What is Aha-peeling: the concept, features of the procedure, indications and contraindications, photos before and after, reviews. How AHA Piling is carried out in the salon, at home: features, order

What is Aha-peeling: the concept, features of the procedure, indications and contraindications, photos before and after, reviews. How AHA Piling is carried out in the salon, at home: features, order

From this article you will learn what the AHA-piling procedure is and what features it has.

Aha-peeling is one of the most popular salon procedures. With it, a huge number of problems are solved. For example, it helps to get rid of acne and inflammation, reduces signs of aging and generally heals the skin.

What is AHA-peeling: concept, features of the procedure


AHA is an abbreviation from alphajidroxide acids. Simply speaking, AHA-peeling means carrying out the procedure using fruit acids. These are such chemical compounds that dissolve in water. This is their main difference from BHA acids.

So, fruit acids are the main active component of most home masks. But at the same time, they obviously cannot be compared with professional means.

The effect on the skin of acids is quite favorable. So, they are capable of:

  • Exfoliate dead skin cells
  • Eliminate pigment spots that are shallow in the skin
  • Align the tone and relief of the skin
  • Smoothing small wrinkles and generally adjust the face of the face
  • Reduce facial folds
  • Eliminate acne and formed comedones
  • After the use of peeling, expanded pores narrow
  • The work of the sebaceous glands is regulated
  • The regeneration of cells and tissues is stimulated

Of course, the results will appear quickly only on condition that the peeling is carried out by a professional in the beauty salon. Simple products from the mass market, or home, allow you to simply maintain the result and work as a preventive agent for premature aging.

Когда можно и нельзя применять AHA-пилинг: показания и противопоказания

Since AHA-peeling is a safe procedure, it is allowed even to adolescents in the period when they have skin problems due to transitional age. For young skin, such a procedure is very useful, in particular, because it allows you to get rid of acne and traces of the post -acne. But mature skin gets older, becomes lighter and gets rid of pigmentation.

Sometimes peeling is prescribed by a doctor in several procedures. They are held at equal intervals. At the same time, you can spend it once, for example, in order to look good at some event. So, the indications for the procedure are as follows:

Indications for AHA-piling
Indications for AHA-piling

In this case, there are certain contraindications:


Types of AHA Piling: Features

Aha-peeling can be divided into two categories-depending on the type of acid, as well as in the depth of exposure. Depending on how strong the skin problems, as well as personal characteristics, the doctor selects a substance for exposure to the skin.

The following types of acids are most often used for peeling:

Types of peeling
Types of peeling

Pilings in the depth of influence are divided into three categories:

  • Surface. It effectively affects the outer layer of the skin
  • Median. It works on the middle layers of the skin, effectively removing pollution from them
  • Deep. Acid works on all layers of the epidermis. This is the most effective cleansing of all

The most popular surface procedure is because it gives excellent results immediately after application. Moreover, do not forget about the need to restore the skin. For example, deep peeling requires some time to stay at home, because the skin will be red and swelling may appear on it. At the same time, dead skin takes time to exfoliate.

How the AHA-Piling procedure is carried out: features, order

How is AHA-peeling carried out?
How is AHA-peeling carried out?

As we have already said, aha-peeling can be carried out both in the salon and at home. However, it is better to contact a cosmetologist to avoid risk. The first results are noticeable after the first session. To get the maximum result, you will need 5-6 procedures.

In total, the process consists of four stages:

  • First, the face is cleaned and it is disinfected
  • Then a peeling mixture is applied
  • After the product acts on the skin, the remaining acids are removed
  • After the procedure is completed, the final processing is carried out

Before you start the first stage, the skin must be prepared. The cosmetologist is assessing the skin, its problems are analyzed, and the presence of allergies to certain compounds is also revealed. Only after that the composition is selected directly. As a rule, additional vitamins of group A and E are added to the composition, which allow you to save the skin from excess toxins and tone it. And to mitigate the effects, hyaluronic acid is administered.

The procedure is always carried out on purified dry skin. To do this, with milk or other products, makeup is removed, and the skin is treated with an antiseptic. Keep in mind that if you carry out the procedure yourself, you should not wash with soap, because it dries the skin and provokes its tightening.

