Developing toys for kids, boys and girls on Aliexpress: catalog, price, review, photo, reviews. 10 best developing toys for children on Aliexpress

Developing toys for kids, boys and girls on Aliexpress: catalog, price, review, photo, reviews. 10 best developing toys for children on Aliexpress

Developing toys on Aliexpress They are particularly popular with all parents. After all, they perform several functions at once. The main of which is the harmonious development of your baby. With the help of such toys, you can develop fine motor skills of hands in babies, logic and intelligence in older children.

With the help of developing toys, you can comfortably organize children's leisure and develop your child’s abilities in a simple playing form.

If you haven't bought it yet Aliexpress Check out with this memo And read ours article About how to do this for the first time.

10 best developing toys for children on Aliexpress: catalog, price, photo

One of the very first developing toys in your baby’s life can be such a beautiful developing rug. Of course, today in any children's store you can buy such a product. But why overpay on this. Using such a rug, you can develop fine motor skills, as well as help the child get acquainted with flowers and shape.

Similar functions have such designer-Yaito. With its help, the baby will be able to continue to study the shape of objects and develop creativity.

Egg toy
Egg toy

No less popular on Aliexpress use interactive rugs. They will help the child deal with letters and numbers.

And you can develop artistic inclinations using ricking rugs.

Good reviews on this Chinese site have this lacing. Its main function is the development of fine motor skills in children. It has long been known that the brain that also is also responsible for this function for this function for the speech apparatus. That is, playing with such a simple lacing, the child simultaneously develops his speech.

Developing lacing
Developing lacing

In order for your child to discover new talents, buy him easel. Unlike drawing on the table, with the help of such a stand, your baby will feel like a real artist. Maybe this push was not enough for him to fall in love with drawing.

For older children, the best developing toy can be dance rug. This toy can be used both independently and in the company. It will become useful if your child often brings friends to his house.

If your baby loves creativity, then buy for him set for needlework. Aliexpress has a huge number of such sets that can be used by children from 3 to 15 years old.

In addition, one of the best developing games may be collecting pazlov. For young children, you can buy wooden puzzles that will help the child correctly determine the shape of objects. For older children, you can purchase puzzles from a large number of sectors. Which will help to develop perseverance and skill to achieve goals.

A set of puzzles
A set of puzzles

And of course, no rating of the best developing toys can do without designers. On Aliexpress you can find a lot of sets that are analogues of famous brands. But, unlike them, they are not so expensive.

Talking development toys for children on Aliexpress: catalog, price, photo

A talking toy can become a real friend for your child. On the Aliexpress Such toys are presented in separate catalog. Where you can find such an interactive device for a child of any age.

The most popular talking toy is cat Tom. He knows how to repeat everything he will hear. At the same time, the language is not important to this cat. In addition, from the lips of this wonderful toy you can hear a poem, song or fairy tale. If you touch the volume in some places, then he will make sounds characteristic of the cat.

Similar in functionality is a plush toy FIRBI. She not only repeats the words and sings songs, but also moves her body. This seller has several types of such toys that differ both in color and appearance.

Firby doll
Firby doll

And these talking toys They can “tell” your baby a fairy tale at night or sing a song to him. You can purchase a hedgehog, a red hat, a dog or another pretty toy. The batteries included.

Wooden development toys for children on Aliexpress: catalog, price, photo

Toys made of wood have natural heat and energy. Unlike most artificial materials, the tree has a very pleasant and unique texture. Thanks to this material is ideal for children's toys.

With the help of such hours The kid will be able to familiarize himself with the numbers and shape of objects. The baby should figure out which forms are suitable for which holes. But, besides this, they can be used in drawing. For example, you can take one of these forms and circle it with a pencil.

That's one wooden plank With Aliexpress, not only will help to learn about the numbers and basics of mathematics, but is also an excellent logical game, where randomly decomposed numbers need to be brought into strict order without taking them out of the board.


They are also very popular on Aliexpress games Labyrinths. These bright wooden toys can interest the child for a long time. And the most complex ones can become a problem even for an adult.

Developing toys for kids from 6 months to 1 year on Aliexpress: catalog, price

Children up to a year Toys are needed that will develop fine motor skills in the child. Touching the fingers to various objects and materials, the child develops not only his speech apparatus, but also attention, visual memory and other functions.

In addition to developing rug, at this age, children need various rattles. You can purchase both plastic and fabric rattles for Aliexpress. For a child, you need to purchase 3-4 rattles of various shapes and colors.

Also, a child who has not yet been one year old will be very interesting to play with doll-Nevalia. And if you purchase two dolls of this type, but of different shapes or colors, then over time with their help you can make role -playing games. Which are also important to your child.


Closer to the year, the child will already need a designer from large components, cubes, pyramids and other toys of this kind.

Be sure to buy your baby house-soroter. With it, the child will be able to quickly understand the importance of the shape of a particular object. At the same time, you need to make sure that the figures that the child will stick through the slots have a fairly large shape and will not cause dangerous situations.

Developing toys for girls and boys 2-3 years on Aliexpress: catalog, price

The simplest, but at the same time very useful toy in 2-3 years There will be a ball. Buy several goals of various sizes. They can be thrown to the child and catch them when he throws the ball to you. In addition, with the help such balls You can learn to get to the target. What will help develop coordination of movement and other important physical qualities of your crumbs.

