What is TSA-peeling: concept, species. TSA-peeling-how is it: stages of the procedure. Is it possible to do TSA-peeling at home? How often can TSA-peeling be done-how many procedures do you need?

What is TSA-peeling: concept, species. TSA-peeling-how is it: stages of the procedure. Is it possible to do TSA-peeling at home? How often can TSA-peeling be done-how many procedures do you need?

In this article, we will figure out what the TSA-peeling is and what features this procedure has.

TSA-piling for the face is a rather popular procedure. It is aimed at improving the appearance of the skin and giving it freshness. In addition, the oval of the face is tightened. So we can safely say that it is rejuvenating. The effectiveness of the procedure is due to the use of trichloroxic acid. It is the main tool for the procedure. Many patients note that the skin looks about five years younger after such peeling. Let's deal with you in the features of this procedure, as well as what indications and contraindications are.

What is TSA-peeling: concept, definition


TSA-piling is a procedure for cleansing the skin using trichloroxic acid. Actually, TSA is a reduction from its name. This type of peeling is chemical and at the same time can harm the skin with improper conduct. Depending on the problems that need to be solved and the skin characteristics, a different percentage of acid can be used. It varies from 5 to 50%. The higher the percentage, the deeper the product will affect and the more effective the effect will be.

The meaning of peeling is that the acid, making his way deep into the skin, stretches all the pollution. Within a few days after the procedure, all excess is removed and the cells begin to be renewed. This leads to the general healing of the skin and improve its appearance. In addition, it remains clean and smooth.

Types of TSA-piling-what are there?

TSA-piling there are several types. In this case, it depends on the level of acidity and the necessary depth of exposure.

So, there are three types of peels:

  • Surface. The skin is cleaned with a solution. Acid is used in a concentration of 15%. Although this is a fairly small percentage, the effect of the product is still stronger than from the usual chemical peels
  • Median. There is more concentration-about 20-35%
  • Deep. The highest percentage of acid is used - from 35 to 50%. It is usually used to burn benign formations, cosmetic defects up to 1 cm with diameter

At the same time, cosmetologists can still increase the depth of exposure. To do this, they apply the product in several layers. This allows you to achieve better results. At the same time, this approach is dangerous for the skin. The fact is that you can get not only a burn of the skin, but also subcutaneous fat. So such a peeling should be carried out as neatly and only by a professional.

Piling TSA: Benefit and Harm

The benefits and harms of TSA-piling
The benefits and harms of TSA-piling

Many are interested in what benefits TSA-peeling bring, as well as what harm it can do.

So, among the useful and at the same time positive sides stand out:

  • The procedure is allowed on different parts of the body, not necessarily on the face. Such peeling is allowed even on the stomach and buttocks
  • The skin relief is smoothed. She becomes flat
  • Due to the update, the quality of the skin itself improves
  • The complexion is aligned, it looks fresh and healthy
  • Has an antioxidant effect, also detox, which allows the skin to be cleaned as much as possible
  • The skin receives additional protection and external factors affect it less

Accordingly, after the skin procedure, it becomes healthier, and also leaves most of the problems that have bothered earlier. At the same time, TSA-peeling can also cause certain harm:

  • The procedure is quite painful, and therefore you have to tolerate
  • Due to the increased danger and the possibility of obtaining burns, the procedure cannot be independently carried out
  • After such peeling, complications may occur
  • Rehabilitation lasts long enough and during it the skin requires the most careful and effective care
  • The skin can be damaged due to burns that may appear during the exposure process
  • Preparation for the procedure is difficult

So if you do not have the opportunity to visit the salon, then it is better to conduct another peeling at home. It is enough to choose the one that removes the upper layer of the skin, which has already been keratinized, and also provokes the production of new cells. If there is an opportunity to come to the salon, then choose the master very carefully.

TSA-peeling: Indications and contraindications

TSA-peeling can not be carried out in every case, but only if there are any specific problems.

So for the procedure there are certain indications. They are as follows:


Since the procedure is associated with high risks of skin damage, it is necessary to take into account the contraindications when such peeling cannot be carried out:


TSA-peeling-How is it done: Stages of the procedure

Conducting TSA-piling requires careful preparation, and therefore it must be distinguished in a separate stage. So, first of all, long before the procedure, cooking begins:

  • A month before peeling, refuse any procedures that can injure the skin. This applies to Brasin, epilization. At the same time, be sure to start using a protective cream with a 50 sf UV factor
  • At least in a couple of weeks, start using fruit acid creams that have a weak concentration
  • If you are going to do a middle peel, then it is important for this procedure to carry out 1-2 superficial procedures to remove the keratinized layer of the skin
  • If you recently had a herpes and did not pass for six months, then a few days before peeling, start drinking antiviral drugs
  • When it remains only 1-2 days, it is forbidden to sunbathe, steam the skin, do procedures to remove or thinch the hairs. All this can injure fabrics
  • Perhaps the cosmetologist will prescribe additional tests to identify contraindications

