Gingerbread man - home gingerbread with your own hands: recipe with a photo, pattern, decoration. How to buy a form for baking a gingerbread man on Aliexpress?

Gingerbread man - home gingerbread with your own hands: recipe with a photo, pattern, decoration. How to buy a form for baking a gingerbread man on Aliexpress?

The symbol of the New Year holidays is a gingerbread man. It is very interesting to bake and color the glaze with the whole family. Recipes of delicious and aromatic gingerbread are presented in this article.

Gingerbread men: photo, finished products

The famous gingerbread man is baking in the form of a man, gaining its first popularity and widespread in the USA and Europe. Such a funny gingerbread can be with any fragrant additives: honey, ginger, mint, cinnamon.
Together with gingerbread house, he is an integral symbol of Christmas and New Year in many countries.

The finished product should be necessarily painted and decorated with chocolate and white icing. Often the gingerbread is also decorated colored sweet puffing, tsukatas and even candy m & m’s. You can draw anything on a man: facial features, eyes, mouth, nose, buttons, clothes, a vest, a scarf, mittens and much more.

Interesting: the production and home baking of such gingerbreads took its beginning in the 16th century. It happened in England, in the courtyard of the queen Elizabeth is the first. According to the whims of the royal person, the bakers made sweets similar to loved ones and guests of the lady.

Since then sweet figures have become very popular and in demand all over the world. Until now, people are trying to cheer others with the help of this simple baking. For example, Make huge gingerbread. The largest man was baked in Texas in 2006 and he weighed 600 kilograms. Such a gingerbread man could not go unnoticed and was even entered in the Guinness Book of Records.

Also, in the New Year's season, some countries, such as England, arrange run in costumes of gingerbread men. The image of sweets acts as a hero of cartoons, and in 2008 in Somitville even him the monument was erected.

Interesting: every Russian -speaking person knows a fairy tale about Kolobok. But, it is unlikely that everyone knows that the earlier version of this story was still popular in the 18th century And she talked about how the gingerbread man fled from the house and eventually was eaten in the forest.

Tale about gingerbread man

Each baked gingerbread man is manual work of the master. Therefore, all gingerbread cookies are different and unique, even if they are a little similar to each other. Such baking certainly adults and children will like it for the New Year and during the celebration of Christmas.

Finished products, gingerbread men:

Gingerbread men: boy and girl
Gingerbread men decorated with glaze and chocolate
Gingerbread men decorated with icing and candies M&M’s
Gingerbread men in sweaters and hats made of glaze
Gingerbread man with colored buttons
Modern and classic way to decorate the gingerbread man's glaze
New Year's gingerbread men
Family of gingerbread men, color glaze for decorating gingerbread

Gingerbread dough honey, ginger, custard for a man: recipes

Each housewife has her own recipe for cooking gingerbread men. To do this, you need to make a delicious dough: simple or with aromatic additives. This baking is original in that has a long storage period (up to a month).

It is interesting that The longer the gingerbread is stored, the tastier it is,since it "matches." It is not worth adding raisins, zuccats or candies of M & M’s to the dough - this will ruin its structure and taste. The glaze is prepared separately from egg protein and powdered sugar. If desired, colored food dye is added to it.

Decoration with glaze gingerbread

Honey dough for gingerbread: recipe

You will need:

  • Flour - 3 cups (this is about 700 g, be sure to sift and use the highest grade flour).
  • Sugar - 70 g (white or brown)
  • Honey - 200 g (you can use any, but honey acacia more fragrant).
  • Egg - 1 pcs + 3 yolks (without proteins!)
  • Baking soda - 10 g
  • Water - 1 cup

If desired, you can add a pinch of vanillin or vanilla extract to the dough.


  • Honey must be poured with a glass of hot waterbut not boiling water. This is very important, since all the beneficial and taste of honey disappear under the influence of too high temperatures. Cool the diluted liquid.
  • In another bowl is necessary Beat the protein with a small pinch of salt to foam. After the formation of the first foam Add sugar And continue to whip. After the formation of a thick stable mass, add the yolks And continue whipping for another five minutes. At this stage you can add the desired spices or vanillin to the dough.
  • The whipped mass should add diluted honey. Gradually add flour and do not stop whipping until the flour ends. The finished dough should not be too cool. Leave him to “rest” at least 5 hours before baking.
  • Thereafter the dough is again mixed and rolled out. It should be cut out of it with a mold. Gingerbread cooks on parchment paper and baked in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature not more than 180 degrees. The cooled gingerbread is decorated with glaze.
How to cook honey gingerbread?

