Combined peeling procedure - what it is: indications, contraindications. What effect does a combined face peel give: photo before and after, reviews

Combined peeling procedure - what it is: indications, contraindications. What effect does a combined face peel give: photo before and after, reviews

In this article, we will talk about such a procedure as combined peeling - what it is, how it is carried out and what features it has.

Most girls visiting beauty salons believe that combined facial peeling is a procedure for skin type with the same name. This is a wrong opinion, because it is just the name of the procedure and it does not intersect with the combined type of skin. This kind of peeling can be used for any type of skin. Its main advantage is the ability to solve several problems at once.

Combined face peeling procedure - what is it?

Combined face peeling
Combined face peeling

Combined facial peeling is a deep skin cleansing of severe pollution. It is distinguished by a gentle effect, and therefore is suitable even for the most sensitive skin. The epidermis itself is not damaged in any way, since cleaning is carried out at a deep level.

The procedure consists of two stages:

  • First, mechanical cleaning is used for pre -steamed skin. This is done with fingers through sterile napkins or the master uses Vidal's needles or spoons of uno.
  • At the second stage, an ultrasonic apparatus is used. A special gel is applied to the skin and acting, dead cells are removed. This allows you to remove all the clusters of the dirt.

What effect gives combined facial peeling?

This procedure is considered, as we have already said gentle. It does not affect the skin too much, that is, it does not injure it. At the same time, combined facial peeling is highly effective. After one procedure, the result is well noticeable.

So, during the procedure, the following changes occur:

  • Mud and dead cells are removed, which can cause acne appearance
  • In places where the sebaceous ducts are clogged, all excess fat is removed, thereby forcing the pores to breathe
  • Accordingly, since all the excess is removed from the skin, then it receives additional breathing, it comes to the normal state
  • Blood circulation and metabolism in the upper and middle layer of the skin are becoming better
  • All acne, acne and black dots are removed
  • Small facial wrinkles disappear
  • Pores after the procedure are narrowed, which does not allow dirt to penetrate them
  • Since the sebaceous glands begin to work normally, the complexion is gradually leveled
  • Swelling, tubercles and bumps disappears from the skin
  • If there were small scars, then they disappear or become less noticeable
  • Additionally, the procedure gives the effect of rejuvenation
  • The skin perceives the effects of various cosmetics better

Combined facial cleaning - Peeling: Indications and contraindications

Combined facial cleaning is not carried out just like that. It is aimed at solving certain skin problems.

So, the testimony for her is as follows:

Combined peeling testimonies
Combined peeling testimonies

However, the procedure has contraindications:

Contraindications of combined peeling
Contraindications of combined peeling

If you have any of the contraindications for the procedure, then it is better to refuse it and try something else.

How a combined piling is carried out: the procedure for conducting a procedure

In fact, combined facial peeling is called so because it combines two types of cleaning - mechanical and hardware. This option, as a rule, is carried out exclusively in the hospital.

The procedure itself consists of several steps:

  • Training. First, the specialist processes the skin. Its task is to remove makeup, all the dirt from the upper layer of the skin and fat. So, for the procedure, the skin should be clean. In general, of course, it is recommended before visiting a cosmetologist not to even apply makeup or at least to a minimum.
  • Massage. It is done to improve the susceptibility of the skin. It allows you to relax muscles and improve blood circulation.
  • Softening of the stratum corneum of the skin. The procedure will be as effective as possible if the horn is loosened. This allows you to improve tissue permeability. For this, special masks or water vapor are used.
  • Mechanical cleaning. Now the cosmetologist begins to manually remove all the extra comedones, wen and acne. This method is not very pleasant and even painful, but you have to tolerate, because otherwise it will not work to get rid of them. Hardware cosmetology, although effective, is not able to cope with them. By the way, Brooksage can also be used. It will eliminate inflammation and different formations on the skin.
  • Further, hardware peeling is already entering into business. It is usually used for the laser or ultrasound procedure. The laser is used much less often. A special gel is applied to the skin, and then ultrasound is acted on it. The effectiveness of the procedure becomes noticeable immediately. Dead cells are removed from the skin and pores are cleaned. The stage is painless, so do not be afraid of him.
  • Rehabilitation. After the procedure, an antiseptic or other moisturizing or anti -inflammatory agent is applied to the skin. Even a cosmetologist can use something to narrow the pores. It is recommended to use antiseptics.

