additives.

Children should be given products carefully so as not to harm

Dangerous additives (many countries have banned them to use them in food, they are used in Russia and Ukraine), their effect has not yet been fully studied:

  • E 101A, E 106 - sodium salt, sodium phosphate. The additive causes allergies, worsens vision, kidney disease. It is found in dry foods, dairy products, sweet products, drinks.
  • E 102 - Tartrazin. It causes asthma, food allergies, migraine, vision worsens. It is added to sweets, confectionery, drinks and ice cream.
  • E 103 - Alkanin. Provokes the manifestation of cancer. It is found in a confectionery.
  • E 105 - durable AB. The addition contributes to the growth of malignant tumors, toxic. You can meet in confectionery and drinks.
  • E 110 - yellow "Solar sunset" FCF. A very dangerous additive, carcinogenic, causes nausea, allergies. Especially dangerous for children. Can be found in dairy products, crackers, sauces, seasonings, canned foods, sweet products.
  • E 111-Alfa-Naftol. The additive is carcinogenic.
  • E 120 - karminic acid. The danger is average. Causes allergies. It is used in sausages, yogurt and other dairy products, drinks, sweets and sauces.
  • E 121 -citrus 2 red. The supplement contributes to the manifestation of cancer, very toxic. You can find ice cream, candy, drinks, on the skin of oranges on the packaging.
  • E 124 - Red Ponso 4r. The supplement is a carcinogen, causes allergies.
  • E 125 - Red Ponso. Promotes cancer. Dangerous.
  • E 126 - Red 6R Ponso. Promotes cancer. Dangerous.
  • E 127 - Red Eritrosine. Dangerous with allergies, especially in children.
  • E 129 - charming AS. Carcinogenic.
  • E 130 - Indantren RS. It leads to the growth of cancer cells, diseases of the stomach, negatively affects children.
  • E 143 - durable FCF. Promotes cancer growth. It is found in canned goods, vegetable and fruit, sauces and seasonings, ice cream, sweet products.
  • E 150A, E 150B, E 150C, E 150D-Sugar Caulr I-IV. Call diseases of the stomach. They are found in ice cream, chocolate oil, drinks, sauces, sweet products.
  • E 152 - black coal (artificial). Leads to cancer, diseases of the stomach. It is found in cheeses, confectionery.
  • E 155 - chocolate brown ht. Dangerous additive provokes allergies in adults and children.
  • E 180 - Rubin Litol VK. Promotes liver diseases, allergies. Dangerous.
  • E 201 - sodium sorbate. Provokes allergies. Dangerous for children. It is found in cheese, Margarine, mayonnaise, dumplings and confectionery, during the processing of vegetable oil.
  • E 211 - Sodium benzoate. The additive leads to cancer, causes severe allergies, nervousness, a person becomes hyperactive. It is found in juices, drinks, canned meat and vegetables, chips, ketchup.
  • E 221 - sodium sulfite (preservative). Promotes diseases of the stomach, allergies, irritation in the respiratory tract, especially dangerous for children. Used for disinfection of boxes.
  • E 222 - sodium hydraulic sulfite. The additive causes severe allergies, asthma, stomach diseases, and with impaired technology for the preparation of products in which there is an additive - death. It is found in conservatives of fruit, dry breakfast, tomato, wines, used in the processing of dried fruits.
  • E 223 - sodium pyrosulfite. The additive causes severe allergies, asthma, stomach diseases, and with impaired technology for the preparation of products in which there is an additive - death. It is found in conservatives of fruit, dry breakfast, tomato, wines, used in the processing of dried fruits.
  • E 224 - potassium pyrosulfite. The additive causes severe allergies, asthma, stomach diseases, and with impaired technology for the preparation of the product in which there is an additive - death. It is found in canned foods, dry breakfast, tomato, wine, used in storage of dried fruits.
  • E 228- hydrosulfite potassium. The additive causes severe allergies, then asthma, diseases of the stomach, and in case of violation of the instructions for the preparation of products with e-lush-death. It is found in conservatory of fruits, dry breakfasts (potato puree), tomato, wine, used in storage of dried fruits.
  • E 233 - thiabendazole. Dangerous. It provokes diseases of cancer, skin, allergies, does not affect the children badly. Used in the processing of vegetables, fruits from the development of mold.
  • E 242 - dimethyl dicarbonate. Dangerous, but permitted.
  • E 251 - sodium nitrate. Apply dye, preservative and seasoning. It affects irritating the nervous system, especially in children, interferes with the absorption of vitamins, causes oxygen starvation, food poisoning and cancer. Used when smoking bacon, meat and fish, in the manufacture of ham, sausages, sausages.
  • E 321 - butyl hydroxytoluol. It provokes diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, allergies, increases harmful cholesterol. It is used in the production of spreads, canned foods, beer.
  • E 400 - alginic acid. Very dangerous.
  • E 401 - sodium alginate. Very dangerous.
  • E 402 - potassium alginate. Very dangerous.
  • E 403 - ammonium alginate. Very dangerous.
  • E 404 - calcium alginate. Very dangerous.
  • E 405 - propane 1.2 diol alginate. Very dangerous.
  • E 407 - Carragan. Provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is used in the release of sausage, dairy products, ice cream, sweet products.
  • E 501 - potassium carbonate. Very dangerous.
  • E 503 - ammonium carbonate. Very dangerous.
  • E 620 - Glutamin acid. It provokes allergies, especially dangerous for children.
  • E 636 - Maltol. Very dangerous.
  • E 952 - cyclam acid, salt. Strongly toxic. It is used in the release of ice cream, dietary products, sweets and chewing gum.
Types of adds
Types of adds