Mint dough for gingerbread: recipe

You will need:

  • Flour - 1.5 cups (this is about 350 g of sifted flour of the highest grade).
  • Sugar - 150 g (adjust the sweetness of gingerbread to taste yourself, add more or less sugar).
  • Water - 100 ml (this is approximately 0.5 cups)
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. (It is preferable to use olive).
  • Mint essence - 1.5 tsp (can be bought at a pharmacy, replace with mint tincture if desired).
  • Soda Pischevi am 1 tsp


  • Flour is mandatory sifted with soda
  • In the saucepan follows heat water and dissolve sugar in it. The resulting syrup should be boiled for a few more minutes and let it cool.
  • The cooled syrup is necessary add mint tincture or essence And mix thoroughly.
  • Pour the flour with a slide, pour oil into it and gradually adding mint syrup, knead the dough. Add a larger amount of oil so that the dough can be more elastic.
  • The mixed dough is wrapped in a film. He should “Rest” half an hour in the refrigerator.
  • The insisted dough is rolled out. The men are cut out of it with a mold and laid out on parchment paper. Gingerbread cookies in the oven are baked 15-20 minutes at a temperature of not more than 180 degrees. The cooled gingerbread is decorated with glaze.
How to cook delicious mint gingerbread?

Ginger gingerbread dough: Recipe

You will need:

  • Flour - 2 cups with a slide (this is about 600 g of sifted flour of the highest grade).
  • Egg - 1 PC.
  • Sugar - 1 cup (adjust the sweetness of gingerbread to taste yourself: add more or less sugar).
  • Honey - 10 tbsp. (In a tablespoon about 20 g of honey, therefore, you need 200 g of honey in the dough).
  • Butter 73% fat - 150 g (you can’t replace margarine!).
  • Ginger grated or dry powder - 1 tsp
  • Boarding baking - 1 bag or 1 member
  • Cognac - 3 tbsp.

Spices to taste: vanillin, cloves, muscat, cinnamon, citrus fruits and so on.


  • In the microwave melt honey and butter, add sugar and mix thoroughly These ingredients. Instead of a microwave, you can use a steam bath. Give the mixture to cool.
  • In a cooled mixture add an egg, cognac and ginger. Mix thoroughly.
  • Flour follows sift and gradually add into honey mass. When the flour ends, knead the dough again and wrap it with a film. In the refrigerator, the dough follows "Relax" at least 4 hours.
  • The insisted dough is rolled out. The men are cut out of it with a mold and laid out on parchment paper. Gingerbread cookies in the oven are baked 10-15 minutes at a temperature of not more than 180 degrees. The cooled gingerbread is decorated with glaze.
How to cook delicious gingerbread?

Custard gingerbread dough with cinnamon: recipe

You will need:

  • Milk - 1 cup (full glass is 250 ml of milk)
  • Flour - 2.5 cups (this is 600 grams of sifted flour + 50 g for sprinkling).
  • Sugar - 1 cup (the sweetness of the gingerbread can be adjusted yourself: add more or less sugar).
  • Egg - 2 pcs + 2 yolks (without proteins, proteins can be used to make glaze.
  • Cinnamon - to taste (the spice is quite sharp, do not use it too much, in any quantity it will give aroma).
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • Vanillin - 1 package
  • Boarding baking - 1 package


  • In a stewpan or culinary bucket should be alilant milk and put it on the fire.
  • We bring milk to a boil. At this time, we carefully sift A glass of flour and mix it with sugar.
  • In hot milk (not boiling water!) It follows gradually add a mixture of flour and sugar. This must be done gradually and quickly so that the dough does not take lumps.
  • Custard dough should be enough for you liquid. Add vegetable oil to even hot dough, mix the mass thoroughly and let it cool.
  • In a cooled custard mass sift the second glass of flour And again everything mixes well.
  • Next stage - Adding eggs and cinnamon. Make the dough actively and do it for a long time, adding to the flour each time.
  • The dough should come out soft. It should not stick to the hands.
  • Roll out the dough and cut the men with a special mold. We spread the gingerbread cookies on the parchment and bake 25 minutes at a temperature of 160-170 degrees.
How to make gingerbread cookies with cinnamon?

