Cytokine storm in coronavirus: causes, symptoms, treatment

Cytokine storm in coronavirus: causes, symptoms, treatment

The reasons for the appearance and methods of treating a cytokine storm in coronavirus.

Very often at the first signs and symptoms of SARS, family doctors prescribe substances containing interferon. Among themLaferobionCycloferonKipferon. These drugs are not always necessary for viral ailments. In this article we will tell you what it iscytokine Storm, and how to deal with it. 

What causes a cytokine storm?

This is the response of the body to the presence of foreign agents. In any human body, with good immunity, when viruses gets, a response arises with the release of interferons. It is these protein compounds that help to overcome pathogenic cells, to cope with them.

What causes a cytokine storm:

  • However, sometimes the body reacts too violently to the introduction of the virus, thereby highlighting a huge number of proteins - cytokines. In this case, a chain reaction occurs, as a result of which almost all cells of the body are affected.
  • Thus, the body fights with itself. Ultimately, this causes a refusal of almost all organs and systems. Often, with coronavirus, they die from heart, renal failure. The refusal of some organs provokedcytokinov storm.
  • Such a reaction occurs not only in people with diabetes or obesity, but also in young, healthy men. Although initially such a group of population is considered the most powerful and resistant to various kinds of infections. But in the case of coronavirus, the immune system plays a cruel joke with the body. As a result of increasing the work of lymphocytes, as well as excessive release of leukocytes, not only the lungs are involved in inflammation,but also neighboring organs. 

In simple words, it is an explosion or suicide of the body. Coronavirus begins to absorb cells, introducing into them. After the cell collapses, the viral particle penetrates into neighboring cells, leaving its DNA there, which again leads to the destruction of the cells of the body. A signal comes to the body that it is urgent to destroy the particles of the virus. However, due to its rapid spread and reproduction, the body distinguishes a huge amount of proteins that causecytokine storm. 

Red blood cells
Red blood cells

How to treat a cytokine storm with a covid?

There are several ways to stop this syndrome.

How to treat a cytokine storm with a covid:

  • Introduction of immunosuppressants. These are drugs that inhibit the action of the immune system or completely turn off it. Thus, a lot of interferons are not distinguished in the body, andcytokine proteins that cause the destruction of their own cells of the body. Among them, dexamethasone can be distinguished. It is he who is now included in the Covid-19 treatment protocol. itglucocorticosteroid, which is produced in the adrenal glands and is an immunosuppressant. The drug smooths out the response of the immune system, making it not so bright. 
  • Very often sickcovid They die not at all from the virus, but an excessive reaction of the body to it. About 6-8 days after infection, it becomes difficult for a person to breathe. This is due to the fact that foci of inflammation, as well as thrombosis, develop in the lungs. These are peculiar explosions in the vessels, as a result of which the lungs turn into minced meat.
  • To cure this condition, usually the patient needs to be 3-5 days on oxygen. Oxygen allows you to reduce the response of the body, and provoke an outflow of sputum from the lungs. because ofcytokine Storm, light and neighboring organs can refuse. Therefore, together with antibiotics, when the bacterial infection is attached, immunosuppressants, that is, dexamethasone is prescribed. 
Viral particle
Viral particle

Signs of a cytokine storm

There are several signs of a cytokine storm.

Signs of a cytokine storm:

  • High temperature, fever, confusion. 
  • Epileptic seizures are possible, often the patient speaks nonsense. 
  • It can be observedfrequent heartbeat, as well as dry cough. Possibly difficulty breathing. 
  • One of the characteristic symptomscytokine Storm, is a thickening of the neck. This is due to edema of adipose tissue, which are located in the zone of the neck, which is possible due to the high permeability of the vessels, and gusts of small capillaries. 
  • Aching pains in the lower back area, as well as a decrease in urine excretion, can be observed. 
  • Hallucinations are possible. The very first symptomcytokine Storm is a headache, as well as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting. More and more patients with such symptoms are brought to hospitals. 
  • The patient cannot recover, because the body is very quickly dehydrated. This is due to the excretion of fluid as a result of vomiting and diarrhea. 
Infectious disease specialist
Infectious disease specialist

Blood test for cytokine storm

Studies are conducted that confirm the diagnosis. A high amount of cytokines is found in the blood.