So, when the preparation is carried out and the day of the procedure comes directly, the second stage begins. It goes as follows:

  • Demake. First, the specialist removes all the excess from the skin. It is advisable to come without makeup in general, but if you have it, then it must be removed. For this, special compositions are used, but without lipids in the composition, so that the effectiveness of the composition does not decrease.
  • Then the peeling solution is mixed. This is due to the fact that the acids are volatile and can evaporate. When he is ready, the cosmetologist will draw him on his face.
  • During the action of peeling, the patient is fanned by a fan, or they turn on the fan. This is important to avoid burns. At the same time, the master always watches how deeply the peeling penetrated. When it affects the first layer, it may not be felt, but then pain will appear.
  • The effect of hoarfrost is gradually manifested, that is, white plaque. This means that now the peeling has reached the desired depth and affects those cells that need to be removed. For example, such an effect is needed to remove scars after acne. At the same time, a slight peeling will appear on 3-4 days, which is removed with a moisturizer.
  • After that, the cosmetologist once again processes problem areas, If you need to influence them more efficiently. Some zones can be influenced more, and on some-on the contrary.
  • After the main stage of the procedure is completed, the skin is treated with a soothing mask. It is forbidden to wet or wash it off until morning, because the composition still affects. In addition, she helps to remove all unpleasant sensations, moisturize, remove inflammation.

How to smear your face after Piling TSA?

Facial processing after TS-Piling
Facial processing after TS-Piling

When TSA-peeling is carried out, the recovery period begins. You may be disturbed by swelling, peeling, and crusts appear. To facilitate the condition, ointments and creams with drugs are used. They must relieve inflammation, heal the wounds, as well as relieve swelling and redness.

After 3-7 days, moisturizing and nutrient compositions can already be gradually introduced. Professional and therapeutic agents are best suited for this. They differ in hypoallergenicity, do not close the pores and give the skin additional protection. It is important to consider the texture of the cream. It should be absorbed quickly and not leave the effect of the mask.

It is strictly forbidden to use creams that have silicones, parabens, dyes and other substances that will not bring anything good.

Care after TSA-Piling-Rehabilitation period: Recommendations of doctors

Separately, it is worth saying how rehabilitation goes after TSA-Piling. This is the third, the final stage of the procedure. All care consists of two stages. Both of them have certain features.

  • So, in the first stage of the fiber, they are actively rejected. They are now damaged by acid solution. After rejection, the cells change to new ones. This stage lasts about 7-10 days.
  • In the first few days after the procedure, tightness is felt on the skin, it can swell and blush. Within two days, the phenomenon may intensify, but then it will decline. Already on the fourth day, the face is covered with a crust. In no case should it be ripped off.
  • To alleviate the condition, use creams, aimed at moisturizing and regeneration of the skin. For example, panthenol or other similar drugs helps well. Often cosmetologists themselves prescribe optimal means.
  • Remember that in no case during the rehabilitation period you can use cosmetics containing aggressive chemicals, for example, the same scrubs. Only natural drugs with mild effect can be used. To touch damaged tissues less, use sprays in the first few days.

While the skin does not completely heal, it is strictly prohibited:

  • Make facial compresses, heat the skin too much, that is, go to a bathhouse or sauna and try to speed up exfoliation
  • Playing sports, and power loads also have to be postponed so far
  • Use simple cosmetics and choose your own drugs without the recommendation of a doctor
  • To sunbathe in the sun or just be under the influence of ultraviolet radiation for a long time, because the skin has remained without good protection so far

After inflammation passes and swelling leaves, the next stage of rehabilitation will come. It lasts within two to three months. During this period, the skin requires maximum nutrition, as well as hydration. This will accelerate metabolism in cells and make new fibers grow. The skin will recover faster.

Is it possible to do TSA-peeling at home?

TSA-peeling at home
TSA-peeling at home

Almost every professional cosmetologist will say that TSA-Piling is strictly prohibited at home. This is due to several reasons:

  • First of all, the procedure is sometimes carried out under anesthesia. This mainly applies to patients over 40 years old
  • During the use of acid, a special neutralizer should be applied. It will not work to do this at home on your own
  • Conducting such a procedure may require the restoration of the patient in the hospital

It is important when conducting TSA-piling a constant supervision of a doctor, because at any time you may need the introduction of an anesthetic or special composition that will help to quickly recover the skin. So do not try to carry out the procedure at home.

TSA peeling - when will peel begin?

When TSA-peeling was carried out, in the first few days the skin will be completely dehydrated. That is why often after the procedure it blushes. The intensity depends on the applied type of cleaning. Usually the process begins on 2-3 days, but a manifestation is possible a little later.

TSA peeling - when can you wash?

When TSA-peeling is only carried out, you can not wash. First, a mask affects the skin. So, within 12 hours it cannot even be wetted. After that, you should not wash yourself either. In general, refraining from this procedure is recommended for two days.

Then it is allowed to wash, but with the use of soft products for sensitive skin. Cosmetologists themselves are advised to use foam, gels for this.

