How to sign clothes in kindergarten: 5 best ideas

How to sign clothes in kindergarten: 5 best ideas

When sending their own child to a kindergarten, many parents probably face such a problem as the need to mark things in their child - this is necessary to quickly identify clothes in a set of similar things. What is it for and how to do it - let's talk in the article.

Sometimes in some kindergartens, educators require parents to mark the things of children. But there are such mothers and dads who, on their own initiative, take care that their multiple baby can quickly find his own things among other clothes.

Why do you need to sign clothes in kindergarten?

  • Each child has an important period in life - admission to kindergarten. You were able to successfully pick up a preschool institution, your child first met the teacher, you carefully hung children's clothes in the locker, which your baby will wear in the kindergarten. The next moment remained, which is also considered quite important - marking your child’s personal clothing.
  • You, and other parents may have a question - what method sign clothes to kindergarten? On the Internet you can find a huge number of different information. Inexperienced parents who are faced for the first time with such a question may even be confused when they begin to choose a really correct, necessary option.
  • Why is it necessary to apply marking on things? The answer is quite simple. This is a certain hint for both children and the teacher. At the same time, it is worth considering the following fact - in each group of kindergarten there are many children. Often found absolutely identical things, shoes. All children, especially those who go to nursery groups, are jealous of their things. Therefore, for them to see their own jacket on another child is a whole problem. Sometimes it ends with a long tantrum, a bunch of tears.
  • Consider another situation. For example, grandparents came to pick up their grandson. Often in practice it happens that parents know perfectly the clothes of their kids, but other relatives are not aware of such issues. The following situations may appear from here - grandfathers and grandmothers are led in other people's jackets, shoes, hats.
  • So that such situations do not affect you, many parents advise you attach to the things of marking for kindergarten.

How to sign clothes in kindergarten: ideas and tips

  • Having talked on this occasion with the teacher, when things need to be labeled, parents decide to use the help of grandmothers. After all, they have repeatedly faced a similar problem. Grandma will not advise using modern technologies, but to come up with a unique emblemthat must be embroidered on things - many grandmothers give such an answer. Very often they offer their own help, and therefore they perform part of such work on their own.
  • Of course, this method is sign clothes to kindergarten, It is considered popular among many mothers, but it is quite laborious. Just think about how many different berries or cars you will need to embroider on children's things. Such work may take a lot of time with you. At the same time, you must understand that the same ornament that needs to be embroidered on many things is not too interesting, so you will quickly get tired of it.
  • Some grandmothers advise make a nominal clothing. But how can the initials of your baby be embroidered on things? It is very easy to do this - for this, stock up on threads (preferably a muline), handicraft materials, schemes, free time and a sea of \u200b\u200bpatience.

Sign clothes in kindergarten: an idea for non -creative mothers and dads

  • If the news that you need to identify your baby’s clothes somehow unexpectedly, but you cannot embroider the names of your own child, and you do not have time to learn this craft, then purchase in advance nesying markersintended specifically for fabrics. Such markers for creativity will certainly become a real salvation for you, if necessary sign clothes to kindergarten.

You need to do the following:

  • Choose the things that your little one will wear in kindergarten.
  • Write on things your child’s initials using any comfortable format for yourself.
  • Everything, the case is finished.

This method has a negative and positive side:

  • Negative - if you do not observe the necessary mode of cleaning things, the paint of the marker will quickly fade.
  • Positive - you can quickly designate all the things of your baby.

Sign clothes in kindergarten: an idea for ambitious mothers and dads

  • If you are an ambitious person, and you saw that not only your child wears a certain model of a jacket, then you need to urgently act.
  • First, go to the store where fabrics are sold. Find there special applications that are glued.
  • Such stickers for things today are produced by a large number.

They can be of different types:

  • From textile material.
  • Leather.
  • Embroidered.
  • Reflective.
  • With multi -colored rhinestones.

You can also use interesting stickers, which you can find a huge set in the online store Kidlabel.

