Radioactive pollution of plant crops - what is the danger? Is it true that there is radiation in bananas? Plants and products accumulating radiation: List

Radioactive pollution of plant crops - what is the danger? Is it true that there is radiation in bananas? Plants and products accumulating radiation: List

What is common between banana and the concept of "banana equivalent of radiation." It is difficult to imagine that an exotic fruit can cause radiation radiation, but let's figure it out.

All products that we use daily contain a small percentage of radioactive substances. For 12 months, 10% of the radiation from the permissible norm enters the body of each person through food. You will learn more about these products from the article.

Is there radiation in bananas?

  • How much radiation is in a banana, how much radioactive potassium? The banana is taken as a basis for measuring active potassium-40 as part of food products acting as a source of radioactive radiation. The result of the indicators of the contents of the fruit allows you to conduct a comparative analysis with other food products and evaluate the leakage of radioactive materials.
  • Natural potassium He enters the body along with useful vitamins and trace elements. A large concentration of this substance leads to internal irradiation of the body.
  • The influence of ionizing radiation on a person is determined by the amount Ziverts or x -rays. If a measure the banana with a household dosimeter, we will get the magnitude of the radiation on average 0.1 mk3v/h.
  • A safe radiation backdrop is considered an indicator 0.2 microsivert or 20 micronstgen per hour. Such power is absolutely harmless to humans and after cleaning the fruit from the peel at times decreases.
  • Thus, answering the question - Is there a radiation in bananas, you can paint a complex chain of chemical reactions or say in the affirmative that this fruit is absolutely harmless to humans.
The banana is safe
The banana is safe

Radioactive pollution of plant crops - what is the danger?

  • Increasing the level of radiation in the soil contribute to nuclear developments, atomic energy, ionizing radiation in agriculture. The main drives of radionuclides are plant crops. The root system located in the upper layers of the soil is most in contact with radiation. Radioactive precipitation also leave their mark.
  • With food into the human body, they penetrate cesius-137 and Strontius-90The poisoning effect of which persists for at least 30 years. Blood circulation helps to smash radionuclides to all organs and their further accumulation in organs, tissues, bones.
  • High doses of radiation in foods - over 0.5 μs/h contribute to the development of various diseases. There are control services that systematically measure indicators of soil, water, agricultural products.
  • The greatest danger lies in forest mushrooms and berries. Sellers selling such a product in the market should also have a quality certificate. Forest and agricultural crop with increased radiation is removed from the sale.
Systematic measurement is important
Systematic measurement is important

Radiation in wild berries and mushrooms

  • Wild berries and mushrooms are a great danger. The largest percentage of the radiation background in products is noted in areas such as Vologda, Kaluga, Vladimir and Tambov. A similar situation is noted in the forests of Belarus and Ukraine.
  • The threat to the body is a radioactive isotope Cesius-137, The concentration of which exceeds several tens of times. With the systematic use of products with a high content of this radionuclide, an accumulative effect occurs. Against the background of a negative phenomenon oncology is developing.
  • The greatest accumulative ability is noted in rawers and butter. The average accumulation effect has white mushrooms, boletus, honey mushrooms.
Radiation in mushrooms
Radiation in mushrooms
  • Berries often receive a high concentration of radionuclides as a result of human agricultural activity. There is an assumption that dark varieties are more susceptible to radiation. Young shoots accumulate more radionuclides, since fresh root is more often located in the upper layers of the soil.

Cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries and blueberries accumulate cesium-137. In Kalina, Strawberries, blackberries, the level of radionuclides is much lower.

Radiation in berries
Radiation in berries
  • To minimize the use of products poisoned by radiation, Avoid shopping in spontaneous markets and independent collection of mushrooms in new unverified places.
  • After harvesting in the forest, you need to check the quality of products with a dosimeter. Also extremely it is undesirable to purchase homemade canned mushrooms, preferably dried or fresh.