It is important to know that the skin should be washed with acidified water. This allows you to quickly exfoliate the skin, reduce the time of skin restoration, and also dry it so that the crusts do not wet and the infection does not penetrate them. Well, in the end, this is a good disinfector.

How often can TSA-peeling be done-how many procedures do you need?

TSA -peeling - how many procedures do you need?
TSA-peeling-how many procedures are needed?

In general, TSA-peeling cannot be done often, and only one procedure is enough to obtain a good effect. In extreme cases, the procedure can be carried out again, while not earlier than a month later.

Peeling is allowed no more than once a year. At the same time, the effects of trichlororoxic acid transforms the skin and its effect is just enough for one year.

TSA peeling - what are side effects and complications?

After TSA-piling, swelling may appear. This usually happens with those whose skin is prone to allergies. To reduce the likelihood of its appearance, take antihistamines. Another possible reaction, which is the norm, can be redness of the skin. This effect lasts 1-3 days until a brownish crust appears. At the same time, tightness may be strong enough so that facial expressions and chewing are difficult. You can not remove crusts in any case.

Other complications are:

  • Too high skin sensitivity to ultraviolet. If you are too strong, pigmentation can go on the skin. So within six months it is important to use regularly with a UV protection cream of at least 50 SPF.
  • The appearance of borders between processed and raw skin. Such a complication is very rare, but still it happens. Tonal cream helps to hide it. By the way, jessner peeling helps to completely remove the effect.
  • White spots can also form on the skin. This is due to the fact that peeling is able to kill melanocytes. Fruit acid peels help to cope with this problem.
  • In the places where you yourself remove the crust or too much acid was used, small scars may form.
  • If you have increased sensitivity to acid dM, then the skin can be dry for a long time. Some even have creases that resemble wrinkles. In this case, mesotherapy or biorevitalization helps perfectly.
  • Some time after the procedure A acne may appear again. In this case, the reason is some internal problems that do not touch the skin.
  • If the patient is prone to the appearance of rosacea, then for a very long time, even during the year, Redness may remain. The reason is expanded vessels. To reduce the external manifestations of this complication, abandon the sauna and bath, high physical exertion, as well as acute food and alcohol.

Even after the complete completion of the procedure, be sure to keep in touch with your cosmetologist. He can give advice in any situation that may occur during rehabilitation. A quick solution to problems allows you to prevent possible unpleasant consequences.

What is more effective-TS-peeling, yellow, tonsil or glycoly?

Which peeling is better?
Which peeling is better?

In fact, in the conduct of the TSA-peeling procedure from yellow, tonsil or glycoly is not too different. However, some features still have significant differences.

  • When yellow peeling is performed, then the result manifests itself immediately and is held during the year. In principle, regarding TSA, this is also applicable. However, the effect of yellow is not so aggressive, it can even be called delicate. It is effective for combating wrinkles and red spots after acne.
  • At the same time, TSA-peeling It is more effective than yellow. That's just the rehabilitation period is very large. In addition, you must understand that TSA is not even a cosmetic procedure, but more medical.
  • The tonsil of peeling More suitable for skin, characterized by high sensitivity. This is due to the fact that the product effectively affects the skin, but after it there are no complications after it. At the same time, such cleaning can be done regularly during the year and no restrictions on this procedure are superimposed.
  • Another type of peeling is glycoly. So it is called through the use of glycolic acid. It is great for any skin and even from the age of 15 it is allowed to use. Thanks to glycoly peeling, damaged skin cells go away, and pores are also very well cleared.

In principle, what specific peeling to choose, everyone decides. It is important to take into account the features of the skin, as well as the problems that have arisen. For simple purification of pores, of course, tonsil or glycoly. They affect the skin rather softly. But for too sensitive it is better to choose yellow or tonsil. TSA-peeling is better to choose with complex skin problems, when nothing else helps.

How much does it cost to pilw

TSA-peeling is a professional cosmetic procedure that is more considered medical. In beauty salons, the price varies from 5 to 20 thousand rubles. If the salon provides cosmetics for preparation to the procedure and after it for rehabilitation, then the price can increase by an order of magnitude and reach 35 thousand rubles.

TSA-piling-efficiency: photo before and after

Of course, every girl is interested in how her face will look if she does Tsa-peeling. To do this, look at the photo of the girls who have already used this cosmetic procedure:

Photo 1
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 5

Piling TSA: forum, reviews

Today at various forums it is customary to leave reviews about certain cosmetic procedures. Girls say about TS-peeling. Someone liked the procedure, or rather the effect after it, and someone claims that it will never go to it again. At the same time, do not forget that some complications may appear. In any case, in order to minimize possible risks, always carefully choose a salon and a master. The higher its qualifications and the more confidence in the salon, the better. It is best to look for a salon on the recommendation of acquaintances. Then you will definitely be sure that you got to a good master.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

Video: TSA peeling is point. Point application of median chemical peeling TSA

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