How to insert tampons with menstruation? Is it possible to swim with tampons with menstruation in the sea, river, pool?

How to insert tampons with menstruation? Is it possible to swim with tampons with menstruation in the sea, river, pool?

How to use tampons correctly? Are tampons dangerous for virgins? Can I swim with tampons?

Critical days bring to women quite a lot of inconvenience. During this period, the active activity of most cute ladies undergoes a forced decline. All this is due to the restrictions in movements.

Indeed, with physical exertion and a fast pace of life, the likelihood of leakage appears. In order to ensure constant comfort and a sense of confidence, scientists have developed a tool such as hygienic tampons for critical days.

How to use tampons?

The swab is a small skein of cotton wool, carefully stifled and stitched. A special cord should leave the base of the tampon, facilitating the extraction of a swab from the vagina. A hygienic swab is designed for

absorption of menstrual discharge and preventing them outward.

For daily use, gynecologists recommend applying hygiene gaskets for critical days. But for exceptional cases, tampons can be used. Sports, outdoor and swimming are considered such cases. The fair sex also prefer to use tampons at responsible events, where they have to wear fairly tight or bright outfits. Only a swab can ensure safety and invisibility in such situations.

However, it is worth noting that the daily and round -the -clock use of the swab is strictly prohibited. Firstly, the swab, like the gasket, must be changed every three to four hours. Secondly, it must be alternated with other hygiene products. All this is confirmed by the Association of Gynecologists and Oblasts.

Why are tampons needed

How to insert tampons correctly?

  • Before using tampons for the first time, you must definitely familiarize yourself with the instructions on the pack. Only then it is worth practicing the first introduction. If the first pancake came out lumpy, it is advisable for the girl to seek help from mom, girlfriend or sister. There is nothing reprehensible in this
  • The first rule of any hygienic procedures is thorough hand washing. In matters related to gynecology, this rule is not just an exception, but a postulate. Infection in the genital tract is a very serious thing, fraught with the most undesirable consequences for women's health. Therefore, under any circumstances, anywhere, before taking up the swab, it is necessary to wash your hands with soap
  • If we talk about the types of tampons, then there are tampons with and without an applicator. For some, the applicator significantly facilitates the process of introducing a swab, and it is more convenient for someone to use a swab without an applicator. It all depends on the habit or skills of introduction
  • Also, when using hygienic tampons for critical days, it is worth considering their varieties of the ability to absorb. If the woman’s discharge is not too abundant, then it is better for her to use Light or Regular swampons, well, if the menstruation is accompanied by severe bleeding, then in this situation Super or Super plus tampons are more suitable

How to introduce a tampon correctly? Video

Instructions for the introduction of a tampon without an applicator

  1. We take out a tampon from a pack and remove a protective film from it
  2. We find the cord in the lower part of the tampon and, pulling it for it, check the reliability of its fastening
  3. We take a position convenient for introduction - it is advisable to place one leg above the second (in the bathroom it can be put on the toilet or bathroom) and dilute them a little to the sides
  4. We take the tampon by the tip near the cord with one hand, the second we spread the labia
  5. Carefully introduce the swab at an angle of about forty -five degrees to the spine, pressing on a small recess at the cord attachment site
  6. The depth of administration should be no more than the length of the index finger
  7. Когда тампон почти не ощущается, а остатка шнура достаточно для того, чтобы затем удалить тампон из влагалища, можно считать, что задача выполнена
Introduction of a tampon without an applique

Instruction on the introduction of a tampon with an applicator

  • As in the situation without an applicator, the tampon must be removed from the package and printed. Only here the cord does not need to be pulled, since the swab can fall out of the applicator. Then the woman will have to sit comfortably and start the introduction
  • To do this, with one hand you need to open the entrance to the vagina, and with the other to take the swab into the hands of the connection of the two components of the applicator. It is necessary to introduce it to a depth of only four centimeters
  • Now you need to press on the end of the applicator so that it pushes the swab more deeply, while holding it for the same place of the joint. After the swab is conveniently located in the vagina, it is necessary to remove the applicator. The cord remains, as always, outside
Tampon with an applicator

Is tampons to virgins? Can girls use tampons?

With the first appearance of the tampons of many parents and their daughters, the questions were disturbed by: “Can girls use tampons?”, “Is it possible to lose virginity with a swab?” Or "what are the tampons for girls." Today, gynecologists of the world claim that the swab does not pose any danger to the virgin rod and girls who do not lead sex life, without fear, it is possible to use it as a means of hygiene with menstruation.

Is it possible to lose virginity with a swab?

The fact is that in the center of the virgin rifle there is a hole for the release of menstrual blood. It has a diameter of about two and a half centimeters, while the diameter of the thickest tampons is one and a half centimeters. That is, with the right introduction, such a film cannot be damaged. In addition, during menstruation, the hymen becomes more elastic and to break it, in principle, no way seems to be.

The main rule in the use of tampons, both for virgins and other women, is strict adhere to the rules of the instructions and the correct choice of a swab. At the initial pores, when blood discharge is even more weak, girls should choose lightly types of tampons. Do not forget about their regular shifts (every three hours).

What are the tampons for girls?

Today, tampons manufacturers offer a special series of tampons for girls. They have more compact sizes, which soothingly acts on the environment of young ladies. Although standard tampons will also be relevant in this situation.

Tampons for girls

Is it possible in the pool with a tampon?

  • Tampons, in principle, are very often used by athletes during training and performances in water. However, gynecologists warn that it is desirable not earlier than the third day of menstruation and in ponds with pure water
  • This, firstly, is explained by the fact that in the first couple of days the discharge of discharge is more intense in nature and the swabs wet in the water is difficult to cope with so many fluids
  • Secondly, the swab protects from the release of blood out, but it does not give any guarantee regarding the penetration of the infection inward. The fact is that during critical days, the uterus seems to be slightly opened and any bacterium can easily penetrate its cavity. This is able to provoke a lot of diseases. The swab does not filter dirty water, and therefore the risk of infection in this state of women is very great
  • In pools, a variety of filters and water cleaners are often used. However, such chemistry is not only capable of guaranteeing one hundred percent purity around the clock, but it itself can cause incorrigible harm to the female body
Swimming in the pool with a tampon

Can I swim with a swab at sea?

  • Twes in fresh reservoirs also do not promise anything good. This is especially true for standing water. Bacteria in it feel like fish in water
  • One more question remains: “Is it possible to swim with a swab in the sea?” Salt sea water is considered safer, since its composition is destructive for most types of infections. Therefore, in the sea you can swim with a tampon, but not for long. Anyway, bathing in any water with a swab should last no more than twenty minutes
  • Before entering the water, you need to introduce a new swab. After the specified period, it must be removed and new. Accept water procedures per day during menstruation with a swab is preferably no more than twice
  • At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to swim on critical days without a swab! It's like going for a bear with bare hands
  • Summing up, we can say that tampons are a rather convenient thing, but they need to be used correctly and only in exceptional cases. They do not represent dangers for virginal.

Video: Tampons for girls: early or not?

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