Lymphodrenal face massage: indications, contraindications, reviews. How to do lymphatic drainage massage of a manual face from Elena Zemskova's edema, Japanese Tanaka Yukuko, hardware?

Lymphodrenal face massage: indications, contraindications, reviews. How to do lymphatic drainage massage of a manual face from Elena Zemskova's edema, Japanese Tanaka Yukuko, hardware?

Massage technique that will improve the condition of your skin.

A woman simply must be beautiful, because it was not for nothing that the weakest half was attributed to the beautiful half of humanity. And the young and flowering lymphatic drainage massage of the face will help to remain. About all secrets and varieties further.

Lymphodrenal face massage: Indications and contraindications

With age, women show changes that cannot please. After all, this is both edema of the face and the second chin, and just sagging the skin. But in all, this species is not included in the plans of beautiful ladies.

The lymphatic drainage massage of the face will help to cope with such a problem. It is noted that after a few sessions, the skin acquires a flowering look. And with regular procedures, the number of wrinkles is significantly reduced.

All this is due to improving subcutaneous microcirculation. Let's dwell on the lymphatic system and find out how it affects the appearance of the woman.

Everything is very simple, it is the lymphatic system that cleans the cells of harmful products from the outside. These are the results of malnutrition, bad habits and an unstable lifestyle.

The skin of the face becomes noticeably fresh
The skin of the face becomes noticeably fresh

Because of this, the cells receive excess fluids, which leads to edema and a deterioration in appearance. It is lymphatic drainage massage that normalizes the amount of intercellular fluid.

This procedure can be carried out at home in the cabin. Indications To the use of lymphatic drainage massage are:

  • Swelling of the face
  • Dry skin
  • Folds near the lower jaw (wandered)
  • Folds on the upper eyelid (ptosis)
  • The presence of a second chin
  • Explicit facial wrinkles
  • Unhealthy color of the skin of the face

However, it should be remembered that lymphatic drainage massage is therapeutic and has a number of contraindications, among which:

  • Age category up to 16 years.
  • Rinoplasty (if the procedure was carried out in less than a month).
  • Wounds on the skin of the face.
  • Problems in the lymphatic system.
  • Colds (especially the ENT pain).
  • Signs of hypertension.
  • A thin face (since hollow cheeks and rosacea may appear from the procedure).
  • Menstruation (applies to women who are especially difficult to endure critical days).

Nevertheless, before the procedure, you should consult a doctor, so you can avoid negative consequences and identify possible contraindications. You can carry out such a procedure in the cabin or at home.

Lymphatic drainage massage must be done manually
Lymphatic drainage massage must be done manually

In any case, you should know the basic rules that will help to achieve the most positive effect:

  • Best lymphatic drainage massage - the procedure manually. Despite this, experts use various banks and balls to improve the effect.
  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to do faces.
    After peeling, it is necessary to apply a cream or other improvised massage product to the skin.
  • Carry out the procedure strictly according to the order or instructions.
  • Finish the procedure light cotton On the skin - this will help to calm the heated skin.
  • Massage frequency - once a week. It is optimal to do this for the weekend, so you can in no hurry to devote time to your loved one.

Video: Facial sculpture - lymphatic drainage massage

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage

Hardware massage and has this name due to the fact that special devices using current, ultrasound or vacuum are used for the procedure. With the help of hardware lymphatic drainage, signs of facial skin aging are eliminated.

Indications for the use of hardware lymphatic drainage massage are:

  • Reducing the elasticity of the skin
  • Reducing muscle tone
  • Rash or inflammation
  • Scars or scars
  • Skin aging
  • Swelling

Contraindications To conduct this procedure:

  • Oncology
  • Blows in the vessels
  • Blood disease
  • Pregnancy
  • Open wounds on the face
Hardware lymphatic drainage massage
Hardware lymphatic drainage massage

Before the procedure, undergo an examination by the doctor, as well as consult with a cosmetologist about the procedure. If no contraindications are noted, then after a few sessions you will see an amazing result.