Aha-peeling is applied to clean skin quickly and clearly. First, the composition is evenly distributed over the face. You can apply it even forever, but it is better to refuse it, because still the skin is delicate and sensitive in this zone. While the composition is valid, the skin can slightly tingle and burn. Such a reaction is considered the norm. But if the itching becomes stronger, then the cosmetologist immediately rinses the composition. The average use of the product is about 2-10 minutes.

In fact, the salon procedure is practically no different from home. The difference is only in the concentration of acid. It is important to know. So, in order to achieve good results at home, you need to take funds with 50-70% acid. Only at the first stage should a solution with a small concentration should be used so that the skin is used to it.

How to prepare for the Aha Piling procedure?

Preparation for AHA Piling
Preparation for AHA Piling

Preparation is required before any cosmetic procedure. The effectiveness of the tool used depends on how well it is carried out, and the risk of irritation and some adverse reactions decreases.

  • In general, it is recommended to consult a specialist. When he examines the patient and evaluates the condition of his skin, only then he will recommend means that will allow us to prepare for the procedure as much as possible.
  • After the AHA-peeling is carried out, the skin remains weakened. Often patients say that they have herpes rashes. To prevent this from happening, antiviral drugs are prescribed.
  • 1-2 weeks before the course, it is important to abandon scrubs, various cosmetic procedures that can injure the skin. Keep in mind that the tan also harms the skin, and therefore it is better to stop visiting the solarium and sunbathing.
  • Take the use of antibiotics, as well as other medicines, carefully. It is recommended to use them only after consulting with a specialist. Moreover, it is better to plan the procedure in early spring or late autumn. In summer, the procedure is not carried out, because the risk of pigmentation is too large.

Rehabilitation after AHA Piling: Restoring the skin

In fact, the effectiveness of AHA-piling depends on how exactly the patient cares for the skin after the procedure. Typically, long rehabilitation is not required, and therefore with certain knowledge and compliance with recommendations, only a couple of days are enough.

On the first day after peeling, the face can turn slightly, and then the peeling process begins. To reduce discomfort after the procedure and restore the skin, you need:

  • Abandon the use of hygiene products for washing
  • Do not touch the face if possible
  • Try not to be on the street for too long
  • If the weather is hot on the street, then use sunscreen creams
  • Do not go to the bathhouse, sauna or solarium

In addition, in the first few days after the procedure, you need to adhere to simple actions:

  • For washing to use special hypoallergenic agents
  • Use soothing creams that have panthenol or lanolin
  • Avoid aggressive contact with the skin, in particular, it is impossible to use scrubs and other products with abrasives in the composition
  • Limit the use of decorative cosmetics, and if possible it is best to abandon it at all

Homemade peeling with AHA acids: Features of conduct

Recovery after aha-piling
Recovery after aha-piling

AHA-peeling is allowed to be carried out at home. To do this, just purchase a special tool designed for home procedures. The main thing is that you must choose for yourself a tool that will not burn the skin. Choose sparing products that gently affect the skin.

Piling with fruit acid in the following sequence is performed:

  • First, the skin is cleaned. To do this, just wash your face or use a gel with alcohol
  • After that, the finished mixture is applied to the face. It is kept on the skin for 10-15 minutes. The most important thing is not to exceed 20 minutes
  • Then the mask is removed, and the remains are removed with warm water
  • To improve skin tone, reduce burning and swelling, it is recommended to wipe the skin with an ice cube
  • To accelerate skin renewal, moisturize your face. The best cream is best for these purposes

How to choose acid peeling for home use?

Before buying AHA-peeling for home use, it is important to study several rules that will help you choose the most optimal tool for use:

  • For self -use, choose surface peeling products that partially removes the epidermis. The procedure will not cause any discomfort, but the action will be short.
  • Means for median or deep peeling require some time to restore. They affect not only the epidermis, but also other layers of the skin. Procedures of such an impact should be carried out by professionals.
  • The peeling can include a water-soluble Aha acid. It copes with pigmentation perfectly and can be used for dry or normal skin. In addition, the BHA fat -soluble compound may be included in it. It penetrates even deeper. The latter is intended for oily skin, which has inflammation and clogged pores.

