How to stand in line to kindergarten via the Internet, MFC: Instructions. When is it better to sign up for a queue in kindergarten, what documents are needed for registering a child?

How to stand in line to kindergarten via the Internet, MFC: Instructions. When is it better to sign up for a queue in kindergarten, what documents are needed for registering a child?

Many young parents who decided to arrange their own child in kindergarten are faced with a lot of problems.

Sometimes, due to a lack of place, most young parents decide to apply to kindergarten immediately after the baby is born. But despite the fact that there are a large number of difficulties, every parent can determine the child into kindergarten. It is only necessary to know how to properly write a child in an educational institution.

There are several methods of designing a baby in kindergarten:

  • Through the site of public services.
  • In the selected kindergarten personally.
  • In the MFC.
  • With the help of the education department.

Advantages and disadvantages of recording to kindergarten via the Internet

This method has its own advantages and negative aspects.

  • Speed \u200b\u200band convenience. Having received the birth certificate of the baby, scan it and send it in an electronic queue, and your child is already in line. You can add information even before you receive official documents.
  • You can track the queue at any time. There is an opportunity to follow you where exactly you are in line. Come at any time of the day and watch how many people are in front.


  • The risk of failures on the portal, lack of access to the site is possible.

How to stand in line to kindergarten via the Internet: registration through public services

To submit an application on the public services page, put the following manipulations:

  • Go to the site Public services And confirm your own account. If you have not yet used this portal, then register there.
  • Go to your own personal account on the site, write down the necessary information from the passport, SNILS.
  • Then confirm the data. You will have to visit a personally specific institution of the city by taking a passport with you, SNILS. The information provided by you will be certified there. A list of institutions where you can do this will receive on the site portal.
  • Go down the portal where the pointer is located on the right side "Record to kindergarten", click on this button.
  • Indicate the information that concerns your child. You will also have to write at what address the child is registered when you want to write it in a kindergarten. You will need to attach the necessary documents to this information.

We sign up
We sign up

How to record a child in a kindergarten using the MFC?

Write down the peanut with the help of the MFC is very easy. Most often, this process is easier than the design directly in the administration of their own area, since the MFC has the most comfortable work schedule, here each visitor ready to help. For recording, you will have to perform the following manipulations:

  • Come to the multifunctional center if you are the parent of the child, his legal guardian. Take the necessary documents with you that will be needed for accounting. To understand where you better go, use information.
  • Take the electronic queue coupon by receiving it in the terminal or on the info. In some centers you can also sign up using site of the State Services.
  • Go to the window indicated in the electronic coupon, hand over the documents to the center to the center. He will check, provide assistance during the filling out of the application.
  • After some time, check the readiness of the documents in the multifunctional center at the phone number indicated in the receipt of documents.
    So you will receive a certificate that your child is put in line for admission to kindergarten. In order to find out on the registration in time, be sure to indicate the valid phone number and e-mail in the application.


After receiving documents, you will find out when you were accurately recorded in line and when you need to appear in the garden. If there are no places in your desired institution, you will be offered an alternative. Residents Moscow and Peter they can, without leaving the house, write down the child in the garden. It is extremely convenient and simple.

What documents do you need to collect for registering a child in a kindergarten?

If you have already carefully thought out whether you will send the child to the kindergarten or not, then you will have to stand in line. In order to do this, you need to collect the relevant documents. You will have to prepare:

  • A document that confirms your identity.
  • The testimony of the baby.
  • A certificate received in the passport office. It confirms that the child is registered at a particular address.
  • A certificate confirming the child’s belonging to a certain preferential category (if any).
  • A certificate from the doctor that a child can visit a preschool institution.

Be sure to birth certificate
Be sure to birth certificate

When to sign up for a kindergarten?

Formally, you can apply for the adoption of the child to the kindergarten at a time when he reaches the necessary age. However, many people know that in our bustle life everything is already happening differently. There is a huge risk that for your peanut there will be no place in the chosen preschool institution, and therefore it will not be able to accept it. That is why many parents are trying to apply to the kindergarten, using the Internet resources or other available methods a couple of years before the alleged time of the child enters the kindergarten. But there are such mothers who advise to stand in line when the baby was only a few months old.

Video: Electronic queue in kindergarten

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