Expanded search for communities, VK groups: with registration, without registration, by entries. Why is my community not in search of VK?

Expanded search for communities, VK groups: with registration, without registration, by entries. Why is my community not in search of VK?

If you do not know how to make an extended search for a group or community of VK, read the article. It also has advice and recommendations what needs to be done if your group is not in the search.

VKontakte communities are groups in which people are united by common interests. The communities have publications in the form of text, photo or video. Many users have difficulties with the search for groups. From this article you will learn how to search for VK communities - with and without registration.

Expanded search for communities, VK groups with registration

Enter the name of the group in the search line VK
Enter the name of the group in the search line VK

The VKontakte social network has its own search algorithm. If you are registered with VK, then do the following:

  • Go to your profile.
  • There is a menu on the left, find a tab in it "My groups" - Click on her.
  • After that, there will be groups in which you are seized.
  • At the top, in the search bar, enter one word from the name. There will be communities in the name of which this word is present.
  • Choose the desired group and click on its name. That's it - you went to the community page.
Set the search parameters
Set the search parameters

Note: If you need to find a group in which you do not meet, then click on the active line "Search for communities", Located on the right. Then search as described above and go to the page of the desired group.

The page will appear public, which VK will consider the most suitable for you or are the most popular at the moment. You can also set the search parameters, for example, "On relevance", "in popularity", "by the number of participants", And you can also put the desired type of community, the region, and so on, and then the communities will appear suitable for your search criteria.

Expanded search for communities, VK groups without registration

If you are not registered with VKontakte, you can still search for groups. There are several ways for this:

First way: A special built -in social network function at this link.

After crossing this link, a window will open, which will display popular groups or approved by social networks and selected specifically for you.

Search for VK groups can be done even without registration
Search for VK groups can be done even without registration

An extended search is the same as that of registered users. But take into account, if the group is closed, then in your window you will not see it after the search. To search for such a group and enter its page, you must log in to the VK.

The second method: Search with a search engine. VKontakte is a large social network, so you can score only two letters in the search engine "VC" And on the first line of the search will be this social network. Also search by groups:

  • Dial in the search line "VK name of the community".
  • Click "Find".
  • In the next step, the group you need will open in the first line of the search.

You can also enter, instead of two letters in front of the name of the public, for example, a link to the social network: vk.comor the address of the group, if it is known to you: vk.com/mama_group.

Enter the name of the group
Enter the name of the group

The next page will open many VK groups with a similar name. Almost always the very first line is what you need.

Expanded search for communities, VK groups

Searching for communities in records is a specially created convenient and simple search algorithm in VK. To do this, do the following:

Click on
Click on "Community entries"
  • Go to the group to the main page.
  • A little lower, in the fixed entry, there is a line "Community entries" - Click on her. You can press on the icon of the magnifying glass, which is a little to the right.
  • A page with a search for recordings in this group will open. Enter the record by which you want to search and click "Find" or "Enter".
Enter the title
Enter the title

After that, a page will open, on which there will be records that have the same or live words entered into the search.

The result of the search for the introduced word
The result of the search for the introduced word

In addition, now everyone records their hashtags, by which you can track this or that post. You can find a recording with a hashtag in the search, and even more records of this group will open before you. The hashtag is typed through "Lattice" «#».

Heshtagu search
Heshtagu search

If you set such a request, then all notes on this topic will appear.

Why is my community not in search of VK?

If you have your own group, then it is important for you to be in the search. Indeed, thanks to this, you can receive money from views of the content of your community, and it will be able to find users who need it. What to do if the group is not displayed in the search? What is the reason and what can be fixed? Here are the tips:


Remove the restrictions in the group settings
Remove the restrictions in the group settings
  • If you have not removed "Fit" In the settings of your community on age limit 16+ or 18+, then the group will not appear in the search.
  • This even happens if there is no content in your group "For adults".
  • Initially, in the settings is a safe search with a limitation, so be careful.
  • In addition, if users want to go to your group from an iPhone, then they will see such a record: "Perhaps the group contains unacceptable content". This is due to the fact that the manufacturer of these gadgets set the function on smartphones, which provides for hiding content in applications "For adults" Regardless of the age of the user.
  • Therefore, remove the mark opposite the entry in the settings "Safe search".
  • If you establish an age restriction, then voluntarily inform the applications that your group needs to be hidden from the search.
Put a mark on the desired column
Put a mark on the desired column

This is the most popular reason why your community is not visible in the search. Below you will learn about other reasons. Follow the tips for your group to appear in the search engine of VK, Yandex, Google and others.

The community has been created recently

  • If the community is created not so long ago and it has few subscribers or participants, then it will not fall into the search.
  • This is created by the VK system in order to reduce the amount of spam.
  • Take care of your group, add articles, photos or videos, and after a while, it will appear in the search.

The frequency of the name of the group, competitiveness

  • VK is a huge social network. It has millions of different groups.
  • If you called the group, for example, just "Cooking", It will not appear in the search, since there can be tens of thousands of communities with that name.
  • If the name of the group is more specific, for example, "Cooking from the chef Ivan Matveev"Then such a group will be one and it will be easy to find by name in the search.
  • Choose a unique name for your community.

Little content

  1. In order for the group to function normally and is in demand and appear in the search, you need to add several notes to it.
  2. Moreover, the more records, the better.
  3. Add also hashtags, but no more than 8-10 per record, otherwise they will not work.
  4. Add various cognitive articles on the subject, photo, video material and so on to the community.

Prohibited content

  • If you place the prohibited material in the group, for example, “adults” content, then the group will fall out of the search.
  • Such groups of VK immediately outplay or consider them for spam.
  • Remove such material, otherwise you will not be able to advance your group in the search and it will not appear in it.

If you do everything right and follow these tips, then after 7-10 days your group will appear in the search.

Many people create groups for earning, entertainment, or simply to accommodate interesting information in it for other users. When they face different problems in terms of promotion, they immediately throw their "brainchild". Do not do it, since all the problems are solved. Good luck.

Video: How to find interesting VKontakte groups?

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