Recipes for effective masks from bruises under the eyes at home: how to remove?

Recipes for effective masks from bruises under the eyes at home: how to remove?

A mask from bruises under the eyes will help improve complexion. This is the best way to remove skin imperfections.

If the eyes are a mirror of the soul, then the skin around them will tell about the lifestyle, illness, age and bad habits. Stress and ecology, professional activity and lack of sleep are imprinted on the delicate skin of the eyelids. As a result, circles and blue under the eyes, often accompanied by ugly swelling.

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To prevent the appearance of bruises under the eyes, it is necessary to find out the cause, exclude adverse factors and provide proper care. Masks are considered an effective way to fight. You will find their recipes in this article. Read further.

Bruises under the eyes: Causes of appearance

Bruises under the eyes
Bruises under the eyes

The human skin has a complex structure and consists of several layers, the lower of which is adipose fiber. Thanks to this layer, all internal processes in the body are hidden from us. If it were not at all, we could observe even the smallest vessels in the body, and our body would have a red-blue hue.

Often there is such a phenomenon when a person is born with an thinned subcutaneous fat layer, and dark circles under his eyes appear from early childhood. Such cases are considered a variant of the norm, but even plastic surgeons are not always taken to solve the problem of bruises. However, do not be upset, because with age with proper care, people with such an innate “drawback” may look better than people dependent on bad habits and leading unhealthy lifestyle.

What are the causes of such a defect? In addition to a genetic predisposition, bruises under the eyes can be:

  • Symptom of various diseases
  • The consequence of the wrong lifestyle
  • The result of improper hygiene and care for centuries

However, such a skin defect may appear due to the development of various diseases in the body. Read further.

Bruises under the eyes and diseases

Most often, the blue eyelids indicates the presence of diseases. Practitioners of doctors in their shade can even make preliminary diagnostics and make a diagnosis. For example:

  • Blue color of the lower eyelid Sometimes with a violet tint indicates a lack of oxygen. And this may be due to lung diseases, anemia or with a bad habit of smoking.
  • Blue with a red tint testifies to merchants, allergic reactions, diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Circles under the eyes with a yellow, and sometimes with a brown tint, Talks about the improper work of the liver.
  • Dark, almost black lower eyelids, can be the result of constant overwork and stress.

In addition, bruises can appear under the eyes during a cold or viral infection. Taking various kinds of medications also causes the appearance of unhealthy eyelids. In this case, bruises should disappear at the end of the course of medication or after a complete recovery.

Life: What is the connection with the appearance of bruises under the eyes?

The right lifestyle helps to get rid of bruises under the eyes
The right lifestyle helps to get rid of bruises under the eyes

An equally common cause of the appearance of bruises under the eyes is the wrong lifestyle. What is the connection?

  • Residents of megacities are faced with this problem, where the poor environmental situation and air pollution is the highest.
  • Add to this a sedentary lifestyle, stress, bad habits, lack of sleep, malnutrition.
  • The conclusion is disappointing - bruises under the eyes, however, like the unhealthy complexion of the face as a whole, become a constant "satellite" of a modern person.

It is not always possible to comply with all the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Nevertheless, some of them are a prerequisite if you want to get rid of bruises:

  • Sleep duration Must be 8-10 hours. The process of falling asleep should fall for the period from 20:00 to 23:00 - no later.
  • When working with digital equipment and computerdo every hour a break for 5-7 minutes.
  • Compensate for a sedentary lifestyle fitness, walking, cycling - enough 30 minutes a dayTo activate all processes in the body, including eliminating the stagnation of venous blood around the eyes.
  • Get rid of bad habits - smoking, alcohol, excessive amount of coffee and tea, snacks between the main meals.
  • Try not to be nervous, after all, even minor negative emotions provoke hormonal changes in the body, which is reflected on the skin of the face and age.
  • Eat correctly, reduce the number of sharp dishes and pickles, the last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Use a sufficient amount of clean water - about 1.5 liters per daybut do not drink a lot of liquids before bedtime so as not to provoke swelling.

If you begin to adhere to these rules, then after a couple of weeks you will notice the first results: bruises will become less noticeable, and the complexion will be fresh and beautiful. You can still help your skin with masks. Read further.

Types of masks from bruises and bags under the eyes

Please note that in the fight against bruises you need an integrated approach - lifestyle correction, health care, proper hygiene and skin care. If you exclude the probability of health problems and are quite active, then you need additional care. Best of all, masks cope with bruises and bags under the eyes at home.

