Reidron: Why helps children? How many regions can you drink at a time, how much per day? How to take a reidron correctly? How long can you drink a reidron? How to prepare a solution of Registron at home?

Reidron: Why helps children? How many regions can you drink at a time, how much per day? How to take a reidron correctly? How long can you drink a reidron? How to prepare a solution of Registron at home?

Indications for use and instructions for the drug Reidron.

Poisoning is a dangerous ailment due to which dehydration and acidosis can occur. It is worth noting that as a result of poisoning, enterocolitis, the patient develops diarrhea and vomiting. Due to the fact that the body is trying to free himself from pathogenic microorganisms, it gets rid of fluid, any food that is in the gastrointestinal tract. The condition is very dangerous for the body due to dehydration. To replenish the fluid deficiency, patients are prescribed for a regidron.

What does the relaxation help adults from?

As a result of prolonged vomiting and diarrhea, the amount of fluid in the human body is constantly decreasing. Due to violation of the water-salt balance, acidosis, dehydration may develop. To replenish the fluid deficiency, it is not recommended to take a large amount of water at a time. It is proved that large portions of liquids provoke vomiting, and instead of improvement, the patient is only worse. An ideal option is to take fluid in small portions, but often. Scientists conducted a number of studies, as a result of which it turned out that if a person in a short period of time, for example, will drink 1 liter of water at a time, then about 90% of the fluid will leave the body along with the urine.

If a person takes a teaspoon every 5 minutes, the liquid will be spent economically, and in the urine it will be several times less. This will ensure the correct functioning of the body and thermoregulation. As a result of prolonged vomiting and diarrhea, the amount of fluid in the body decreases, as a result of which the water-salt balance in the body is disturbed. As a result of dehydration, the amount of salt decreases in the blood, acidity increases, which leads to disorders in the work of the organs. To replenish the deficiency of salts and establish an equilibrium of electrolytes, it is recommended to take not just water, but compotes, tea, juices. The ideal remedy that can be purchased in a pharmacy to restore the water-salt balance is a regdron.

What is the reidron helps adults from:

  • To make up for fluid loss during vomiting and diarrhea.
  • The drug is widely used not only for diarrhea and vomiting, but also for active physical exertion, with intense sweating.
  • In order for the water-salt balance to be within normal limits, it is recommended to take a reidron. This drug can take with them on the road tourists traveling in summer and winter if the route is provoked by increased sweating.
  • The solution is recommended to be taken after each liquid stool in small sips. With intense vomiting, it is necessary to take 50 ml of solution for every kilogram of body weight in 10 hours. 

Reidron: The composition of the drug

This is a powder that is used among adults and children. Consists of sodium chloride and potassium, citric acid salts, as well as grape sugar. Such a simple composition allows us to normalize the water-salt balance in the body, improve the patient's condition. The tool is recommended to be accepted both adults and children, regardless of age. 

Packaging with the drug
Packaging with the drug

Is it possible to give a reidron to children?

An absolutely safe composition allows you to prescribe the drug even to children, up to 1 year old. Dilute the product at the rate of one bag per 1 liter of boiled water. The amount of the solution that must be taken depends on the severity of the situation, the weight of the patient.

Is it possible to give a reidron to children:

  • The amount of liquid for children is slightly different. It is necessary to take into account the weight of the child. 
  • Children under 3 years of age need to take a regdron, in an amount of 100 ml per 1 kg of weight. That is, with a child’s weight, 10 kg, he needs to take 1 liter of liquid.
  • For children 3 years old, it is recommended to take 1 liter of liquid throughout the day. Give the substance in small portions.
  • If the child refuses to take the drug, it is given with a syringe without a needle or soldered by a teaspoon, pouring the drug every 10 minutes. It is necessary that the child drinks a liter of solution during the day. 

How to take a reidron to an adult?

For example, if a person has lost 500 g of weight as a result of vomiting or diarrhea, it is necessary to take twice as many solutions.That is, with a loss of 100 g of liquid, you need to drink 200 ml of solution.

How to take a reidron to an adult:

  • In adults, the dosage depends on the loss of fluid and severity of the condition. If the patient is unconscious in the hospital, then the solution is administered using a probe. It is not recommended to take the substance in large portions, as this provokes an attack of vomiting.
  • When improving the condition, the regdron is taken along with water, other liquids. The amount of solution and other liquids, including water, compotes and juices, depends on the weight of the patient. The greater the weight of the patient, the more fluid is necessary to restore health. It is worth noting that it is best to give the solution 15 minutes after the next attack of vomiting.
  • In order to avoid repeated attacks, the drug is given in small portions. If it is very hot outside, it is allowed to cool the solution. Please note that they store the finished product in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degrees. A finished solution of no more than 24 hours in the refrigerator is stored. 
Breeding the drug
Breeding the drug

How many times a day to drink a regidron?

The number of methods of the drug may be different. It depends on the total volume of the fluid, which must be taken to replenish the deficiency.