Lymphodrenazh of the face microticle: drugs

With the help of a microticle lymphatic drainage, a peculiar procedure occurs, which is carried out in the physiotherapeutic office. A low voltage current acts on the skin of the face.

With the help of electrodes and certain drugs, interaction occurs, which promotes rejuvenation and improvement of the tone of the facial muscles. Thanks to current stimulation, the outflow of lymph improves the vessels, which favorably affects the appearance of a woman. In addition, the amount of fluid in skin cells is optimized and skin breathing improves.

Microcurrent drainage is shown at:

  • Face aging.
  • The appearance of edema and puffy.
  • Reduction of elasticity and elasticity of the skin.
  • The appearance of pigmentation or rash.

Contraindications for conducting a microcurrent massage of the face are:

  • Oncological or any unknown education on the skin.
  • The presence of a pacemaker or implants.
  • Inflammation or open wounds on the skin.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Piercing in the procedure.
  • Blood disease.

Be sure to consult a doctor and a cosmetologist before the procedure, since the list of contraindications is quite large. In addition, since creams and various drugs are used with this procedure, we advise you to go through allergic reactions test Before massage.

Microatoka lymphatic drainage of the face
Microatoka lymphatic drainage of the face

For the proper procedure and the penetration of the charge, special drugs are required. It can be:

  • Elastan lifting gel.
  • Gel with hyaluronic acid, which contributes to hydration.
  • To reduce the oily skin, gel with gray is used.
  • If the task is to get rid of rosacea, the gel "Antikuperosis" is used.

The course of procedures has about 10-12 sessions. You will see noticeable results already in the middle of the way.

Japanese lymphatic drainage facial face tanaka Yukuko

No matter how young a woman is in her soul, and time is ruthlessly painting wrinkles on her face. But science does not stand still - new technologies and drugs that extend youth are constantly created.

One of the known ways to return youth came to us from sunny Japan. He was revived by the Japanese stylist Tanaka Yukuko. She so much improved the massage technique that her grandmother taught, which even published a book for women.

The basic principle of massage that Japanese presents is effect on the skin of the face is comprehensively. During the massage, it is necessary to perform movements not with your fingertips, but with the palms.

Comprehensive influence on the code of the face
Complex effect on the skin

Particular attention is also paid to lymph nodes, so you should actively massage the neck area. Such massage is especially effective in the case:

  • Father edema.
  • Deterioration of skin color and muscle tone.
  • Facial wrinkles.
  • The presence of a double chin.

In order to correctly perform massage from Tanak Yukuko, you should know certain rules:

  • Clean the skin before massage, use scrubs or peeling.
  • Study the location of the lymph nodes, because they should be the main emphasis during massage.
  • In the zone of lymph nodes, movement should be gentle, but confident. In other places on the face, pressure on the skin should be many times stronger than with ordinary massage.
  • It is recommended to perform massage sitting. Massage time - 15 minutes.

Contraindications to the use of massage are:

  • Diseases of the lymphatic system.
  • Colds.
  • A rash or wounds on the skin.

It's time to get acquainted with the massage technique:

  • Smooth folds on the forehead - Press three fingers to the center of the forehead - medium, index and ring and, strongly pressing, take them to the temples. After that, lower your fingers down to the neck.
  • Removing edema from the eyes - Spend your fingers from the external to the inner corners of the eye. Next, repeat the same movements, but already under the line of eyebrows. Repeat the movements in the reverse order - from the inner corners to the external.
  • For decreasing wrinkles near the lips - Cover the lip outline with two fingers, pressing well on each part of the skin.
  • Decrease wrinkles near the nose - rub the wrinkles strip with the middle fingers, thoroughly pressing on points where special folds and wrinkles are marked.
  • Strengthen muscle tone in the cheek area - Alternately in circular motions, the center of the palm is massage the face from the lower jaw to the eyes.
  • For elimination saking cheeks -Press the back of the back of the palm on the lower jaw on the sides and lift it, fixing each rise for 3-5 seconds.
  • Elimination second chin - Repeat the previous movements, only the route will be from the center of the chin to the ear.
The technique is important
The technique is important

Very important correct massage correctly. To do this, remember the basic movements:

  • Press your fingers on the lymph nodes located near the ear.
  • Get down to the neck, alternately pressing on every centimeter of the skin.