The effect of the procedure depends on a number of other factors:

  • Acid concentration. It can be up to 70%
  • Type of acid used
  • Output forms - liquid, cream and gel -like
  • PH level (1-4). The higher the acidity and lower pH, the deeper the peeling penetrates, and vice versa
  • Before using the product, it is important to study all available warnings and make sure that there are no contraindications

The best peeling with AHA acids for home use: List of the best

Today, a lot of funds are presented on the market to conduct AHA-peeling at home. However, users also have their own favorites. Let's find out what means are considered the best.

  • Biomatrix Mindalin
Biomatrix Mindalin

It has acidity of 50%. PH is 1.5. The tool is intended for professional use. At the same time, it is suitable for any skin and the procedure is allowed at any time. A distinctive feature of the product is the ability to eliminate black dots and narrowing of pores. Almond acid renews the skin and normalizes the production of sebum. At the same time, it evens out the tone of the face and reduces pigmentation. Among other things, wrinkles are smoothed and greasy shine disappears. After use, process the skin with SPF creams, and carefully cleanse the skin before use so that peeling does not appear.

  • Aravia Professional
Aravia Professional

This tool is created on the basis of lactic acid. The composition is also intended for professional use. It acts deeply, and is also suitable for the skin, which is prone to dryness and oily. The tool activates cell regeneration, and also improves the blood circulation. Most girls noted a good moisturizing effect. After applying the means, the pores are narrowed, and the black dots brighten. At the same time, peeling of the skin is not observed, and the post -acne becomes less visible. Experts recommend the tool later that it acts effectively and at the same time carefully.

  • Mi & Ko Mack
Mi & Ko Mack

Great for home use. It is similar in consistency to a thick cream. It is pleasantly on the face and is distributed on the surface. According to customers - this tool is worthy for use. Moreover, its cost is relatively low. Piling copes with the clogging of pores.

  • Oz! Organiczone
Oz! Organiczone

It is produced in a dark bottle with a dispenser convenient for use. The product is suitable for independent use. The formula contains a combination of several acids - citric, amber, wine, apple, as well as lemon extract. Thanks to this composition, dead cells exfoliate, and the skin is also whitened and moistened. As a result, the face is clean and without chemical burns. In general, tone is aligned, irregularities disappear, the pores are slightly narrowed. By the way, after this product, the tonnel lies exactly on the skin.

  • Fitness Model with gold powder
Fitness Model with gold powder
Fitness Model with gold powder

Despite the fact that the product is homemade, it works no worse than in the cabin. The composition includes fruit acids, as well as gold powder. This combination allows you to reduce pigmentation, stimulate cellular renewal, smooth wrinkles and strengthen collagen production. Enzymes of pineapple and papaya in the composition allow you to align the tone of the face and tighten the skin. This peeling is suitable for different ages, and its price makes the product accessible to everyone.

Complications after AHA Piling: side effects

Often AHA-peeling is transferred normally by the skin. As we have already said, the procedure is painless and sparing effects. When a specialist applies a product to the skin, then no pain is felt. As a rule, all discomfort is limited to light tingling.

However, there is still a risk of side effects. If you study the reviews carefully, then you can notice complaints about burns and allergies. This happens very rarely. Basically, everything is limited to the maximum redness, peeling and tightness. This is a normal skin reaction to acids.

To quickly get rid of these side effects, it is enough to observe the rules of skin care after the procedure.

Is AHA-peeling effective: photo before and after

Aha-peeling affects the skin rather softly. As a rule, some results are noted after the first application. This is what the skin looks like after using AHA-piling:

Photo before and after 1
Photo before and after 1
Photo before and after 2
Photo before and after 2
Photo before and after 3
Photo before and after 3
Photo before and after 4
Photo before and after 4
Photo before and after 5
Photo before and after 5

Chemical peeling with AHA acids: reviews

Many girls talk about their experience of Aha Piling on the Internet. In general, the reviews about the procedure are positive. As a rule, everyone has a good result. But there are those who are dissatisfied with them. Again, this applies to burns and allergies. This is mainly due to improper use of funds. Otherwise, no problems usually arise. Moreover, if the procedure is carried out in the cabin, then the results are excellent. Many girls note that salon procedures give a quick result, which persists for a long time.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4

Video: AHA acids in home care. Peels and masks. Tatyana Reva

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