How many times a day to drink a regidron:

  • However, the number of tricks depends on the condition of the patient. If there is constant vomiting, the drug will have to be given in small portions, every 5 minutes.
  • If a person has only diarrhea and fever, then the drug is recommended to be divided into portions and take 3 times per hour.
  • It is not recommended to consume liquid in large portions, since it is poorly absorbed and quickly excreted from the body along with the urine.

How long can you drink a reidron?

The drug with caution is prescribed for people with kidney diseases and diabetes. This is due to the fact that the powder contains grape sugar, that is, glucose. This increases the level of insulin in the blood, can cause a coma if the patient suffers from diabetes. In such patients, it is necessary to control the condition of the blood, its indicators.

If necessary, replace the reidron with other drugs, with a different composition, a lower sodium salts and the absence of glucose. The results of the studies confirm that glucose in the composition of the regoron holds sodium salts and potassium, preventing them from eliminating the body. This improves the effect of taking solution. 

How long can you drink a reidron:

  • Take the product for three to four days. It is enough to drink the solution during vomiting or diarrhea. As soon as diarrhea and vomiting stop, it is necessary to take the solution for another one day.
  • In no case should other liquids or substances be added to the regdron. After all, this can ruin the healing properties and break the water-salt balance in the body.
  • The main advantage of regrony in a small sodium salts. Accordingly, the drug can be combined along with saline droppers, and other drugs that contain sodium. In the hospitals, with poisoning, the child continues to be sent by regiron, despite the fact that they pour saline with a dropper. 

Special instructions when taking regional

With caution, the drug should be taken by people with patients with kidneys and heart. The fact is that the drug can provoke hyperkalemia. The condition is dangerous for people with kidney diseases. Therefore, in no case can you consume a concentrated solution in quantities more permissible. During taking the drug, it is necessary to carefully treat patients with diabetes and kidney function disorders. It is worth paying attention to the following symptoms: 

  • A person slows down speech, drowsiness arises. 
  • He does not respond to questions and appeal to him. 
  • Fever above 39 degrees 
  • A person stops going to the toilet in a small way. 
  • In the feces, along with liquid bowel movements, blood appears. 
  • If diarrhea lasts more than 5 days. 
  • The sudden disappearance of diarrhea and the appearance of severe pain. 

In order for the drug to work well, it is necessary to exclude a large amount of fat and carbohydrates from food. It is best if for some period to stop eating and drinking only the solution. It is proved that eating can provoke repeated attacks of diarrhea and vomiting. 

How to take reidron to children?

In children, it is recommended to correct the introduction of fluid depending on its condition.

How to take reidron to children correctly:

  • If the child loses the liquid due to vomiting, then it is necessary to replenish the deficiency in a ratio of 2: 1. That is, two parts of saline solutions, such as a regdron, and 1 part of those that do not contain salt. For example, tea, compote or rice decoction.
  • If the child has diarrhea or temperature, all together, in which case it is necessary to take one part of the regoron and two parts of liquids that do not contain salts. That is, compote or tea.
  • If the child is vomiting, he has diarrhea, then it is necessary to make up for the loss of fluid 1: 1, that is, one part of the regorin and one part of the liquid that does not contain salt. The best option if the number of use is more than 6 times per hour. If the vomiting of the child practically does not stop, then the child is dropped up to 12 times per hour in small portions. 
  • With each increase in body temperature by 1 degree, the amount of regiron is increased, at the rate of 1 ml per kilogram of the child’s weight. However, the resulting volume must be entered not in a day, but in one hour. For example, if a child weighs 15 kg, then additionally, within an hour, he needs to introduce another 15 ml of Registron. This is without taking into account the solution that is given to the child due to vomiting and diarrhea.
  • At diarrhea and high temperature, loss of fluid and salts is much less than with vomiting. That is why, when vomiting, the child is given a lot of fluids, but dividing into a large number of tricks. As indicated above, it is recommended to solder the child every 5 minutes. 

How to prepare a solution of Registron at home?

If for some reason there is no pharmacy drug, it can be prepared independently. This is due to the simplicity of ingredients that can be purchased at any grocery store. The first option involves the use of sugar and salt. To prepare a glass of solution, it is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of salt and 10 g of sugar in 250 ml of warm boiled water. However, the pharmacy drug contains not only salt with sugar, but also soda. Therefore, it also needs to be added when preparing the solution.

How to prepare a solution of regionalin at home:

  • To prepare the next recipe, you will need 500 ml of warm boiled water, 30 g of sugar, 5 g of soda and 5 g of salt. It is necessary to mix bulk ingredients and pour them into the water until dissolved.
  • These recipes are slightly different from the pharmacy. The pharmacy drug contains sodium citrate, which improves the absorption of the solution.
  • But if for some reason it was not possible to purchase the drug, you can easily use the above solutions. Indeed, the composition of table salt and baking soda contains sodium.

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If such symptoms appear, the patient needs to be taken urgently to the hospital.  In pregnant women and breastfeeding, taking the drug is not prohibited. If a woman carries out breastfeeding, then there is no need to interrupt it when taking the drug, because it is absolutely safe. 

Video: How to take reidron to adults and children?

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