Very important at this time constructor. Various structures can be built from it. At first, you need to build various objects from the designer with the child. And then, he will do it on his own. The designer is a very important toy in the development of the baby. After all, it helps to develop all the skills necessary at this time.

Designer according to Montessori Methodology
Designer according to Montessori Methodology

Do not forget and materials on creativity. Making various crafts with his child will help him develop creative abilities, teach him to think logically and will train memory. Do not forget that the training of fine motor skills of the hands should be continued at this age. For this, making various crafts with your own hands is very good.

Developing toys for girls and boys 4 - 5 years old for Aliexpress: catalog, price

At this age, toys can already be divided by your children on a sexual basis. For girls it will be a great gift for various interactive navels. Such dolls can blink with their eyes, drink from a bottle and even cry. In addition to such a doll on Aliexpress, you can find a crib, chair and clothing for it. The girl, caring for such a navel, will be able to develop a feeling of custody and care. The game of "daughter-mother" is not only an exciting activity for the child, but also the basis of the development of maternal feelings.

Also for girls who love creativity can be purchased at Aliexpress Kits for rubber weaving. With the help of such sets, the girl will be able to weave simple baubles or do something more complicated. Due to which perseverance develops, fantasy and other important skills are acquired.

As for boys, they will be interesting to them at this age radio control machines. With their help, the child will be able to develop coordination, thinking, reaction and other important skills.

Radio control machine
Radio control machine

And for the child who is interested in music, you can purchase synthesizer. On Aliexpress, there are several models that are perfect for this age. For example, this is an electronic piano.

Developing toys for girls and boys 6 - 7 years old for Aliexpress: catalog, price

An excellent gift child for his 6th anniversary It may become a smartphone. Yes, this device cannot be called a toy. But, with the help of various developing applications, a regular phone easily turns into a very useful thing for the development of your child.

At this age, the child will be very interested in this labyrinth ball. Probably, many of us remember a similar toy from our childhood. Where it was necessary to ride a ball from one side of the field to the other, through a complex labyrinth. Modern toys of this kind allow you to roll a ball through three -dimensional spaces. The labyrinth ball is one of these toys that will help the child develop intelligence, endurance and accuracy.

Ball Labyrinth
Ball Labyrinth

At this age, a child can already be purchased puzzles With a large set of elements. With their help, children learn logic and imaginative thinking. Thanks to the experience of folding puzzles, the child in the future will be able to cope with more complex design tasks.

Developing toys for girls and boys 8 - 9 years old for Aliexpress: catalog, price

Eight to nine years - This is a great age for more complex games. Here is such a designer "The Death Star" Of the 3803 details, this is a serious load on your child’s intelligence and the possibility of training his training is different. The coma of this designer will distract your child from video games, which at this age begin to occupy more and more space in the life of the child.

If your son is fond of electronics, then buy him an initial set on the basis of a board Arduino uno. The set includes many elements with which the boy can create various electronic components with his own hands. For this set, you do not need a soldering iron. You can find out all the secrets of electronic chips using the printed circuit board entering the set. The lack of instructions in Russian compensates for many training video tutorials on Arduino on YouTube.


As for the girl, one of the best gifts at this age will be various board games and puzzles, in which a girl can play with her friends. For example, Mahjong, Erudite or other similar games. Which will help not only to pass the time, but also to develop some useful skills.

Interactive developing toys for children on aliexpress: catalog, price, photo

About some interactive toys With Aliexpress, we have already told you at the beginning of this article. If you are looking for something similar, then pay attention to such a "yellow duck" from the company Huile Toys. It has several buttons with which you can turn on duck grunts, music, song, etc. This interactive toy is suitable for children from 1 to 3 years old.

For older children, it will be interesting to start a pet. Nothing that your child will have this instead of a living dog robotized dog. He responds to fifteen voice teams and can become a real friend for your son or daughter.

Interactive robot dog
Interactive robot dog

But of course the most popular interactive toy there will be a tablet. Pay attention to this model. This device is created specifically for children. It has external protection in the form of a rigid rubber bumper convenient for a child. As well as internal protection against unwanted content. Children's development applications have already been installed in this tablet. But, you can also install such programs there yourself.

The best sellers and stores of developing toys for children on Aliexpress

Developing toys at this Chinese online auction are represented in very large quantities. If you want to purchase such a product from a trusted seller, be sure to look at its rating and the number of goods sold. The reviews that customers leave can also help in the choice.

One of the best sellers of such goods on Aliexpress are:

Developing toys for kids, boys and girls on Aliexpress: reviews

Katia. Once I accidentally saw a ball-labyrinth in a children's store. There was no money for his purchase, as they went there specially after one thing and took money in a sawn -off shotgun. The son asked to buy this toy for him. And I agreed. But, I decided to see the price of Aliexpress. Then this puzzle was an order of magnitude cheaper. Therefore, I immediately decided to buy it here. What I did.

I bought a middle ball for 100 moves. The toy is very bright and it is convenient to twirl it in his hands. I received the parcel while the son was at school. I tried to go through the maze. It turned out quite difficult. My excerpt was never enough. The son has not yet passed to the end yet. We will try.

Lydia. I bought my little niece with a jurisler book. It is very bright and made of oilcloth. Sister even erases her in a washing machine. The niece likes it. She has already learned to leaf through her. A good developing toy for the smallest.

Video. 5 best toys on AliExpress

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