Guidelines for the use of tampons for adolescents: where to insert, myths into which a teenager can believe

Guidelines for the use of tampons for adolescents: where to insert, myths into which a teenager can believe

From this article you will learn how to explain to a teenager-girl about the use of tampons.

Each teenager is nervous when he does something for the first time. Whether it is a bicycle or the first day at school. The same applies to the use of tampons.

Read the article on our website: "Is it possible to visit the pool during menstruation?".

In this article you will find tips that will help your teenage daughter go through the experience of using tampons painlessly. Read further.

How to explain to a mother-teenage girl how to use a swab correctly: choose the right moment

If you think that your daughter needs to use a swab, since she is allergic to gaskets, or for another reason, then you may have a question: how to explain to a teenage girl how to use this hygiene tool correctly. To get started, choose the right moment:

  • It is very important to find the right time to talk on this topic.
  • If your daughter does not want to speak, tell her that as soon as she is ready, she can always count on you.

After that, wait, perhaps the girl herself will come up with a conversation. If not, then repeat the attempt.

Prepare a special task for your daughter to learn to use a tampon

Many adolescents find the use of tampons with very unpleasant experience, because they do not know the structure of their body or do not understand how to use tampons. Prepare a special task for your daughter to learn to use this hygiene tool.

Tell the teenage girl to understand how to use a swab
Tell the teenage girl to understand how to use a swab

A good idea is to print several simple anatomical schemes, for example, reproductive, genitourinary or excretory systems. And then offer the girl to examine her body with the help of a mirror and study his structure.

A calm conversation will help your daughter learn to use tampons

When your daughter is in a good mood, prepare one or two packaging of tampons. Open them to show your daughter how they look. A calm conversation will help your daughter learn to use tampons.

  • Step by step, explain to the girl what is happening during the use of a tampon.
  • When she is ready, invite her to start practice on her own. Of course, if she wants, help.

Also invite the girl to carefully read the content of the instructions attached to the packaging.

Tampons: How to use the first time a teenager, where to insert?

This is how the swab is inserted
This is how the swab is inserted

Above you will find instructions that will help the girl, observing all precautions, use tampons. Be sure to talk to all points, focus on the most important. So, how to use the first time a teenager, where to insert?

  • Wash your arms (with soap) and wipe them.
  • Find a convenient position for you. You can stand by putting one leg on the toilet seat or the edge of the bath.
  • Take a deep breath and relax. When you experience stress, the muscles strain, which complicates the use of a swab.
  • Remove the swab out of the protective film and hold it with the fingers of one hand so that the cord is located below.
  • With the other hand, spread the labia and with your finger, not a swab, find the entrance to the vagina. This is a natural hole in the body between the urethra (the urinary system) and the anus (the authority of the excretory system).
  • If you use a swab without an applicator, tilt it at an angle of 45 degrees And carefully insert into the vagina.
  • Then, using the index finger, insert the product deeper to simultaneously provide a feeling of comfort. The cord should be outside the vagina.
  • If you use tampons with an applicator, keep it at an angle and insert it into the vagina until your fingers touch your body. Then, holding on to the outer tube of the applicator, press the index finger on the inner tube of the applicator (part with the swab) in the center of the vagina. Just as the injection is done. Finally, carefully pull out both tubes so that the swab remains inside the vagina. The cord should be outside the vagina.
  • Before removing the tampon, be sure to wash and dry your hands. Then carefully pull the cord until the swab completely slides out of the vagina.
  • The used swabs (their packaging and applicator) should be thrown into the garbage basket.

Most girls are worried about how they find out whether they inserted the swab correctly. The answer to these questions is corny simple: they will know that they inserted a tampon well when they do not feel it. If your daughter feels a swab, she probably compresses the muscles located at the vaginal entrance, so the swab does not fit properly deeper.

ADVICE: Do not worry. Just tell your daughter to pull out the remedy and try again. Practice will make this process perfect.

A few attempts will be required for the use of a tampon no longer a problem for a girl. Applying a small amount of lubrication to the tip of the swab will help him easier to enter the vagina.

Debunk myths about the use of tampons in which a teenager can believe

The swab is not lost inside the body
The swab is not lost inside the body

Probably, your daughter has already heard stories about how to use tampons. You can help her separate the facts from fiction. Delass the myths about the use of tampons in which a teenager can believe. Here is some of them:

Can a tampon get lost inside the body? Answer:

  • No, Vagina is a dead end. Next is the cervix, so the swab will not disappear, even if you can’t find the cord, which happens very rarely. In addition, you can always pull the swab with your fingers.

Can the use of tampons lead to a rupture of the virgin rod? Answer:

  • It is unlikely. The virgin pole is a very flexible membrane at the mouth of the vagina, which completely or partially covers it and stretches, allowing you to use a swab.

Is it possible to insert a swab into the urethra? Answer:

  • No, the mouth of the urethra is small and not very elastic, so the swab cannot be mistakenly inserted into the mouth of the urethra.

Can the use of tampons make me lose virginity? Answer:

  • Definitely not! Only during sexual intercourse can I lose virginity.

As you can see, everything is simple and completely easy. Now you need to convince your daughter that the use of tampons is safe, hygienic and if everything is done correctly, it does not hurt. Good luck!

Video: Tampons: what to choose, how to introduce and when to use

Video: How to enter a swab for the first time?

Video: when and who can use the tampons? Rules for using tampons for girls

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