Rice face peeling or a way to achieve the perfect skin color: what advantages does it have, how does it act on the skin, how to cook at home?

Rice face peeling or a way to achieve the perfect skin color: what advantages does it have, how does it act on the skin, how to cook at home?

Rice face peeling is a unique face cleansing tool. Look for recipes for cooking at home in the article.

Cosmetics with rice is a certain field of face care in the countries of the Far East, especially in China, Japan and Korea. It is not surprising - rice in these regions is the basis of almost every dish, and huge plantations give access to various types and fresh rice grains of the highest quality. Therefore, Asian cosmetics consists of rice, and it is an excellent care of Asian women.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "TOP-10 of the best piling-sloping for the face". You will find recipes with chamomile, apple, snail mucin, fruit acids.

From this article, you will learn which cosmetics with rice are popular, as well as which types of rice peeling are used. Read further.

What are the advantages of rice faces for the face: the effect of moisturizing

Facial rice
Facial rice

Rice grains are an excellent source irreplaceable fatty acids and vitamin e - substances with antioxidant, protective and caring properties. The presence of these 2 ingredients in rice reliably protects the skin from free radicals. Thus, making rice peeling, you get effective wrinkle prevention. Another advantages:

  • Rice peeling has anti -inflammatory and restoring skin properties.
  • Ideal for people who have problems with skin irritation after peeling with conventional agents (for example, with redness and burning).
  • Rice peeling also has saturating oxygen action.
  • Improves skin cell metabolism.
  • The natural tenderness of a cosmetic product means that rice scrub can be used by people of any age.

It is worth noting that the presence in the rice of natural fatty acids moisturizes and strengthens the skin. Thanks to this ingredient, cosmetics with rice (even with a matting effect) prevents excessive drying out of the skin and is a kind of “blocker” of water loss with epidermis cells. This effect of skin moisturizing after rice peeling means that you do not need to use other creams or body lotions.

What cosmetics with rice do Asian women use?

Rice peeling is not the only cosmetic product used by beautiful Asian women. Cosmetics with rice are mainly with your own hands, that is, home cooking. Rice cosmetics recipes are transmitted from generation to generation, and it is not difficult to cook them. In addition, rice cosmetics are very cheap, and it is often used by more economical Asians. Ready -made cosmetics with rice extract are also very popular.

How does rice peeling act on the skin?

Rice peeling effectively exfoliates dead skin cells, nourishes and mineralizes the skin. Such a scrub really deeply cleanses the skin and can be an excellent remedy of black dots and advanced pores. In addition to the perfect smoothing of the upper layer of the epidermis, rice peeling perfectly brightens and gives it radiance. A similar tool is recommended for all skin types: especially for oily, with bleaching, as well as for sensitive and allergic skin.

Let's figure out what rice cosmetics can be used and whether it can be done at home. Read further.

Rice water for peeling: how to cook at home?

Rice water for peeling
Rice water for peeling

Rice water is the most popular homemade rice cosmetic product that has a brightening, whitening and nutritious effect. This is a great peeling. Rice water is a remedy obtained when cooking rice. How to cook at home? Here is the prescription:

  • Pour cereal with water in proportion 1:4. Let it brew during the day.
  • Then boil the rice in this water until cooked.
  • Then cool a little and strain the broth, put in a cold place. Now rice water can be used.

For hundreds of years, such water has been widely used by Asian women as a tonic for the skin of the face and neck and as a rinseum for smoothing hair. It is worth noting that such a tool was popularized many years ago by Michelle Fan, whose videos about beauty are ramps for popularity to this day.

Rice powder (powder) for the face: A great way to achieve the perfect skin color

Rice face powder is nothing but rice grains chopped into small grains. This is a favorite cosmetic product of geisha, famous for incredibly bright, almost pale makeup. This is a great way to achieve the perfect skin color.

In fact, the rice powder is transparent and has matting, brightening and fixing makeup properties. In addition, such a tool is recommended for oral skin oily and prone to acne, since it has a healing, soothing effect and absorbs excess skin fat.

Here's a way to cook such a tool at home:

  • Take 4 tablespoons of rice. Rinse grains from dust and dirt using cold running water.
  • Now you will need a clean sterilized bank. If the container turns out to be dirty, then the rice can be thrown. Pour rice into this jar and pour warm boiled water.
  • Put the jar in the refrigerator for a week. Close the container with gauze or x/b with a cloth, but not a lid.
  • Every day change the water to the same boiled. This is necessary so that the rice does not throw.
  • In 7 days Rice will begin to crumble into small grains, which means it's time to switch to the trail. stage. Pull the rice and with the help of a mortar, chop into the gruel.
  • After that, add warm boiled water to the crushed mass again. Mix, a homogeneous mass should turn out.
  • Then the rice will settle to the bottom of the jar. Water will become muddy - we need it. Drain the liquid into another container.
  • Pour new water and mix. You will get 2 portions of muddy water.
  • As a result, when the water is standing, you will have a small portion of wet rice flour. Strain it through x/b fabric.
  • Put the gruel, which remains after straining, put on a clean napkin and dry for 1-2 days.
  • If large particles come across, then you can once again chop the powder, for example, using a coffee grinder.

