Is it possible to visit the pool during menstruation?

Is it possible to visit the pool during menstruation?

A visit to the pool during the period of menstruation raises many questions from a female. For those who play sports or paid for the subscription, it is fundamentally important to understand whether it is possible to go to the basin with menstruation.

Let's try to figure out what to take into account when visiting the pool with menstruation, and what fears are absolutely groundless.

Pool during menstruation - is it possible or not?

The ability to visit the pool during menstruation is considered individually.

In order not to harm your health, you need to take into account a few important factors:

  • The intensity of menstrual discharge. With too plentiful discharge, personal hygiene products may not cope with the load and bring down at the most inopportune moment. The weakness of the body and pain in the early days - Not the best conditions for swim in the pool with menstruation. It is recommended to transfer the pool to visit for 2-3 days.
  • The cleanliness of the pool. If the pool is in doubt about its purity, then during the period of menstruation it is worth abandoning swimming. pay attention to the state of water and the number of people in the pool. Microbes can cause undesirable gynecological diseases, and this is a significant occasion to refrain from swimming in the pool during menstruation.
  • The water temperature in the pool.During menstruation, the work of immunity is reduced. The cool water temperature in the pool can lead to Inflammatory process against the background of hypothermia.
Visiting the pool is possible, but it is desirable not from the first day of menstruation
Visiting the pool is possible, but it is desirable not from the first day of menstruation

How to go to the pool during menstruation: rules of conduct for a comfortable visit to the pool

In order for a visit to the pool during menstruation to go as comfortable as possible, certain rules must be followed:

  • Balanced diet To maintain the protective functions of the body. A complex of vitamins in the form of products or tablets will help to resist various infections.
  • Complex spa Transfer the procedures to another time. It is extremely undesirable to visit steamers and saunas during menstruation. Swimming in the pool is more than enough. Hot temperature can strengthen the intensity of the discharge And lead to dehydration.
  • No experiments with hormonal drugs. No need influence the process of the menstrual cycle using medications. It is better to skip the pool than to put your body at risk. Follow a doctor and consult on all emerging issues.
  • Consider yours mood and general physical condition. If you are not very comfortable and you are tired, let your body rest. The body itself will tell you when it is better to lie down, and when to swim.
It is better that you have a good mood and a minimum of loads
It is better that you have a good mood and a minimum of loads
  • Minimize physical activity. If you are used to spending a lot of time in the pool, then during the period of critical days try to reduce the interval. Enough 30-40 minutes.

Can I go to the pool with menstruation with a tampon, menstrual bowl?

When visiting the pool during menstruation, it is necessary to use suitable hygiene products. Make sure that the discharge does not fall into the water.

Two hygiene products are suitable for the aquatic environment:

  1. Tampon  for the pool during menstruation - Effectively holds menstrual discharge. Before entering the water, it is necessary to change the protection tool. With the correct administration of hygiene, you should not feel it when moving. After swimming, the swab will swell, so we will definitely use a new one. Special tampons during menstruation have a low absorption level.
  2. Menstrual cup - a more reliable remedy for holding moisture on both sides. Effective, but little popular remedy.
  • In recent days of menstruation, you can Do not use hygiene products. Ideally, if these days you wear a waterproof swimsuit.
  • Afraid of getting dirty a swimsuit? Then change the protective equipment in a timely manner.

The gaskets are not an alternative option of the above listed hygiene products.

It is better to use a swab and a bowl, but not a gasket
It is better to use a swab and a bowl, but not a gasket
  • Water pressure prevents the spread of discharge in water. Chlorine, in turn, disinfects water from any human secretions.
  • With painful menstruation, calm swim has a therapeutic effect. If you do not know how to relax, you feel the embarrassment and discomfort due to menstruation, then going to the pool must definitely be postponed.

Pool during menstruation: common myths

Unconfirmed information often forms in women an erroneous idea of \u200b\u200bthe ability to visit the pool during menstruation.

  1. Water stops menstruation.A visit to the pool does not stop menstruation. Anti -pressure water will contribute to the retention of secretions inside the vagina for a short period of time.
  2. When leaking, water will become red.When using suitable hygiene products, no blood will enter the water.
  3. Swimming during menstruation provokes abdominal pain.With a measured pace and the absence of physical exertion, the discomfort in the lower abdomen will decrease, and you will feel relief.
The stomach does not hurt, on the contrary, the muscles in the water relax
The stomach does not hurt, on the contrary, the muscles in the water relax

In order for the swimming in the pool during menstruation to benefit the body, you need to discard all fears and doubts. A visit to the pool will cheer you up and bring your muscles in tone.

What to do with a subscription to the pool during menstruation?

  • Sports centers for swimming are provided loyal conditions for period of menstruation for women. At your request, the administration will extend the subscription for 10 days. The embarrassment here is not appropriate, but it is not necessary to pronounce the delicate situation at all.
  • After you are allocated another 1.5 weeks of visits, you can work out all missed classes.
  • If you visit the Aqua Aerobica basin, then you must contact the coach with a request to revise the load when visiting pool during menstruation.

From the following articles you will find out if you can:

Video: Is it possible to visit the pool with menstruation?

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