Rumination: How to cope with obsessive thoughts and fears?

Rumination: How to cope with obsessive thoughts and fears?

Many people have psychological disorders, including obsessive thoughts. If some diseases do not harm a person and his environment, then rumination can provoke unpleasant consequences.

From this article you will find out what the rumination is, and how to deal with it.

Rumination: What is it?

  • Very often, a person analyzes in his mind what happened to him recently. It can be a quarrel with a loved one or a working presentation to managers.
  • It is common for a person to learn from his mistakes. Therefore, we often think about how to behave and what to say.

Planning the process to the smallest details is one of the common psychological disorders. Most often, perfectionists suffer from him who want to be the best in everything.

  • In most cases, an analysis of what has already passed does not harm. The level of stress from this is equivalent to a song that has settled in my head for several days. However, there are people who are not able to cope with this, and constantly think about everything. This leads to the emergence of new experiences that negatively affects stress resistance.

If you are irresistibly trying to rethink everything, then you suffer from the rumination. Doctors call this "mental chewing gum." That is, the repeated experiences that you regularly scroll in your head can be compared with how the cows regularly chew the grass.

2 options for thinking about what happened
2 options for thinking about what happened
  • From the rumination, a person does not receive benefits. On the contrary, this psychological disorder provokes constant stress. You lose not only time, but also energy. Often this leads to anxious thoughts and depression.
  • The human brain tends to focus on control. Even if we are not able to change anything. Most issues are easily resolved with careful pondering. However, rumination is a constant repetition of the same negative thought. A person is not able to look at the problem from the other side.

The risk of rumination

  • Only at first glance it may seem that obsessive thoughts do not harm any harm. However, if you carefully study this disorder, you can change your opinion.
  • Rumination causes more problems than it might seem. More about this will be described later.

A tendency to pessimistic thoughts

  • In most cases, a person tends to think for a long time errors and negative events. Everything that happens in the life of a good one tends to forget, or abstract from this.
  • Rumination only enhances this. That is, a person ceases to focus on the fact that he did good: how he found a way out of the situation at the last moment or prepared an annual report. He has more analyzes the negative that has happened to him recently.
  • Thoughts tend to be obsessive. You can cope with them only with the help of a specialist.
Negative thoughts are overcome
Negative thoughts are overcome

The development of serious diseases

  • The famous psychologist Guy Winch compared the rumination with the process when a person picks wounds, and does not allow them to drag on. When a thought arises in my head, it provokes anxiety. Therefore, the amount of stress hormones increases in the body.
  • Only at first glance it may seem that this will not cause any harm. However, stress leads to problems in physiological and emotional terms.

Rumination can provoke:

  • heart disease and blood vessels;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • difficulties in making decisions;
  • depression.

Blocking the opportunity to be distracted

  • If you constantly think over obsessive thoughts, sooner or later they will become a familiar way of thinking. It will become much more difficult for you to switch, which may occur a dangerous psychological disorder.
  • There are frequent cases when a person had to go to a psychiatric clinic, because treatment at home no longer gave a result. Therefore, you need to be able to get rid of obsessive thoughts.

How to cope with rumination?

  • Unfortunately, rumination is a disease of our time. A person longs for success and recognition. Therefore, he constantly analyzes his actions and expressions, trying to improve.
  • That is why psychologists have developed several techniques that allow you to deal with obsessive thoughts. More about them will be described later. You have the right to choose one of the ways, or a whole combination. The main thing is that you succeed.
We will talk about 9 ways to stop the rumination
We will talk about 9 ways to stop the rumination

Practice awareness

  • If you began to notice that negative obsessive thoughts are constantly spinning in your head, try to realize them. By this you will already take a step on the path of healing. Determine what thoughts destroy your psyche. Place them as "dangerous."
  • Psychologists advise to cling to this thought and turn it into the possibility of solving the problem. That is, you should not repeat the phrase “I still do not believe that this happened” must be redone as “What are my further actions to make it no longer repeated?”

Block negative thoughts

  • Think in advance what positive phrases you will do. For example, "I will put all my strength for success" or "I always have support".
  • Psychologists are convinced that such phrases will help you abstract from unpleasant obsessive thoughts. Instead, you will think about something good. On the one hand, it may seem that everything is quite easy. However, this thing is easy to understand, but it is difficult to do. Therefore, you have to train for a long time.

Find distraction

  • If you often have obsessive thoughts, you should find what will be distracted from them. Psychologists recommend directing their attention to a business that cannot be done without concentration. It is enough to get distracted for a few minutes to cope with the rumination. You can devote this time to collect the puzzle, or solve a logical problem.
  • Try to be distracted every time obsessive thoughts appear. Yes, at first it will be quite difficult. However, with each subsequent time you will cope with your task much faster.

Diary of experiences

  • Psychologists recommend starting diaries. Usually, they are fond of teenage girls who are embarrassed to talk with relatives about their experiences. An adult needs a diary to record his negative thoughts and experiences in him. Thanks to the notes, you can cope with obsessive thoughts, and you will fall asleep much faster.
  • During the record, say to yourself that now you can’t forget about this thought, because it is now on paper. Thanks to this technique, obsessive thoughts will appear less and less in your subconscious.

Seek for help

  • Many people now cope with their experiences and problems with the help of meditation or cognitive techniques. They help to establish an internal balance, and distract from everything that is happening. Meditation is the best way to take your thinking under control.
  • If such a technique has not suited you, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Perhaps the rumination has intensified, and you cannot do without specialized help.

Let go uncontrolled

  • If you are no longer able to change anything, let go. Understand that there is no sense in worrying about what is invariable.
  • Better write a plan for a week and determine the important details that you should work out. So you exclude possible negative events, because you will be ready for everything.

Errors - not a reason to be upset, but an emphasis to improve

  • Do not be offended by the boss, who pointed you to the mistake. After all, if she really was there, then she needs to be fixed.
  • Understand that only one who does nothing is not mistaken. Correct an error and proceed to the following matters, where now you are definitely not mistaken.

Sadness according to plan

  • Do you want to load a little? Good, but only no more than 30 minutes. a day this week and 15 minutes. The next. And then you can devote 10 minutes for a slight negative analysis twice a week, no more.
  • Get a alarm clock, and when he will nickname, all negative thoughts away. And again to great affairs and accomplishments with a smile and determination.

Physical activity as a method of getting rid of negative thoughts

  • It can be running, aerobics, Pilates or visiting the gym. You can deal with at home. Active squats, press and jump jumping are quite suitable.
  • Physical activity is a great way to get rid of negative thoughts and get a charge of positive energy. In addition, it will affect your appearance as well as possible.

So, now you know what rumination is, what consequences it carries. They also learned how to overcome the rumination. You can try all of the above techniques, and choose the most suitable. If you could not find a solution to your problem in this article, contact a specialist. Do not wind yourself up for trifles and be healthy.

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