The most beautiful islands of Greece that everyone should visit: the top 12 islands

The most beautiful islands of Greece that everyone should visit: the top 12 islands

The islands of Greece are very attractive - only once, it is already impossible to throw their beauty and harmony out of their heads. Lush vegetation, an abundance of sea animals in coastal blue waters and the mysterious corners of nature, where a person’s foot rarely steps.

The next article will introduce you to the most beautiful of them, but the choice is already you - to plunge into almost unearthly beauty or choose one of the popular resorts.

The most beautiful islands of Greece that everyone should visit

TOP-12 of the most beautiful islands of Greece:

  1. Island Mikinos, Greece
  • Legends: In accordance with ancient legends, the island was named after his ruler Mikonos, a descendant of the great god Apollo. All this happened many hundred years before the battle of Zeus with the titans.
  • Modernity: Mikonos today is practically Ibiza. Summer for young animals passes according to the established scenario: in the afternoon - pastime on the beach, with the onset of darkness - dances in nightclubs until dawn. The landscape attracts at first glance roads covered with stone, light mills, white villages and, of course, a bright blue sea. Few people in Europe know about this island, so, except for July and August, there are practically no tourists. For lovers of a quiet, secluded rest, this place is perfect.
  • "Eden" beaches: Mikonos is famous for its beaches - not without reason they are considered paradise. Even their names are relevant: “Peredaise Beach” and “Super Paradise Beach”.
  1. Island Paros, Greece
  • Legends: According to legend, the well -being of the island is directly related to the prey and sale of marble, the best in Greece. This material was extremely appreciated by sculptors - from it the statues of the goddess of Victory and the goddess of love were scored from it.
  • Modernity: Mine for the extraction of marble has not been functioning for many years, and income to the island comes from the tourism business. Nevertheless, there are not many visitors who appreciate a good rest. Arriving at Paros with the children, you are guaranteed to receive a calm, without unnecessary “driving” a relaxing weekend (or a week, if you like it). From an active pastime, they offer to take windsurfing or kaiting (west coast).
  • "Eden beaches": Amblas is a distant and quiet beach of the island, one of those corners where you can stay alone with nature (only 5 km from the village of Naus in the northern part of the steam).
the beauty
the beauty
  1. Island Idra, Greece
  • Legends: In ancient times, nothing grandiose occurred on Idra (Hydra). The island "cursed" between the rulers of various Greek kingdoms, for some time Italy was annexed, then to Turkey. For some years, the island was completely abandoned.
  • Modernity: If you dream of taking a break from the hustle and civilization, without phones and the Internet, Idra will do perfectly. The island, thanks to its remote location and a small population (no more than 2000 people), has a quiet and relaxing rest, walks in the shadow of trees and flowers, enjoying the sea air in snow -white bays. In addition, it is forbidden to use a car or even a moped on the island - only horses and donkeys. The air here is clean, and the starry sky seems immense at night.
  • "Eden beaches: There is never a crowd of visitors; One of the most quiet beaches is Mandraki. It is possible to get there in two ways - to rent a boat or take a walk for 30 minutes.
  1. Island Rhodes, Greece
  • Legends: To the era of the coming of Christ, Rhodes was known for one of the 7 miracles of the world-the statue of the colossus of the Rhodes. It is also known that somewhere on the island closest to him in captivity, the corsars was young Julius Caesar, for whom the murderers were helped out by a decent jackpot
  • Modernity: The island is located near the beautiful Turkish beach - Olyudeniz Laguna. In addition, Rhodes today is glorified by its historical memos, for example, the old Rhodes of the Middle Ages, as well as the natural mini-reserve, the “butterfly gorge”, where it is possible in certain summer seasons, namely, July-August, to see many types of diverse ones, elegant moths.
  • "Eden beaches": A beautiful beach that resembles a lake in shape (a bay of St. Paul in Lindos is hidden from the eyes) is a favorite place for young spouses. The marriage is often held here, followed by a romantic honeymoon.
