How to check the queue in kindergarten - public services, according to birth certificate, according to the application number? Is it possible to change the queue to kindergarten and how to do it?

How to check the queue in kindergarten - public services, according to birth certificate, according to the application number? Is it possible to change the queue to kindergarten and how to do it?

Each parent after the birth of a child stands in line in kindergarten. In our article we will tell you how to see our position and find out when the child is enrolled in kindergarten.

Often young parents are wondering - how to see the turn of enrollment in kindergarten? This procedure is not at all complicated and is possible only in the presence of certain documents. To date, several ways to check the queue are available and we will talk about each of them further.

How to find out the queue in kindergarten: Methods of tracking

The methods of viewing the queue differ from each other and everyone can choose a suitable for themselves. So, these include:

  • Portal of public services
  • By phone of the administration of preschool education of your city
  • The check is available on city resources according to the child’s documents or the application
  • If the documents were submitted to the kindergarten immediately to the manager, then you can contact him and clarify what your position is in line

How is the electronic queue formed in kindergarten in 2019?

How is the queue formed?
How is the queue formed?

The electronic queue is a register where data is collected. It is open to view everyone. Here you can find out what position in line for kindergarten. For setting in it, it is required to collect a package of documents and transfer them to the MFC or the Department of Education. Typically, birth certificate and a certificate of registration are required.

The advantage of the online one is that now you can already forget about running around different instances so that the child is allocated in the kindergarten place. In addition, the system has become clear and transparent, so no one will go forward, except for beneficiaries. This means that all the data is true and always available in online mode. It is enough to open the resource for verification and check the position.

The application is allowed to write at once for three kindergartens. One is selected as the main one, and the rest will be alternative. So, if in the first, mainly kindergarten, there will be no places for some reason, then a place in one of the alternatives will be proposed. Sometimes it turns out that someone submits documents later, but the kindergarten receives earlier. This really can happen, since the enrollment is due to different moments, example, kindergarten itself.

How to check the queue in kindergarten on the Internet through sovereigns?

If you yourself submitted an application and you have an account on the public services website, then with its help you can always clarify what your position is in line. Sending the application is allowed right there. To check, follow the instructions:

  • First, open the section "Services"-"family and children"-"check the queue"
Checking the queue for kindergarten
Checking the queue for kindergarten
  • On the new page, check the information. These data are usually entered automatically
  • After that, fill out all empty fields and press "Request information"
  • Next, information about the priority to kindergarten will seem to you. The plate will show the position in each individual kindergarten - name, beneficiaries, position
  • Next to you will also be displayed about those who are in front of you

Checking the priority of a child is a convenient service that allows you to save a lot of time, control the movement of the queue and even make amendments to the application. Although, there are also disadvantages of this system, because it is not fully worked out and sometimes failures appear.

How to check the queue in kindergarten according to the birth certificate?

Birth certificate
Birth certificate

According to the birth of the State Services, they do not allow you to see the position in the queue. For verification in this way, you need to contact the MFC or the Department of Education. For verification, you will need a statement, as well as the child’s documents.

You can also contact a free hotline by number 8 (800) 100-70-10. Tell the operator the information that he will ask for identification, and then he will inform your position in the queue. Moreover, the operator can ask additional questions regarding enrollment.

It is worth noting that the sequence must be checked constantly. Sometimes beneficiaries are added to it, someone changes kindergartens or moves, so sometimes it turns out to be a kindergarten earlier. However, this is extremely rare.

How to check the queue in kindergarten by application number, identifier?

If the application to the kindergarten was submitted through the Internet, then a special identifier is necessarily issued. It is he who allows you to track the queue number. To do this, do the following:

  • Go to the site and go to the section "Preschool education"
  • Press "Electronic queue to kindergarten"
Checking by the application number
Checking by the application number
  • In line "Identifier" Write the resulting code, the child’s data, and then select "Watch"

The system will find your application and then show the status of the application, as well as other data. It also happens that the identifier is lost. You can find it out only where you submitted an application.

How to look at the line to kindergarten if the application is submitted through the MFC?

If the application was sent through the MFC, but there is a document on the hands that the child was included in the queue, then you can clarify the data on the public services portal. To do this, you need to confirm the account and check the information on the instructions above.

Is it possible to make changes to the electronic queue to kindergarten and how to do it?

Many parents are interested in whether it is possible to change the data in the statement regarding kindergartens and will this be affected by the queue? Yes, undoubtedly, this is allowed to do. You can use any of the methods higher. That is, you can contact the education department, MFC or just dial a free number. More changes can be made using the public service website. It will take a little time, but keep in mind that your position may change and not necessarily for the better. If this is not fundamentally, then feel free to change the kindergarten.

If suddenly the family changes its place of residence and kindergartens at the place of residence will be others, then the child will be placed in a separate queue and the place will be provided only when the bulk of the children will already be credited.

Video: How to look at the line in kindergarten on the website of the State Services?

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