Powder or rice powder is ready. Transfer to a jar from under the old powder or to another container. Now you can do peeling, mask or use powder, like powder.

Video: The effect of strong rejuvenation. Porcelain skin of the face. Rice flour

Rice bran oil: properties

Rice bran oil - A valuable remedy and a real concentrate of youth! It is used inside as a prevention and help in the treatment of many diseases (allergies, cancer, hypercholesterolemia), and outside - like skin care oil. Rice bran oil, which is sold on the Iherb website It has antioxidant, anti -inflammatory and anti -aging properties. Often it is the basis of nutrient serum and face creams for all skin types.

Masks with rice extract: options

Masks with rice extract
Masks with rice extract

Rice masks - The most popular face care tool throughout Asia. Masks are saturated with the essence of hyaluronic acid, natural extracts, oils and vitamins. Mask cooked at home is also popular among Asian women. This is a cut of gauze, saturated with simple rice water, prepared by the recipe above.

Rice masks Suitable for all skin types, even for the most sensitive and allergic, and are an excellent brightening tool. Another masks from leaf rice are used by Asian women several times a week. Do x quickly and simple. Probably, thanks to such means, Asian people retain their skin young and beautiful for many years.

Body scrub with rice

Body scrub from rice - This is a coarse -grained cosmetic product, usually mixed with natural oils and body nutrients (shi oil, vitamin concentrates). Asian women belong to rice body scrubAs a cosmetic agent that brightens, whiten and prevents the growing of hair after depilation. It is thanks to the particles of rice in peeling that such cosmetics give the effect of beautiful, smooth and soft skin, and are used as a means for lightening stretch marks and scars during pregnancy in women.

Rice face peeling: how to cook, how does it work?

The effect of rice peeling for the face is not only in smoothing the skin and getting rid of dead epidermal cells. A similar tool acts better than many body lotions. It nourishes the skin and makes it young. How to prepare such a tool is described below. Read further.

Do -it -yourself rice peeling recipe at home

If you want to clean your face with only a natural remedy, then choose and purchase it on the site Iherb. But you can make a mask with your own hands. Here is a recipe for rice peeling at home:


  • A handful of dry grains of expensive rice
  • Milk or water - a little
  • Natural honey - 1 tbsp.

How to do:

  1. It is best to purchase an electric coffee grinder. Thanks to this, the rice scrub will be ready in seconds, and you will avoid unnecessary troubles and waste of time. Rice grains can also be crushed in a mortar, but this is inconvenient, since the grains will “jump” during grinding.
  2. Mix ground rice with a small amount of milk or water until the mixture becomes thick paste. For this mixture, it is better to choose milk, since the content of lactic acid perfectly smoothes the skin and makes it even more beautiful.
  3. Add a spoonful of real honey to the paste - it will give peeling antibacterial properties. Such an ingredient will especially help for the skin prone to acne.

How is such a tool used correctly? Read further.

How to use rice piling for the face?

Rice peeling is done in the same way as any other. How to use rice piling for the face? Here are the stages:

  • Apply peeling to cleansed and wet skin of the face and body.
  • Massage the skin thoroughly in circular motions.
  • Pay special attention to more contaminated areas - T-zone: forehead, nose and chin.
  • Rinse the peeling with warm water.
  • Then apply a tonic (for example, with aloe vera) and your favorite cream.

Use rice peeling 1-2 times a week.

Rice peeling: reviews

Rice peeling
Rice peeling

People who decided to make rice peeling value its beautiful abrasive properties, and this is not surprising - such a scrub is thick and really effective. Read the reviews of other women who use such a tool to clean the face.

Elina, 17 years old

Piling of rice grains was recommended to me by my cosmetologist. This is a delicate and safe cosmetic product, so it is prescribed for adolescents who suffer from acne. Those who use this peeling more than 1-2 times will notice that peeling brightens the skin and noticeably whiten age spots. Acne completely disappears after the 4th procedure. I am delighted!

Olga, 28 years old

Rice particles carefully and effectively cleanse the skin, due to which problematic and most contaminated areas (for example, nose) become cleaner and more free from black dots. I always use a similar scrub. I know that there are many vitamins and trace elements in rice. Therefore, I trust to clean my face with rice grains. I advise him to all my friends.

Angela, 40 years old

My skin is sensitive, and I try not to use scrubs. But rice peeling simply shook me with its tenderness and unique properties. It gently cares for the skin - this is an excellent remedy for periodic care. As a result, I get gfasting clean skin , pleasant to the touch. The tone of the face is slightly aligned. A pleasant bonus - there is no peeling, redness, irritation and pores narrow a little.

Video: Peeling and cleansing the skin of the face. Scrub at home with rice and olive oil

Video: rejuvenate and pull the skin - a rice mask

Video: Rice water tonic and face rice mask

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Comments K. article

  1. I don’t know if such a peeling will help get rid of age spots and traces of old squeezed acne. Personally, I did two winters in a row with retino ointment. I smeared the skin for several days in a row. It was very glad to the result when the upper layer of the skin extended.

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