the beauty
the beauty
  1. NASSOS island, Greece
  • Legends: The Greeks, by and large, do not care whether the god Dionysus was born on their island or whether he patronizes this piece of land. In any case, God is revered by the “bacchanalia” in his honor, grandiose.
  • Modernity: Naksos today is known for its anise RCD, a lemon liquor and cute churches in the Byzantine style under the canopy of oilseed trees and the thickets of "wine" berries.
  • "Eden" beaches: Blogging with gold, blue with a greenish tint, the sea is a beach in the Gulf of the Holy Procopius, which is rightfully considered one of the best.
The best beaches
The best beaches
  1. Skiatos island, Greece
  • Legends: Once upon a time, thanks to the island, Tsar Leonid and his army of 300 Spartan warriors won the Xerxes fleet, which suffered a shipwreck off the coast of Skiatos and, thus, the Greek army deprived the chance to replenish supplies.
  • Modernity: The popularity of Scheatos has rapidly increased when the shooting of the film "Mamma Mia!" In 2008, which took place on the beaches of the island. Now Skiatos is the focus of the ABBA group, romantic natures, as well as lovers of exotic, combined with the exquisite simplicity of the local species.
  • "Eden" beaches: The snow -white Aselinos beach, surrounded by a transparent blue water, simply cannot leave indifferent. Here you can settle in the hotel or remove one of the few villas. Arriving at the height of the season, you can still enjoy a quiet, relaxing vacation.
Beautiful view
Beautiful view
  1. Island Milos, Greece
  • Legends: It was believed that Milos, one of the Cycosa Islands, appeared on the surface of the Aegean Sea at the command of the god Poseidon. These islands were once beautiful nauc, until the angry deity of the sea turned them into segments of land. So the Cyclay archipelago arose.
  • Modernity: On the island is one of eight Greek volcanoes. Scientists managed to take pictures of Milos from space-the island itself noticeably resembles a once-acting volcano. You can not worry about the “dormant” volcano - it has long been inactive. Enjoy beautiful landscapes, bathe in azure water, relax on the beaches in the “necklace” from dazzling white mountains.
  • "Eden" beaches: Sea water of a bluish-greenish tone, a shore dotted with pebbles of ocher and pink wood, bordered by a ridge of the mountains. Paliochori is the name of the most colorful beach throughout the country.
One of the best species
One of the best species
  1. Island of Corfu, Greece
  • Legends: The island of Corfu is known that some heroes of myths visited it: Hercules, Odysseus, as well as Jason and Argonauts - in an attempt to hide the golden rune from Georgian treasure seekers.
  • Modernity: The popularity of the island has always been high, emperors, writers, political figures rested here, and then millionaires from Russia chosen it. Tourism is the main occupation of the inhabitants of the island, its favorite beaches in the midst of the season, as a rule, are clogged to the limit.
  • "Eden" beaches: The best rest on the beautiful beach of Corfu, in the town of Paleocastric is not in the season. It is then that you are guaranteed a quiet and peaceful pastime.
Great rest
Great rest
  1. Kefalonia Island, Greece
  • Legends: This island of the Ionian Sea got its name because of Kefal-one of those mythical heroes who did not engage in the abduction of beauties; He himself was abducted by the goddess of dawn Eos, for the sake of love.
  • Modernity: Kefalonia is rich in beautiful corners. Only the village of ASOS and Fiscardo, drowned in the thick of greenery and flowers, conquer you at first glance. And a boat walk along the pale blue lake of Melissani, hidden in the depths of the forest, in a quiet cave, will simply make you reconsider your performance and beauty. Located next door to Itak, where the legendary Odysseus was born, and attracts to visit him and enjoy no less beautiful landscapes. Returning to the twilight on the ferry, you will make sure of admiration when you see the sun going beyond the mountains of Kefalonia.
  • "Eden" beaches: According to the inhabitants of Kefalonia, Mirtos was recognized as the most beautiful beach.
Greetsk island
Greetsk island
  1. Island Crete, Greece
  • Legends: According to ancient traditions, the island is the birthplace of the Greek god Zeus, the famous battle of the hero of Tesus with a powerful minotaurus also passed here. Another event remembered by the Greeks is the “start” of Daedalus’s flight and Ikar took place from the shores of Crete.
