It is true that girls eat tampons after use: a draw that got out of control

It is true that girls eat tampons after use: a draw that got out of control

Recently, a meme called "Girls eat tampons" appeared on the Web. Why did many boys believe this rally of girls?

Everyone knows that tampons and gaskets are the best friends of girls on specific days. We can say the first necessity. These hygiene products provide the comfort and lightness of the female half of humanity. In the 21st century, it is much easier to survive “these days”. After all, women from the last century could not even dream of such a miracle as gaskets and tampons.

Now, many girls, having such an opportunity, are ashamed to buy them, or when they pay for this unit of goods at the checkout - they blush. But why, girls? After all, these are things is a necessity for you. As well as toilet paper or hand towels. Without these things, nowhere. Remember this, and maybe it will become easier for you to buy tampons or gaskets. After all, this is not ashamed! There are their own tampons after use - this is a strangeness. Is not it?

What is this rally that got out of control?

A draw that got out of control
A draw that got out of control

The story that girls eat their tampons appeared on the Internet on June 12, 2019. Legend gained widespread due to the video of the user of the famous social network Tiktok @caro.trash. In it, the girl said in a serious tone that every month all women eat their tampons to prevent a large loss of blood. But it was a draw, it is designed for uneducated subscribers. This meme has not become clear to everyone. And everyone reacted differently to him.

As a result, this draw got out of control.

Is it true that girls eat tampons after use?

Draw: girls eat tampons after use
Draw: girls eat tampons after use

Many girls began to support this joke in the comments under the video themselves, adding oils to the fire. Someone wrote that he was soaking tampons in tea, someone froze them. And someone, in general, liked to eat gaskets, not tampons. Reading all these comments, many of the boys led and believed in such a legend, and asked other guys: "Is it true that girls eat tampons after use?".

It would seem that just a legend that will not stay on the Internet for a long time. But in September, the trend went to Twitter. Many girls began to write that this draw becomes dangerous. After all, very young girls can calculate this with the right point of menstruation and start doing it in real life. And the guys who did not believe in this began to doubt that it was a joke. And on Twitter there were men's comments with questions: “Girls, do you really eat your tampons? I can not believe it!". Thus, the video has become the main topic for talking on the Internet and not only.

Draw: girls eat tampons after use
Draw: girls eat tampons after use

Later, somewhere around the end of the month, the joke reached Russian users. "In contact with" For the group Female Memes This legend has become a new and main topic for the release of new memes, and on Twitter many published screenshots and copy -paste on this subject. Twets with a similar text appeared: “I thought everyone already knew that there are tampons - this is an absolutely normal phenomenon. And how do you think we will resume the blood that we lose during menstruation? ”. Then it was difficult to make out where the sarcasm is, where is the truth, and where is a lie.
But we all perfectly understand that the expression "Girls eat their tampons" -This is just the name of the draw that got out of control. In fact, no one does that. And the fact that this is a need for a blood balance in the body can be considered complete nonsense.

Little advice for the future: filter absolutely all the information you read on the Internet. Indeed, in the world of development of information technologies, where every second is posting some news, it is difficult to distinguish where sarcasm is, where humor is, and where is the truth. Good luck!

Video: I show the boys how tampons work

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