These movements should be repeated after each exercise. When using massage, side effects may appear. Let's immediately find out what in such cases should be done:

  • Appeared rash - Change massage oil and better cleanse the skin after the procedure
  • Strongly the face was emaciated - Reduce the frequency of procedures and pressure.
  • Appearance swelling - Do not use too oil massage products and do the procedure in the morning, not in the evening.
  • Singing The skin is insufficient pressure and used a little massage in the procedure.
  • In the presence of mercharosis, which is a contraindication for massage, but there is still a desire to apply the procedure, we advise:
  • Do not massage the problem area.
  • Use a massage product with a shit.
  • Healthy diet, especially pay attention to silicon products.
  • Do not use scrubs.
  • Do not visit the bathhouse and sauna.

Perform all these tips and you will immediately notice that after a few sessions you will be younger for several years. And with the regular application of the procedure - 10 years Down with.

Video: Japanese massage technique from Tanak Yukuko

How to do a lymphatic drainage facial massage on your own at home?

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the cosmetology room and do this procedure, you can massage at home. In order to perform manipulations, you will need no more than 15 minutes. Massage in certain areas of the face alternately:

  • From the center of the forehead to the temples, slightly pressing your fingers, make stroking movements.
  • From the nose near the lower eyelids, slightly pressing, lead to the temples. Return to the starting point already above the upper age.
  • In the cheek area, conduct several manipulations: from the center of the chin to the end of the lower jaw; from the corners of the mouth to the ears; From the center of the upper lip to the temple.
  • From the wings of the nose in the corners of the lips, draw a line on the fold, slightly pressing, as if smoothing it.
  • Bring the thumbs from the center of the chin to your ears - an effective remedy for the second chin.
  • Performing these manipulations, even at home, you will see an amazing result. Remember that this procedure should be carried out on steamed skin.
  • After the massage, slightly pat on the face and apply a nourishing cream.
Massage can be done at home
Massage can be done at home

Video: lymphatic drainage self -massage

Lymphodnate facial massage manual: technique, scheme

As mentioned earlier, lymphatic drainage massage should only be performed manuallyThis is the only correct technique. Basic manipulations:

  • Make fruit peeling.
  • Heat the skin with active rubbing.
  • Strengthen the forehead - movements from temples to the center of the forehead and vice versa. Repeat 3 times.
  • Remove the dark circles under the eyes - pressing from the inner corner of the eyes to the external under the lower century. Return in the upper eyelid. Repeat 5 times.
  • Press the dimple on the chin and describe the contour to the center of the upper lip. Repeat 5 times.
  • Press the folds from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth.
  • Pull the cheeks - open your mouth and relax. Raise your lower jaw with your hand until you feel a slight pain. Repeat 3 times.
  • Press your fingers on the corners of the mouth and draw a line to the corners of the eyes. Go to your ears from your eyes. From the ears again to the eyes. Repeat 5 times.
  • For the elasticity of cheeks, use "grandmother's greetings." Take your cheeks in your fingers, stretch and shock a little. Repeat 3 times.
  • With an edge of the palms from the wings of the nose we move to the ears - the skin on the cheeks is smoothed, muscle tone increases.
  • To strengthen the oval of the face, put your palm under the chin and, pressing, go up to your forehead. Repeat 5 times.
  • Fold your hands as before a prayer and put the ribs of the palms on the tip of the nose. Strongly pressing, spread your hands to your ears, then down to the chin. Repeat 5 times.
Massage movements
Massage movements

