Verification word and origin of the word "raw

Verification word and origin of the word

In this topic, we will analyze such a term as a “raw”.

Sometimes the pronunciation of the word directly indicates its meaning, but sometimes naming can be misleading. Today we will talk about the word “raw”. Where did its name come from, how it is written correctly and what word is testing for writing it, we will consider in this material.

The origin of the word "rawre"

Rawsecks are a kind of plate mushrooms with a fragile bright -colored hat belonging to the raw -legged family. This is the largest and most diverse group of edible mushrooms, which describe about three hundred species. In Latin, their name sounds like “Russia”, but the people stubbornly fixed the term “rawers”. And that’s why they are called that, we will figure it out now.

  • If we turn to the etymological dictionaries of the Russian language, we will see that the origin of this word is everywhere explained by the fusion of two initial words - “raw” and “there”. That is, a mushroom that can be eaten raw.
  • For example, in Krylov’s etymological dictionary - “raw” sounds from “raw” and “bonnet” (food). And in the Fasmer dictionary - “raw”, from “raw” and “food”. In the dictionary of Shansky - “raw”, the addition of raw to “hedgehog” (food).
  • Although in reality this is not entirely true. These mushrooms are rarely eaten raw due to their bitter taste, but for their heat treatment and preparation it takes much less time than for the preparation of any other mushrooms. Most likely, this is why the mushrooms received such a name.
They are by no means unsuitable for raw consumption!
They are by no means unsuitable for raw consumption!

Verification word "raw

In writing the word "raw -rhiner" all spelling dictionaries are also united. But we will make a morphemic analysis of the word. That is, we will analyze it in the composition to understand in which part there are places that require verification in order to avoid improper spelling.

  • The word "raw -alert" is a feminine noun, inanimate, with an emphasis on "e".
  • The word "raw" belongs to complex words. It contains two roots - “cheese” and “hedgehog”. Between them is the connecting vowel - “o”. There is no prefix in this word. This word is one -Suffix, in its composition the word -forming suffix is \u200b\u200b“K”. The variable part of the word is the ending "a".
  • Thus, when pronouncing the word we analyzed, the ringing consonant “w” is stunned, which sounds like “w”. Because of what may arise in the correctness of writing the word.
  • But in the Russian language, many words are written and pronounced in different ways. Therefore, for the correct spelling, you should always resort to a test word. Such a word can only be a related word or its changed form, where a vowel follows behind the verified consonant sound, which determines the sound of a consonant sound.
  • In the word “raw”, a test word is a single-root diminutive word “raw-throat” and the form of a noun genitive in the plural-“a lot of russula”.

Video: What are the raw materials?

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