Gingerbread man: pattern, baking shape

It is impossible to bake a gingerbread man without special mold. As a rule, this silicone or metal figure with an empty middle. You can purchase such a mold in a household or order on the site.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a finished mold, you will need cut the pattern of cardboard and applying it to the dough Each time, circle the figure with the tip of the knife.

Figures and pattern of a gingerbread man:

A pattern for a gingerbread man
Culinary molds for cutting gingerbread men from dough

How to buy a form for baking a gingerbread man on Aliexpress?

It is profitable to purchase the right one gingerbread You can on the site store Aliexpress. There is a big one here catalog of products for working with test: brushes, silicone forms and metal, tRASTICS, tableware And much other.

Implement your own the first product You can use a simple navigation of the site. If you want to get bonuses for purchases or a discount coupon from the seller, you should go through an unlikely procedure registration.

Important: all that is required of you is filling out a special form where you indicate only your name, address and contacts.

Finding forms for baking is very simple. To do this, you need to select on the left side of the screen paragraph " For home and garden« and find in it the folder " Bakeware«. Your eyes will open catalog diverse silicone and metal molds.

How to find the desired category of goods for Aliexpress: baking forms

New Year and Christmas gingerbread little man at home step by step?

Gingerbread man - baking is delicious, and most importantly - beautiful. But even such sweetness can be done at home. A step -by -step recipe with a photo is useful for this.

You will need:

  • Flour - 2 glasses (full, approximately 400 g)
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups (sweetness can be adjusted independently).
  • Egg - 1 pc (preferably homemade)
  • Cocoa - 1/3 glasses
  • Butter - 100 g (at least 73% fat).
  • Honey - 1 cup (liquid)
  • Boarding baking - 1 bag
  • Cinnamon - taste
  • Nutmeg - taste
  • Vanillan - to taste

Phased preparation:

  • The oil is heated and stirred with sugar, cocoa and honey.
  • Gradually add the egg and pour the flour portionably, mix thoroughly and knead the dough.
  • The finished dough should be elastic and elastic. Comple it into the ball and take it into the refrigerator for an hour.
  • After that, roll the dough with a thickness of 5 millimeters and cut the gingerbread men with a mold.
  • Bake gingerbread for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  • Let the gingerbread cool. After that, prepare the icing and take up decoration.
  • Propect the icing in a plastic bag. Squeeze the glaze with a thin stream, drawing small details. Give the glaze time to become solid (several hours).
How to knead the dough for a gingerbread man?
How to make a gingerbread man step by step?

Glaze for a gingerbread man: Recipe

White glaze:

  • Pour 1 tbsp into the stewpan. Lemon freshly squeezed juice and 1 tbsp. water.
  • Without waiting for boiling, pour a little sugar powder and thoroughly mix the mass with a spoon.
  • In the total amount, you need 100 g of sugar.
  • The glaze should be applied in hot state, since the cold quickly hardens.
  • You can apply the glaze through a confectionery bag, a brush or through a medical syringe.

Chocolate glaze:

  • Melt 100 g of black chocolate in a stewpan
  • Mixing the mass thoroughly, add 100 g of butter to chocolate.
  • After the oil melts, add 100 g of sugar. The glaze is ready for applying to the gingerbread.
How to make an icing for a gingerbread man?
You can quickly dry the glaze on the gingerbread in the oven in a few minutes

Decoration of a gingerbread man for the New Year

The gingerbread decorations can be very diverse with ocular: classic, modern, detailed, colored, black and white, with the addition of powder, zuckets, raisins, sweets.

Ideas for decorating gingerbread men's glaze:

Simple painting of gingerbread, color glaze
Colorful detailed coloring gingerbread with colored glaze
Unusual coloring of gingerbread men
Simple painting gingerbread and decor with ribbons
Gingerbread man, decorated with confectionery adds

Video: "Gingerbread little man, painting with glaze"

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