On the site
On the site
  • Many stores have original stickers performed by hand. They have an individual design. Thanks to them, the clothing of your peanut will differ from the things of other children, especially if other parents also decided to glue the thermonacleic on the clothes of their own peanuts.
  • Plus this method - you quickly stick the applications on the things of the little one.
  • The negative side - if you do not follow the advice of washing clothes with applications, they will quickly peel off. In addition, thermal appliances are not suitable for every fabric.

Sign clothes in kindergarten: an idea for patient mothers and dads

  • If you are a patient person, then in order to sign clothes to kindergarten,attach the baby's clothes stripes. You can make applications of this type with your own hands by choosing suitable materials, accessories. You can also purchase ready -made stripes.
  • The variety of such products in stores is quite large, as well as thermal appliances. These jewelry can give ordinary factory clothing a certain uniqueness.
  • The main distinguishing feature of the stripes - they must be sewn. Also, in order to attach the strip, you will need a sewing machine and a little sewing experience.
  • Plus stripes “They can stay on things for a long time.”
  • Minus of the strip “You will have to spend a little your own time, maybe a few hours, if you sew you inept.”

Sign clothes in kindergarten: the idea for creative mothers and dads

  • If you have a desire to show your own creativity, you want to independently make tags on the baby’s clothes, go to the nearest sewing store.
  • Find a special kit for the manufacture of tags.

Such a set, as a rule, includes such items:

  • A pen.
  • Fabric braid (it can be ordinary or with thermoclei).
  • Various types of fittings.
  • Cut the beautiful braid, for example, with the help of curly scissors. On cut off braid, write the initials of your peanut, or draw some kind of drawing. After that, sew the tag or glue it to the thing using special glue.
  • We note that such small tags can make any clothes more original.
  • Positive side - You can self -explode.
  • Negative side “You will have to spend a lot of time to make labels.”

Sign clothes in kindergarten: the idea for busy mothers and dads

  • If you do not have time to make labels yourself to Sign clothes in kindergarten, but you want your little one to have identical, then trust this work to a professional. For example, many sewing firms perform embroidery on special labels.
  • The most common method is labels with a seal. Such marks are applied in the form of various pictures or they are performed registered. You can sew these labels or glue using special glue.
  • The main feature of such labels - various stores are ready to offer customers a large number of labels at any price, different shapes, styles.
  • Positive side - It takes a minimum of time to attach.
  • Negative side - Often such tags are made of materials that “prick”.

How to sign clothes in kindergarten: Hints

There are many tips, reviews of other parents, thanks to which you can sign clothes in kindergarten:

  • Sign things using the usual ball pen. This method is used by many parents. On the wrong side of things, write the name and surname of the little one, you can make such a mark on the label. The plus of this method is as follows - after washing, the inscription from the handle is not removed immediately, the trace can only become paler, but it will still remain noticeable. And, when you put a mark from the handle on the label of clothes, you do not spoil the material, the paint will not appear on the face of a jacket, sweaters and so on.
  • Embroider On the clothes the initials of his baby. The procedure may seem long, since the children, as a rule, have a lot of clothes, and not all parents agree to this option. Of all existing methods, this given is considered the longest, painstaking. But, if you need to mark, for example, only a jacket or jacket, then this method will definitely come in handy.
  • Many mothers and dads attach heapon on the wrong side of t -shirts, and already on the tape they write the initials of the child. This method is considered short -lived. Immediately after washing, the adhesive plaster can peel off, and therefore you will have to attach it again.
  • In stores on sale you can find special stamps with lettersthanks to which you will put the initials of the child on the tags. There are also stamps with unusual animals, animals. The method is good, but the paint from the stamp can arise through the material. Therefore, initially check the method on a small fabric piece.
  • Sew on children's things buttons or rhinestones. You can sew dark buttons to the boy, but the girl is buttons, rhinestones are brighter.
For garden
For garden

As you noticed, there are many methods to mark clothes for a kindergarten. You will have to choose the one that will seem the most optimal to you.

Video: How to sign things in kindergarten?

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Comments K. article

  1. The thing is necessary in both the garden and at school. I used a set of stickers from the site your sticker. I really liked it! I advise everyone. Labels for clothes are held perfectly even after drying in the car. And on shoes, stickers are glued for the second year, and still on the spot.

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