Blood test for cytokine storm:

  • Its main symptom is high indicators of inflammation markers, which are in blood serum.
  • The rate of erythrocyte settling is changing, the content of the reactive protein increases. It is according to these clinical indicators of blood test that the patient has a cytokine storm.
  • The concentration of ferritin increases, but the number of leukocytes is low. It is difficult to treat the disease, the virus is not as dangerous as the reaction of the immune system. 

Cytokine storm preparations

There are several options for treating this condition. Usually use inhibitors that slow down the action of the immune system.

Preparations for cytokine storm:

  • Among them are drugssarilumabbaricitinibtopacitinib. Use corticosteroids, such asMethylprednizolon Or dexamethasone. They are immunosuppressants. 
  • Sometimes intravenous immunoglobulins are introduced. Their main task- this is Suppression of the action of cytokines. 
  • Together with treatmentcytokine Storm, it is necessary to carry out antibacterial therapy. With an artificial decrease in immunity, there is a high risk of connecting a secondary bacterial infection. That is why two or three antibiotics are often prescribed at the same time, and they should relate to various groups. It can beCeftriaxoneAmoxicillin or gentamicin.
  • Anticoagulants are necessarily prescribed, since as a result of the disease the permeability of the vessels increases, as a result of which there is a rupture of the walls, their blockage. 
Blood analysis
Blood analysis

The causes of the cytokine storm in coronavirus

For the first time aboutcytokine Storm became known in 1993, during organs transplantation. During operations, the body reacts inadequately, and sends all his strength to the rejection of the new organ. It is in transplantology that drugs are often used that reduce the manifestationcytokine Storm. 

Family doctors are poorly aware, they know little about the treatment of such a pathology. Previously, for 1000 people, only 75 patients observed a similar reaction. Most oftencytokine The storms were caused by the viruses of ordinary, pork, bird flu, as well as sepsis, Ebola virus. Often, the phenomenon was encountered in transplantology.

The reasons for the cytokine storm in coronavirus:

  • Now the number of patients who die fromcovid –19 grew sharply. In 70% of cases, patientscovid Dying because ofcytokine Storm. This occurs as a result of liver, renal or heart failure. This is due to the high permeability of the vessels that break with the formation of blood clots. 
  • Cytokins are peculiar signaling devices that play the role of traffic lights. They regulate the processes that occur as a result of inflammation in the body. Signals enter specific cells and provoke them to the production of certain hormones to combat inflammation.
  • However, withcytokine Storm, signaling devices do not work well, and transmit a huge number of signals. Imagine the road with a lively movement, where traffic lights turn on and flashed in a chaotic order. In this case, the clashes of cars cannot be avoided. The same happens in the body, during the periodcytokine Storm. 
The suicide of the body
The suicide of the body

Cytokine storm, how to avoid?

Prevent developmentcytokine The storm is impossible. Scientists did not fully understand the chain of reactions that lead to the development of a large number of cytokines. That is why it is necessary to contact a doctor as soon as possible.

Cytokine storm, how to avoid:

  • The first signs that can be detected at home is to reduce oxygen in the blood. If onpulsoximeter shows 95%, there is a high or vice versa low temperature, rapid breathing, these are the first signs of the disease. It is necessary to contact a doctor as soon as possible.
  • If a large amount of a certain protein, which the cytokine belongs, gets into the blood, a chain reaction will start, which is almost impossible to stop. It entails pulmonary failure, blockage of blood vessels, pulmonary edema. Alveoli and the bubbles that are in them must pass air, but are filled with liquid, which provokes a respiratory arrest 
  • At the moment the forecastcytokine The storm is disappointing. Mortality from it is 40-60 %. If you notice the first symptoms of shortness of breath, the number of respiratory movements is more than 20 per minute, onpulsoximeter Low values, you need to call an ambulance or contact a doctor. At the moment, the main task is to suppress the immune system, and to prevent the development of cytokines that provoke the storm, suicide of the body. 
Laboratory research
Laboratory research

What is the temperature with a cytokine storm?