Prohibited in Russia additives.

In Russia, about 200 items of harmful additives are prohibited, many of them are given in this article.

Additives, poorly studied, suspicious:

  • E 104 - chinolin (yellow and yellow-green). It causes allergies, intestinal diseases, especially in children. It is used for smoking fish, manufacture of drinks, sweets, chewing gum.
  • E 122 - Karmuazin, Azorubin. A very dangerous supplement, causes allergies, diseases of the stomach. It is used in drinks and sweet products.
  • E 141 - Green (synthetic dye). Causes diseases of the stomach. It is found in milk products.
  • E 173 - aluminum metallic. Promotes liver diseases.
  • E 241 - Gweedic resin. Provokes stomach diseases.
  • E 477 - fatty acid esters of diolic propane.
E additives

The most harmful food additives in food, bread, sausage, chocolate, dried fruits: list, codes

Very dangerous additives that stimulate the growth of cancer cells are prohibited around the world, but still sometimes, unscrupulous industrialists, are used:

  • E 123 - amaranth. The additive causes various pathologies in a child that has not yet been born, in adults - liver disease, kidneys, rashes on the skin, chronic runny nose. It is found in dry mixtures for desserts, jelly, cupcakes and puddings, ice cream.
  • E 510 - ammonium chloride, ammonium chloride (improviser of confectionery). Very dangerous, but allowed. Causes a disorder, liver disease. They are used in the production of yeast, flour, seasonings, sweet and dietary products.
  • E 513 - sulfuric acid. Very dangerous, but permitted. Causes a disorder, liver disease. Apply in the production of yeast, drinks.
  • E 527 - ammonium hydroxide. Very dangerous, prohibited in many countries. Call diarrhea, a failure in the liver. It is used if you need to get a homogeneous state from the products of non -mixed - water and oil.

Food supplement E 171, E 220, E 250, E 450, E 451, E 452, E 621: harmful or not?

Meat products with e supplements

Additives are different, harmful and not very:

  • E 171 - titanium dioxide. Promotes diseases of the liver, kidneys, especially in children. It is found in dry mixes and dry milk.
  • E 220 - sulfur dioxide. Danger, especially for people with kidney diseases, and children, causes stomach diseases, allergies, irritates the respiratory system. The additive is disinfected for dried fruits, is also used in the manufacture of canned meat and fruit.
  • E 250 - sodium nitrite. Applied as dye, preservative and seasoning. The addition affects irritating the nervous system, especially in children, interferes with the absorption of vitamins, causes oxygen starvation, food poisoning and cancer. Used when smoking bacon, meat and fish, in the manufacture of ham, sausages, sausages.
  • E 450 - pyrophosphate. Provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is used in the release of melted cheese and other dairy products, canned meat.
  • E 451 - trifospat. Provokes inflammatory phenomena in the stomach, and cancer accumulates harmful cholesterol. The additive is almost universally used for the manufacture of sausage, especially boiled, sausages, since it holds moisture, and the sausage doubles.
  • E 452 - polyphosphate. The supplement can seriously harm health: in the body, it accumulates, and then causes allergies, and along with harmful cholesterol can be transformed into cancer. It is found in melted cheese, dry and condensed milk, conservals.
  • E 621 - sodium glutamate (sodium salt). This salt is found in nature in legumes, algae, living organisms, like protein. If it is a small amount of food - it is safe. Danger is constant use of chips, seasonings and sauces with an addition. This can be expressed in the form of vision of vision, allergies, nervous states, headaches, enhanced heartbeat and general weakness.

So, having studied at least useful additives, you will know which products can be bought in the store and which are not.

Video: E supplements

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Comments K. article

  1. harmful additives

  2. "Hello"
    Independent research center of paranormal phenomena. Causes of cancer: ecology, water, air, expired products, products with chemistry, diet without vegetables and fruits, vitamin deficiency, fake drugs, poor -quality alcohol, cellular antennas, cell phones, television, advertising, erroneous diagnosis and consequences of improper treatment.

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