Vegetables and fruits accumulating radiation: List

  • Like all plant crops, fruits and vegetables are capable of accumulate radiation. Each vegetable has different properties. The difference in radiation between two rowing cultures may differ tenfold.
  • A large percentage of radionuclides accumulate Potatoes, sweet pepper, beets, cabbage.
  • Half less capable of accumulating carrots, cucumbers, salad, radishes, onions, tomato.
  • The safest are considered beans, beans, sorrel, peas.
In products
In products

The largest percentage of poisonous substances falls on the peel, so it is advisable to clean it. Before use, all vegetables must be thoroughly washed and soaked in water, especially for the first spring greenery and winter crop from greenhouses.

We compose a list of “background” products of plant origin from larger to smaller:

  • Cross -stained vegetables, white and Brussels cabbage, broccoli, turnip, etc.
  • Watching vegetables - cucumber, zucchini.
  • Tomato.
  • Onion garlic.
  • Bulgarian pepper.
  • Salad, greens.
  • Potato.
  • Carrots, beets.
  • Radish, radishes.
  • Peas, beans, beans.
  • Sorrel, mustard.

Freshly combined fruits do not pose a threat to the body. But the fruits raised from the ground may contain radionuclides due to radiation in the soil. Freshly frozen fruits are less toxic than dried. Dosimeter indicators when checking fruits should not be more than 90-50 BK/kg for Strontia, 137-40 BK/kg for cesium.

The content of radiation in meat and fish

  • Through plant foods, radionuclides enter animal meat. The concentration of radionuclides in meat depends on the age and variety of the animal.
  • Wild animals grazing in contaminated territories with the gifts of the Earth receive a portion of radionuclides. From pets are the most safe lamb and bird, the most concentrated radiation content is pork. Salo and fat due to its properties are much safer than offal.
  • As for the fish, a large concentration of radionuclides is observed in predators - pike, crucian carp, perch, som etc. High mineralization of sea water allows us to attribute the sea gifts to safe products. Fans of Mediterranean cuisine find themselves in a more advantageous position than vegetarians.
Sea gifts are safer
Sea gifts are safer

Radiation in grain crops

  • Cereal crops are less susceptible to the radiation background during the initial growth before the formation of spikelets. During flowering and ripening, toxicity increases.
  • Since bakery products are present daily on our table, they can be considered the main carriers of radionuclides into the human body.
  • Reduce soil radiation allows planting annual and perennial herbs. They play the role of a sponge accumulating radionuclides, and cleansing the soil.
  • Rye and grain crops Perform a similar function, which is a danger to humans. Due to such features of plants, annual planting in the fields should occur in a certain sequence and priority.
Cultures have a sufficient level of radiation, especially during flowering
Cultures have a sufficient level of radiation, especially during flowering

Radiation in medicinal plants

  • Medicinal raw materials also have the ability to encourage radionuclides. The use of medicinal crops for medicinal purposes is allowed only if the level of radioactive substances is normal.
  • The high content of radicegies is noted in the leaves of lingonberries, St. John's wort, Bagulnik of Bolotnaya.
Light content of radicegies
Light content of radicegies
  • A small percentage of radiation, in a comparative analysis, is noted the lilies of the valley, oregano, caraway seeds, thyme. Having accumulated chemical elements, plants modify the color of leaves and fruits, which serves as the first sign of high toxicity.
  • To cleanse the body from radiation, use birch herbal preparations, valerian, lingonberries, buckwheat, heather, viburnum, burdock, plantain, rose hips, celandine.
  • In order to prevent and anti -radiation protection, you need to use a large number of pectins contained in apples. A similar action has beetroot red and red cabbage, Provided that their composition is at an acceptable level. For employees of radiation enterprises, cabbage should be included in the daily diet.
  • Reducing radiation in plant foods is facilitated by proper technological processing. High -quality washed and boiled crops minimize the content of harmful substances.

How to process radioactive products correctly?

The following actions make it possible to minimize the influence of radiation products:

  • Rinse the remaining soil thoroughly from the products.
  • Products that are in doubt, pre-boil for 5-10 minutes. The resulting broth is completely drained and is not used for further preparation.
  • It is better to cook potatoes from potatoes Boiled dishes than fried.
Products need to be processed correctly
Products need to be processed correctly
  • With tubers of carrots and beets, you need to cut the upper part of the fetus, thus minimize the number of radionuclides ten times.
  • Reduced milk reduces the level of possible radiation.

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