At the initial stage, when the virus is introduced into the body, symptoms standard for SARS are observed. It can be the loss of smell, sore throat, headache, general weakness. Perhaps a slight increase in temperature. It usually lasts at 37.5-38.5. After a few days, the patient's condition improves. The temperature is stabilized.

What is the temperature with a cytokine storm:

  • On 6-8 days after the onset of the disease, there is a lull. The temperature can be subfebrile, at the level of 37.2-37.5 degrees.
  • With a cascade, there is a sharp jump to 39-40 degrees, breathing difficulties appear.
  • It is impossible to be at home in this state.
Laboratory research
Laboratory research

Cytokine storm with coronavirus: Signs

To determine, impendingcytokine Storm, you must carefully observe the patient's health.

Cytokine storm with coronavirus, signs:

  • If the temperature does not return on the 6-8 day of infection, the patient is recovering, and recovers completely. But, if 2 days after stabilizing the temperature, its sharp jump is observed to the parameters of 39-40 degrees, we can talk aboutcytokine Cascade.
  • This means that the body also defeated the virus, but there was a failure in the system of notification of cells about the threat. Cytokins become peculiar beacons that signal the inflammation.
  • To the occurrencecytokine Storms are prone to people with diabetes, elderly patients. With COVID-19, it is impossible to take drugs that stimulate immunity, they can play a cruel joke. With COVID-19, interferons are not prescribed at the initial stages of the disease. 

The paradox is thatcytokine A storm occurs not only in patients who are at risk, but also in young, healthy people. There is evidence that professional athletes, fitness instructors who are engaged in building muscle mass also become victims of the syndrome. In the body of patients, a large number of proteins go to muscle construction. Accordingly, the protein may not be enough. This is important for men who avoid animal food, and eat exclusively vegetable, trying to replace the animal protein with vegetable.  


Can interferon call a cytokine storm?

Interferons are substances that are released in the body, and prevent the penetration of viral particles into the shell of healthy cells of the body. At the initial stages of Covid-19, the use of interferon is necessary in the form of drugs that are inserted into the nose. At the initial stage of the disease, a struggle at the local level occurs. When the virus is introduced into the body through the nasopharynx, it further penetrates into the body. The main task is to overcome the virus as soon as possible. 

Can interferon cause a cytokine storm:

  • But if there is a complex course of coronavirus, it is impossible to use interferon. It is proved that it is the interferons in the future that provokecytokine storm.
  • When aggravating the situation, re -increase temperature, the interferons of the Alpha and Beta group are not used. They cause an acute reaction of the body, with the occurrence of edema, as a result of the release of plasma from cells. Therefore, often severe patients die from edema of the lungs, pulmonary and multiple organ failure. 
  • Good results were obtained during the study of interferon lambda. This type of interferon was opened in 2003, so the research base is not enough. However, scientists have proven that interferon alpha and lambda affect the receptors in different ways, and various viral cells. Scientists believe that lambda-interferon is advisable to use against rotavirus infections that cause pneumonia. In particular, against Covid-19. 
In the laboratory
In the laboratory

Cytokine storm: prevention

At the moment, full -scale studies, regarding the prevention of coronavirus with drugs containing interferon, have not been carried out.

Cytokine storm, prevention:

  • However, doctors believe that the introduction of interferon in the early stages of the Covid-19 can slow down the development of the disease, and will cause a mild course of the disease.
  • That is why, for the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to use drops and sprays containing interferon. Among them, it is worth highlighting the drugs: Laferobion, Genferon, Viferon.
  • They contain human interferon, which destroys RNA virus, and prevents its penetration inside the body. In the later stages, in severe Covid-19, it is impossible to introduce interferon in the form of drops or injections, as this provokes the immune system to the production of even more cytokines that provoke a storm.
Laboratory research
Laboratory research

Read on the topic:

Many athletes, in order to acquire good physical shape, increase muscle mass, take a huge amount of means that block certain receptors in the body. Which often causes the production of a huge number of cytokines, as a result of which a storm is observed. 

Video: cytokine storm with coronavirus

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