Divisive soft and hard sign: rule, examples. When is the soft sign dividing, and when softening?

Divisive soft and hard sign: rule, examples. When is the soft sign dividing, and when softening?

In this article, we will talk about how to properly use a soft and hard sign in words.

A soft and hard sign always raises many questions in terms of writing and today we will understand the basic rules.

Separate soft sign - when it is written: rules, examples

Dividing solid and soft sign
Dividing solid and soft sign

As a rule, a dividing soft sign is used in the middle of the words between its specific parts:

  • In the root of the wordcomputer, hookah, aviary, polka, tracing
  • Between the suffix and the root or endhigh chair, nightingale, caramel
  • When the possessive adjectives in indirect cases are inclined, then a soft sign may appear: cossack - Cossack, Cossack, Cossack, about the Cossack
  • In words of foreign origin, for example, French, a soft sign will be used in front of the letter “O”. For example, canyon, medallion, pavilion

Softening soft sign - when used: rules, examples

Softening soft sign
Softening soft sign

A soft sign can be used to indicate the pair consonant at the end: koval, Bologna, crucian carp, a drink, pain, moth.

It is important to note that a soft sign can be used to indicate softness before any letters that begin the second half of the word: melpomen, utillards, village council

Is the word friends a mild sign of a dividing or softening?

Let's look at the word "friends" and determine what a soft sign is used in it. The fact is that the word presented is formed from the "friend" and is its multiple form. Thus, if you jump the word - friends, friends, friends, friends, about friends, then in all cases, except the genitive, a soft sign will be used. It is located between the root and the end, which means it is dividing.

Women's names with a dividing soft sign: List

As we have already found out, the dividing soft sign is used in front of vowels. Many are interested in what names have a dividing soft sign. These are at the moment:

  • Natalia
  • Tatiana
  • Aksinya
  • Maryana
  • Marya
  • Daria
  • Praskovya
  • Ulyana
  • Sophia and others

Solid sign - Writing rules, use: features, examples

Spelling of a solid sign
Spelling of a solid sign

Separate solid signs are used in words after the prefix, if it ends in consonant, and the root begins with “e”, “y”, “I”. For example: bearer, go, removable. In other cases, a solid sign will not be used.

The roots in complex words are separated by a hard sign that at first have elements of two-, three-, four-, and the root begins with “e”, “y” or “I”: double -haired, three -tier, quad -core.

In words formed from foreign ones with the end of the prefixes to consonant sound, and at the beginning of the root the same vowels are used, a solid sign is also used: adjutant, injection, pan -European.

Video: writing the dividing "b" and "b" signs

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