Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "K" - table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter

Treatment of diseases using psychosomatic attitudes - prevents the aging of the body. This modern technique is based on the works of Louise Hay, a well -known psychologist.

By acting with mental forms, on each organ and the whole organism as a whole - a person settles special healing attitudes in the subconscious. This technique helps to improve well -being with malaise and eliminate the likely exacerbation of the disease.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "K" - from cough to strabismus

In this version of the table, psychosomatic constructions are collected with the letter "K". To correct the physical condition, it is necessary to use verbal formulations from the table. To find out about other diseases, on the letters BUTBATGD.AND, H, And Follow the active link.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases:

Diseases and violations in the internal organs and parts of the body Psychosomatic examination of the disease. Effect on the body. Phrases for healing. Installations for a positive adjustment of thinking.

Desire, pay attention.


Healing words: I come in love and care. Everyone notices me. I'm in the spotlight.



Unreasonable outbreaks of anger. Inability to rejoice at the little things.


Good events in my life happen with a certain frequency. I am waiting and accepting these events in my life.


Skin diseases

The manifestation of individuality, fear and a premonition of danger.


I have no reason to worry - I am in the world and consent with people around me. Everyone who surrounds me wishes me good and prosperity.


Candidiasis Resentment and disappointment. Lack of self-esteem. Claims to others. Excessive absent -mindedness. I respect myself and approve of my actions. I am a free person and love freedom of other people. I am worthy to live in joyful events.
Bleeding gums The shown actions do not bring joy. My heart is in a calm state. All my actions are true and correct intentions.
Carbuncle Aggression in response, to certain decisions made. I release my past, which caused me a lot of grief. I allow the present, to change my life for the better.
Blood: coagulation Independent clogging of the channel of positive energy. I open the way for the flow of energy of joy. I let new events into my fate.
Cataract A foggy future. Unwillingness to see further. Refusal of positive emotions. I wait with hope, the arrival of positive changes in my life. My life is a great time.
Blood: at low pressure The feeling of hopelessness, disappointment, loss. Lack of attention in childhood. I fill my heart - happiness and harmony. Now my fate attracts only blessed events.
Keratitis A great desire to throw out a feeling of anger. Thirst for physical reprisals against the offender. My world is shrouded in a sense of love and tranquility. The energy of kindness comes from my soul and heals everything that I meet in my path. I welcome the manifestation of kindness in this world.
Blood: with high pressure Peretnia grievances. Unresolved problems. I expel the alarm about the past, from my heart. In my environment, joy and peace reign.
Cyst Inability to forget and release old grievances. False education. I take my character in its original form. Everything is going well for me.
Blood: diseases and pathology Stagnation of thoughts. There are few positive points in life. Happy and promising thoughts fill me.
Intestines A symbol of exemption from excess. Digging and unhindered deliverance. I easily comprehend and absorb what I need. It’s not difficult for me to free myself from the past. I easily give and part with what I do not need.
Blood Symbolizes the flow of fun in the body. I show an emotion of happiness and enjoy it.
Intestines: diseases Fear of renouncing unnecessary life situations. It’s easy for me to part with what passed and out of theisple. I am in anticipation of new pleasant events.
Hives The tendency to exaggerate small troubles. Acombies. In my fate, good and calm. The world is safe for me.
Leather Expresses a feature of the personality of a person, sensuality and sensations. I trust my feelings. My individuality brings me happiness.
Bone diseases: deformation Excessive overstrain. Emotional exhaustion. Dementia. Lack of flexibility in the muscles. I am filled with positive energy. The Universe improves my life, making it a high -quality and joyful fate. My soul is light and relaxed.
Skin diseases Fear of threats of life. Personal conviction. A long -standing problems are concerned. The Universe saves me from past suffering. I give myself good and safe things. I live under the protection of the universe.
Bone diseases: fractures Non -replacement for third -party pressure. The desire to get out of control. I control my world and my soul.
Knee Symbolizes a sense of self -sufficiency and dignity. I am a loyal and peaceful person. I can find compromise solutions.
Bone marrow A symbol of support and prejudice to your personality. Personifies the degree of care of oneself. The world loves and takes care of me. I am protection.
Knees: violations and illnesses Persistence and arrogance. Inability to get along with others. Fear, lack of elasticity. Infinity in everything. I can forgive and understand others. I am sympathetic to people. It’s easy for me to communicate with others.
Bones The symbol of the structure of the world. I love my body, its harmonious structure.
Colic Aggression, incontinence. Irritability from communication with others. I only answer peaceful and friendly communication. Around me is a serene atmosphere.
Root canal: teeth Refusal of personal beliefs and life principles. The loss of skill is to adapt in life. I build a firm foundation in my fate. I can follow my principles and beliefs.
Colitis Cruck complexity. Unhindered rejection of the past. All that is done in my life is designed and conceived for my good. The rhythm of the events is in time with my desires.
Coronary thrombosis Fear of staying alone. Confidence in their own weakness. Undetered self -esteem and assessment of their actions. My fate is under the auspices of the universe. The world helps me hastily. My affairs are in perfect order.
Coma Fear, anxious state. The desire to avoid some meeting or event. In my space, the energy of preservation and recovery hoveens.
Cortical paralysis The need for the manifestation of love and the reconciliation of the family. I give my family with care and joy. In my world, everything goes according to plan.
Lump in the throat Incredulity to people. A sense of fear in the relationship. I'm not afraid to surround myself with society. My individuality is manifested - free and simple. The atmosphere around me develops in the best way. Security, forever, is included in my life.
Conjunctivitis: acute epidemic Anger and bitterness. Refusal, see reality. I am confident in my innocence and fidelity of the decision. People approve of my actions. I do not need to look for excuses.
Guts Comprehension and release. Highness, digestion and deliverance. I boldly discard the remnants of the past and gain a new experience with fun.
Cell anemia Lack of love for your own personality. Disappointment in life. Loss of stimulus. God's grace - decorates my life. I gratefully, I accept life instructions and trust myself with the stream of universal energy.
Conjunctivitis Annoyance from the circumstance seen. A crushed sense of anger. I look at the world with a good look. I let in my fate - positive.
Kopper: pathology Inability to forgive resentment. Excessive accusation of oneself. Unwillingness to cope with their internal experiences. I love myself in the past, present and future. My life is getting better and brings me happiness and prosperity. I am configured, radiate positive and harmony.
Strabismus Dual nature. Settlement from borrowed manipulations. I'm not afraid to look into the future. I cope with my desires.
Sacrum Assertiveness. Loss of energy. I am the embodiment of confidence and strength. I do not succumb to the past and trust my own potential.
The psychological component of the disease
The psychological component of the disease

By using a systematically provided set of methods for healing the body, one can significantly increase the life expectancy. The psychosomatic method of cure is not limited by special requirements. Therefore, it is recommended for patients, with any complexity of the disease.

Video: About illness from mind

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