Funds against bruises are divided into several types:

  • Whitening
  • Nourishing
  • Moisturizing

The most popular are whitening masks. They usually include potatoes or potato starch. The starch not only whitens, but also pulls the skin under the eyes, eliminating the swelling of the eyelids. Great brightening properties also possesses:

  • Parsley
  • Lemon
  • Cabbage
  • Walnuts (they are also used as a remedy for freckles and age -related skin pigmentation)

When choosing a whitening mask, you need to understand that the cause of bruises is not so much the condition of the upper layer of the skin as the condition of the fat layer. Therefore, such products are rarely used in pure form, and ingredients that can moisturize and saturate the delicate skin of the eyelids are usually added to the products of clarifying effects. For example:

  • Olive oil
  • Egg yolk
  • Kefir
  • Sour cream, etc.

Nourishing masks will help maintain the subcutaneous fat layer in normal condition, and moisturizing components will take care of the upper layer of the dermis and will be able to prevent not only blue, but also dryness and wrinkles appearing with age. To moisturize is traditionally used cucumber mass, and as a nutrition - dairy products, vegetable oils.

How to remove bruises under the eyes: the best recipes for effective masks against bruises at home

Recipes for effective masks against bruises at home
Recipes for effective masks against bruises at home

You can choose from the list below one tool and use it to refresh the skin, or each product can be used alternately. So, how to remove bruises under the eyes? Here are the best recipes for effective masks against bruises at home:

From parsley:

  • In the care of the centuries, Parsley occupies a leading place.
  • Based on this component, you can prepare lotions for tired eyes, which will help remove redness, reduce blue of the lower eyelid.
  • The cubes of ice prepared from the infusion of parsley will quickly remove the morning swelling and literally give a look at the look.
  • Once every 7 days You can apply a mask of sour cream with parsley. It tones the skin of the eyelids, eliminates an unhealthy shade. Fresh sour cream and finely chopped parsley are mixed in equal shares. If necessary, sour cream is replaced with low -fat cottage cheese. Apply the resulting mass to the area under the eyes, in 20 minutes Wash off with cool water.

From potatoes:

  • For the mask, raw potatoes are used. Potato starch contained in tubers will pull the skin of the lower eyelid, whiten bruises, but can dry the epidermis.
  • To eliminate the effect of dryness to potato masks add dairy products or vegetable oil, which has a softening effect.

Potato mask in vegetable oil:

  • Grate medium -sized potatoes on a fine grater and add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil.
  • Apply the prepared composition to the lower eyelid.
  • Through 20 minutes Wash off with a weak decoction of green tea or micellar water.

In milk with oatmeal flour:

  • Grind a small potato in a blender or grate on a fine grater.
  • Add milk and flour made of ground oatmeal. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions.
  • For convenience, apply the resulting mass to cotton pads.
  • The mask is used for the upper and lower eyelids, as milk feeds, and oatmeal softens the skin, eliminating facial wrinkles.
  • Duration of the procedure - 25 minutes.

C sauly cabbage and blue clay:

  • Sour cabbage and blue clay have the same bleaching effect as potato starch. Therefore, this recipe is considered one of the most effective in the fight against blue under the eyes.
  • Grind potatoes and cabbage, add blue clay. Take the ingredients in equal proportions.
  • The product is applied to the lower eyelid, in 5 minutes Rinse off with water.

Express mask potato:

  • If there is not enough time, you can cut the potatoes with circles, cool and put on your eyes for 5 minutes.
  • This method helps tone the skin of the eyelids after a difficult day, relieves swelling, whiten bruises.

Cucumber mask:

  • This tool will moisturize and refresh the skin, make bruises less pronounced.
  • Mix the cucumber mass in equal proportions with sour cream, which can be replaced with soft, fat cottage cheese.
  • Apply the composition to the lower eyelid, rinse after 15-25 minutes.
  • If there were no dairy products at hand, you can simply use chilled pieces of cucumber.

Lemon mask on walnuts:

  • For her you will need walnuts crushed in flour and ordinary butter.
  • But butter must be cleaned. To do this, it is put in a water or steam bath until the foam appears, which is necessary remove 3 times. The purified product has a consistency of thick sour cream and saturated yellow color. The oil can be cooked in advance and stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.
  • Add to the mask 3 drops freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is applied for 20 minutes, washed off with water or a weak decoction of green tea.

Since the cause of bruises in the eye area most often becomes stagnation of venous blood, an excellent tool will be massage ice from herbal infusion, lotions and contrasting compresses. Use sage, mallow inflorescences and cornflowers. Perform special facial gymnastics daily - massage "Points of Beauty"which will help keep your eyes and skin around them young and healthy. Good luck!

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