Lymphatic drainage massage of the face from Elena Zemskova's edema

Elena Zemskova is a master of massage, which teaches the right technique in a personal massage school. If you regularly perform these manipulations, then in a week you will see a noticeable result. So, let's begin:

  • Clean your face with a scrub, turn on pleasant music and folding your hands in a prayer pose relax for 30 seconds.
  • Take your favorite massage oil and apply your face and face.
  • Stroke the skin of the cheeks, from the nose and to the ears. Next from the chin to the forehead.
  • Perform the same manipulations, only in circular movements.
  • With your fingers from the center of the face to the sides carefully, but confidently press on each part of the skin. When you pass the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe face, stroke the contours of the nose, lips and eyes.
  • From the neck to the forehead, carry out light pressure on each area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • Next, perform light touches to the skin of the face - as if droplets of water touch your skin. Stroking.
  • The final manipulation will be plowing. Take the skin between the thumb and forefinger and, moving the index, go through the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe face. Do not forget about stroking.
Get rid of wrinkles with massage from zemstvo
Get rid of wrinkles with massage from zemstvo

Close your eyes and relax. Feel how, after massage, the skin was nourished with energy and freshness.

Video: Massage from Elena Zemskova

Lymphodnate facial massage: before and after, reviews

Let's get acquainted with the reviews of those who have already tried the lymphatic drainage massage on themselves: after receiving the information:

Anna, 38 years old:

“I don’t know why I suddenly decided to do this massage. It’s just that probably nothing to do. I studied the instructions where everything is indicated in detail. By the way, it was said that during menstruation it is not desirable to do massage.

But I still decided to try. And since the next day there were no negative consequences, she continued. A terrible rash arose a week later. And as I did not try to cure her, the rashes appeared again.

So I abandoned this business, since I blame the problems with the skin only massage. But still, the skin has become more elastic, so there is no thin one without good. ”

The result is noticeable
The result is noticeable

Anastasia, 28 years old:

“First I learned about massage and began to perform it at home. After a couple of days, her face was swollen, very scared and began to look for a solution on the Internet. It turned out to be incorrectly doing manipulations.

After that, I watched the video instruction and after 2 weeks of correct implementation I noticed simply stunning results. The second chin was not there, and the skin became so elastic. I am delighted".


Angelica, 26 years old:

“I always did not like my chubby cheeks. And by chance, on the Internet, I found an advertisement for lymphatic drainage massage. I read and realized that it can be done at home.

After the first viewing, the video sat down in front of the mirror. For two weeks, she thoroughly massaged her face. And a miracle happened. The face became noticeably worse. I'm happy, finally. "

Improvement is evident
Improvement is evident

Vera, 45 years:

“My problem has recently been sagging skin and folds in the nose. I decided that I had to do something. I found a story on the Internet that lymphatic drainage massage helps a lot in this case.

I decided to practice at home. Everything was just super. 3 months I regularly performed exercises and could not get enough. But today it was accidentally pressed under the eye and a bump immediately arose. Terrible, I'm in a panic. Girls, do everything according to the instructions, do not repeat my mistakes. ”

There may be such consequences from massage
There may be such consequences from massage

As you can see, if you perform all the requirements correctly, massage is extremely effective. But in no case do not engage in amateur performances.

In order for you to be pleased to evaluate the result, look at a few more photos:

Noticeable decrease in wrinkles in the nasolabial region
Improving the condition of the skin
The fresher face
The result is very noticeable

Video: Japanese face massage - 10 years Down with

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Comments K. article

  1. Massage actions are carried out on pre -cleaned and processed with a special gel composition of the skin surface! Lymphatic drainage massage is prohibited from carried out on an unprocessed, dry epidermis.

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