In addition to this option, there are others. This is the main advantage of mixed peeling - it allows you to choose procedures that are optimal for any type of skin.

Is it possible to make a combined face peeling at home?

Combined peeling at home
Combined peeling at home

Often, girls themselves try to crush acne and remove black dots. At the same time, to make a combined face peeling, it is not even necessary to go to the cosmetologist. The fact is that you can purchase a portable ultrasonic apparatus and a special gel. Well, then to independently carry out procedures. In this case, it is important to observe sterility.

So, the home procedure is carried out as follows:

  • To begin with, remove all cosmetics from the skin, as well as jewelry, if you have them. By the way, you can clean the skin with a scrub, tonic or serum.
  • Decide which areas you want to process.
  • Apply a gel guide to each zone. Immediately the whole face should not be processed, because the product dries quickly and has to apply more. From this, the consumption only increases.
  • Take the nozzle at an angle of 45 degrees and spend it on the prepared skin. Take one site no more than four times. Direct the shoulder blade so that the gel is not text. Movements are made against massage lines from side to center. Drive the nose treatment with short movements and, if necessary, press the nozzle slightly. In total, the procedure time is approximately 10 minutes.
  • After all the manipulations are completed, treat the skin. This can be done with chlorhexidine or any other disinfectant.
  • All the black dots that you have left - delete. In order not to bring dirt in other pores, wrap your fingers with gauze or bandage.
  • Treat your face with an antiseptic again.
  • In conclusion, apply the cream to the skin. It should be nutritious or moisturizing.

Another good way is to manually remove all the excess from the skin and then use the ultrasound. In this case, first, first steam the skin above the pan with steam or use a special mask.

How often can you do a combined face peeling?

Frequency of combined peeling
Frequency of combined peeling

Many are interested in the question of how often it is possible to perform combined facial peeling? Of course, one procedure is enough for a long time. For example, dry skin requires cleaning every three months, but normal already needs more procedures - every month or two. In the latter case, you need to take into account how much the pores are polluted.

Most often, peeling requires oily or mixed skin. For her, the procedure is carried out once a month or even once every two weeks, because the pores are clogged very quickly.

In general, of course, it is better to consult with a cosmetologist. He will tell you what frequency of procedures is required specifically for your skin.

Combined facial peeling - effectiveness: photos before and after

Of course, it is always interesting what kind of effect this or that cosmetic procedure gives the effect in order not to just spend time on it. Combined facial peeling is no exception. In the photo, it is noticeable that after it the appearance of the skin is significantly improved. The face becomes fresh and well -groomed, because all the excess is removed and the skin breathes and functions normally.

A photo
A photo

Combined Piling of Faces: Reviews

It is equally important to study the reviews about the procedure. Combined facial peeling leaves most women satisfied. Of course, he also has his opponents. However, the effectiveness of the procedure is noticeable and proved. In any case, whether it is worth carrying out the procedure - to solve only to you.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4

Video: cold hydration and combined facial cleaning. Atraumatic cleaning and ultrasonic peeling

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Comments K. article

  1. I honestly don't really like salon procedures. I’m just afraid, and all this is expensive. I preserve the youth of the skin by making gelatin masks and be sure to take Evalarovsky hyaluronic acid. It is her, because the production of Swiss, is absorbed well due to the special shape of the capsule. I advise everyone. Not everything is as difficult as it seems.

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