Ayurveda cooling and warming products: Product compatibility table

Ayurveda cooling and warming products: Product compatibility table

A list of warming and cooling products of Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is a system of traditional medicine in Asia, which is also widely used in Europe. However, in these states, it acquired the title of non -traditional medicine, or alternative. According to this theory, the whole organism should be in harmony with nature and can receive everything necessary from it. In this article we will talk about warming and cooling products in Ayurveda. 

Ayurveda: food products

According to Ayurveda experts, it is believed that there is a whole system of products that we eat to food that help warm up or cool the body. Why do you need it?

Ayurveda, food:

  • In the summer, products that warm up the body can lead to a thermal impact faster, and provoke poor health. In the wintertime, on the contrary, these products will be very welcome. They will help warm up the body, and reduce heat loss.
  • Thus, in general, the whole system will be in harmony, and it will always be healthy, not to get sick. Regarding the system itself, it includes not only the consumption of certain products, but also the purification of thoughts, body and soul. Therefore, in Ayurveda, breathing exercises are often practiced, as well as yoga exercises. 
  • In Ayurveda, products differ in their properties, some of them are intended for consumption in winter, as they help to maintain vitality and energy, and in the summer when it is necessary to saturate the body with juices, to restore blood.

Depending on this division, they divide the products into hot, cold, but not at all in taste, but in properties. It is believed that products that saturate the body with vital energy are warming, they include products with high calorie content, or high concentration of fat. However, not only fatty products are warming.

These are mainly sweets, and some of the spices.In particular, These include cinnamon. This is a spice that belongs to the winter, and is recommended for consumption in the cold season. The fact is that it helps to maintain energy inside the body, thereby warming it. Thus, a person will not freeze even at a cold stop. 


Ayurveda warming products

To get the effect of such a diet, it is necessary to eat foods for at least three to four months. The body gets used to such a diet, and understands that it needs to hold energy, or vice versa, throw all his strength to update the circulatory system, saturation of the body with life juices. In the student winter, you will not freeze due to the use of warming products. 

Ayurveda warming products:

  • Spices. These do not include all, but only those that burn and have a pleasant spicy taste. These include black and red pepper, muscat, cinnamon, cloves. These spices are added to drinks, mulled wine, baking various sauces and meat products. 
  • Ginger. This product also refers to warming, as stimulates blood circulation, improves metabolism, and also increases immunity. It is added to salads, seasoning tea. 
  • Meat. Not all meat products belong to warming, but only lamb, pork and turkey. These are those products that contain a lot of fat, as well as tripophanes. This is an amino acid that helps to cope with the effects of cold on the body and prevents stress. This is byopinion Ayurveda is the most warm -intensive food. It is recommended to cook stewed dishes, stew, and a variety of baked goodies from meat. 
  • Vegetables. These include potatoes, horseradish, cabbage and beets. They are best used in stew. Their main advantage in light absorption, and a large return of energy. From vegetables, you can cook soups-puree, hot. 
  • Nuts, seeds They relate to warming products, as they stimulate metabolism, blood circulation and contain a large number of oils. When mixing with saliva, a chemical reaction is obtained, during which there is a alkali, which warms the body. Nuts and seeds are added to confectionery, sauces or simply eaten raw. 
  • Legumes, these include peas, beans, soy and lentils. They are referred to as a reason that they contain vegetable oil, which is an excellent source of energy. They prepare puree, soups, cereals, sauces and second dishes from them. 
Warming products
Warming products

Ayurveda cooling products

Products in Ayurveda are used not only to saturate the body, and filling it with energy, but also for the purposerecovery. That is why in the summer it is recommended to consume cooling foods. 

Ayurveda cooling products:

  • Green salad, malina, pazov -like sour fruits and vegetables. These are citrus fruits, such as lemon, plums, sour apples. 
  • In addition to them, spices with a cooling effect are often used. They include mint, turmeric. 
  • Desserts are usually prepared from fruits. They are also recommended to be consumed raw. 
  • As for cooling vegetables, these include cucumbers, broccoli, cabbage. Usually, salads are prepared from these products, which are often seasoned with lemon juice and vegetable oil. Their main task is to cool the body, and to prevent overheating in summer heat. 
Cooling products
Cooling products

Ayurveda - products compatibility table

All cooling products increase the amount of juice in the body, saturate with vitamins, improve blood flow.Products, Which warm, on the contrary, they saturate the body with energy, and prepare for a kind of winter hibernation. 

Why share food:

  • Cooling products, in turn, saturate the body with vitamins, increase the amount of juices and lymph. Thus, the blood becomes more liquid, its transport ability increases. 
  • It is possible to get rid of a large number of ailments. In general, it is believed that warming products are recommended in the winter, however, their consumption should be limited to people with great weight.
  • Indeed, among them, almost all are distinguished by high calorie content. This can adversely affect the physique, and stimulate weight gain. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to alternate cooling and warming products.
  • Oddly enough, but among cooling products there is meat - the main source of protein. These include rabbit, deer meat, as well as chickens. Despite the high protein content, such products have a low concentration of fat, increases the amount of life juices. In general, the condition improves. 
Ayurveda, products compatibility table
Ayurveda, products compatibility table

Ayurveda products table

Among dairy products, there are also cooling and warming. Those that cool, belongs to cow's milk, as well as ghee. It is customary to attribute sour cream, hard cheese, cottage cheese to the warming people. Why such a division? This is due to calorie content and protein content. In warming protein products, as well as fat, much more than in cooling ones.

Among the fruits there are also a lot of cooling. These include apricot, grenade, pear, lime and dates. Banans, cherries, cranberries are referred to warring. The fact is that some products may relate to coolant and warming. Here is the difference in the taste of the product. Almost all sour fruits are coolant, and sweet to warming. 

Among the cereals, it is customary to attribute oatmeal, bran, rye and barley to the coolant. To the heating - buckwheat, corn and brown rice. Such a division is based on the benefits of products, as well as their calorie content and the content of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. 

Ayurveda products table
Ayurveda products table

It is believed that if you select the products in this way, then you can improve the functioning of the body, cope with the loss of heat, or vice versa, improve its return in the hot season. Thus, eating Ayurveda, you can reduce the amount of hypothermia in the winter, and overheating in the summer.

Video: Ayurveda products

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