  • Modernity: Crete is sometimes rightfully called a separate republic - its territory is so extensive and richly historical and architectural heritage. Beautiful mountain and water landscapes, dotted with grottoes, entertaining museums and the attractiveness of ancient ruins - you need quite a lot of time to get around the whole island and see all its sights.
  • "Eden" beaches: In the south, the settlement of Matala is located, its beach is unique in that you can rest chic here, and also tighten your knowledge of history: the local caves of the Neolithic era are beckoning to visit them.
  1. Zakinf Island, Greece
  • Legends: According to Homer, the island belonged to the Kingdom of Odyssey, it was from there that its army began its path to Troy.
  • Modernity: The Navagio Bay, where the “skeleton” of the ship (some believes that this ship transported prohibited goods) in the middle of the beach is symbolically equivalent to Acropolis in Athens. According to most local residents, ship remains came to the beach not from the sea, but by the will of the Minister of Tourism.
  • Zakinf was simply created for colorful photos against the backdrop of the blue sea and snow -white sand, in addition, here you can visit the remote “azure grottoes”, poisoned there in a boat. You will probably be shocked by the view of the dazzling white mountains, reflected in transparent blue water. The entire coastal part of the island is covered with caves of various sizes, the most beautiful can be seen in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Skinaria.
  • "Eden" beaches: Having sailed a few kilometers from Zakinf, you will find yourself on the beautiful beach of the small neighboring island of Maratonisi, in a colorful quiet bay, where a person’s foot rarely steps.
  1. Santorini Island, Greece
  • Story: 6000 years ago, on the island of Tira (the previous name), there was a beautiful and formidable tribe of Minoans. Residents of Tira appreciated work so much that they achieved high achievements in such areas of activity as building stone construction, pottery, etc. They became mythological heroes, about whom legends and songs were composed.
  • Unfortunately, the civilization of the Minoans was not destined to exist forever. After the volcanic eruption in 1500 BC. e., their cities were destroyed by lava, and the subsequent tsunami also harmed the inhabitants of Crete. The island of Tira partially went under water, on the surface there was its fragment in the form of a crescent. Since 1204, the island has the name of St. Irina, his patroness - now his name sounds like Santorini.
  • The beauty of the island: For the first time, being on Santorini, you are amazed at the simple sophistication of crystal-white houses, closely crowded with one near the other. Contrast saturated-blue roofs complement a pleasant impression of buildings-open shots, churches shining in the sun with domes (there are more than 300 there), a beautiful view of the Aegean, a mighty volcano, all this creates an indelible impression.
  • The capital of the island, Fira, is more suitable for youth holidays - with its abundance of hotels, cafes, shops with souvenirs, as well as bars and dance clubs for nightlife.
  • The second largest city was recognized - as opposed to Fire, it is calm and cozy, here it blows silence and peace from narrow streets paved with stone, and from colorful small cafes.
  • "Rainbow" beaches: One of the property of Santorini is its numerous beaches (about 15).

The most unique of them are the so -called "color":

  • Black: Its difference is an incredible length, a special coating of small black sand of volcanic origin, interspersed with pebbles. Here you can relax and taste local dishes in any of the bars and taverns.
  • Reddish: Once on the beach covered with unusual red pebbles, you will not remain indifferent.
  • Snow White: The beach is covered with a dazzling-white pebble, which can be found little of where, and is surrounded by a ring from the mountains of volcanic origin (the main breed-pumice).

Thus, we got acquainted with the Greek islands that could fall in love with at first sight, and not only the most beautiful landscapes and a warm sea, but also an interesting history, unusual architecture and exquisite cuisine. A visit to Greece will surely enrich the spiritual and intellectual world of any tourist, from small to great.

Video: Best Islands of Greece

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